Changeset 570 in ETALON

Apr 28, 2016, 11:44:37 AM (8 years ago)
2 edited


  • papers/2016_IPAC/2016_IPAC_Malovytsia_ModelComparison/MOPMB004.tex

    r562 r570  
    174174         $R^2$ is a grating efficiency parameter, that depends on the radiation angle and blaze angle.
    176          Further in the paper, the results obtained with the expression for $R^2$ taken from~\cite{p021} will be called SC, and from the~\cite{gfw} will be referred to as GFW.
     176         Further in the paper, the results obtained with the expression for $R^2$ taken from~\cite{p021} will be called SC, and from the~\cite{gfw}, where the grating efficiency is calculated numerically, will be referred to as GFW.
    178178        \item The Resonant Diffraction Radiation (RDR) model,
    353353         \section{Conclusions}
    354         The SEY of the several leading models of the SPR were compared. The simulation shows that the SC and RDR models are in agreement within experimental errors. The RRR model is also close to the RDR and SC, but more detailed explanation on the constant required. The consideration of the grating width in the GFW simulation gives the intensity 10 times bigger. The ratios between the models are not changing with the parameters~(except the observation angle), which means that it is possible to introduce a parameter-independent model correction factor.
     354        The SEY of the several leading models of the SPR were compared. The simulation shows that the SC and RDR models are in agreement within experimental errors. The RRR model is also close to the RDR and SC, but more detailed explanation on the constant is required.  More detailed consideration of the grating profile and width in the GFW simulation gives the intensity 10 times bigger. The ratios between the models are not changing much with the parameters~(except the observation angle), which means that it is possible to introduce a parameter-independent model correction factor.
    355355        % The calculations were also done for the E203 experiment~\cite{p046} at FACET at SLAC, and the  conclusions were similar.
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