#!/usr/bin/env python #---------------------------------# # Author: V.garonne # # Mail: garonne@lal.in2p3.fr # # Description: script to a ssh # # proxy to connect severals hosts # # i.d. a grid-like proxy # #---------------------------------# import os, string import getpass # my own stuffs from p3 import encrypt #--------------------# MAIN #-------------------------# if __name__ == '__main__': #lx64slc4 pool = { 'OSF1-alpha': {'machine':'asc.lal.in2p3.fr'}, 'Linux-i686': {'machine':'lxplus.cern.ch'}, #'Linux-x86_64': {'machine':'h4.lal.in2p3.fr'}, 'SunOS-sun4u': {'machine':'ccasn.in2p3.fr'}, 'AIX-002064874C00': {'machine': 'ccars01.in2p3.fr' }, 'Darwin-PowerMacintosh': {'machine':'wl-72137.lal.in2p3.fr'}, #mac-90109.lal.in2p3.fr 'CYGWIN_NT-5.1-i686' : {'machine':''}, 'VisualC' : {'machine':''}, 'Linux-x86_64': {'machine':'lxcert-amd64.cern.ch'}, 'Linux-ia64' : {'machine':'lxcert-ia64.cern.ch'} } # # preambule = 'cmt_create_proxy > ' print preambule + "Do the configuration acces of the remote machines" for platform in pool: print preambule + 'Enter the parameters for machine ' + pool[platform]['machine'] user = raw_input (preambule + ' user: ') password = getpass.getpass(preambule + user+'@'+ pool[platform]['machine'] + "'s password: ") pool[platform]['user'] = user pool[platform]['pwd'] = password f = open('.cmtproxy', 'w+') f.write (encrypt(str(pool))) f.close() #----------------------- End Of File --------------------------#