//----------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright Christian Arnault LAL-Orsay CNRS // arnault@lal.in2p3.fr // See the complete license in cmt_license.txt "http://www.cecill.info". //----------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #include "cmt_generator.h" #include "cmt_use.h" #include "cmt_symbol.h" #include "cmt_generators.h" #include "cmt_log.h" #include "cmt_error.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SourceFile::set (const cmt_string name, Language& language, const cmt_string output) { m_name = name; m_language = &language; m_output = output; CmtSystem::reduce_file_separators (m_name); } cmt_string SourceFile::name () const { return (m_name); } Language& SourceFile::language () const { return (*m_language); } cmt_string SourceFile::output () const { return (m_output); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-------------------------------------------------- CmtGenerator::CmtGenerator () { m_CONSTITUENT.set ("CONSTITUENT"); m_LINKMACRO.set ("LINKMACRO"); m_DEPENDENCIESOPTS.set ("DEPENDENCIESOPTS"); m_DOCPATH.set ("DOCPATH"); m_PACKAGEPATH.set ("PACKAGEPATH"); m_PACKAGEPREFIX.set ("PACKAGEPREFIX"); m_PACKAGE.set ("PACKAGE"); m_VERSION.set ("VERSION"); m_MGRSTYLE.set ("MGRSTYLE"); m_TITLE.set ("TITLE"); m_GROUP.set ("GROUP"); m_CONSTITUENTSUFFIX.set ("CONSTITUENTSUFFIX"); m_LIBRARYSUFFIX.set ("LIBRARYSUFFIX"); m_USER.set ("USER"); m_DATE.set ("DATE"); m_PROTOTARGET.set ("PROTOTARGET"); m_OBJS.set ("OBJS"); m_CLASSES.set ("CLASSES"); m_PROTOSTAMPS.set ("PROTOSTAMPS"); m_NAME.set ("NAME"); m_FILEPATH.set ("FILEPATH"); m_FILESUFFIX.set ("FILESUFFIX"); m_SUFFIX.set ("SUFFIX"); m_FILENAME.set ("FILENAME"); m_LINE.set ("LINE"); m_ADDINCLUDE.set ("ADDINCLUDE"); m_FULLNAME.set ("FULLNAME"); m_DIRNAME.set ("DIRNAME"); m_OUTPUTNAME.set ("OUTPUTNAME"); m_ALLOS9SOURCES.set ("ALLOS9SOURCES"); m_NODEBUGUSELINKOPTS.set ("NODEBUGUSELINKOPTS"); m_DEBUGUSELINKOPTS.set ("DEBUGUSELINKOPTS"); m_USEINCLUDES.set ("USEINCLUDES"); m_HASTARGETTAG.set ("HASTARGETTAG"); m_HASDEPENDENCIES.set ("HASDEPENDENCIES"); } //-------------------------------------------------- void CmtGenerator::reset () { m_CONSTITUENT = ""; m_LINKMACRO = ""; m_DEPENDENCIESOPTS = ""; m_DOCPATH = ""; m_PACKAGEPATH = ""; m_PACKAGEPREFIX = ""; m_PACKAGE = ""; m_VERSION = ""; m_MGRSTYLE = ""; m_TITLE = ""; m_GROUP = ""; m_CONSTITUENTSUFFIX = ""; m_LIBRARYSUFFIX = ""; m_USER = ""; m_DATE = ""; m_PROTOTARGET = ""; m_OBJS = ""; m_CLASSES = ""; m_PROTOSTAMPS = ""; m_NAME = ""; m_FILEPATH = ""; m_FILESUFFIX = ""; m_SUFFIX = ""; m_FILENAME = ""; m_LINE = ""; m_ADDINCLUDE = ""; m_FULLNAME = ""; m_OUTPUTNAME = ""; m_ALLOS9SOURCES = ""; m_NODEBUGUSELINKOPTS = ""; m_DEBUGUSELINKOPTS = ""; m_USEINCLUDES = ""; m_HASTARGETTAG = ""; m_HASDEPENDENCIES = ""; m_PACKINCLUDES = ""; m_PACKOS9 = false; m_GENERATOR = ""; is_library = false; is_application = false; srcdir = ""; docdir = ""; cmtdir = ""; incdir = ""; src = "$(src)"; doc = "$(doc)"; inc = "$(inc)"; mgr = "$(mgr)"; cmt = "$(cmt)"; protos = ""; protonames = ""; os9sources = ""; m_source_files.clear (); Language::setup_all_fragments (); CmtSystem::cd (Cmt::get_current_dir ()); cmt_string branch = CmtSystem::current_branch (); if ((branch == "mgr") || (branch == "cmt")) { if (CmtSystem::test_directory ("../src")) { srcdir = ".."; srcdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); srcdir += "src"; srcdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); } else { srcdir = ""; } if (CmtSystem::test_directory ("../doc")) { docdir = ".."; docdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); docdir += "doc"; docdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); } else { docdir = ""; } if (CmtSystem::test_directory ("../cmt")) { cmtdir = ".."; cmtdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); cmtdir += "cmt"; cmtdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); } else if (CmtSystem::test_directory ("../mgr")) { cmtdir = ".."; cmtdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); cmtdir += "mgr"; cmtdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); } else { cmtdir = CmtSystem::pwd (); cmtdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); } if (CmtSystem::test_directory ("../src")) { incdir = ".."; incdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); incdir += "src"; incdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); } else { incdir = ""; } } else { srcdir = "."; srcdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); docdir = "."; docdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); cmtdir = CmtSystem::pwd (); cmtdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); incdir = "."; incdir += CmtSystem::file_separator (); } } //-------------------------------------------------- bool CmtGenerator::prepare_output (const cmt_string& package, const Constituent& constituent, const cmt_string& file) { m_PACKAGE = package; m_CONSTITUENT = constituent.name; m_CONSTITUENTSUFFIX = constituent.suffix; m_PACKOS9 = constituent.need_OS9; m_output_file_name = cmtdir + m_CONSTITUENT + "."; if (Cmt::build_nmake ()) { m_output_file_name += "nmake"; } else { m_output_file_name += "make"; } if (file != "") m_output_file_name = file; m_output_file_name += "new"; m_output_file = fopen (m_output_file_name.c_str (), "wb"); if (m_output_file != NULL) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } //-------------------------------------------------- void CmtGenerator::check (const cmt_string& name) { static cmt_string old; static cmt_string backup; old = name; int pos = old.find_last_of ("new"); old.erase (pos); if (!CmtSystem::compare_files (old, name)) { backup = old; backup += "sav"; unlink (backup.c_str ()); rename (old.c_str (), backup.c_str ()); rename (name.c_str (), old.c_str ()); } else { unlink (name); } } //-------------------------------------------------- void CmtGenerator::commit (const cmt_string& name) { static cmt_string old; static cmt_string backup; old = name; int pos = old.find_last_of ("new"); old.erase (pos); if (CmtSystem::test_file (old)) { backup = old; backup += "sav"; unlink (backup.c_str ()); rename (old.c_str (), backup.c_str ()); } rename (name.c_str (), old.c_str ()); } //-------------------------------------------------- void CmtGenerator::terminate () { CmtSystem::close_ostream (m_output_file, m_output_file_name); // fclose (m_output_file); //--- Complete the operation -------------- commit (m_output_file_name); } //-------------------------------------------------- void CmtGenerator::fill_names_outputs () { bool first = true; m_LINE = ""; m_OBJS = ""; for (int i = 0; i < m_source_files.size (); i++) { const SourceFile& file = m_source_files[i]; const cmt_string name = file.name (); const cmt_string output = file.output (); if (output != "") { if (first) { first = false; } else { m_LINE += " "; m_OBJS += " "; } m_LINE += name; m_OBJS += output; } if (Cmt::get_debug ()) { cout << "CmtGenerator::fill_names_ outputs>" << endl; cout << "name=" << name << " LINE=" << m_LINE << endl; cout << "output=" << output << " OBJS=" << m_OBJS << endl; } } filter_path (m_LINE.value); } //-------------------------------------------------- void CmtGenerator::fill_outputs () { bool first = true; m_OBJS = ""; for (int i = 0; i < m_source_files.size (); i++) { const SourceFile& file = m_source_files[i]; const cmt_string output = file.output (); if (output != "") { if (first) { first = false; } else { m_OBJS += " "; } m_OBJS += output; } if (Cmt::get_debug ()) { cout << "CmtGenerator::fill_outputs> output=" << output << " OBJS=" << m_OBJS << endl; } } if (Cmt::get_debug ()) { cout << "CmtGenerator::fill_outputs> OBJS=" << m_OBJS << endl; } } //-------------------------------------------------- void CmtGenerator::prepare_use_context () { cmt_string path; cmt_string substitution; Use* use = &Use::current (); m_deps_builder.clear (); if (use->include_path != "none") { if (use->include_path == "") { m_deps_builder.add (incdir, "$(src)"); } else { substitution = use->include_path; path = substitution; Symbol::expand (path); CmtSystem::reduce_file_separators (path); m_deps_builder.add (path, substitution); } } m_deps_builder.add_includes (*use); Use::UsePtrVector& uses = Use::get_ordered_uses (); if (uses.size () > 0) { int number; for (number = 0; number < uses.size (); number++) { use = uses[number]; if (use->discarded) continue; if (use->real_path != "") { if (use->include_path != "none") { if (use->include_path == "") { use->get_full_path (path); path += CmtSystem::file_separator (); path += "src"; substitution = "$("; substitution += use->prefix; substitution += "ROOT)"; substitution += CmtSystem::file_separator (); substitution += "src"; substitution += CmtSystem::file_separator (); } else { substitution = use->include_path; path = substitution; Symbol::expand (path); CmtSystem::reduce_file_separators (path); } m_deps_builder.add (path, substitution); } m_deps_builder.add_includes (*use); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------- void CmtGenerator::filter_path (cmt_string& text) { CmtSystem::compress_path (text); text.replace_all ("./../src/../", "../"); text.replace_all ("./../src/", "$(src)"); text.replace_all (".\\..\\src\\..\\", "..\\"); text.replace_all (".\\..\\src\\", "$(src)"); text.replace_all ("../src/../", "../"); text.replace_all ("../src/", "$(src)"); text.replace_all ("..\\src\\..\\", "..\\"); text.replace_all ("..\\src\\", "$(src)"); text.replace_all ("../doc/../", "../"); text.replace_all ("../doc/", "$(doc)"); text.replace_all ("..\\doc\\..\\", "..\\"); text.replace_all ("..\\doc\\", "$(doc)"); text.replace_all ("$(src)$(src)", "$(src)"); } /** Scan a complete file spec (with possibly wild cards and directory) given in full_name ad fill in a vector of found file names. Result of the scan is filtered against matching suffixes Returns the count of non empty file names really found. */ int CmtGenerator::get_all_files (const cmt_string& full_name, const cmt_vector& exclude_exprs, const cmt_vector& select_exprs, CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector& files) { static cmt_string suffix; static cmt_string name; bool has_excludes = false; bool has_selects = false; suffix = ""; name = ""; files.clear (); has_excludes = (exclude_exprs.size () > 0); has_selects = (select_exprs.size () > 0); CmtSystem::get_dot_suffix (full_name, suffix); bool wilcarded_suffix = false; if (suffix == ".*") wilcarded_suffix = true; int count = 0; if (full_name.find ('*') != cmt_string::npos) { CmtSystem::scan_dir (full_name, files); if (Cmt::get_debug ()) { cout << "CMT::get_all_files> full_name=" << full_name << " pwd=" << CmtSystem::pwd () << endl; cout << "CMT::get_all_files> files.size=" << files.size () << endl; } /** We have to treat patterns of the form *.xxx (ie with a suffix) thus we filter out everything that could have been collected with a different suffix because the CmtSystem::scan_dir function only handles patterns of the form xxx* (ie with trailing *) [If the original suffix was empty (ie files specified using xx*) this means getting files without any dot-suffix. This may be incorrect??] */ for (int j = 0; j < files.size (); j++) { cmt_string& n = files[j]; bool rejected = false; if (n == "") { rejected = true; } if (!rejected && has_selects) { rejected = true; for (int k = 0; k < select_exprs.size (); k++) { const cmt_regexp& exp = select_exprs[k]; if (exp.match (n)) { rejected = false; break; } } } if (!rejected && has_excludes) { for (int k = 0; k < exclude_exprs.size (); k++) { const cmt_regexp& exp = exclude_exprs[k]; if (exp.match (n)) { rejected = true; break; } } } if (!rejected) { static cmt_string s; CmtSystem::get_dot_suffix (n, s); if (!wilcarded_suffix && (s != suffix)) { rejected = true; } else { count++; } } if (Cmt::get_debug ()) { if (rejected) { cout << "CMT::get_all_files> reject " << n << endl; } else { cout << "CMT::get_all_files> keep " << n << endl; } } if (rejected) { n = ""; } } } else { if (full_name != "") { bool rejected = false; if (has_excludes) { for (int k = 0; k < exclude_exprs.size (); k++) { const cmt_regexp& exp = exclude_exprs[k]; if (exp.match (full_name)) { rejected = true; break; } } } if (!rejected) { cmt_string& n = files.add (); n = full_name; count++; } } } return (count); } //-------------------------------------------------- void CmtGenerator::set_full_name (cmt_string& full_name, cmt_string& file) { full_name = ""; Symbol::expand (file); if (file == "") return; if (!CmtSystem::absolute_path (file)) { full_name = srcdir; if (full_name != "") full_name += CmtSystem::file_separator (); } full_name += file; CmtSystem::reduce_file_separators (full_name); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //static ApplicationGenerator ApplicationContext; static LibraryGenerator LibraryContext; static DocumentGenerator DocumentContext; static ReadmeGenerator ReadmeContext; static PrototypeGenerator PrototypeContext; static DefaultMakefileGenerator DefaultMakefileContext; static MSDEVGenerator MSDEVContext; static VSNETGenerator VSNETContext; static MakeSetupGenerator MakeSetupContext; static ConstituentsMakefileGenerator ConstituentsMakefileContext; static DependencyGenerator DependencyContext; //-------------------------------------------------- int Generator::build_msdev_workspace (const Constituent::ConstituentVector& constituents) { return (MSDEVContext.build_workspace (constituents)); } //-------------------------------------------------- int Generator::build_msdev (const Constituent& constituent) { return (MSDEVContext.build_project (constituent)); } //-------------------------------------------------- int Generator::build_vsnet_workspace (const Constituent::ConstituentVector& constituents) { return (VSNETContext.build_workspace (constituents)); } //-------------------------------------------------- int Generator::build_vsnet (const Constituent& constituent) { return (VSNETContext.build_project (constituent)); } //-------------------------------------------------- void Generator::build_make_setup (const cmt_string& package) { MakeSetupContext.build (package); } //-------------------------------------------------- void Generator::build_constituents_makefile (const cmt_string& package, const cmt_string& file) // const CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector& arguments) { ConstituentsMakefileContext.build (package, file); // ConstituentsMakefileContext.build (package, arguments); } //-------------------------------------------------- int Generator::build_constituent_infile (const Constituent& constituent, const cmt_string& outdir, bool usecmt) { cmt_string file (constituent.name + ".in"); if (outdir != "") { if (outdir [outdir.size () - 1] != CmtSystem::file_separator ()) file = outdir + CmtSystem::file_separator () + file; else file = outdir + file; } static InGenerator InGen (usecmt); bool gen (true); ostringstream os; ofstream s; // s.open (file); s.open (file, ios::in); if (s) // file already exists { InGen.build (constituent, os); ostringstream osn; osn << s.rdbuf (); if (os.str () == osn.str ()) { // cerr << file << " up-to-date" << endl; gen = false; } } s.clear (); s.close (); s.clear (); if (gen) { s.open (file); if (!s) { CmtError::set (CmtError::file_access_error, file); return -1; } s.exceptions (ios::failbit | ios::badbit); try { if (os.str ().size () != 0) { // cerr << file << " contents already generated" << endl; s << os.str (); } else { InGen.build (constituent, s); } s.close (); // ios_base::failbit } catch (const ios::failure& e) { CmtSystem::close_ostream (NULL, file + ": " + cmt_string (e.what ())); return -1; } } // InGen.build (constituent, s); // s.close (); // ios_base::failbit return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------- int Generator::build_constituent_makefile (const Constituent& constituent, const cmt_string& file) { const cmt_string& package = Cmt::get_current_package (); switch (constituent.type) { case Application: //ApplicationContext.build (package, constituent, file); //break; case Library: LibraryContext.build (package, constituent, file); break; case Document: DocumentContext.build (package, constituent, file); break; } return (0); } //-------------------------------------------------- void Generator::build_constituent_makefile (const CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector& arguments) { cmt_string name; cmt_string file; if (arguments.size () == 1) { file = ""; name = arguments[0]; } else if (arguments.size () == 2) // arguments[0].substr (0, 5) == "-out=" { cmt_string arg = arguments[0]; arg.erase (0, 5); file = arg; name = arguments[1]; } else { CmtMessage::error ("build constituent_makefile : wrong arguments"); // cerr << "#CMT> build constituent_makefile : wrong arguments" << endl; return; } const Constituent* constituent = Constituent::find (name); if (constituent != 0) build_constituent_makefile (*constituent, file); } //-------------------------------------------------- void Generator::build_default_makefile () { DefaultMakefileContext.build (); } //-------------------------------------------------- void Generator::build_dependencies (const CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector& arguments) { DependencyContext.build (arguments); } //-------------------------------------------------- void Generator::build_prototype (const cmt_string& file_name) { PrototypeContext.build (file_name); } //-------------------------------------------------- void Generator::build_readme (const CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector& arguments) { ReadmeContext.build (arguments); } class WinDefAwk : public PAwk { public : WinDefAwk (const cmt_string& library_name) { m_name = library_name; } void begin () { cout << "LIBRARY " << m_name << endl; cout << "EXPORTS" << endl; } void filter (const cmt_string& line) { if (line.find ("External") == cmt_string::npos) return; if (line.find ("??_") != cmt_string::npos) { if (line.find ("operator/=") == cmt_string::npos) return; // Keep operator /= . } CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector words; CmtSystem::split (line, " \t", words); if (words.size () >= 7) { int pos = 7; cmt_string& fifth_word = words[4]; if (fifth_word == "()") pos = 7; else if (fifth_word == "External") pos = 6; else return; cmt_string& symbol = words[pos]; if (symbol[0] == '_') symbol.erase (0, 1); symbol.replace_all ("\r", ""); symbol.replace_all ("\n", ""); if ((pos == 6) && ((line.find(": static") != cmt_string::npos) || (line.find("(class") != cmt_string::npos)) ) { // static data members are not DATA : // extern objects are not DATA : cout << " " << symbol << " " << endl; } else if (pos == 6) { // DATA : cout << " " << symbol << "\tDATA" << endl; } else { // code : cout << " " << symbol << " " << endl; } } } void end () { } private: cmt_string m_name; }; //-------------------------------------------------- //void Generator::build_windefs (const cmt_string& library_name) void Generator::build_windefs (const CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector& arguments) { cmt_string name; // CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector files; cmt_string files; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size (); i++) { const cmt_string& w = arguments[i]; if (w.substr (0, 6) == "-name=" || w.substr (0, 6) == "-name:" || w.substr (0, 6) == "/name:" || w.substr (0, 6) == "/name=") w.substr (6, name); else if (w.substr (0, 1) == "@" && w.size () > 1) { cmt_string commandfile; w.substr (1, commandfile); if (!CmtSystem::test_file (commandfile)) { CmtMessage::warning ("No such file `" + commandfile + "'."); continue; } cmt_string text; if (!text.read (commandfile)) { CmtMessage::warning ("Could not read `" + commandfile + "'."); continue; } text.replace_all ("\r", " "); text.replace_all ("\n", " "); files += " " + text; /* CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector words; CmtSystem::split (text, " \t", words); for (int i = 0; i < words.size (); i++) { files.push_back (words[i]); } */ } else files += " " + w; // files.push_back (w); } if (files.size () == 0) { CmtMessage::error ("build_windefs: no files specified"); return; } if (name == "") { CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector words; CmtSystem::split (files, " \t", words); if (words.size () == 0) { CmtMessage::error ("build_windefs: no files specified"); return; } cmt_string suffix; CmtSystem::get_dot_suffix (words[0], suffix); CmtSystem::basename (words[0], suffix, name); } if (name == "") { CmtMessage::error ("build_windefs: cannot determine library name"); return; } // cmt_string bin; // CmtSystem::dirname (library_name, bin); // CmtSystem::get_dot_suffix (library_name, suffix); // CmtSystem::basename (library_name, suffix, name); // if (!CmtSystem::cd (bin)) return; // cmt_string command; cmt_string command ("dumpbin /symbols"); // command += library_name; /* for (int i = 0; i < files.size (); i++) { command += " " + files[i]; } */ command += " " + files; WinDefAwk filter (name); filter.run (command, "SECT"); } //-------------------------------------------------- void Packager::begin () { m_package_name = ""; } void Packager::filter (const cmt_string& line) { CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector words; CmtSystem::split (line, " ", words); if (words.size () > 1) { cmt_string& w = words[0]; if (w == "package") { m_package_name = words[1]; int pos = m_package_name.find (";"); if (pos != cmt_string::npos) m_package_name.erase (pos); m_package_name.replace_all (".", CmtSystem::file_separator ()); } } } cmt_string& Packager::package_name () { return (m_package_name); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ InGenerator::Buffer::Buffer () : m_initialized (false), m_usecmt (true) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void InGenerator::Buffer::set_names (const CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector& names) { m_names = names; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ int InGenerator::Buffer::print (ostream& s) { initialize (); s << m_buffer.str (); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void InGenerator::Buffer::set_uses (bool usecmt) { m_usecmt = usecmt; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ int InGenerator::Languages::initialize () { int errors (0); if (m_initialized) return - errors; m_initialized = true; for (int i = 0; i < m_names.size (); i++) { const cmt_string& name = m_names[i]; Language& p (Language::find (name)); if (Language::null () == p) { errors += 1; continue; } p.show (Requirements, m_buffer); /* if (!p->use->get_package ()->is_cmt ()) p->print (Requirements, m_buffer); */ } // cerr << "Languages::initialize: " << m_buffer.str (); return - errors; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ int InGenerator::Fragments::initialize () { int errors (0); if (m_initialized) return - errors; m_initialized = true; for (int i = 0; i < m_names.size (); i++) { const cmt_string& name = m_names[i]; Fragment* fragment (Fragment::find (name)); if (0 == fragment) { errors += 1; continue; } if (m_usecmt || !fragment->use->get_package ()->is_cmt ()) fragment->print (Requirements, m_buffer); } // cerr << "initialize: " << m_buffer.str (); return - errors; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ InGenerator::InGenerator (bool usecmt) : m_usecmt (usecmt) { CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector common; common.push_back ("make_header"); common.push_back ("dependencies"); common.push_back ("cleanup_header"); m_common.set_names (common); m_common.set_uses (usecmt); CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector application; application.push_back ("java_header"); application.push_back ("application_header"); application.push_back ("application"); application.push_back ("check_java"); application.push_back ("cleanup_application"); application.push_back ("cleanup_objects"); application.push_back ("check_application"); CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector application_library; application_library.push_back ("protos_header"); application_library.push_back ("buildproto"); application_library.push_back ("dependencies_and_triggers"); application_library.push_back ("java"); application_library.push_back ("java_copy"); application_library.push_back ("cleanup"); application_library.push_back ("cleanup_java"); m_application_library.set_names (application_library); m_application_library.set_uses (usecmt); CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector library; library.push_back ("jar_header"); library.push_back ("library_header"); library.push_back ("jar"); library.push_back ("library_no_share"); library.push_back ("library_no_static"); library.push_back ("library"); library.push_back ("cleanup_library"); CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector languages; Language::LanguageVector& Languages = Language::languages (); for (int n = 0; n < Languages.size (); n++) { Language& language = Languages[n]; //language.setup_fragments (); application.push_back (language.fragment_name); //application.name (); library.push_back (language.fragment_name + "_library"); //library.name (); if (m_usecmt || !language.m_use->get_package ()->is_cmt ()) // if (!language.m_use->get_package ()->is_cmt ()) { languages.push_back (language.m_name); } else if (language.dependencies_options () != language.dependencies_options_expanded ()) { languages.push_back (language.m_name); } } m_languages.set_names (languages); m_languages.set_uses (usecmt); m_application.set_names (application); m_application.set_uses (usecmt); m_library.set_names (library); m_library.set_uses (usecmt); CmtSystem::cmt_string_vector document; document.push_back ("document_header"); m_document.set_names (document); m_document.set_uses (usecmt); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ int InGenerator::build (const Constituent& constituent, ostream& s) { constituent.show (s); m_common.print (s); switch (constituent.type) { case Application: m_application.print (s); m_application_library.print (s); m_languages.print (s); break; case Library: m_application_library.print (s); m_library.print (s); m_languages.print (s); break; case Document: Fragment* fragment (Fragment::find (constituent.generator)); if (0 == fragment) return -1; if (m_usecmt || !fragment->use->get_package ()->is_cmt ()) fragment->print (Requirements, s); if ("" != fragment->header) { Fragment* header (Fragment::find (fragment->header)); if (0 == header) return -1; // if (header->use != fragment->use && if (m_usecmt || !header->use->get_package ()->is_cmt ()) header->print (Requirements, s); } if ("" != fragment->trailer) { Fragment* trailer (Fragment::find (fragment->trailer)); if (0 == trailer) return -1; // if (trailer->use != fragment->use && if (m_usecmt || !trailer->use->get_package ()->is_cmt ()) trailer->print (Requirements, s); } m_document.print (s); break; } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------