
Version 7 (modified by garonne, 19 years ago) (diff)


Constructing a release for CMT

External dependencies



Final step on the sources

The final step for preparing the release consists in

Files to be changed lastly are:

  1. cmt_version.h
  2. CMTDoc.xml
  3. requirements (only when major release changes)

Sequence is:

  1. Changing CMTDoc.xml (and requirements if needed) in HEAD
  2. svn copy to new tag
  3. Changing cmt_version.h in new tag only (stays "HEAD" in HEAD)

Build the binaries

Binaries are built on various machines, then copied to /lal/CMT/*/

VisualC laptop
CYGWIN_NT-5.1-i686 laptop
OSF1-alpha asc
Linux-i686 lxbuild002
Linux-x86_64 atlas2.lal.in2p3

Build the documentations

  1. Run the documentation generators
    gmake doxygen       # on
    gmake gendoc        # needs Python >= 2.3
    gmake pdf           # on lxplus
  2. Prepare ReleaseNotes.html form ChangeLog
  3. Prepare ../doc/download.html by installing the reference to the new version.

Build the pacman kit

gmake pacman
cp CMT-<version>.pacman /www/Web/htdocs/cmtsite/pacman/cache

Export to the CMT Web site

gmake Export        on a LAL machine
cd ../../
rm CMT*

Final SVN tagging