function cmt_macros { reply=(`cmt show macros -quiet | sed 's#=.*##'`)}; \ function cmt_sets { reply=(`cmt show sets -quiet | sed 's#=.*##'`)}; \ function cmt_constituents { reply=(`cmt show constituent_names`) }; \ function cmt_fragments { reply=(`cmt show fragments | sed 's#.*/fragments/##'`)}; \ function cmt_default_path { d=`dirname ${CMTROOT}`; reply=(`dirname ${d}`) }; \ function cmt_patterns { reply=(`cmt show pattern_names`) }; \ compctl -k '(broadcast,build,check,check_files,checkout,co,cleanup,config,create,expand,filter,help,lock,remove,run,setup,show,system,unlock,version,cvstags,cvsbranches,cvssubpackages)' -x \ 'c[-1,broadcast]' -k '(-begin=,-select=,-exclude=,-local,-global,-depth=)' - \ 's[build],c[-1,build]' -k '(constituent_makefile,constituents_makefile,dependencies,library_links,make_setup,msdev,os9_makefile,prototype,readme,tag_makefile,temporary_name,triggers,win_makefile)' - \ 'w[1,build] c[-1,constituent_makefile]' -K cmt_constituents - \ 'w[1,build] c[-1,triggers]' -K cmt_constituents - \ 'c[-1,check]' -k '(configuration,files,version)' - \ 'w[1,create] p[2]' -X '> give package name' - \ 'w[1,create] p[3]' -X '> give version tag' - \ 'w[1,create] p[4]' -X '> give a path if not created from current path' - \ 's[expand],c[-1,expand]' -k '(model)' - \ 'w[1,remove] p[2]' -X '> library_links or give package name' - \ 'w[1,remove] p[3]' -X '> give version tag' - \ 'w[1,remove] p[4]' -X '> give a path if not located from the current path ' - \ 's[show],c[-1,show]' -k '(author,branches,clients,constituent,constituent_names,constituents,uses,fragment,fragments,groups,include_dirs,language,languages,macro,macro_value,macros,manager,packages,path,pattern,patterns,pwd,set_value,set,sets,strategies,tags,uses,versions)' - \ 'w[1,show] c[-1,constituent]' -K cmt_constituents - \ 'w[1,show] c[-1,fragment]' -K cmt_fragments - \ 'w[1,show] c[-1,macro]' -K cmt_macros - \ 'w[1,show] c[-1,macro_value]' -K cmt_macros - \ 'w[1,show] c[-1,pattern]' -K cmt_patterns - \ 'w[1,show] c[-1,set]' -K cmt_sets - \ 'w[1,show] c[-1,set_value]' -K cmt_sets - \ 'c[-1,co]' -k '(-l,-R,-r,-d,-o,-requirements)' - \ 'c[-1,checkout]' -k '(-l,-R,-r,-d,-o,-requirements)' - \ 'c[-1,-r]' -X 'give a CVS tag' - \ 'c[-1,-d]' -X 'give a directory name' - \ 'c[-1,-o]' -X 'give an offset in the CVS repository' - \ 'c[-1,-requirements]' -f - \ 'c[-1,co]' -X 'give package name' \ -- cmt.exe