#----------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright Christian Arnault LAL-Orsay CNRS # arnault@lal.in2p3.fr # Modified by Grigory Rybkin # See the complete license in cmt_license.txt "http://www.cecill.info". #----------------------------------------------------------- # Remove spaces, if any set _m="`uname -m`" while ( "$_m" =~ "* *" ) set _m="${_m:s/ //}" end setenv CMTBIN `uname`-"$_m" unset _m if ( $?CMTCONFIG == 0 ) then setenv CMTCONFIG `${CMTROOT}/mgr/cmt_system.sh` endif if ( $?0 == 0 ) then if ( $?tcsh == 1 ) then source ${CMTROOT}/src/setup.tcsh else if ( "${shell:t}" == "tcsh" ) then source ${CMTROOT}/src/setup.tcsh endif endif # Remove CMT entries, if any set newpath=() foreach p (${path:q}) if ( "${p}" !~ "*/CMT/*" ) then if ( ${#newpath} != 0 ) then set newpath=(${newpath:q} ${p:q}) else set newpath=(${p:q}) endif endif end set path=(${newpath:q} "${CMTROOT}/${CMTBIN}") unset newpath alias cmt '${CMTROOT}/${CMTBIN}/cmt.exe' if ( $?CLASSPATH == 0 ) then setenv CLASSPATH ${CMTROOT}/java/cmt.jar else if ( "${CLASSPATH}" == "" ) then setenv CLASSPATH ${CMTROOT}/java/cmt.jar else if ( "${CLASSPATH}" !~ "*/CMT/*" ) then setenv CLASSPATH ${CLASSPATH}:${CMTROOT}/java/cmt.jar else # Remove CMT entries set _p="${CLASSPATH}" while ( "$_p" =~ "*:*" ) set _p="${_p:s/:/ /}" end set newpath= foreach p (${_p}) if ( "${p}" !~ "*/CMT/*" ) then if ( "${newpath}" != "" ) then set newpath=${newpath}:${p} else set newpath=${p} endif endif end if ( "${newpath}" != "" ) then setenv CLASSPATH ${newpath}:${CMTROOT}/java/cmt.jar else setenv CLASSPATH ${CMTROOT}/java/cmt.jar endif unset _p newpath endif alias jcmt '(java cmt_parser)' # Set MAKEFLAGS, if unset (similar to NPROC with Plan 9 mk utility) if ( $?MAKEFLAGS == 0 ) then setenv MAKEFLAGS -j`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` || unsetenv MAKEFLAGS if ( $?MAKEFLAGS == 1 ) then setenv MAKEFLAGS "${MAKEFLAGS} QUICK=1" else setenv MAKEFLAGS "QUICK=1" endif endif