package CMT author tag CMTr15 CMTr14 tag CMTr16 CMTr14 tag CMTr18 CMTr16 # # Automatic detection of some system features. # # Getting info on the hardware macro cmt_hardware_query_command "uname -m" \ Darwin "uname -p" \ SunOS "uname -p" \ HP-UX "uname -m | sed -e 's#/##g'" macro cmt_hardware `$(cmt_hardware_query_command)` WIN32 "WIN32" apply_tag $(cmt_hardware) # Getting info about the OS macro cmt_system_version_query_command "uname -r " \ Linux "${CMTROOT}/mgr/" \ SunOS "uname -r | sed -e 's#^#sunos#'" \ OSF1 "uname -r | sed -e 's#^#OSF#'" \ Darwin "system_profiler -detailLevel -2 | grep 'System Version' | sed -e 's#[^.0-9 ]##g' -e 's# *# #g' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | sed -e 's#^#mac#' " \ HP-UX "uname -r | sed -e 's#^#hpux#'" \ CYGWIN "uname -r | sed -e 's#[(].*##' -e 's#^#Cygwin#'" \ LynxOS "uname -r | sed -e 's#^#LynxOS#'" macro_append cmt_system_version_query_command " | ${CMTROOT}/mgr/" \ WIN32 "" macro cmt_system_version `$(cmt_system_version_query_command)` WIN32 "XP" apply_tag $(cmt_system_version) # Getting info about the C++ compiler macro cmt_compiler_version_query_command "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ | grep '^gcc'" \ Linux "${CMTROOT}/mgr/" \ SunOS "${CMTROOT}/mgr/" \ OSF1 "${CMTROOT}/mgr/" \ Darwin "${CMTROOT}/mgr/" \ HP-UX "echo aCC" \ LynxOS "${CMTROOT}/mgr/" macro_append cmt_compiler_version_query_command " | ${CMTROOT}/mgr/" \ rhel3 " | ${CMTROOT}/mgr/" \ cel3 " | ${CMTROOT}/mgr/" \ WIN32 "" macro cmt_compiler_version `$(cmt_compiler_version_query_command)` WIN32 "cl" apply_tag $(cmt_compiler_version) tag OSF1 Unix tag Linux Unix tag HP-UX Unix tag Darwin Unix tag LynxOS Unix tag AIX Unix tag SunOS Unix tag CYGWIN_NT-5.1 Unix CYGWIN tag alpha OSF1 tag alpha_dux40 alpha tag alpha-debug alpha debug tag LynxOS-VGPW2 LynxOS tag LynxOS-PowerPC LynxOS tag RIO806X LynxOS tag VMTR2X LynxOS tag hp9000s780 HP-UX tag hp9000s700 HP-UX tag hp700_ux101 HP-UX tag hp_ux102 HP-UX tag Linux-i686 Linux tag i386_redhat51 Linux tag i386_linux22 Linux tag rs_aix42 AIX tag sun4u SunOS tag sun4x_57 SunOS tag rhel3 Linux tag cel3 Linux tag slc3 Linux # Alternate possible tags for VisualC tag VisualC WIN32 tag VisualC Win32 tag WIN32 VisualC # Some alternate definitions for debug on VisualC tag VisualCdbg WIN32 windebug tag VisualD WIN32 windebug tag VisualDbg WIN32 windebug tag VisualDebug WIN32 windebug tag VisualD VisualC windebug tag VisualDbg VisualC windebug tag Win32Debug VisualC windebug # VSNET tags # tag VC7 vsnet tag VC7debug vsnet windebug tag_exclude WIN32 Unix tag_exclude Win32 Unix # # Global PATH variables management # path_remove PATH "CMT/v" \ WIN32 "CMT\v" path_prepend PATH "${CMTROOT}/${CMTBIN}" \ WIN32 "%CMTROOT%\%CMTBIN%" path_remove CLASSPATH "CMT" path_append CLASSPATH "${CMTROOT}/java" \ WIN32 "%CMTROOT%\java" path_append include "" path_append lib "" macro debug_option "-g" \ SunOS "-G" \ WIN32 "/G" # # C environment # macro cc "gcc" \ insure "insure" \ alpha "cc" \ alphat "cc" \ HP-UX "aCC" \ hp700_ux101 "gcc" \ AIX "xlc" \ SunOS "cc" \ VisualC "cl.exe" \ Darwin "cc" macro cdebugflags "" \ debug "$(debug_option)" macro cflags "" \ LynxOS-VGPW2 "-X" \ insure "-std1" \ HP-UX "+Z" \ hp700_ux101 "-fpic -ansi" \ alpha "-std1" \ alphat "-std1" \ SunOS "-KPIC" \ VisualC '/nologo /DWIN32 /MD /W3 $(includes) /c' macro pp_cflags "" \ LynxOS-VGPW2 "-DVGPW2" \ HP-UX "-D_HPUX_SOURCE" \ alphat "-DCTHREADS" \ AIX "-D_ALL_SOURCE -D_BSD" macro ccomp "$(cc) -c $(includes) $(cdebugflags) $(cflags) $(pp_cflags)" \ VisualC "cl.exe $(cdebugflags) $(cflags) $(pp_cflags)" macro clinkflags "" macro clink "$(cc) $(clinkflags) $(cdebugflags)" \ VisualC "link.exe /nologo /machine:IX86 " # # Developper Studio environment # macro msdevdll "" \ VisualC "/dll" macro msdevdllflags "" \ VisualC '/MT /D "_USRDLL" /D "WDLL_EXPORTS"' \ VisualD '/MTd /D "_USRDLL" /D "WDLL_EXPORTS"' macro vsCONFIG "" \ VC7 "Release" \ VC7debug "Debug" macro vsOptimize "" \ VC7 "2" \ VC7debug "0" # # C++ environment # macro ppcmd "-I" \ rs_aix41 "-WF,-I" \ VisualC "/I " macro preproc "g++ -MD -c " \ insure "insure" \ alpha "cxx" \ OSF1 "g++" \ HP-UX "aCC" \ hp700_ux101 "g++" \ hp_ux102 "aCC" \ AIX "xlC" \ Linux "c++ -MD -c " \ SunOS "CC" \ VisualC "cl.exe" \ Darwin "c++" macro cpp "g++" \ insure "insure" \ alpha "cxx" \ OSF1 "g++" \ HP-UX "aCC" \ hp700_ux101 "g++" \ hp_ux102 "aCC" \ AIX "xlC" \ Linux "c++" \ SunOS "CC" \ VisualC "cl.exe" \ Darwin "c++" macro cppdebugflags "" \ debug "$(debug_option)" macro cppflags "" \ alpha "-nocompress -std arm -msg_quiet" \ OSF1 "-fpic" \ hp9000s780 "+Z" \ hp700_ux101 "-fpic" \ HP-UX "+Z -Wc,-ansi_for_scope,on" \ hp_ux102 "-z +p -Wc,-ansi_for_scope,on +O2 +Onoinitcheck" \ Linux "-pipe -ansi -pedantic -W -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wpointer-arith -Woverloaded-virtual " \ SunOS "-KPIC" \ VisualC '/nologo /DWIN32 /MD /W3 $(includes) /c /EHsc' macro pp_cppflags "" \ HP-UX "-D_HPUX_SOURCE" \ Linux "-D_GNU_SOURCE" macro cppcomp "$(cpp) -c $(includes) $(cppdebugflags) $(cppflags) $(pp_cppflags)" \ VisualC "cl.exe $(cppdebugflags) $(cppflags) $(pp_cppflags)" macro cpplinkflags "" macro cpplink "$(cpp) $(cpplinkflags) $(cppdebugflags)" \ VisualC "link.exe /nologo /machine:I386" macro cpp_linkopts "" \ OSF1 " -lstdc++ " \ alpha " /usr/lib/cmplrs/cxx/libcxx.a -lcxxstd -lexc -lm " \ alphat " /usr/lib/cmplrs/cxx/libcxx.a -lcxxstd -lexc -lm " # # Fortran environment # macro for "f77" \ HP-UX "fort77" \ rs_aix41 "xlf" \ Linux "g77" macro fflags "$(debug_option)" \ VisualC "" macro fcomp "$(for) -c $(fincludes) $(fflags) $(pp_fflags)" \ VisualC "" macro flink "$(for) $(flinkflags)" # # Java environment # macro javacomp "javac -classpath $(src):$(CLASSPATH) " macro javacopy "cp" VisualC "copy" macro jar "jar" # # X11 environment # macro X11_cflags "-I/usr/include" \ HP-UX "-I/usr/include/X11R5" \ SunOS "-I/usr/motif/usr/include" \ VisualC "" macro Xm_cflags "-I/usr/include" \ HP-UX "-I/usr/include/Motif1.2" \ SunOS "-I/usr/motif/usr/include" \ VisualC "" #### hp9000s700 "/usr/lib/Motif1.2/ /usr/lib/X11R5/ /usr/lib/X11R5/" macro X_linkopts ""\ alpha "-lXm -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -ldnet_stub -lm -lots"\ OSF1 "-lXm -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -ldnet_stub -lm -lots"\ insure "-lXm -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -ldnet_stub -lm -lots"\ HP-UX "-L/usr/lib -lXm -L/usr/contrib/X11R6/lib -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11" \ SunOS "-L/usr/motif/usr/lib -lXm -lXt -lX11 -lm"\ LynxOS "-lXt -lX11 -lm"\ Linux "-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXm -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lm"\ RIO806X "-lXm -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lm"\ VGPW2 "-lXm -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lm"\ m68k "-lXm -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lm"\ IRIX "/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ -lm -lPW"\ AIX "/usr/lib/libXm.a /usr/lib/libXt.a /usr/lib/libX11.a -lm" \ VisualC "" # # Lex environment # macro lexflags "" macro lex "lex $(lexflags)" \ i686 "flex $(lexflags)" # # Yacc environment # macro yaccflags " -l -d " \ VisualC "" macro yacc "yacc $(yaccflags)" # # Archive environment # macro ar "ar -clr" \ SunOS "ar clr" \ VGPW2 "ar clr" \ m68k "ar clr" \ LynxOS "ar clr" \ RIO806X "ar clr" \ Linux "ar r" \ VisualC "lib.exe /nologo " macro ranlib "ranlib" \ SunOS "ar ts" \ VGPW2 "ar ts" \ m68k "ranlib" \ RIO806X "ranlib" \ LynxOS "ar ts" \ IRIX "ar ts" macro make_shlib "echo" \ HP-UX "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ extract" \ OSF1 "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ noextract" \ Linux "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ extract" \ CYGWIN "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ extract" \ SunOS "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ extract" \ Darwin "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ extract" \ VisualC "%CMTROOT%\mgr\cmt_make_shlib.bat" macro shlibsuffix "" \ HP-UX "sl" \ OSF1 "so" \ SunOS "so" \ Linux "so" \ CYGWIN "dll" \ Darwin "dylib" \ WIN32 "dll" macro shlibbuilder "" \ HP-UX "aCC" \ OSF1 "ld" \ SunOS "CC" \ Linux "g++" \ CYGWIN "g++" \ Darwin "c++" macro shlibflags "" \ HP-UX "-Wl,-a,shared -b +Z -q -Wl,+s -Wl,+vallcompatwarnings" \ OSF1 "-shared -expect_unresolved '*'" \ Linux "-shared" \ CYGWIN "-shared" \ SunOS "$(debug_option)" \ VisualC "" \ Darwin "-dynamiclib -flat_namespace -undefined suppress " macro symlink "/bin/ln -fs " \ VisualC "" macro symunlink "/bin/rm -f " \ VisualC "" macro library_install_command "${symlink}" \ VisualC "copy " macro build_library_links "$(cmtexe) build library_links -quiet -tag=$(tags)" macro remove_library_links "$(cmtexe) remove library_links -quiet -tag=$(tags)" # # Prototype and dependency generation # macro cmtexe "${CMTROOT}/${CMTBIN}/cmt.exe" \ WIN32 "%CMTROOT%\%CMTBIN%\cmt.exe" ##macro tags "$(CMTEXTRATAGS)" macro build_prototype "$(cmtexe) build prototype" macro build_dependencies "$(cmtexe) -quiet -tag=$(tags) build dependencies" macro build_triggers "$(cmtexe) build triggers" macro implied_library_prefix "-l" \ LynxOS "$(ROOT)/$(bin)/lib" macro implied_library_suffix "" \ VisualC ".lib" \ LynxOS ".a" # # Generic environments # macro SHELL "/bin/sh" WIN32 "cmd" macro q '"' macro src "../src/" WIN32 "..\src\" macro doc "../doc/" WIN32 "..\doc\" macro inc "../src/" WIN32 "..\src\" macro mgr "../mgr/" WIN32 "..\mgr\" ##macro javabin "../classes/" macro application_suffix ".exe" macro library_prefix "lib" WIN32 "" CYGWIN "" macro library_suffix "" macro lock_command "chmod -R a-w ../*" \ VisualC "attrib /S /D +R ..\*" macro unlock_command "chmod -R g+w ../*" \ VisualC "attrib /S /D -R ..\*" macro preprocessor_command "" \ VisualC "" macro_append MAKEFLAGS " --no-print-directory " #macro_prepend constituents " configclean " # # Remote definitions # macro gmake_hosts "lx1 rsplus lxtest as7 dxplus ax7 hp2 aleph hp1 hpplus papou1-fe atlas" macro make_hosts "virgo-control1 rio0a vmpc38a" macro everywhere "hosts" \ LAL "as7 lx1 virgo-control1 papou1-fe hp2 aleph hp1" \ LHCb "lxtest hpplus dxplus rsplus" \ Atlas "lxplus sundev" \ Cascina "ax7 vmpc38a rio0a" # # Fragments # make_fragment make_header make_fragment library_header make_fragment application_header make_fragment document_header make_fragment java_header make_fragment jar_header make_fragment protos_header make_fragment buildproto make_fragment library make_fragment library_no_share make_fragment application make_fragment jar make_fragment java make_fragment java_copy make_fragment cleanup_header make_fragment cleanup make_fragment cleanup_library make_fragment cleanup_application make_fragment cleanup_java make_fragment cleanup_objects make_fragment fortran make_fragment c make_fragment cpp make_fragment lex make_fragment yacc make_fragment fortran_library make_fragment c_library make_fragment cpp_library make_fragment lex_library make_fragment yacc_library make_fragment dsw_header make_fragment dsw_project make_fragment dsw_trailer make_fragment dsw_all_project_header make_fragment dsw_all_project_dependency make_fragment dsw_all_project_trailer make_fragment dsp_library_header make_fragment dsp_shared_library_header make_fragment dsp_application_header make_fragment dsp_windows_header make_fragment dsp_contents make_fragment dsp_trailer make_fragment dsp_all # vsnet fragments make_fragment vcproj_library_header make_fragment vcproj_application_header make_fragment vcproj_all make_fragment vcproj_trailer make_fragment vcproj_contents make_fragment vcproj_directory_header make_fragment vcproj_directory_trailer make_fragment sln_header make_fragment sln_project make_fragment sln_trailer make_fragment sln_project_config make_fragment sln_dependency_project make_fragment sln_dependency_header make_fragment sln_dependency_trailer #### all packages have same GUID, and the "all" project as well macro GUID_all "" vsnet {DD1EDB1B-B098-44F8-8012-3039B5A56FEF} macro package_GUID "" vsnet {8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942} make_fragment make_setup make_fragment make_setup_header make_fragment constituents_header make_fragment group make_fragment constituent make_fragment constituents_trailer make_fragment dependencies make_fragment dependencies_and_triggers make_fragment readme_header make_fragment readme make_fragment readme_doc make_fragment readme_use make_fragment readme_trailer make_fragment tex -header=tex_header -suffix=ps make_fragment check_application make_fragment check_java make_fragment check_application_header make_fragment application_launcher -header=application_launcher_header make_fragment install_includes -header=install_includes_header macro install_command "cp " \ WIN32 "xcopy /S /E /Y " macro uninstall_command "/bin/rm -f " \ WIN32 "del " macro cmt_installarea_command "ln -fs " \ WIN32 "xcopy /S /E /Y " macro cmt_uninstallarea_command "/bin/rm -f " \ WIN32 "del " macro cmt_install_area_command "$(cmt_installarea_command)" macro cmt_uninstall_area_command "$(cmt_uninstallarea_command)" macro cmt_install_action "$(CMTROOT)/mgr/" \ WIN32 "$(CMTROOT)\mgr\cmt_install_action.bat" macro cmt_installdir_action "$(CMTROOT)/mgr/" \ WIN32 "$(CMTROOT)\mgr\cmt_installdir_action.bat" macro cmt_uninstall_action "$(CMTROOT)/mgr/" \ WIN32 "$(CMTROOT)\mgr\cmt_uninstall_action.bat" macro cmt_uninstalldir_action "$(CMTROOT)/mgr/" \ WIN32 "$(CMTROOT)\mgr\cmt_uninstalldir_action.bat" macro cmt_installdir_excludes "" WIN32 "$(CMTROOT)\mgr\cmt_installdir_excludes.txt" action make "gmake $(cmt_args)" CYGWIN "make $(cmt_args)" WIN32 "nmake /f nmake $(cmt_args)" macro mkdir "mkdir" \ LynxOS "mkdir -f" #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic copy facility # It is customized through the parameter: # install_dir="" # make_fragment installer -header=installer_header #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic usage of the cmt expand model facility # the fragment is customized through the following parameters: # model="" # out="" # make_fragment generator -header=generator_header #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic action runner # make_fragment cmt_action_runner -header=cmt_action_runner_header # # The supported languages # language fortran -suffix=f -suffix=F -preprocessor_command=$(ppcmd) -linker=$(flink) language c -suffix=c -prototypes -linker=$(clink) language c++ -suffix=C -suffix=cc -suffix=cxx -suffix=cpp -fragment=cpp -linker=$(cpplink) language java -suffix=java -linker=java language yacc -suffix=y -prototypes -linker=$(clink) language lex -suffix=l -prototypes -linker=$(clink) # # Protocol level for the CVS pluggin # macro cmt_cvs_protocol_level "v1r1" # # The CMTPATH patterns for installation areas # macro cmt_installarea_prefix "InstallArea" cmtpath_pattern \ macro cmt_installarea_paths " $(cmt_installarea_prefix)/$(CMTCONFIG)/bin" ; \ macro_prepend use_linkopts " $(cmt_installarea_linkopts) " ; \ macro_append shlibbuilder " $(cmt_installarea_linkopts) " cmtpath_pattern \ macro_append cmt_installarea_paths "" _with_installarea " $(_installarea_prefix)/$(CMTCONFIG)/lib" ; \ macro_append cmt_installarea_paths "" _with_installarea " $(_installarea_prefix)/share/lib" ; \ macro_append cmt_installarea_paths "" _with_installarea " $(_installarea_prefix)/share/bin" macro CMT_PATH_remove_regexp "/[^/]*/" WIN32 "\\[^\\]*\\" macro CMT_PATH_remove_share_regexp "/share/" WIN32 "\\share\\" cmtpath_pattern \ macro _installarea_prefix "$(cmt_installarea_prefix)" ; \ macro _installarea_prefix_remove "$(_installarea_prefix)" ; \ path_remove_regexp PATH "" _with_installarea "$(_installarea_prefix_remove)$(CMT_PATH_remove_regexp)bin$" ; \ path_remove_regexp PATH "" _with_installarea "$(_installarea_prefix_remove)$(CMT_PATH_remove_regexp)lib$" ; \ path_remove_regexp LD_LIBRARY_PATH "" _with_installarea "$(_installarea_prefix_remove)/[^/]*/lib$" ; \ path_remove_regexp CLASSPATH "" _with_installarea "$(_installarea_prefix_remove)$(CMT_PATH_remove_share_regexp)lib$" ; \ path_remove_regexp CLASSPATH "" _with_installarea "$(_installarea_prefix_remove)$(CMT_PATH_remove_share_regexp)bin$" cmtpath_pattern \ path_prepend PATH "" \ _with_installarea&WIN32 "/$(_installarea_prefix)/${CMTCONFIG}/bin" \ _with_installarea&Unix "/$(_installarea_prefix)/${CMTCONFIG}/bin" ; \ path_prepend PATH "" \ _with_installarea&WIN32 "/$(_installarea_prefix)/${CMTCONFIG}/lib" \ _with_installarea&CYGWIN "/$(_installarea_prefix)/${CMTCONFIG}/lib" ; \ path_prepend LD_LIBRARY_PATH "" \ _with_installarea&Unix "/$(_installarea_prefix)/${CMTCONFIG}/lib" ; \ path_prepend CLASSPATH "" _with_installarea "/$(_installarea_prefix)/share/lib" ; \ path_prepend CLASSPATH "" _with_installarea "/$(_installarea_prefix)/share/bin" ; \ macro_prepend cmt_installarea_linkopts "" \ _without_installarea "" \ _with_installarea&Unix " -L/$(_installarea_prefix)/$(CMTCONFIG)/lib " \ _with_installarea&WIN32 " /LIBPATH:\$(_installarea_prefix)\$(CMTCONFIG)\lib " set NEWCMTCONFIG "${cmt_hardware}-${cmt_system_version}-${cmt_compiler_version}" # # The cmt constituent # application cmt -s=../source cmt.cxx \ cmt_awk.cxx \ cmt_branch.cxx \ cmt_constituent.cxx \ cmt_deps_builder.cxx \ cmt_fragment.cxx \ cmt_generator.cxx \ cmt_include.cxx \ cmt_parser.cxx \ cmt_script.cxx \ cmt_string.cxx \ cmt_system.cxx \ cmt_tag.cxx \ cmt_use.cxx \ cmt_symbol.cxx \ cmt_error.cxx \ cmt_pattern.cxx \ cmt_language.cxx \ cmt_cvs.cxx \ cmt_group.cxx \ cmt_database.cxx \ cmt_lock.cxx \ cmt_triggers.cxx \ cmt_regexp.cxx \ cmt_model.cxx \ cmt_project.cxx \ cmt_syntax.cxx \ cmt_install_area.cxx \ cmt_cmtpath_pattern.cxx \ cmt_sequence.cxx \ cmt_generators.cxx \ cmt_scope_section.cxx \ cmt_log.cxx \ cmt_commands.cxx private macro all_constituents cmt macro_append cpplink "" VisualC " advapi32.lib "