//----------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright Christian Arnault LAL-Orsay CNRS // arnault@lal.in2p3.fr // See the complete license in cmt_license.txt "http://www.cecill.info". //----------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== Gestionnaire de messages de log dans CMT ---------------------------------------- cmt_log (...) will o display or not according to the level of output [default] quiet verbose = debug o pour le mode debug on devrait rajouter la fonction?? A terme doit remplacer tous les outputs de CMT !!! ========================================================================== 1) actions in CMT [DONE] ----------------- Principle: define an "action" concept similar to constituents (or macro????) - it has a name - its name corresponds to a make target - it receives in its value a shell command (subject to macro expansion before activation) - can be run out of the make context through the "cmt do " command. - in the context of gmake a temporary make fragment will be generated, holding the associated shell command. examples action A "xxx" WIN32 "yyy" => the syntax is like macros but the execution phase is close to constituents. One may either do > cmt do A or gmake A Question : do we need parameters action A "xxx

" WIN32 "yyy

" action A "xxx$(p)" WIN32 "yyy$(p)" so that > cmt do A p=z > gmake A p=z Question : can action replace setup_script ? Implementation : reuse the symbol code. Cmt::do_do (...) o at least first argument should be the action name o optional param-value pairs will assign value to macros cmt do A p=y equivalent to [macro p "y"] cmt show constituents should show actions as well when generating the constituent make files we also have to generate makefiles for actions. => name space for actions share the name space for constituents => there is a target_ tag [see next design] Actually, doing action A "cmd" is equivalent to doing: document cmt_action_runner A action_value='cmd' ========================================================================== 2) target tags -------------- Principle: - Each constituent (or action) is associated with a make target - let's also generate a "tag" associated with the make target. - the tag format is target_ - the group tags are also defined as tag associations tag target_all target_A target_B ========================================================================== 3) A pattern also defines a dynamic CMT keyword.[DONE] => at the end of the parser if the word did not match any standard CMT keyword, then we look into the pattern name space. ex. pattern A ... apply_pattern A p=x is equivalent to A p=x ========================================================================== 4) Revival of the concept of Project[DONE] o One project is associated with every CMTPATH o Strategies are stored into project objects o project objects are ordered like CMTPATHs o Each CMTPATH entry does generate one Project o unnamed projects receive a default name [TBD] o Projects can be named: project abcd Will name the project associated with the cmtpath of the package where this is defined. o By default Projects inherit properties of the previous project o Any package has a corresponding project which is the project associated with the CMTPATH entry of this package. o CMT itself defines the "base" project (named CMT)