
Version 2 (modified by Michael Rauch, 16 years ago) (diff)


Publications on SFitter

If you want to cite our work and/or results, please use the following reference:

  R.~Lafaye, T.~Plehn, M.~Rauch and D.~Zerwas,
  %``Measuring Supersymmetry,''
  arXiv:0709.3985 [hep-ph].
  %%CITATION = ARXIV:0709.3985;%%

(SPIRES record)

Further publications on SFitter are (in reverse chronological order)

  M.~Rauch, R.~Lafaye, T.~Plehn and D.~Zerwas,
  %``SFitter: Reconstructing the MSSM Lagrangian from LHC data,''
  arXiv:0710.2822 [hep-ph].
  %%CITATION = ARXIV:0710.2822;%%

(SPIRES record)

  R.~Lafaye, T.~Plehn and D.~Zerwas,
  %``SUSY parameter determination,''
  %%CITATION = ECONF,C0508141,ALCPG0607;%%

(SPIRES record)


  R.~Lafaye, T.~Plehn and D.~Zerwas,
  %``SFITTER: SUSY parameter analysis at LHC and LC,''
  %%CITATION = HEP-PH/0404282;%%

(SPIRES record)