//----------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright Christian Arnault LAL-Orsay CNRS // arnault@lal.in2p3.fr // See the complete license in cmt_license.txt "http://www.cecill.info". //----------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __cmt_map_h__ #define __cmt_map_h__ #include "cmt_std.h" #include "cmt_string.h" #include "cmt_vector.h" #include /** * class cmt_node * * Implements a binary tree of T* keyed by the class K * * The class K must have the < and > operators. * * This is the basic constituent for the cmt_map class. */ template class cmt_node { public: /** * Required constructor. * Provides the key and the value. */ cmt_node (const K& key, T& t) : m_left (0), m_key (key), m_t (&t), m_right (0) { } /** * Destructor */ ~cmt_node () { clear (); } /** * Recursive clear operation. * Will delete sub-nodes */ void clear () { if (m_left == 0) return; delete m_left; m_left = 0; m_t = 0; if (m_right == 0) return; delete m_right; m_right = 0; } /** * Add an item. */ void add (const K& key, T& t) { if (key < m_key) { if (m_left == 0) { m_left = new cmt_node (key, t); } else { m_left->add (key, t); } } else if (key > m_key) { if (m_right == 0) { m_right = new cmt_node (key, t); } else { m_right->add (key, t); } } else { m_t = &t; } } /** * Finds whether the tree starting from this node * contains this key */ bool has (const K& key) const { if (key < m_key) { if (m_left == 0) return (false); else return (m_left->has (key)); } else if (key > m_key) { if (m_right == 0) return (false); else return (m_right->has (key)); } else { return (true); } } /** * Finds in the tree starting from this node * the value associated with this key * Return 0 if not found */ T* find (const K& key) const { if (key < m_key) { if (m_left == 0) return (0); else return (m_left->find (key)); } else if (key > m_key) { if (m_right == 0) return (0); else return (m_right->find (key)); } else { return (m_t); } } /** * Finds in the tree starting from this node * the node holding the value associated with this key * Return 0 if not found */ const cmt_node* find_node (const K& key) const { if (key < m_key) { if (m_left == 0) return (0); else return (m_left->find_node (key)); } else if (key > m_key) { if (m_right == 0) return (0); else return (m_right->find_node (key)); } else { return (this); } } protected: cmt_node* m_left; K m_key; T* m_t; cmt_node* m_right; }; /** * Public interface for maps. * It is implemented by one top cmt_node. * * At creation the map is empty. */ template class cmt_map { public: /** * Constructor */ cmt_map () : m_top (0) { } /** * Destructor */ ~cmt_map () { clear (); } /** * clear: erase everything from this map */ void clear () { if (m_top == 0) return; delete m_top; m_top = 0; } /** * Add an entry. * * Existing entries with the same key will be overridden */ void add (const K& key, T& t) { if (m_top == 0) { m_top = new cmt_node (key, t); } else { m_top->add (key, t); } } void add (const K& key, T* t) { if (m_top == 0) { m_top = new cmt_node (key, *t); } else { m_top->add (key, *t); } } /** * Finds whether there is a node holding that key */ bool has (const K& key) const { if (m_top == 0) return (false); return (m_top->has (key)); } /** * Finds the value associated with that key. * Returns 0 if not found */ T* find (const K& key) const { if (m_top == 0) return (0); return (m_top->find (key)); } /** * Finds the node containing the value associated with that key. * Returns 0 if not found */ const cmt_node* find_node (const K& key) const { if (m_top == 0) return (0); return (m_top->find_node (key)); } /* T& operator [] (const K& key) { T* t = find (key); if (t == 0) { static T t; add (key, t); return ((*this)[key]); } else { return (*t); } } */ private: cmt_node* m_top; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------ This is a future possible implementation for the remove node function void add (cmt_node* other) { if (other->m_key < m_key) { if (m_left == 0) { m_left = other; } else { m_left->add (other); } } else if (other->m_key > m_key) { if (m_right == 0) { m_right = other; } else { m_right->add (other); } } else { m_t = other->m_t; } } cmt_node* remove_greatest () { if (m_right == 0) return (this); cmt_node* result = m_right->remove_greatest (); if (result == m_right) m_right = 0; return (result); } cmt_node* remove_node (const K& key) { if (key < m_key) { if (m_left != 0) { cmt_node* node = m_left->remove_node (key); if (node != 0) { delete m_left; m_left = node; } } return (0); } else if (key > m_key) { if (m_right != 0) { cmt_node* node = m_right->remove_node (key); if (node != 0) { delete m_right; m_right = node; } } return (0); } else { // This node will be removed. // The replacement will be returned. if (m_left == 0) { cmt_node* rep = m_right; m_right == 0; return (rep); } else if (m_right == 0) { cmt_node* rep = m_left; m_left == 0; return (rep); } else { // here both sides are busy cmt_node* rep = remove_greatest (); rep->add (this); return (rep); } return (this); } } void cmt_map::remove (const K& key) { if (m_top == 0) return; cmt_node* node = m_top->remove (key); if (node == 0) return; if (node == m_top) { } else { } } ------------------------------------------------------------ */ #endif