All files are on appstat01:/scratch/fradav/toolbox It's a git repo from /exp/appstat/fradav/toolbox * Environnement variables (appstat01, lx4): {{{ export PATH=/scratch/fradav/local/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/scratch/fradav/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH }}} * Launching the test (standalone), tagged with "tag1" : {{{ mono /scratch/fradav/toolbox/testexmono.exe -conf -mb -examples -results -newtag tag1 }}} * Launching the test, comparing the results with "tag1" results {{{ mono /scratch/fradav/toolbox/testexmono.exe -conf -mb -examples -oldresults -oldtag tag1 -results -newtag tag2 }}} -results and -oldresults could be the same directory, containing old results and logs for both run * Compiling the script {{{ fsc -r:FSharp.PowerPack.dll -r:System.Xml.Linq.dll testexemono.fsx -o testexemono.exe }}} * Running it interactively, replace the "mono testexemono.exe" by this : {{{ fsi testexmono.fsx }}}