Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#9 Insufficient reports when current directory is out of any CMT context new Arnault defect high v1r18
#13 Patterns redefinition should not occur for packages in the inner parts of the use graph new VG,CA defect high v1r18
#12 How to create subdirs at cmt create step? new Arnault enhancement normal v1r20
#18 setup should be listed in the list of reserved make targets new VG defect normal v1r20
#19 Problems with spaces in directories new CA,VG defect normal v1r20
#21 When using cmt cvstags with scripted CVSpluggin, the tags don't appear in the right order new VG, CA defect normal v1r20
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.