#!/usr/bin/env python """This demonstrates an FTP "bookmark". This connects to an ftp site; does a few ftp stuff; and then gives the user interactive control over the session. In this case the "bookmark" is to a directory on the OpenBSD ftp server. It puts you in the i386 packages directory. You can easily modify this for other sites. """ import pexpect import sys child = pexpect.spawn('/usr/bin/ftp ftp.openbsd.org') child.expect('Name .*: ') child.sendline('anonymous') child.expect('Password:') child.sendline('pexpect@sourceforge.net') child.expect('ftp> ') child.sendline('cd /pub/OpenBSD/3.1/packages/i386') child.expect('ftp> ') child.sendline('bin') child.expect('ftp> ') child.sendline('prompt') child.expect('ftp> ') child.sendline('pwd') child.expect('ftp> ') print("Escape character is '^]'.\n") sys.stdout.write (child.after) sys.stdout.flush() child.interact() # Escape character defaults to ^] # At this point this script blocks until the user presses the escape character # or until the child exits. The human user and the child should be talking # to each other now. # At this point the script is running again. print 'Left interact mode.' # # The rest is not strictly necessary. This just demonstrates a few functions. # This makes sure the child is dead; although it would be killed when Python exits. # if child.isalive(): child.sendline('bye') # Try to ask ftp child to exit. child.kill(1) # Then try to force it. # Print the final state of the child. Normally isalive() should be FALSE. print if child.isalive(): print 'Child did not exit gracefully.' else: print 'Child exited gracefully.'