import os import string import sys #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This script should be installed within the loginfo file of CVS # using the following line : # # ... #.cmtcvsinfos $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/ # ... # # and is used whenever one tries to import a module named .cmtcvsinfos/ # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def CVSROOT () : e = os.environ ['CVSROOT'] pos = e.find (':') if pos == 0 : e = e[1:] pos = e.find (':') e = e[pos+1:] return (e) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------ def remove_dir (d): if not os.path.exists (d) : return for f in os.listdir(d) : name = d + '/' + f if os.path.isdir (name) : remove_dir (name) else : os.chmod (name, 0777) os.remove (name) os.rmdir (d) #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ def check_head (head, version) : hlist = head.split ('.') vlist = version.split ('.') i = 0 for h in hlist : if h != vlist[i] : return 0 i = i + 1 return 1 #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ # test : v1 newer then v2 # def check_newer (v1, v2) : list1 = v1.split ('.') if len(list1) == 0 : return 0 list2 = v2.split ('.') i = 0 for h in list1 : if i > len(list2) : return 1 if h > list2[i] : return 1 i = i + 1 return 0 #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ def get_tags (module_file) : if not os.path.isdir (module_file) : return ('') tags = '' test_file = '' if os.path.exists (module_file + '/cmt/requirements,v') : test_file = module_file + '/cmt/requirements,v' elif os.path.exists (module_file + '/mgr/requirements,v') : test_file = module_file + '/mgr/requirements,v' else : for f in os.listdir (module_file) : if f[-2:] == ',v' : test_file = module_file + '/' + f break; if test_file == '' : return ('') started = 0 finished = 0 top = '' toptag = '' cvstags = '' f = open (test_file, 'r') while 1 : line = f.readline () line = line [:-1] if len (line) == 0 : break if not started : if line.find ('symbols') >= 0 : started = 1 finished = 0 pos = line.find ('symbols') line = line[pos+7:] if not finished : if line.find ('locks;') >= 0 : finished = 1 break else : line = line.strip () n = line.count ('.') if n == 1 or n == 3 or n == 5 : pos = line.find (':') if pos >= 0 : v = line[pos+1:] tag = line[:pos] if check_newer (v, top) == 1 : top = v tags += tag + ' ' cvstags += v + ' ' taglist = tags.split () ts = cvstags.split () tags = '' i = 0 for t in ts : tags += taglist[i] if top == t : tags += '(t)' tags += ' ' i = i + 1 f.close () return (tags) #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ def get_branches (module_file) : if not os.path.isdir (module_file) : return ('') branches = '' for branch in os.listdir (module_file) : if branch == 'Attic' : continue branch_file = module_file + '/' + branch if os.path.isdir (branch_file) : if not os.path.exists (branch_file + '/cmt/requirements,v') : if not os.path.exists (branch_file + '/mgr/requirements,v') : branches += branch + ' ' return (branches) #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ def get_subpackages (module_file) : if not os.path.isdir (module_file) : return ('') subpackages = '' for branch in os.listdir (module_file) : if branch == 'Attic' : continue branch_file = module_file + '/' + branch if os.path.isdir (branch_file) : if os.path.exists (branch_file + '/cmt/requirements,v') : subpackages += branch + ' ' elif os.path.exists (branch_file + '/mgr/requirements,v') : subpackages += branch + ' ' return (subpackages) #------------------------------------------------------------ if os.path.exists (CVSROOT() + '/.cmtcvsinfos') : remove_dir (CVSROOT() + '/.cmtcvsinfos') a = raw_input () root = CVSROOT () print ('a=' + a) pos = a.find ('.cmtcvsinfos/') if pos == -1 : print ('error=syntax error') sys.exit (1) module = a[pos+len('.cmtcvsinfos/'):] print ('module=[' + module + ']') errormsg = '' module_file = CVSROOT () + '/' + module print ('module_file=[' + module_file + ']') if not os.path.isdir (module_file) : errormsg = '### Module ' + module + ' not found.' tags = get_tags (module_file) branches = get_branches (module_file) subpackages = get_subpackages (module_file) if errormsg != '' : print ('error=' + errormsg) taglist = tags.split () tags_top = '' tags = '' for t in taglist : pos = t.find ('(t)') if pos >= 0 : tags_top += t[:pos] + ' ' else : tags += t + ' ' print ('tags_top=' + tags_top) print ('tags=' + tags) print ('branches=' + branches) print ('subpackages=' + subpackages) sys.exit (1)