source: trunk/Documentation/geant4/UserDocumentation/UsersGuides/ChangesHistory/ChangesHistory.html @ 902

Last change on this file since 902 was 902, checked in by garnier, 16 years ago

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File size: 60.4 KB
3<TITLE>Changes to Users Documentation</TITLE>
4<!-- Changed by: Dennis Wright, 27-Jun-2002 -->
9<P ALIGN="Center">
10<FONT SIZE="+3" COLOR="#238E23">
11<B>Changes History of User's Documents</B>
16<br /><br /><br /><br />
18<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
19<HR ALIGN="Center">
20<font COLOR="#238E23">
21<h2>Version: Geant4 9.1 (December 2007) </h2>
23<HR ALIGN="Center">
24<br />
27<b><u>User's Guide: For Application Developers</u></b>
30<b>- Newly Added Chapters/Sections</b>
31  <ul>
32    <li>4.1.14.  Saving geometry tree objects in binary format
33    <li>4.8.     Command-based scoring
34    <li> Very Low energy Electromagnetic Processes (Geant4 DNA extension)
35  </ul>
36<br />
38<b>- Modified Chapters/Sections</b>
39  <ul>
40    <li>3.2.      Global Usage Classes
41    <li>4.1.      Geometry
42    <li>  "Standard" Electromagnetic Processes
43    <li>  Tracking of Photons in processes/optical
44    <li>9.2.      Extended Examples
45    <li>Appendix 1. Tips for Program Compilation
46    <li>Appendix 2. Histogramming
47    <li>Appendix 5. Makefiles and Environment Variables
48  </ul>
52<b><u>Installation Guide</u></b>
55<b>- Modified Chapters/Sections</b>
56  <ul>
57    <li>1. Installation Introduction
58    <li>2. Installation Procedures
59    <li>3. Tips for Installing on Windows
60  </ul>
64<b><u>Physics Reference Manual</u></b>
68<b>- Modified Chapters/Sections</b>
69  <ul>
70    <li>6.2 PhotoElectric effect
71    <li>7.5 Multiple Scattering
72    <li>7.7 Ion Scattering
73    <li>11  Polarized Electron/Positron/Gamma Incident
74    <li>7.6 Single Scattering
75  </ul>
79<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
80<HR ALIGN="Center">
81<font COLOR="#238E23">
[902]82<h2>Version: Geant4 9.2 (December 2008) </h2>
84<HR ALIGN="Center">
85<br />
88<b><u>User's Guide: For Application Developers</u></b>
91<b>- Newly Added Chapters/Sections</b>
92  <ul>
93    <li>8.3.13.  Qt visualization driver
94  </ul>
95<br />
98<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
99<HR ALIGN="Center">
100<font COLOR="#238E23">
[901]101<h2>Version: Geant4 9.0 (June 2007) </h2>
103<HR ALIGN="Center">
104<br />
107<b><u>User's Guide: For Application Developers</u></b>
110<b>- Newly Added Chapters/Sections</b>
111  <ul>
112    <li>5.8. Track Error Propagation
113  </ul>
114<br />
116<b>- Modified Chapters/Sections</b>
117  <ul>
118    <li>2.8 How to Set Up an Interactive Session
119    <li>3.7 Event Biasing Techniques
120    <li>4.1.8 The Geometry Navigator
121    <li>4.4 Hits
122    <li>5.2.1 Electromagnetic Interactions
123    <li>8.4   Controlling Visualization from Commands
124    <li>8.10  Making a Movie
125    <li>9.2.1 Extended Example Summary
126    <li>Appendix 6.1 Building on MS Visual C++
127    <li>Appendix 3 CLHEP Foundation Library
128    <li>Appendix 5 Makefiles and Environment Variables
129    <li>Appendix 4 C++ Standard Template Library
130  </ul>
134<b><u>Physics Reference Manual</u></b>
137<b>- Modified Chapters/Sections</b>
138  <ul>
139    <li>7.1 Computing the Mean Energy Loss
140    <li>7.3 Correcting the cross section for energy variation
141    <li>7.4 Conversion from range to kinetic energy
142    <li>7.5 Multiple Scattering
143    <li>8.1 Ionization
144    <li>8.2 Bremsstrahlung
145    <li>8.4 Positron - Electron Annihilation into Muon - Anti-muoni
146    <li>9.1 Ionization
147    <li>10.1 Ionization
148    <li>12.10 Hadron and Ion Ionisation
149    <li>21.3.2 Intra-nuclear Cascade
150  </ul>
154<b><u>Installation Guide</u></b>
157<b>- Modified Chapters/Sections</b>
158  <ul>
159    <li>1. Installation Introduction
160    <li>2. Installation Procedures
161    <li>3. Tips for Installing on Windows
162  </ul>
165<br /><br /><br />
168<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
169<HR ALIGN="Center">
170<font COLOR="#238E23">
171<h2>Version: Geant4 8.3 (May 2007) </h2>
173<HR ALIGN="Center">
174<br />
177<b><u>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing environment</u></b> 
180<b>- Modified Chapters/Sections</b>
181  <ul>
182    <li>1.1 Supported Computers and Operating Systems
183    <li>2.1 Using the Configure Script for installation
184    <li>3.1 Windows with the Cygwin Toolset and Microsoft Visual C++
185  </ul>
189<b><u>User's Guide: For Application Developers</u></b>
192<b>- Modified Chapters/Sections</b>
193  <ul>
194    <li>4.1.2  Solids
195    <li>4.1.11 Detecting Overlapping Volumes
196    <li>4.3    Electromagnetic Field
197    <li>5.2.5  Optical Photon Processes
198    <li>9.2.1  Extended Example Summary
199  </ul>
203<br /><br /><br />
206<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
207<HR ALIGN="Center">
208<font COLOR="#238E23">
209<h2>Version: Geant4 8.2 (December 2006) </h2>
211<HR ALIGN="Center">
212<br />
215<li><b>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing
216    environment</b>
217  <ul>
218  <li> Chapter 3, Tips for Installing on Windows
219    <ul>
220    <li>Section 3.1 Windows with the Cygwin Toolset and Microsoft Visual C++
221      <ul>
222      <li>Information on Visual Studio removed.
223      </ul>
224    <li>Section 3.2 Building Kernel Libraries DLLs
225      <ul>
226      <li>The note related to physics lists removed.
227      </ul>
228    </ul>
229  </ul>
231<li><b>User's Guide: For Application Developers</b>
233  <ul>
234  <li>Chapter 3. Toolkit Fundamentals
235    <ul>
236    <li>Section 3.7 Event Biasing Techniques
237      <ul>
238      <li>Subsection 3.7.2 Physics Based Biasing
239        <ul>
240        <li>New subsection added.
241        </ul>
242      </ul>
243    </ul>
245  <li>Chapter 4, Detector Definition and Response
246    <ul>
247    <li>Section 4.1, Geometry
248      <ul>
249      <li>Subsection 4.1.2, Solids
250        <ul>
251        <li>Information about GetSurfaceArea() added.
252        </ul>
253      <li>Subsection 4.1.6, Creating an Assembly of Volume
254        <ul>
255        <li>Destruction of an assembly volume modified.
256        </ul>
257      <li>Subsection 4.1.8, The Geometry Navigator
258        <ul>
259        <li>>Subsubsections ' Navigation in parallel geometries' and
260             ' Using the navigator to locate points' added.
261        </ul>
262      <li>Subsection 4.4.6, Concrete classes of <i>G4VPrimitiveScorer</i>
263        <ul>
264        <li>G4PSCellCharge information added.
265        </ul>
266      </ul>   
267    <li>New Section 'Parallel Geometries' added.
268    </ul>
269  <li>Chapter 6. User Actions
270    <ul>
271    <li>Section 6.2 Optional User Actions
272      <ul>
273      <li>Information added to 'G4UserEventAction'
274      </ul>
275    </ul>
276  <li>Chapter 8. Visualization
277    <ul>
278    <li>Section 8.3 The Visualization Drivers
279      <ul>
280      <li>Subsection 8.3.8 RayTracer
281        <ul>
282        <li>More information added.
283        </ul>
284      </ul>
285    <li>Section 8.4 Controlling Visualization from Commands
286      <ul>
287      <li>Subsection 8.4.15 Cut view
288        <ul>
289        <li>The part 'Cutting away' modified.
290        <li>More reference added.
291        </ul>
292      <li>Subsection 8.4.16 Tutorial macros
293        <ul>
294        <li>More tutorial references added.
295        </ul>
296      </ul>
297    <li>Section 8.5 Controlling Visualization from Compiled Code
298      <ul>
299      <li>Minor correction at the introduction part.
300      </ul>
301    <li>Section 8.6 Visualization Attributes
302      <ul>
303      <li>Subsection 8.6.3 Forcing attributes
304        <ul>
305        <li>Added information on visualisation of a circle.
306        </ul>
307      </ul>
308    <li>Section 8.7 Enhanced Trajectory Drawing
309      <ul>
310      <li>Subsection 8.7.1 Default Configuration
311        <ul>
312        <li>Time slice interval added.
313        </ul>
314      <li>Subsection 8.7.2 Trajectory Drawing Models
315        <ul>
316        <li>Information of G4TrajectoryDrawByAttribute added.
317        </ul>
318      <li>Subsection 8.7.3 Controlling from Commands
319        <ul>
320        <li>Added the part 'Configure drawByAttribute-0 model'.
321        </ul>
322      </ul>
323    <li>Section 8.8 Filtering
324      <ul>
325      <li>New section added.
326      <li>Subsection 8.8.1 Trajectory Filtering
327        <ul>
328        <li>New subsection number added.
329        <li>Added information of G4TrajectoryAttributeFilter.
330      <li>Subsection Example commands
331        <ul>
332        <li>More example added.
333        </ul>
334      </ul>
335    <li>Section 8.9 Polylines, Markers and Text
336      <ul>
337      <li>Section number changed from 8.8 to 8.9.
338      </ul>
339    </ul>
340    <li>Section 8.10 Making a Movie
341      <ul>
342      <li>New section added.
343      </ul>
344    </ul>
346  <li>Chapter 9. Examples
347    <ul>
348    <li>Section 9.2, Extended Examples
349      <ul>
350      <li>Subsection 9.2.1, Extended Example Summary
351        <ul>
352        <li>Hadronic example added.
353        </ul>
354      </ul>
355    <li>Section 9.3, Advanced Examples
356      <ul>
357      <li>The 'human_phantom' reference added.
358      </ul>
359    </ul>
361  <li>Appendix
362    <ul>
363    <li> Section 10.6, Build for MS Visual C++
364      <ul>
365      <li>Visual Studio related information added.
366      </ul>
367    <li>Section 10.1, Tips for Program Compilation   
368      <ul>
369      <li>Subsection 10.1.5, Windows - MS Visual C++
370        <ul>
371        <li>Compilation with debug symbols changed.
372        </ul>
373      <li>Subsection 10.1.6, MacOS-X - g++
374        <ul>
375        <li>Optimization inforamtion changed.
376        </ul>
377      </ul>
378    </ul>
379  </ul>
381<li><b>User's Guide - For Toolkit Developers</b>
382  <ul>
383  <li> Chapter 2, Design and Function of Geant4 Categories
384    <ul>
385    <li>Section 13, Visualization
386      <ul>
387      <li>Subsection 'LineSegmentsPerCircle' added.
388      </ul>
389    </ul>
390  <li> Chapter 3, Extending Toolkit Functionality
391    <ul>
392    <li>Section, Visualization
393      <ul>
394      <li>Substantial update done.
395      </ul>
396    </ul>
397  </ul>
399<li><b>Physics Reference Manual</b>
400  <ul>
401  <li> Chapter 3, Electromagnetic Interactions
402    <ul>
403    <li>Section 11, Low Energy Extensions
404      <ul>
405      <li>Subsection Photoelectric effect
406        <ul>
407        <li>Minor modification.
408        </ul>
409      </ul>
410    <li>Section 7. Common to All Charged Particles   
411      <ul>
412      <li>Subsection 5, multiple Scattering
413        <ul>
414        <li>New subsubsection 'Step Limitation Algorithm' and
415            'Boundary Crossing Algorithm' created.
416        <li>Other miscellaenous changes.
417        </ul>
418      </ul>
419    </ul>
420  <li> Chapter 11, Polarized Electron/Positorn/Gamma Incident
421    <ul>
422    <li>New chapter added.
423    </ul>
424  </ul>
430<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
432<font COLOR="#238E23">
433<h2>Version: Geant4 8.1 (June 2006) </h2>
436<br />
440<li><b>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing
441    environment</b>
442  <ul>
443  <li> Chapter 1, Introduction
444    <ul>
445    <li>Section 1.1, Supported Computers and Operating Systems
446      <ul>
447      <li> update for Linux
448      </ul>
449    </ul>
450  <li> Chapter 2, Installation Procedures
451    <ul>
452    <li>Section 2.3, Installation of Hadronic Physics Lists
453      <ul>
454      <li> add note about physics list installation with global Geant4
455           libraries
456      </ul>
457    </ul>
458  </ul>
459<li><b>User's Guide: For Application Developers</b>
460  <ul>
461  <li> Chapter 4, Detector Definition and Response
462    <ul>
463    <li> Section 4.1, Geometry
464      <ul>
465      <li> Subsection 4.1.2, Solids:
466        <ul>
467        <li>Subsection, Solids made by Boolean operations: correct examples
468        <li>add new subsection, Tessellated solids
469        </ul>
470      <li> Subsection 4.1.4, Physical Volumes: correct source listing numbers
471      <li> Subsection 4.1.7, Reflecting Hierarchies of Volumes
472        <ul>
473        <li>correct source listing numbers
474        <li>update argument list for G4PhysicalVolumePair
475        <li>revision of discussion of Place() method and argument list
476        </ul>
477      <li> Subsection 4.1.6, Creating an Assembly of Volumes
478        <ul>
479        <li>correct figure numbers and code listing numbers
480        <li>add discussion of constituent volume access
481        <li>more discussion of MakeImprint method
482        </ul>
483      <li> Subsection 4.1.9, Geometry Setups: correct source listing numbers
484      <li> Subsection 4.1.11, Detecting Overlaps
485        <ul>
486        <li>correct figure numbers
487        <li>update DAWN links
488        </ul>
489      <li> Subsection 4.1.13, Importing XML models Using GDML: remove DAWN links
490      </ul>
491    <li> Section 4.2, Materials
492      <ul>
493      <li> Subsection 4.2.3, Recipes for Building Materials
494        <ul>
495        <li> Add C, Pb to NIST example
496        </ul>
497      </ul>
498    <li> Section 4.3, Electromagnetic Field
499      <ul>
500      <li> New subsection 4.3.3, Spin Tracking
501      </ul>
502    <li> Section 4.6, Persistency
503      <ul>
504      <li> New subsection 4.6.2: Using Reflex for persistency of geant4 objects
505      </ul>
506    </ul>
507  <li> Chapter 5, Tracking and Physics
508    <ul>
509      <li>Section 5.2, Physics
510        <ul>
511          <li>Subsection 5.2.1, Electromagnetic Interactions
512            <ul>
513              <li>Subsubsection, Standard EM processes
514                <ul>
515                <li> add list of steering options for standard EM processes
516                <li> add discussion of G4EmCalculator (which accesses cross sections,
517                     stopping powers
518                </ul>
519              <li> Subsubsection, Low Energy EM processes
520                <ul>
521                <li> add discussion of options for photo-electron angular distributions
522                </ul>
523            </ul>
524          <li>Subsection 5.2.5, Optical Photons
525            <ul>
526            <li>add discussion of linear polarization
527            </ul>
528        </ul>
529    </ul>
530  <li> Chapter 8, Visualization
531    <ul>
532    <li> Section 8.3, The Visualization Drivers
533      <ul>
534      <li>Subsection 8.3.2 OpenGL
535        <ul>
536        <li>update discussion
537        <li>provide control options with or without Motif
538        </ul>
539      <li>Subsection 8.3.3 Open Inventor
540        <ul>
541        <li>update discussion
542        <li>update links
543        </ul>
544      </ul>
545    </ul>
546  <li> Chapter 9, Examples
547    <ul>
548    <li> Section 9.2 Extended: add links to and descriptions of TestEm0, TestEm13-17
549    <li> Section 9.3 Advanced: add pointers to three new examples:
550      <ul>
551      <li>cellular irradiation beamline
552      <li>effects of chip carrier on radiation monitoring devices
553      <li>estimate of effect of photonuclear reactions in calorimeters
554      </ul>
555    </ul>
556  <li> Chapter 10, Appendix
557    <ul>
558    <li> Subsection 10.1.5 Windows - MV Visual C++: add link to Installation Guide
559    <li> Subsection 10.1.6 MacOS-X - g++:update dynamic library discussion
560    <li> Subsection 10.5.1 GNUmake system in Geant4: add link to Installation Guide
561    </ul>
562  </ul>
564<li><b>Physics Reference Manual</b>
565  <ul>
566  <li> Chapter 7, Common to All Charged Particles
567    <ul>
568    <li> Section 5, Multiple scattering:
569      <ul>
570      <li> update parameter in formula for theta_0
571      <li> update stepping and model parameters
572      <li> add Mayol and Salvat reference
573      </ul>
574    </ul>
575  <li> Chapter 8, Electron Incident
576    <ul>
577    <li> New Section 5, Positron-electron annihilation to hadrons
578    <li> Section 6, Synchrotron Radiation: replaced by new version
579    </ul> 
580  </ul>
582<li><b>User's Guide: For Toolkit Developers</b>
583  <ul>
584    <li> Chapter 19, Extending Toolkit Functionality: Visualization
585      <ul>
586        <li> updated
587        <li> new class diagram figure
588      </ul>
589  </ul>
595<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
597<font COLOR="#238E23">
598<h2>Version: Geant4 8.0 (December 2005) </h2>
601<br />
605<li><b>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing
606    environment</b>
607  <ul>
608  <li> Chapter 1, Introduction
609    <ul>
610    <li>Section 1.3, Visualization Software: update links
611    </ul>
612  <li> Chapter 2, Installation Procedures
613    <ul>
614    <li>new Section 2.3, Installation of Hadronic Physics Lists
615    <li>Old section 2.3 becomes 2.4
616    </ul>
617  <li> Chapter 3, Tips for Installing on Windows
618    <ul>
619    <li>Section 3.1, Windows with Cygwin Toolset and Microsoft Visual C++
620      <ul>
621      <li> update download link
622      <li> remove paragraph on limitations of MS-VC++ optimizer
623      <li> add link to Getting Started with Cygwin
624      </ul>
625    <li>Section 3.2: add note on physics list installation
626    </ul>
627  </ul>
628<li><b>User's Guide: For Application Developers</b>
629  <ul>
630  <li> Chapter 2, Getting Started
631    <ul>
632    <li> Section 10, How to Visualize the Detector and Events
633      <ul>
634      <li> subsection 2.10.2, Visualization Drivers: re-written
635      <li> remove subsection 2.10.5, Scene, Scene Handler, and Viewer,
636           subsection 2.10.6, Sample Visualization Sessions, becomes 2.10.5
637      <li> remove subsections 2.10.7, 2.10.8 (duplication of viz commands in Section 7.1)
638      <li> new subsection 2.10.6, More Information on Geant4 Visualization: pointer to the Visualization chapter
639      </ul>
640    </ul>
641  <li> Chapter 4, Detector Definition and Response
642    <ul>
643    <li> Section 4.1, Geometry: split into 13 separate pages, one for each
644         subsection
645      <ul>
646      <li> Subsection 4.1.2, Solids:
647        <ul>
648        <li>added Mathematica volume pictures
649        <li>mention method to add pseudo-random points on volume surfaces
650        </ul>
651      <li> Subsection 4.1.4, Physics Volumes:
652        <ul>
653        <li>update parameterized volume sample listings to add surface
654             checking flag
655        <li>add paragraph on advanced parameterizations for nested parameterized
656             volumes
657        </ul>
658      <li> Subsection 4.1.11, Detecting Overlapping Volumes: add paragraph on
659           detecting overlaps at construction
660      </ul>
661    <li> Section 4.2, Materials
662      <ul>
663      <li> Subsection 4.2.2, Introduction to the Classes
664        <ul>
665        <li> G4Element paragraph: add discussion on element access
666        <li> G4Material paragraph: add link to material names
667        </ul>
668      </ul>
669    <li> Section 4.4, Hits
670      <ul>
671      <li> Subsection 4.4.1, Hit: added discussion of G4THitsMap
672      <li> New subsection 4.4.5: MultiFunctional Detector and Primitive Scorer
673      <li> New subsection 4.4.6: Concrete Classes of G4VPrimitiveScorer
674      <li> New subsection 4.4.7: G4VSDFilter and derived classes
675      </ul>
676    </ul>
677  <li> Chapter 5, Tracking and Physics
678    <ul>
679      <li>Section 5.2, Physics
680        <ul>
681          <li>Subsection 5.2.6, Parameterization
682            <ul>
683              <li>updates for use of G4Region
684              <li>Subsubsection, Overview of Parameterization
685                  Components : new Fast Simulation figure
686            </ul>
687        </ul>
688    </ul>
689  <li> Chapter 7, Communication and Control
690    <ul>
691    <li> Section 7.1, Built-in Commands: update and expand visualization commands
692    </ul>
693  <li> Chapter 8, Visualization
694    <ul>
695    <li> Section 8.1, Introduction: re-written
696    <li> Section 8.2, New title: Adding Visualization to Your Executable
697      <ul>
698      <li> re-written
699      <li> was section 8.5
700      </ul>
701    <li> Section 8.3, New title: The Visualization Drivers - was section 8.6
702    <li> Section 8.4, New title: Controlling Visualization from Commands
703      <ul>
704      <li>updated, with expanded discussion of visualizing trajectories
705      <li>paragraph added on enhanced trajectory drawing
706      <li> parts of this section moved from Section 2.10 (in Getting Started Chapter)
707      <li> other parts from old Section 8.7 (Interactive Visualization)
708      </ul>
709    <li> Section 8.5, New title: Controlling Visualization from Compiled Code - was section 8.8
710    <li> Section 8.6, Visualization Attributes
711      <ul>
712      <li> updated, with new discussion of color mapping
713      <li> was section 8.3
714      </ul> 
715    <li> New Section 8.7, Enhanced Trajectory Drawing
716    <li> Old sections 8.7 Interactive Visualization, 8.8 Non-interactive Visualization, 
717         and 8.10 More on Visualization, removed and parts distributed to other sections.
718         Section 8.2, What Can Be Visualized? - removed.
719    </ul>
720  <li> Chapter 9, Examples
721    <ul>
722    <li> Section 9.1 Novice: updated and expanded discussion of example N07
723    <li> Section 9.2 Extended: update links
724    </ul>
725  <li> Chapter 10, Appendix
726    <ul>
727    <li> Subsection 10.5.2 Environment Variables: add RayTracer env. vars.
728    </ul>
729  </ul>
731<li><b>Physics Reference Manual</b>
732  <ul>
733  <li> Chapter 7, Common to All Charged Particles
734    <ul>
735    <li> Section 6, Transition radiation: improved discussion
736    <li> Section 9, Photoabsorption ionization model: improved
737               discussion of use in physics list
738    </ul>
739  <li> Chapter 22, Parton String Model
740    <ul>
741    <li> Section 1, use correct units for value of hbarc
742    </ul> 
743  <li> Chapter 23, Chiral Invariant Phase Space Model
744    <ul>
745    <li> add new section on neutrino interactions
746    </ul> 
747  <li> Chapter 33, Low Energy Neutron Interactions
748    <ul>
749    <li> new section 33.3 on using low energy paramterized models when
750         high precision models cannot be
751    </ul> 
752  </ul>
754<li><b>User's Guide: For Toolkit Developers</b>
755  <ul>
756  <li> Chapter 13, Design and Function: Visualization
757    <ul>
758    <li> Class Design section: add discussion for creating a new graphics
759         system
760    <li> Modeling Sub-category section: add discussion of G4VTrajectoryModel
761    <li> new section on visualization attributes
762    </ul>
763  <li> Chapter 19, Extending Toolkit Functionality: Visualization
764    <ul>
765    <li> new section: Creating a new graphics driver
766    <li> new section: Enhanced trajectory drawing
767    </ul>
768  </ul>
774<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
775<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
776<H2>Version: Geant4 7.1 (June 2005) </H2>
780<li><b>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing
781    environment</b>
782  <ul>
783  <li> Chapter 1, Installation introduction
784    <ul>
785    <li>Section 1.3 Visualization software - add link to WIRED</li>
786    </ul></li>
787  <li> Chapter 2, Installation procedures
788    <ul>
789    <li>"Using the configure script" is now section 2.1</li>
790    <li>"Installing Geant4 manually" is now section 2.2
791      <ul>
792      <li>change environment variable G4USE_G3TOG4 to G4LIB_BUILD_G3TOG4</li>
793      </ul></li>
794    </ul></li>
795  <li> Chapter 3, Tips for installing on Windows
796    <ul>
797    <li>Windows with the Cygwin toolset and MS Visual C++
798      <ul>
799      <li>change Cygwin links</li>
800      <li>add sentence on package selection</li>
801      <li>remove mention of Visual Studio .NET 7.1</li>
802      <li>update Cygwin installation instructions</li>
803      </ul></li>
804    </ul></li>
805  </ul></li>
807<li><b>User's Guide: For Application Developers</b>
808  <ul>
809  <li>Chapter 2, Getting Started
810    <ul>
811    <li>Section 2.1 How to Define the main() Program
812      <ul>
813      <li>Subsection 2.1.4 G4UIManager and UI Command Submission:
814          replace N02VisManager with G4VisExecutive</li>
815      </ul></li>
816    <li>Section 2.3 How to Specify Materials in the Detector
817      <ul>
818      <li>add subsection 2.3.5: Define a Material from the Geant4 Material
819          Database</li>
820      <li>move subsection on Print Material Information to 2.3.6</li>
821      </ul></li>
822    <li>Section 2.9 How to Execute a Program
823      <ul>
824      <li>Subsection 2.9.4 Interactive Mode Driven by Command Lines:
825          in source code listing 2.9.4 replace new MyVisManager with
826          new G4VisExecutive</li>
827      <li>Subsection 2.9.5 General Case: in source listing 2.9.5 replace new
828          N03VisManager by new G4VisExecutive</li>
829      </ul></li>
830    <li>Section 2.10 How to visualize the Detector and Events
831      <ul>
832      <li>Subsection 2.10.2 Visualization Drivers: change G4VIS_BUILE to
833          G4VIS_BUILD</li>
834      <li>Subsection 2.10.3 How to Incorporate Visualization Drivers into an
835          Executable: update to include G4VisExecutive</li>
836      <li>Subsection 2.10.4 Writing the main() Method to Include Visualization:
837        <ul>
838        <li>update source listing 2.101 to include G4VisExecutive</li>
839        <li>expand last paragraph
840        </ul></li>
841      <li>Subsection 2.10.8 Visualization of the Detector Geometry Tree:
842          delete RegisterGraphicsSystem lines</li>
843      </ul></li>
844    </ul></li>
846  <li>Chapter 4, Detector
847    <ul>
848    <li> Section 4.1 Geometry
849      <ul>
850      <li>Subsection 4.1.2 CSG Solids
851        <ul>
852        <li>add new constructor for general twisted trapezoid</li>
853        <li>add G4TwistedTrd</li>
854        <li>subsection Solids made by boolean operations - correction
855            of first and second volume in discussion
856        </ul></li>
857      <li>Subsection 4.1.5 Touchables: Uniquely Identifying a Volume:
858          clarification of first paragraph, and addition of arguments to
859          method names</li>
860      <li>New subsection 4.1.12 Dynamic Geometry Setups</li>
861      <li>Subsection 4.1.13 move subsection on Importing XML Models Using
862          GDML to here</li> 
863      </ul></li>
864    <li> Section 4.2 Material
865      <ul>
866      <li>Subsection 4.2.2 Introduction to the Classes: add paragraph on
867          internal material database</li>
868      <li>Subsection 4.2.3 All the ways to build a material: add source
869          listing showing how to use internal database</li> 
870      </ul></li>
871    <li> Section 4.3 Electromagnetic Field
872      <ul>
873      <li>Subsection 4.3.2 Practical Aspects
874        <ul>
875        <li>"Creating a Non-Magnetic Field" replaced by
876            "Creating an Electric or Electromagnetic Field</li>
877        <li>update source listing 4.3.1</li>
878        <li>add paragraph on alternate steppers</li>
879        <li>update source listing 4.3.2</li>
880        </ul></li>
881      </ul></li>
882    </ul></li>
884  <li>Chapter 5, Tracking and Physics
885    <ul>
886    <li> Section 5.2 Physics Processes
887      <ul>
888      <li> Subsection 5.2.1 EM Interactions:
889        <ul>
890        <li>add list of muon processes</li>
891        <li>add paragraph on model classes</li>
892        <li>add positron annihilation going to muons and to hadrons</li>
893        <li>include physics list code showing model registration</li>
894        </ul></li>
895      </ul></li>
896    </ul></li>
898  <li> Chapter 8, Visualization
899    <ul>
900    <li>Section 8.1 Introduction: replace MyVisManager with G4VisExecutive</li>
901    <li>Section 8.5 Making a Visualization Executable
902      <ul>
903      <li>Subsection 8.5.2 How to Realize Visualization Drivers in an
904          Executable: replace recipe with paragraph including G4VisExecutive,
905          remove reference to ExN03VisManager</li>
906      <li>Subsection 8.5.3 How to Write the main() Function
907        <ul>
908        <li>rewrite first paragraph to refer to G4VisExecutive</li>
909        <li>replace MyVisManager with G4VisExecutive in source listings
910            8.5.2, 8.5.3, 8.5.4 and text</li>
911        <li>add verbosity codes</li>
912        </ul></li>
913      </ul></li>
914    <li>Section 8.6 Visualization Drivers: change About_DAWN link</li>
915    <li>Section 8.7 Interactive Visualization
916      <ul>
917      <li>Subsection 8.7.10 Visualization of Detector Geometry Tree
918        <ul>
919        <li>update with G4VisExecutive</li>
920        <li>remove reference to ExN03VisManager</li>
921        <li>remove "Additional Note" and "Action"</li>
922        <li>remove verbosity codes, replace with new paragraph</li>
923        </ul></li>
924      </ul></li>
925    <li>Section 8.8 Non-interactive Visualization
926      <ul>
927      <li>Subsection 8.8.1 Class G4VVisManager: replace MyVisManager with
928          G4VisExecutive</li>
929      <li>Subsection 8.8.6 Visualization of polylines and tracking steps:
930          change runManager->set_userAction to runManager->SetUserAction</li>
931      <li>add subsection 8.8.7 Visualization User Action</li>
932      </ul></li>
933    </ul>
935  <li> Chapter 9, Examples
936    <ul>
937    <li>Section 9.1 Novice Examples
938      <ul>
939      <li>Subsection 9.1.3 Example N02: update classes, remove
940          ExN02VisManager and links</li>
941      <li>Subsection 9.1.4 Example N03: remove ExN03VisManager and links</li>
942      <li>Subsection 9.1.5 Example N04: update classes</li>
943      </ul></li>
944    <li>Section 9.2 Extended Examples
945      <ul>
946      <li>Subsection 9.2.1 Extended examples
947        <ul>
948        <li>add TestEm11</li>
949        <li>add expgs (General Particle Source Example)</li>
950        <li>add sentence to ExDiane and ParGeant4</li>
951        <li>change link for ParGeant4</li>
952        <li>add radioactive decay example</li>
953        <li>add run and event example</li>
954        </ul> 
955      </ul></li>
956    <li>Section 9.3 Advanced Examples
957      <ul>
958      <li>Subsection 9.3.1 Advanced Examples
959        <ul>
960        <li>change links for hadron therapy, medical linac, radioprotection,
961            xray fluorescence, cosmic ray charging</li>
962        <li>add links for purging magnet, composite calorimeter, lAr
963            calorimeter. RICH and Tiara</li>
964        </ul></li>
965      </ul></li>
966    </ul></li>
968  <li> Chapter 10, Appendix
969    <ul>
970    <li>Section 10.4 C++ Standard Template Library: add reference book
971        "Effective STL"</li>
972    <li>Section 10.5 Makefiles and Environment Variables
973      <ul>
974      <li>Subsection 10.5.2 Environment Variables
975        <ul>
976        <li>change G4USE_G3TOG4 to G4LIB_USE_G3TOG4</li>
977        <li>add zlib module (with g3tog4)</li>
978        </ul></li>
979      </ul></li>
980    <li>Section 10.6 Build for MicroSoft Visual C++: change Cygwin link</li>
981    <li>Section 10.7 Development and Debug Tools: update links</li>
982    </ul></li>
983  </ul></li>
985<li><b>Physics Reference Manual</b>
986  <ul>
987  <li> Chapter 7, Common to All Charged Particles
988    <ul>
989    <li> Section 7.2 Energy loss fluctuations: updated</li>
990    <li> Section 7.5 Multiple scattering: more z sampling discussion and
991         typo corrections</li> 
992    </ul></li>
993  <li> Chapter 11, Low Energy Extensions
994    <ul>
995    <li> Section 11 Penelope physics
996      <ul>
997      <li>Subsection 5 Photoelectric effect: expanded discussion</li>
998      </ul></li>
999    </ul></li>
1000  <li> Chapter 24, Bertini Cascade Model: corrected pion absorption channels,
1001       re-write for English</li>
1002  </ul></li>
1004<li><b>User's Guide: For Toolkit Developers</b>
1005  <ul>
1006  <li>Changed from article format to book format, re-organized sections
1007      into Introduction, Design and Function of Geant4 Categories, Extending
1008      Toolkit Functionality and Appendix</li>
1009  <li>Part 1, Introduction - move User Requirements Document discussion
1010      here (from old chapter 2)</li>
1011  <li>Part 2, Design and Function of Geant4 Categories
1012    <ul>
1013    <li> organize each chapter to have at least Design Philosophy and
1014         Class Design sections</li>
1015    <li> add text from general Geant4 paper to Design Philosophy chapters</li>
1016    </ul></li>
1017  </ul></li>
1023<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1024<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1025<H2>Version: Geant4 7.0 (December 2004) </H2>
1029<LI><B>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing environment</B>
1030  <UL>
1031  <LI> Chapter 1, Installation introduction
1032    <UL>
1033    <LI> Section 1.1 Supported computers and operating systems - updated
1034    <LI> Section 1.3 Visualization software - update links
1035    <LI> Section 1.4 Software for Analysis and Histogramming - update link
1036    </UL>
1037  <LI> Chapter 2, Installation procedures
1038    <UL>
1039    <LI> Section 2.2 Using the configure script - revised
1040    </UL>
1041  <LI> Chapter 3, Tips for installing on Windows - update
1042  </UL>
1044<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
1045  <UL>
1046  <LI>Chapter 4, Detector
1047    <UL>
1048    <LI> Section 4.1 Geometry
1049      <UL>
1050      <LI> Subsection 4.1.10 Converting Geometries from Geant 3.21 :
1051           conversion of Geant 3.21 magnetic field not supported
1052      <LI> Subsection 4.1.2 Solids: add discussion of GetCubicVolume method
1053        <UL>
1054        <LI> subsection added G4TwistedBox and G4TwistedTrap
1055        </UL>
1056      <LI> Subsection 4.1.3 Logical Volumes : discussion of GetMass method
1057      </UL>
1058    <LI> Section 4.3 Electromagnetic Field
1059      <UL>
1060      <LI> Subsection 4.3.2 Practical Aspects : update discussion of
1061           creating field for part of volume hierarchy - add code snippet
1062      </UL>
1063    </UL>
1064  <LI> Chapter 5, Tracking and Physics
1065    <UL>
1066    <LI> Section 5.2 Physics Processes
1067      <UL>
1068      <LI> Overall grammar, spelling upgrade
1069      <LI> Update G4VProcess discussion with PreparePhysicsTable method
1070      <LI> Subsection 5.2.6 Parameterization : add subsections,
1071  on Gflash
1072      </UL>
1073    <LI> New Section 5.6 Physics Table
1074    </UL>
1075  <LI> Chapter 6, User Actions
1076    <UL>
1077    <LI> Added Section 6.3 User Information Classes
1078    </UL>
1079  <LI> Chapter 8, Visualization
1080    <UL>
1081    <LI> Section 8.7 Interactive Visualization
1082      <UL>
1083      <LI> Subsection 8.7.11: added three new tutorial macros: vis9, 10, 11
1084      </UL> 
1085    </UL>
1086  <LI> Chapter 9, Examples
1087    <UL>
1088    <LI> Added Section 9.3 Extended Examples
1089    </UL>
1090  <LI> Chapter 10, Appendix
1091    <UL>
1092    <LI> Section 10.2 Histogramming
1093      <UL>
1094      <LI> Subsection 10.2.4 : mention extended electromagnetic examples
1095      </UL>
1096    </UL>
1097  </UL>
1099<LI><B>Physics Reference Manual</B>
1100  <UL>
1101  <LI> New Chapter 5: Particle Transport (was section 12.1)
1102  <LI> Chapter 7, Common to All Charged Particles
1103    <UL>
1104    <LI> New Section 7.2 Energy loss fluctuations (was section 12.3)   
1105    <LI> New Section 7.3 Correcting Cross Sections for Energy Variations (was
1106         subsection 12.1.3 (Integral approach)
1107    <LI> New Section 7.4 Conversion from Range to Kinetic Energy
1108        (was section 12.2)
1109    <LI> Section 7.5 Multiple scattering - updated
1110    <LI> Section 7.9 PAI model - updated
1111    </UL>
1112  <LI> Chapter 12, Miscellaneous - removed (see notes for Chapters 5 and 7)
1113  <LI> New Chapter 13: Shower Parameterizations
1114  <LI> Chapter 20, Parameterization-Driven Models
1115    <UL>
1116    <LI> Section 20.3 High energy model -  new, expanded section
1117    </UL> 
1118  </UL>
1120<LI><B>User's Guide: For Toolkit Developers</B>
1121  <UL>
1122  <LI>Chapter 4, Guide to Extending Geant4 Functionality
1123    <UL> 
1124    <LI> Section 1 Geometry
1125      <UL>
1126      <LI> discussion of creating a derived class from G4VSolid : add
1127           discussion of GetCubicVolume() method and add GetPolyhedron
1128           method
1129      </UL>
1130    <LI> Section 2 EM Fields : correct indeces for storing B and E field
1131         components
1132    </UL>
1133  </UL>
1139<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1140<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1141<H2>Version: Geant4 6.2 (June 2004) </H2>
1145<LI><B>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing environment</B>
1146  <UL>
1147  <LI> Chapter 1, Installation introduction
1148    <UL>
1149    <LI> Updated supported platforms
1150    </UL>
1151  <LI> Chapter 3, Installation on a PC Machine
1152    <UL>
1153    <LI> Updated, subsection titles changed
1154    </UL>
1155  </UL>
1157<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
1158  <UL>
1159  <LI>Chapter 4, Detector
1160    <UL>
1161    <LI> Section 4.1 Geometry
1162      <UL>
1163      <LI> Subsection 4.1.2 Solids
1164        <UL>
1165        <LI> added G4TwistedTubs discussion
1166        </UL>
1167      <LI> Subsection 4.1.4 Physical Volumes
1168        <UL>
1169        <LI> Subsubsection Repeated volumes
1170                  - update parameterized volumes
1171        </UL>
1172      <LI> Subsection 4.1.7 Reflecting Hierarchies of Volumes - add discussion
1173            of Divide() method 
1174      </UL>
1175    </UL>
1176  <LI> Chapter 5, Tracking and Physics
1177    <UL>
1178    <LI> Subsection 5.2.5 Optical Photons
1179      <UL>
1180      <LI> New Subsubsection inserted:  Generation of Photons in
1181              Optical Processes - Wavelength Shifting
1182      <LI> Subsubsection Tracking of Photons - sections on Rayleigh
1183              Scattering and Boundary Processes updated
1184      </UL>
1185    </UL>
1186  <LI> Chapter 8, Visualization
1187    <UL> 
1188    <LI> Subsection 8.7 Interactive Visualization - bug fix
1189    </UL>
1190  <LI> Chapter 9, Examples
1191    <UL>
1192    <LI> Section 9.1 Novice Examples
1193      <UL>
1194      <LI> removed examplesReadMe
1195      <LI> updated links
1196      </UL>
1197    <LI> Section 9.2 Advanced Examples - expanded discussion of medical example
1198    </UL>
1199  <LI> Chapter 10, Appendix
1200    <UL>
1201    <LI> Section 10.1 Compilation Tips
1202      <UL>
1203      <LI> updated
1204      <LI> added subsection 10.1.6 for MacOS
1205      </UL>
1206    <LI> Section 10.2 Histogramming
1207      <UL>
1208      <LI> Subsection 10.2.2 replace Lizard subsection with PI subsection
1209      </UL>
1210    <LI> Section 10.5 Makefiles and Environment Variables
1211      <UL>
1212      <LI> Subsection 10.5.2 Environment Variables - updated
1213      </Ul>
1214    <LI> Section 10.6 Build for MS Visual C++ -update for Visual Studio
1215    </UL>
1216  </UL>
1218<LI><B>Physics Reference Manual</B>
1219  <UL>
1220  <LI> Chapter 5, Gamma Incident
1221    <UL>
1222    <LI> Section 5.2 Compton Scattering
1223      <UL>
1224      <LI> Add total cross section references
1225      </UL>
1226    </UL>
1227  <LI> Chapter 6, All Charged Particles
1228    <UL>
1229    <LI> Section 6.2 Multiple Scattering
1230      <UL>
1231      <LI> Expanded discussion of true path length to geometrical path length
1232      <LI> Correction term added to Highland formula
1233      </UL>
1234    </UL>
1235  <LI> Chapter 7, Electron Incident
1236    <UL>
1237    <LI> Section 7.2 Bremsstrahlung
1238      <UL>
1239      <LI> Update cross section and energy loss parameterizations
1240      </UL>
1241    </UL>
1242  <LI> Chapter 15, Total Reaction Cross Section in Nucleus-nucleus Reactions
1243    <UL>
1244    <LI> Added section on Tripathi formula for light systems
1245    </UL> 
1246  <LI> New chapter 17, Hadron Elastic Scattering at Medium and High Energy
1247  <LI> New chapter 25, Abrasion-ablation Model
1248  <LI> New chapter 26, Electromagnetic Dissociation Model
1249  </UL>
1255<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1256<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1257<H2>Version: Geant4 6.1 (March 2004) </H2>
1261<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
1262  <UL>
1263  <LI>Chapter 4, Detector
1264    <UL>
1265    <LI> Section 4.1 Geometry
1266      <UL>
1267      <LI> Subsection Solids made by Boolean operations: updated
1268      <LI> Subsection 4.1.8 The Geometry Navigator: updated
1269      </UL>
1270    </UL>
1271  <LI> Chapter 5, Tracking and Physics
1272    <UL>
1273    <LI> Section 5.3 Particles
1274      <UL>
1275      <LI> Subsection 5.3.2 Definition of Particles: update baryon and meson
1276            masses and widths
1277      </UL>
1278    </UL>
1279  </UL>
1287<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1288<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1289<H2>Version: Geant4 6.0 (December 2003) </H2>
1294  <UL>
1295  <LI>Updated
1296  </UL>
1298<LI><B>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing environment</B>
1299  <UL>
1300  <LI>Section 1, Installation introduction: remove OPACS link, add XP to
1301      Windows
1302  <LI>Section 3, Tips for Installing on Windows: add link for creating project
1303      under Visual Studio
1304  </UL>
1306<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
1307  <UL>
1308  <LI>Chapter 2, Getting Started
1309    <UL>
1310    <LI> Subsection 2.2.3 Choose a Solid: change hightOfTheTube to 25 cm.
1311    <LI> Section 2.8 Setting Up an Interactive Session: remove OPACS
1312    </UL>
1313  <LI>Chapter 3, Fundamentals
1314    <UL>
1315    <LI> Section 3.7 Event Biasing Techniques:
1316      <UL>
1317      <LI> updated code sample in subsection Changing the Sampling
1318           and added weight window discussion
1319      <LI> added new subsection The Weight Window Technique
1320      </UL>
1321    </UL>
1322  <LI>Chapter 4, Detector
1323    <UL>
1324    <LI> Section 4.1 Geometry
1325      <UL>
1326      <LI> Subsection 4.1.2 Solids: remove paragraph on Other BREP Solids
1327      <LI> Subsection 4.1.4 Phyiscal Volumes: add discussion of volume division
1328      <LI> Subsection 4.1.10 Importing Solid Models from CAD: removed
1329      </UL>
1330    <LI> Section 4.3 Electromagnetic Field
1331      <UL>
1332      <LI> Subsection 4.3.2 Practical Aspects: add discussion on creating
1333           field for part of detector, expanded discussion of stepper
1334           parameters
1335      </UL>
1336    <LI> Section 4.6 Persistency
1337      <UL>
1338      <LI> Subsections 4.6.2, 4.6.3, 4.6.4 deleted (obsolete)
1339      </UL>
1340    </UL>
1341  <LI>Chapter 5, Tracking and Physics
1342    <UL>
1343    <LI> Section 5.2 Physics Processes
1344      <UL>
1345      <LI> Subsection add options for Low Energy angular dist.
1346      </UL>
1347    </UL>
1348  <LI> Chapter 8, Visualization
1349    <UL>
1350    <LI> Section 8.5 Making a Visualization Executable: move Table 8.1 to
1351         section 8.6
1352    <LI> Section 8.6 Visualization Drivers:
1353       <UL>
1354       <LI> Subsection 8.6.5: added link
1355       <LI> Subsection 8.6.8: added Table 8.1
1356       </UL>
1357    <LI> Section 8.7 Interactive Visualization: remove OPACS, update tutorial
1358         macros
1359    <LI> Section 8.9 Built-in Visualization Commands: change built-in command
1360         link to point to Section 7.1
1361    <LI> Expanded Subsection 8.10.2: Visualiztion of a Detector Geometry Tree
1362    </UL>
1363  <LI>Chapter 9, Examples
1364    <UL>
1365    <LI> Section 9.1 Novice Examples
1366      <UL>
1367      <LI> replace code in documentation area with
1368           links to checked-out code at
1370      <LI> add subsection 9.1.8: brief description of example N07
1371      </UL>
1372    <LI> Section 9.2 Advanced Examples: update
1373    </UL>
1374  <LI>Chapter 10, Appendix
1375    <UL>
1376    <LI> Section 10.1 Tips for Compilation : revise template repository
1377         discussion
1378    <LI> Section 10.5 Makefiles: remove OPACS, STEP references, add alternate
1379         path for hadronic physics lists
1380    <LI> Section 10.7 Development and Debugging Tools: update links and
1381         references
1382    </UL>
1383  </UL>
1385<LI><B>User's Guide: For Toolkit Developers</B>
1386  <UL>
1387  <LI>Chapter 3, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
1388    <UL>
1389    <LI>Section 3.5, Geometry: update navigator, overall diagrams, add regions
1390        diagram
1391    <LI>Section 3.6  Electromagnetic Field: update field diagram
1392    </UL>
1393  <LI>Chapter 4, Guide to Extending Geant4 Functionality
1394    <UL>
1395    <LI>Section 4.1: Geometry, minor re-wording
1396    </UL>
1397  </UL>
1399<LI><B>Physics Reference Manual</B>
1400  <UL>
1401  <LI>Chapter 6 Common to All Charged Particles
1402    <UL>
1403    <LI> Insert new section 6.1 on energy loss
1404    <LI> Section 6.1 Multiple Scattering: update equations 6.12 and 6.15
1405         and discussion of model parameters
1406    </UL>
1407  <LI>Chapter 7 Electron Incident
1408    <UL>
1409    <LI> Section 7.1 Electron ionization: revised
1410    <LI> Section 7.2 Electron bremsstrahlung: revised
1411    </UL>
1412  <LI>Chapter 8 Muon Incident
1413    <UL>
1414    <LI> Section 8.1 Muon ionization: revised
1415    </UL>
1416  <LI>Chapter 9 Charged Hadron Incident
1417    <UL>
1418    <LI> Section 9.1 Hadron ionization: revised
1419    </UL>
1420  <LI>Chapter 10 Low Energy Extensions
1421    <UL>
1422    <LI>Section 10.7 Bremsstrahlung
1423      <UL>
1424      <LI> Added subsection on angular distributions and 4 figures
1425      </UL>
1426    <LI>Section 10.11.7 Penelope Physics: Ionization added
1427    <LI>Section 10.11.8 Penelope Physics: Positron annihilation added
1428    </UL>
1429  <LI>Chapter 12 Miscellaneous
1430    <UL>
1431    <LI> Subsection 12.1.3: Integral transport method added
1432    <LI> Section 12.3 Computing Energy Loss: re-written
1433    </UL>
1434  <LI>New Chapter 15 Reaction Cross Sections for Nucleus-nucleus reactions
1435  <LI>Chapter 22 Binary Cascade: add subsection on light-ion reactions
1436  <LI>Chapter 29 Radioactive Decay: re-worded
1437  </UL>
1442<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1443<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1444<H2>Version: Geant4 5.2  (June 2003) </H2>
1448<LI><B>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing environment</B>
1449  <UL>
1450  <LI>Section 1, Installation introduction: compiler info, links updated
1451  <LI>Section 2, Installation procedures: minor rewording of section 2.1
1452  <LI>Section 3, Tips for Installing on Windows: minor update
1453  </UL>
1455<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
1456  <UL>
1457  <LI>Chapter 3, Fundamentals
1458    <UL>
1459    <LI> Section 3.7 Event Biasing Techniques:
1460      <UL>
1461      <LI> added new subsection The Weight Roulette Technique
1462      </UL>
1463    </UL>
1464  <LI>Chapter 4, Detector
1465    <UL>
1466    <LI> Section 4.1 Geometry:
1467      <UL>
1468      <LI> subsection 4.1.10 Importing Solid Models from CAD Systems: added note on support and installation
1469      <LI> subsection 4.1.11 Converting Geometries from Geant3.21: updated
1470      <LI> subsection 4.1.12 Detecting Overlapping Volumes: added new built-in test commands
1471      </UL>
1472    <LI> Section 4.4 Hits:
1473      <UL>
1474      <LI> subsection 4.4.1 Hit: added paragraph on G4Allocator
1475      </UL>
1476    </UL>
1477  <LI>Chapter 9, Examples
1478    <UL>
1479    <LI> Section 9.2 Advanced Examples: added reference to medical example using DICOM
1480    </UL>
1481  <LI>Chapter 10, Appendix
1482    <UL>
1483    <LI> Section 5 Makefiles and Environment Variables:
1484      <UL>
1485      <LI> added environment variable G4LIB_BUILD_G3TOG4 and description
1486      <LI> added STEP modules environment variables G4LIB_BUILD_STEP and G4USE_STEP
1487      </UL>
1488    </UL>
1489  </UL>
1491<LI><B>Physics Reference Manual</B>
1492  <UL> 
1493  <LI> New Chapter 2, Monte Carlo Methods (moved from Miscellaneous section of Electromagnetic processes
1494  <LI> New Chapter 3, Transportation
1495  <LI> Chapter 10, Low Energy Extensions
1496    <UL>
1497    <LI> New section 11: Penelope physics processes
1498    </UL>
1499  </UL>
1506<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1507<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1508<H2>Version: Geant4 5.1  (April 2003) </H2>
1512<LI><B>Physics Reference Manual</B>
1513  <UL>
1514  <LI>Chapter 5, Electron incident
1515    <UL>
1516    <LI> new section on e+e- -> mu+mu-
1517    </UL>
1518  <LI>Chapter 18, Chiral Invariant Phase Space Decay
1519    <UL>
1520    <LI>First four sections re-written
1521    </UL>
1522  <LI>Chapter 22, Evaporation Model
1523    <UL>
1524    <LI>Introduction added
1525    <LI>Model description added
1526    <LI>References updated
1527    </UL>
1528  </UL>
1530<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
1531  <UL>
1532  <LI>Chapter 2, Getting Started
1533    <UL>
1534    <LI> Section 2.4, How to specify particles: subsection updated for
1535         cuts per region, subsection removed
1536    </UL>
1537  <LI>Chapter 3, Fundamentals
1538    <UL>
1539    <LI> Section 3.4 Run: subsection 3.4.4 Run manager corrected and updated
1540    </UL>
1541  <LI>Chapter 4, Detector
1542    <UL>
1543    <LI> Section 4.1 Geometry: subsection added (cuts per region)
1544    </UL>
1545  <LI>Chapter 5, Tracking and Physics
1546    <UL>
1547    <LI> Section 5.2 Physics Processes: correction to paragraph on surfaces
1548         in subsection (Tracking of Optical Photons)
1549    <LI> Section 5.3 Particles: subsection 5.3.2 Definition of a Particle,
1550                                                updated
1551    <LI> Section 5.5 Cuts per Region added
1552    </UL>
1553  <LI>Chapter 6, User Actions
1554    <UL>
1555    <LI> Section 6.1 Mandatory User Actions: updated class listing
1556    <LI> Section 6.2 Optional User Actions: expanded initial paragraph
1557    </UL>
1558  <LI>Chapter 7, Communication and Control
1559    <UL>
1560    <LI> Section 7.1 Built-in commands updated
1561    </UL>
1562  </UL>
1568<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1569<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1570<H2>Version: Geant4 5.0  interim update (January 2003) </H2>
1574<LI><B>Physics Reference Manual</B>
1575  <UL>
1576  <LI>Chapter 6, Muon Incident
1577    <UL>
1578    <LI>Section 6.4, Pair production: re-written
1579    </UL>
1580  <LI>Chapter 8, Low Energy Extensions
1581    <UL>
1582    <LI>Section 8.1 Overview: minor re-wording
1583    <LI>Section 8.2 Compton Scattering: minor re-wording
1584    <LI>Section 8.3 Compton Scattering by Linearly Polarized Gamma Rays:
1585      equation correction (polarization vector)
1586    <LI>Section 8.4 Rayleigh scattering: corrected theta sampling (step 1)
1587    </UL>
1588  <LI>Chapter 20, New, Binary Cascade replaces Hadron Kinetic Model
1589  </UL>
1595<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1596<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1597<H2>Version: Geant4 5.0  (December 2002) </H2>
1601<LI><B>Introduction to Geant4</B>
1602  <UL>
1603  <LI>FAQ, morefaq updated.
1604  </UL>
1606<LI><B>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing environment</B>
1607  <UL>
1608  <LI>All three sections updated
1609  </UL>
1611<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
1612  <UL>
1613  <LI>Chapter 3, Toolkit Fundamentals
1614    <UL>
1615    <LI> Section 3.2, Global Usage Classes: update links
1616    <LI> Section 3.4, Run: updated state information
1617    <LI> Section 3.7, Event Biasing: updated and expanded
1618    </UL>
1619  <LI>Chapter 4, Detector Definition and Response
1620    <UL>
1621    <LI> Section 4.1, Geometry: updated
1622    <LI> Section 4.3, Electromagnetic Field: expanded, figures added
1623    </UL>
1624  <LI>Chapter 5, Tracking and Physics
1625    <UL>
1626    <LI>Section 5.2, Physics Processes
1627      <UL>
1628      <LI>Sub-section 5.2.5, Optical Photon Processes: updated
1629      </UL>
1630    <LI>Section 5.3, Particles: particle tables updated
1631    </UL>
1632  <LI>Chapter 7, Communication and Control
1633    <UL>
1634    <LI> Section 7.2, User Interface: updated state information
1635    </UL>
1636  <LI>Chapter 8, Visualization
1637    <UL>
1638    <LI> Section 8.3, Visualization Attributes: add new section on
1639         providing pickable information
1640    </UL>
1641  <LI>Appendix
1642    <UL>
1643    <LI>Section 10.1: Compilation Tips, removed HP, DEC sections
1644    <LI>Section 10.3: CLHEP, updated link
1645    <LI>Section 10.5: Makefiles, updated links
1646    <LI>Section 10.6: Buildfiles, updated links
1647    </UL>
1648  </UL>
1650<LI><B>User's Guide: For Toolkit Developers</B>
1651  <UL>
1652  <LI>Chapter 3, Object Oriented Analysis and Design
1653    <UL>
1654    <LI>Section 3.2: Tracking, updated and partially re-written
1655    <LI>Section 3.9: Global Usage, updated
1656    </UL>
1657  <LI>Chapter 4, Guide to Extending Geant4 Functionality
1658    <UL>
1659    <LI>Section 4.1: Geometry, updated
1660    </UL>
1661  </UL>
1663<LI><B>Physics Reference Manual</B>
1664  <UL>
1665  <LI>Chapter 3, Gamma Incident
1666    <UL>
1667    <LI>Section 3.1, Photoelectric Effect: added introduction
1668    <LI>Section 3.4, Gamma Conversion into a (mu+,mu-) Pair: re-written
1669    </UL>
1670  <LI>Chapter 4, Common to All Charged Particles
1671    <UL>
1672    <LI>Section 4.1, Multiple Scattering: re-written
1673    <LI>Section 4.2, Transition Radiation: re-written
1674    </UL>
1675  <LI>Chapter 5, Electron Incident
1676    <UL>
1677    <LI>Section 5.3, e+e- Annihilation: re-written
1678    <LI>Section 5.4, Synchrotron Radiation: re-written
1679    </UL>
1680  <LI>Chapter 6, Muon Incident
1681    <UL>
1682    <LI>Section 6.1, Ionization: re-written
1683    <LI>Section 6.2, Bremsstrahlung: re-written
1684    <LI>Section 6.3, Muon Photonuclear Interaction: re-written
1685    </UL>
1686  <LI>Chapter 7, Charged Hadron Incident
1687    <UL>
1688    <LI>Section 7.1, Ionization: re-written
1689    </UL>
1690  <LI>Chapter 10, Miscellaneous
1691    <UL>
1692    <LI>Section 10.5, Energy Loss Fluctuations: updated
1693    </UL>
1694  <LI>Chapter 12, Cross Sections in Photonuclear and Electronuclear Reactions
1695    <UL>
1696    <LI>Section 12.2, Parameterization of the Electronuclear Cross Sections :
1697        expanded and re-written
1698    </UL>
1699  <LI>Chapter 15, Parameterization Driven Models
1700    <UL>
1701    <LI>All sections re-written
1702    </UL>
1703  <LI>Chapter 16, Leading Particle Bias
1704    <UL>
1705    <LI>Updated
1706    </UL>
1707  <LI>Chapter 18, Chiral Invariant Phase Space Decay
1708    <UL>
1709    <LI>Updated
1710    </UL>
1711  <LI>Chapter 19, Bertini IntraNuclear Cascade Model
1712    <UL>
1714    </UL>
1715  <LI>Chapter 21, Precompound Model
1716    <UL>
1717    <LI>Section 21.2, Simulation of pre-compound reaction: equation label
1718        change
1719    </UL>
1720  <LI>Chapter 22, Evaporation Model
1721    <UL>
1722    <LI>Section 22.2, Simulation of fragment evaporation: updated
1723    </UL>
1724  <LI>Chapter 24, Fermi Breakup Model
1725    <UL>
1726    <LI> Section 24.1, Fermi breakup simulation for light nuclei: remove
1727         subsection 24.1.1 (nuclear masses)
1728    </UL>
1729  <LI>Chapter 25, Multifragmentation Model
1730    <UL>
1731    <LI> minor updates
1732    </UL>
1733  <LI>Chapter 26, Low Energy Neutron Interactions
1734    <UL>
1735    <LI> Section 26.2, Physics and Verification: sections 26.2.2, 26.2.3,
1736         26.2.4 updated
1737    </UL>
1738  </UL>
1744<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1745<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1746<H2>Version: Geant4 4.1  (June 2002) </H2>
1749<LI><B>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing environment</B>
1750    <UL>
1751    <LI>Section 1, Introduction: updated supported platforms
1752    <LI>Section 2, PCMachines: updated
1753    <LI>Section 3, Unix Machines: updated
1754    </UL>
1756<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
1757    <UL>
1758    <LI>Chapter 2, Getting Started
1759      <UL>
1760      <LI>Section 2.8, update user interface description
1761      </UL>
1762    <LI>Chapter 3, Toolkit Fundamentals
1763      <UL>
1764      <LI> add section 3.7 on event biasing
1765      </UL>
1766    <LI>Chapter 4, Detector Definition and Response
1767      <UL>
1768      <LI> update section 4.1: Geometry
1769      </UL>
1770    <LI>Chapter 5, Tracking and Physics
1771      <UL>
1772      <LI>Update section Low Energy EM Physics
1773      <LI>Update particle tables in section 5.3: Particles
1774      </UL>
1775    <LI>Appendix
1776      <UL>
1777      <LI>Section 10.2: Histogramming - updated
1778      <LI>Section 10.3: CLHEP - updated
1779      </UL>
1780    </UL>
1782<LI><B>User's Guide: For Toolkit Developers</B>
1783    <UL>
1784    <LI>Chapter 3, Object-oriented Analysis and Design of Geant4 Classes:
1785        updated and re-organized
1786        <UL>
1787        <LI>Section 3.3, Physics Processes: low energy class diagram removed -
1788            will not print in .ps
1789        <LI>Section 3.5, Geometry: new overall geometry UML diagram
1790        <LI>Section 3.6, Electromagnetic fields: new UML diagram
1791        <LI>Section 3.9, Global Usage: additional Booch diagrams
1792        </UL>
1793    <LI>Chapter 4, Guide to Extending Geant4 Functionality
1794        <UL>
1795        <LI>Section 4.4, Extending hadronic physics: hadronic class diagrams
1796            removed - will not print in .ps
1797        </UL>
1799    <LI>Chapter 5, Appendix: all class diagrams updated
1800    </UL>
1802<LI><B>Physics Reference Manual</B>
1803    <UL>
1804    <LI>Section II
1805       <UL>
1806       <LI>Updated
1807       </UL>
1808    <LI>Section III
1809       <UL>
1810       <LI>Chapter 3: Gamma Incident
1811         <UL>
1812         <LI>Section 3.1 Photo-electric effect: re-written
1813         <LI>Section 3.2 Compton scattering: re-written
1814         <LI>Section 3.3 New section on gamma conversion to e+e- pair
1815         <LI>Section 3.4 New section on gamma conversion to mu+mu- pair
1816         </UL>
1817       <LI>Chapter 4: Common to All Charged Particles
1818         <UL>
1819         <LI>Section 4.1 Multiple scattering: re-written
1820         <LI>Section 4.2 New transition radiation section
1821         <LI>Section 4.5 Photoabsorption-ionization model: re-written
1822         <LI>Section 4.6 Photoabsorption cross section at low energies:
1823             re-written
1824         </UL>
1825       <LI>Chapter 5: Electron incident
1826         <UL>
1827         <LI>Section 5.1 Electron ionization: re-written
1828         <LI>Section 5.2 Electron bremsstrahlung: re-written
1829         <LI>Section 5.3 Synchrotron radiation: updated
1830         <LI>Section 5.4 e+e- annihilation: updated
1831         </UL>
1832       <LI>Chapter 8: Low Energy EM
1833         <UL>
1834         <LI>Section 8.3 new section on Compton scattering by linearly
1835             polarized gamma rays
1836         <LI>All other sections updated
1837         </UL>
1838       </UL>
1839    <LI>Section IV
1840       <UL>
1841       <LI>Chapter 11: Lepton-Hadron interactions: re-written
1842       <LI>Chapter 12: Cross Sections in Photonuclear and Electronuclear
1843           Reactions
1844         <UL>
1845         <LI>Section 12.1 Approximation of PhotoNuclear cross sections:
1846             re-written
1847         <LI>Section 12.3 Parameterization of ElectroNuclear cross sections:
1848             re-written
1849         </UL>
1850       <LI>Chapter 13: Coherent elastic scattering - new material
1851       <LI>Chapter 16: Leading Particle Bias - new chapter on MARS code
1852       <LI>Chapter 18: Chiral Invariant Phase Space Decay - updates
1853       </UL>
1854    </UL>
1860<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1861<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1862<H2>Version: Geant4 4.0  (December 2001) </H2>
1865<LI><B>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing environment</B>
1866    <UL>
1867    <LI>Updated sections 1,2 and 3
1868    </UL>
1870<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
1871    <UL>
1872    <LI>Chapter 1 re-written
1873    <LI>Chapter 2 updated
1874    <LI>Chapters 3, 4 re-organized into chapters 3 through 9
1875    <LI>Sections of chapters 3 through 9 re-written
1876    <LI>Appendix (formerly chapter 5) becomes Chapter 10
1877    </UL>
1879<LI><B>User's Guide: For Toolkit Developers</B>
1880    <UL>
1881    <LI>Chapter 3, Object-oriented Analysis and Design of Geant4 Classes:
1882        updated and re-organized
1883        <UL>
1884        <LI>Section 3.5, Geometry: most figures moved to Appendix
1885        </UL>
1886    <LI>Chapter 4, Guide to Extending Geant4 Functionality: some sections
1887        re-written
1889    <LI>Chapter 5, Appendix: created to hold geometry class diagrams
1890    </UL>
1892<LI><B>Physics Reference Manual</B>
1893    <UL>
1894    <LI>Section I
1895       <UL>
1896       <LI>Occurrence and SetCuts sections moved to new Miscellaneous chapter
1897           in Section II.
1898       <LI>New introduction added (manual scope and definition of terms)
1899       <LI>Renamed section "Introduction"
1900       </UL>
1901    <LI>Section II
1902       <UL>
1903       <LI>Updated
1904       </UL>
1905    <LI>Section III
1906       <UL>
1907       <LI>Chapters re-ordered
1908       <LI>LE gamma conversion added
1909       <LI>Added chapter 10. Miscellaneous
1910       <LI>updates to most LE chapters
1911       </UL>
1912    <LI>Section IV
1913       <UL>
1914       <LI>Added chapter 12 - Cross Sections in Phot...
1915       <LI>Added chapter 13 - Elastic (empty)
1916       <LI>Added chapter 17 - Chiral Inv. Phase Space model
1917       <LI>Remove Theory-Driven Models chapter (was empty)
1918       <LI>Updates, correction to many other chapters
1919       </UL>
1920    </UL>
1926<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1927<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1928<H2>Version: Geant4 3.1  (16 April 2001) </H2>
1931<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
1932    <UL>
1933    <LI>Updated sections: 3-6, 3-18
1934    <LI>Updated sections: 4-2
1935    <LI>Updated sections: 5-10
1936    </UL>
1938<LI><B>Software Reference Manual</B>
1939    <UL>
1940    <LI>Adapted to Geant4 3.1.
1941    </UL>
1945<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1946<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1947<H2>Version: Geant4 3.0 (December 2000) </H2>
1950<LI><B>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing environment</B>
1951    <UL>
1952    <LI>Update sections: 1, 2, 3
1953    </UL>
1955<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
1956    <UL>
1957    <LI>Updated sections: 2-10
1958    <LI>Updated sections: 3-6, 3-9, 3-10, 3-16, 3-20
1959    <LI>Updated sections: 5-2, 5-3, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7 
1960    <LI>Updated sections: 4-10
1961    </UL>
1963<LI><B>User's Guide: For Toolkit Developers</B></B>
1964    <UL>
1965    <LI>Updated sections: Object-oriented anlaysis and design of Geant4 classes
1966        <UL>
1967        <LI>Physics Processes
1968        </UL>
1969    </UL>
1971<LI><B>Physics Reference Manual</B>
1972    <UL>
1973    <LI>Updated sections: Electromagnetic Interaction - Low Energy Extension
1974        <UL>
1975        <LI>Hadron and ion ionization
1976        </UL>
1977    </UL>
1979<LI><B>Software Reference Manual</B>
1980    <UL>
1981    <LI>More class descriptions added.
1982    </UL>
1985<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
1987<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
1988<H2>Version: Geant4 2.0 (July 2000) </H2>
1991<LI><B>Overview (Top Page)</B>
1992    <UL>
1993    <LI>Search engine installed.
1994    </UL>
1996<LI><B>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing environment</B>
1997    <UL>
1998    <LI>Update sections: 1, 2, 3
1999    </UL>
2001<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
2002    <UL>
2003    <LI>Updated sections: 2-2, 2-7, 2-10
2004    <LI>Updated sections: 3-9, 3-10, 3-16(Previous/Next navigation
2005        problem fixed), 3-17, 3-20(Many obosolte descriptions corrected)
2006    <LI>Updated sections: 5-2, 5-7
2007    </UL>
2009<LI><B>Physics Reference Manual</B>
2010    <UL>
2011    <LI>Updated sections: Electromagnetic Interaction - Low Energy Extension
2012        <UL>
2013        <LI>Bremsstrahlung
2014        <LI>Compton
2015        <LI>Hadrons ionization
2016        <LI>Ionisation
2017        <LI>Ions
2018        <LI>Overview
2019        <LI>Photoelectric
2020        <LI>Rayleigh
2021        <LI>Relaxation
2022        </UL>
2023    <LI>Updated sections: Electromagnetic Interaction - Muon
2024        <UL>
2025        <LI>Bremsstrahlung
2026        <LI>Photonuclear interaction
2027        <LI>e+e- pair production
2028        </UL>
2029    </UL>
2033<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
2035<FONT COLOR="#238E23">
2036<H2>Version: Geant4 1.0 (December 1999) </H2>
2039<LI><B>Introduction to Geant4</B>
2040    <UL>
2041    <LI>Updated.
2042    </UL>
2044<LI><B>Installation Guide: For setting up Geant4 in your computing environment</B>
2045    <UL>
2046    <LI>Update sections: 1, 2, 3
2047    </UL>
2049<LI><B>User's Guide: For Application Developers</B>
2050    <UL>
2051    <LI>Updated sections: 2-1, 2-9, 2-10
2052    <LI>Updated sections: 3-3, 3-4, 3-11, 3-12, 3-16, 3-17,
2053    <LI>Updated sections: Appendix-2, Appendix-6, Appendix-7
2054    </UL>
2056<LI><B>User's Guide: For Toolkit Developers</B>
2057    <UL>
2058    <LI>No modification.
2059    </UL>
2061<LI><B>Physics Reference Manual</B>
2062    <UL>
2063    <LI>Updated sections: Electromagnetic Interaction - Low Energy Extension
2064    </UL>
2066<LI><B>Software Reference Manual</B>
2067    <UL>
2068    <LI>Completely updated.
2069    </UL>
2072<!-- ============================================== Section --> 
2075<A HREF="../../Authors/html/subjectsToAuthors.html">
2076<I>About the authors</I></A>
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