\documentclass [compress, t]{beamer} \usepackage{styles/beamerthemeMarseille} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{epsfig} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{graphics} \usepackage{subfigure} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{algorithmic} \usepackage{algorithm} \usepackage{pgfarrows, pgfnodes} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{url}\urlstyle{sf} \usepackage{xspace} \usepackage{listings} % Beamer Options \setbeamercovered{dynamic} \setbeamertemplate{blocks}[rounded][shadow=true] \setbeamertemplate{background canvas}[vertical shading][bottom=white,top=structure.fg!20] %%%% macros %%%% % Macros \newcommand{\cmt} {{\em CMT}\@\xspace}% \newcommand{\svn} {{\em SVN}\@\xspace}% \newcommand{\cvs} {{\em CVS}\@\xspace}% \setbeamercovered{dynamic} \definecolor{rltgreen}{rgb}{0,0.5,0} \pgfdeclareimage[height=1.1cm]{LogoLAL}{logos/logoLAL50ansgrand} \logo{ \pgfuseimage{LogoLAL} } \title{CMT/SVN news, \\ Atlas SW/SIT meeting} \author{Christian Arnault, Vincent Garonne\\ \{arnault,garonne\}@lal.in2p3.fr} \institute{Laboratoire de l'accélérateur Linéaire} \date {April 6, 2006} % \today \begin{document} % Transparent: Première page \begin{frame} \maketitle %\textcolor{gray}{\it \scriptsize } \end{frame} \section*{Outline} \frame { % \frametitle{Outline} \vfill \begin{block}{Outline} \tableofcontents[hideallsubsections] \end{block} } %------------------------------- SECTION -------------------------% \section[\cmt]{\cmt news, feedbacks and futur improvements} %\subsection{The new v1r18p20060301 release} %---- Slide 1 -----% \frame { \frametitle{\cmt news (1)} \begin{block}{New \cmt release (version v1r18p20060301) } No major improvements but fixed several problems with the existing CMT versions, including: \begin{itemize} \item Non-existent directories are no longer removed from search paths \item Add new warning messages in relation with setup checking which are explicitly called with the \texttt{--warnings option} \item The run-time environment for a release can be setup by specifying the "runtime" during setup command, e.g.: \\ \texttt{> source $\sim$/cmthome/setup.sh -tag=11.0.4,runtime} \item New version of the AtlasSettings package (backwards compatible) \end{itemize} \end{block} } %---- Slide 2 -----% \frame { \frametitle{\cmt news (2)} \begin{block}{New \cmt release (version v1r18p20060301)} \begin{itemize} \item Change the internal system for settings environment variables in a proper way \item Better support of the (non-)version-directory mode in severals cases: \begin{itemize} \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle] \item Option to force package version directories to be created when using "\texttt{cmt co}":\\ \texttt{set CMTSTRUCTURINGSTYLE "with\_version\_directory"} \item Resp. \texttt{"without\_version\_directory"} force a package version directory not to be created. \end{itemize} \item See Changelog~\cite{cmt_changelog} for more informations \end{itemize} \end{block} } %---- Slide 3 -----% \frame { \frametitle{\cmt feedbacks} \begin{block}{Reports} \begin{itemize} \item Tested on the nightlies with "no" problems except \begin{itemize} \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle] \item Should understand the problem of eternal loop encountered with dictionaries.... \end{itemize} \item Should be the `stable' v1r18 in the futur \item Problems encountered with the cmtcvs plugin in the way cvs tags are printed : \begin{itemize} \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle] \item Thanks to D. Chamont, this is fixed and should be available for the next plugin release \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{block} \begin{block}{Future improvements planned for the next \cmt release :} \begin{itemize} \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle] \item Request for having a macro that reflects all active tags , i.d. we should introduce a link between the macro and tag concepts \item Improve the log message mechanism for message classification within \cmt, e.g. Python's logging module~\cite{module_logging}, apache logging module~\cite{log4cxx} \end{itemize} \end{block} } %------------------------------- SECTION -------------------------% \section{References} %------------------------------- FRAME-------------------------% \frame[allowframebreaks] { \frametitle{References} %\nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{unsrt} \bibliography{CMT06-04-2006-sit} } \end{document} %------------------------------- End Of File -------------------------%