#!/usr/bin/env python #--------------------------------# # Author: V.garonne # # Mail: garonne@lal.in2p3.fr # # Description: script to create # # automaticaly a release # #--------------------------------# import pexpect import sys, os import string import commands import shutil import socket import tarfile, gzip import threading # my own stuffs from utils.ssh_session import * from p3 import decrypt #--------------------# For the Multi-threaded version #-------------------------# class constructor (threading.Thread): # static counter counter = 1 def __init__(self, host, user, pwd, version, machine): self.host = host self.user = user self.pwd = pwd self.version = version self.machine = machine print self.host, self.user, self.pwd self.number = constructor.counter constructor.counter = constructor.counter + 1 threading.Thread.__init__(self, target=self.run) def run (self): hostname = socket.gethostname() # first do a ssh connection preambule = 'create_bintar '+ str(constructor.counter) +' > ' if self.host != hostname: session = ssh_session (user=self.user, host=self.host, password=self.pwd, verbose=1) print session.ssh('hostname') # copy the source code on the build machine # in fact the input sandbox in grid terms if self.host != hostname: if os.path.exists ("CMT"+self.version+".tar.gz"): session.scp ("CMT"+self.version+".tar.gz",'.') else: print preambule + "CMT"+self.version+".tar.gz" + ' not found' sys.exit(-1) if os.path.exists ("tarfile.py"): session.scp ("tarfile.py",'.') if os.path.exists ("cmt_build_binaries"): session.scp ("cmt_build_binaries",'.') else: print preambule + "cmt_build_binaries" + ' not found' sys.exit(-1) cmd = "./cmt_build_binaries "+ self.version + " "+ self.machine print preambule + cmd if self.host != hostname: print session.ssh(cmd) else: status, output = commands.getstatusoutput (cmd) print output # get bin directory file = 'CMT'+self.version+self.machine+'.tar.gz' if self.host != hostname: file = 'CMT'+self.version+self.machine+'.tar.gz' #session.scpget (src='CMT/'+version+'/'+machine , dst='tmp/CMT/'+version+'/.', option='r') session.scpget (file, '.') # Clean up cmd = 'rm -rf '+ file + ' CMT ;' print preambule + cmd session.ssh (cmd) else: print preambule + 'build the pacman kit' cmd = 'cd CMT/'+self.version+'/mgr/;' if sys.platform == 'darwin': cmd = cmd + 'make' else: cmd = cmd + 'gmake' status, output = commands.getstatusoutput (cmd) file = 'CMT-'+self.version+'.pacman' #shutil.copy ('CMT/'+self.version+'/mgr/CMT.pacman', 'CMT/'+self.version+'/mgr/' + file) #shutil.copy ('CMT/'+self.version+'/mgr/' + file , file) print output #Clean up shutil.rmtree('CMT') #--------------------# MAIN #-------------------------# #if __name__ == '__main__': def cmt_create_bintar (version): path = 'tmp/CMT/' proxy = '.cmtproxy' preambule = 'build_release > ' here = os.getcwd() hostname = socket.gethostname() tarballs = list() srctar = "CMT"+version+".tar.gz" if not os.path.exists (srctar): print preambule + srctar + 'not exists' sys.exit(-1) if not os.path.exists (proxy): print preambule + 'First create the proxy' sys.exit(-1) pool = eval(decrypt('.cmtproxy')) # for machine in pool: # host = pool[machine]['machine'] # user = pool[machine]['user'] # pwd = pool[machine] ['pwd'] #print host, user, pwd, machine # build the binaries print preambule + 'build the binaries' threads = [] # pool = { # 'Linux-i686':pool['Linux-i686'], # 'VisualC':pool['VisualC'] # 'CYGWIN_NT-5.1-i686':pool['CYGWIN_NT-5.1-i686'] # } #pool = {'Linux-x86_64':pool['Linux-x86_64']} #pool = {'Darwin-PowerMacintosh':pool['Darwin-PowerMacintosh']} pool = { 'CYGWIN_NT-5.1-i686':pool['CYGWIN_NT-5.1-i686'] , 'VisualC':pool['VisualC'] } # 'OSF1-alpha': 'Linux-i686': 'Linux-x86_64': 'SunOS-sun4u': 'AIX-002064874C00': # 'Darwin-PowerMacintosh' 'CYGWIN_NT-5.1-i686' 'VisualC' for machine in pool: # print pool[machine]['machine'], pool[machine]['user'], pool[machine] ['pwd'] cmd = "./cmt_build_binaries "+ version + " "+ machine print cmd #sys.exit(-1) for machine in pool: host = pool[machine]['machine'] if host == '' or host=='wl-72137.lal.in2p3.fr': host = '' #host = '' user = pool[machine]['user'] pwd = pool[machine] ['pwd'] print host, user, pwd, machine thread = constructor( host=host, user=user, pwd=pwd, version=version, machine=machine) threads.append (thread) thread.run() #thread.start() #for thread in threads: # thread.join () #----------------------- End Of File --------------------------#