Custom Query (12 matches)


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Status: closed (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3 Project release id needed arnault defect normal a. Usage devel
#4 Need to adapt cmtcvs to the new project management arnault defect normal i. cmtcvs v1r18
#41 The nmake fragment for cmt_action_runner_header is wrong for windows arnault defect normal a. Usage
#61 CMT crashes with SEGV whan handling file paths longer than 256 bytes arnault defect normal a. Usage
#40 Dependencies on actions do not work. arnault defect high a. Usage

Status: new (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#12 How to create subdirs at cmt create step? Arnault enhancement normal a. Usage devel
#18 setup should be listed in the list of reserved make targets VG defect normal b. Documentation v1r18
#19 Problems with spaces in directories CA,VG defect normal c. Core
#21 When using cmt cvstags with scripted CVSpluggin, the tags don't appear in the right order VG, CA defect normal i. cmtcvs v1r18
#44 Wildcarded request wins against existing explicit arnault defect normal a. Usage
#52 Provide an option for not expanding symlink arnault Feature request normal a. Usage
#60 Problem with software organization using CMTPATH arnault defect normal a. Usage
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