Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of WikiHtml

Mar 29, 2010, 3:49:49 PM (14 years ago)



  • WikiHtml

    v1 v1  
     1= Using HTML in Wiki Text =
     3Trac supports inserting HTML into any wiki context, accomplished using the HTML [wiki:WikiProcessors WikiProcessor].
     5HTML support is built-in, and does not require installing any additional packages.
     7== How to Use HTML ==
     8To inform the wiki engine that a block of text should be treated as HTML, use the ''html'' processor.
     10This example should explain:
     13<pre class="wiki">{{{
     15&lt;h1 style="text-align: right; color: blue"&gt;HTML Test&lt;/h1&gt;
     19Results in:
     22<h1 style="text-align: right; color: blue">HTML Test</h1>
     25Note that Trac sanitizes your HTML code before displaying it. That means that if you try to use potentially dangerous constructs such as Javascript event handlers, those will be removed from the output.
     27Since 0.11, the filtering is done by Genshi, and as such, the produced output will be a well-formed fragment of HTML. In other words, this mean that you can no longer use two HTML blocks, one for opening a <div>, the second for closing it, in order to wrap arbitrary wiki text.
     28The new way to wrap any wiki content inside a <div> is to use the ''div'' Wiki  processor:
     32#!div class=important style="border: 2pt solid; text-align: center"
     33This is the ''only'' way to go in Trac 0.11
     37Results in:
     39#!div class=important style="border: 2pt solid; text-align: center"
     40This is the ''only'' way to go in Trac 0.11
     43Note that the contents of a `#!div` block are contained in one or more paragraphs, which have a non-zero top and bottom margin by default. This leads to the top and bottom padding in the example above. To remove the top and bottom margin of the contents, add the `compact` class to the `#!div`.
     45For spans, you should rather use the Macro call syntax:
     47 Hello [[span(''WORLD'' (click [#world-anchor here]), style=color: green; font-size: 120%, id=world-anchor)]]!
     50Results in:
     51 Hello [[span(''WORLD'' (click [#world-anchor here]), style=color: green; font-size: 120%, id=world-anchor)]]!
     54== HTML comments ==
     55HTML comments are stripped from the output of the `html` processor. To add an HTML comment to a wiki page, use the `htmlcomment` processor (available since 0.12). For example, the following code block:
     59This block is translated to an HTML comment.
     60It can contain <tags> and &entities; that will not be escaped in the output.
     63results in the following block in the HTML output:
     66This block is translated to an HTML comment.
     67It can contain <tags> and &entities; that will not be escaped in the output.
     70Please note that the character sequence "--" is not allowed in HTML comments, and will generate a rendering error.
     73== More Information ==
     75 * -- World Wide Web Consortium
     76 * -- HTML Markup Home Page
     79See also:  WikiProcessors, WikiFormatting, WikiRestructuredText