#!/usr/bin/env python #--------------------------------# # Author: V.garonne # # Mail: garonne@lal.in2p3.fr # # Description: script to build # # binaries and the tarball on a # # certain host # #--------------------------------# import os, sys, commands, string, glob import shutil def checkPythonVersion (major=1,minor=5): version = float(str(major) +'.'+ str(minor)) if string.find(sys.version, '1.5') != -1: thisversion = float(1.5) else: thisversion = float(str(sys.version_info[0]) + '.' + str(sys.version_info[1])) if version > thisversion: # try to find the good python version >= 2.3 paths = string.split(os.environ['PATH'],':') print 'hmmm look for the appropriate python version, this one is',\ thisversion,'and the required version is python >=', version pythons = [] for path in paths: pythons = glob.glob1(path, 'python*') for python in pythons: cmd = python +' -c "import sys; print sys.version"' status, thisversion = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if string.find(thisversion, '1.5') != -1: thisversion = float(1.5) else: cmd = python +' -c "import sys; print sys.version_info"' status, thisversion = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) thisversion = eval (str(thisversion)) thisversion = float(str(thisversion[0]) +'.'+ str(thisversion[1])) if (thisversion >= version): print 'found and load', python sys.argv.insert (0, python) os.execvp (python, sys.argv) print 'The appropriate version of python >=' + str(version) + ' is not here, check your PATH variable or install it' sys.exit(-1) checkPythonVersion (2,2) # for package version dependant import tarfile import urllib # My own python 'tar -xvzf' in waiting python 2.5... def extractall(tarball, path="."): tar = tarfile.open(tarball) directories = [] for tarinfo in tar: if tarinfo.isdir(): try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, tarinfo.name), 0777) except EnvironmentError: pass directories.append(tarinfo) else: tar.extract(tarinfo, path) # Reverse sort directories. directories.sort (lambda a, b: cmp(a.name, b.name)) directories.reverse() # Set correct owner, mtime and filemode on directories. for tarinfo in directories: path = os.path.join(path, tarinfo.name) tar.chown(tarinfo, path) #tar.utime(tarinfo, path) #tar.chmod(tarinfo, path) tar.close() #--------------------# MAIN #-------------------------# if __name__ == '__main__': # Check arguments checkPythonVersion(2,2) if len(sys.argv) != 3: print sys.arvg[0], '' , '' sys.exit(-1) else: version = sys.argv[1] platform = sys.argv[2] preambule = 'cmt_build_binaries >' tarball = "CMT"+version+".tar.gz" www = "http://www.cmtsite.org" here = os.getcwd() # get or untar CMT source tarball if not os.path.exists(tarball): print preambule + 'the CMT tarball is not here' print preambule + 'try to get it from the web site '+ www h = urllib.urlretrieve(www + '/' + version + '/' + tarball, tarball) if not os.path.exists(tarball): print preambule + 'the CMT tarball is still not here' sys.exit(-1) # get real platform name if not (platform == 'VisualC' and sys.platform == 'cygwin'): sysname = os.uname() [0] machine = os.uname() [4] platform = sysname + '-' + machine platform = string.replace (platform, ' ','') print preambule,'platform =', platform if os.path.exists('CMT'): try: shutil.rmtree('CMT') except: pass print preambule + " untar "+tarball+" source tarball" extractall(tarball=tarball) # configure, compile and create bin tarball if platform == 'VisualC': f = open ('cmtnmake','w+') content = 'call rlogin.bat\n' content = content + 'cd CMT\\'+version+'\mgr\n' content = content + 'call INSTALL.bat\n' content = content + 'call setup.bat\n' content = content + 'nmake /f nmake\n' f.write (content) f.close() cmd = 'cmd < cmtnmake' else: os.chdir ("CMT/" + version + "/mgr") cmd= 'tcsh -c " ./INSTALL; source setup.csh ;' if sys.platform == 'darwin': cmd = cmd + 'make' elif sys.platform == 'cygwin': cmd = cmd + 'make' elif sys.platform == 'VisualC': cmd = cmd + 'setup.bat;' cmd = cmd + 'nmake /f nmake' else: cmd = cmd + 'gmake STATIC=1' cmd = cmd + '"' print preambule + cmd status, output = commands.getstatusoutput (cmd) print output if platform == 'VisualC': os.remove('cmtnmake') print preambule + ' first do the clean up for preparing archive' os.chdir(here) # first do the clean up files = ['cmt_deps', 'last-rebuild', 'CMT_setup.make', 'cmt_dependencies.make'] for file in files: if os.path.exists ('CMT/'+version+'/'+platform +'/' + file): if os.path.isdir ('CMT/'+version+'/'+platform +'/' + file): shutil.rmtree ('CMT/'+version+'/'+platform +'/' + file) else: os.remove ('CMT/'+version+'/'+platform +'/' + file) if platform =='VisualC': shutil.rmtree ('CMT/'+version+'/'+platform+'/cmt' ) else: if os.path.exists ('CMT/'+version+'/'+platform +'/cmt'): os.remove ('CMT/'+version+'/'+platform +'/cmt') os.chdir('CMT/'+version+'/'+platform +'/') os.symlink ('cmt.exe', 'cmt') os.chdir(here) files = glob.glob1('CMT/'+version+'/'+platform, '*.o') for file in files: print preambule + 'remove CMT/'+version+'/'+platform + '/' +file os.remove ('CMT/'+version+'/'+platform + '/' +file) print preambule + ' do the tarball for ' + platform namelist = ['mgr', 'src', platform] # if platform == 'Linux-i686': # os.chdir('CMT/'+version) # os.symlink ('Linux-i686', 'Linux-x86_64') # os.chdir(here) # namelist.append('Linux-x86_64') tar = tarfile.open("CMT"+version+platform+".tar.gz", "w:gz") for name in namelist: print preambule + ' add the file ' + name + ' to the bin archive' tar.add(name='CMT/'+version+'/'+ name, arcname='CMT'+'/'+version+'/'+name) tar.close() #------------------------------- End of File --------------------------------------#