source: trunk/ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotes4.9.1.html @ 1349

Last change on this file since 1349 was 1337, checked in by garnier, 14 years ago

tag geant4.9.4 beta 1 + modifs locales

File size: 65.7 KB
3<TITLE>Geant4 9.1 Release Notes</TITLE>
7<P> </P>
9<P> </P>
11<P ALIGN="Center">
12<FONT SIZE="+4" COLOR="#238E23">
13<B>Geant4 9.1 Release Notes</B>
16<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
17<TR><TD ALIGN="Right">
18<FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="#5C3317">
19<B><I>December 14<SUP>th</SUP>, 2007</I></B>
25<HR ALIGN="Center" SIZE="7%">
27The code and binary libraries for the supported systems are available
28through our <A TARGET="ext" HREF="">Source
29Code Web page</A>.
32Please refer to the
33<A TARGET="ext" HREF="">Geant4
34User Documentation</A> for further information about using Geant4.
39<LI><A HREF="#1.">Supported and Tested Platforms</A></LI>
40<LI><A HREF="#2.">CLHEP and AIDA</A></LI>
41<LI><A HREF="#3.">Items for migration of the user code</A></LI>
42<LI><A HREF="#4.">New Developments and Capabilities</A></LI>
43<LI><A HREF="#5.">Expected effects on physics and performance</A></LI>
44<LI><A HREF="#6.">Known Run-Time Problems and Limitations</A></LI>
45<LI><A HREF="#7.">Compilation Warnings</A></LI>
46<LI><A HREF="#8.">Known Run-Time Warnings</A></LI>
47<LI><A HREF="#9.">Geant4 Software License</A></LI>
48<LI><A HREF="#10.">Detailed list of changes and fixes</A></LI>
51<P> </P>
52<A NAME="1."></a>
55<!-- ============================================== -->
57<H2>1. Supported and Tested Platforms</H2>
59Official platforms:
61<LI>Linux, gcc-3.4.6.<BR>
62    Tested on <I>32 bits architectures</I> and <I>64 bits architectures</I>
63    (Intel or AMD) with the Scientific Linux CERN 4 (SLC4) distribution
64    (based on RedHat Linux Enterprise 4).
65    Versions of Geant4 have also been compiled successfully on other
66    Linux distributions, like Debian, Suse or other RedHat systems.</LI>
67<LI>MacOSX 10.4, gcc-4.0.1</LI>
68<LI>SUN Solaris 5.8, C++ CC-5.5.</LI>
69<LI>Windows/XP and CygWin Tools with: Visual C++ 8.0 (Visual Studio 2005)</LI>
72More verified configurations:
74<LI>Linux, gcc-3.2.3, gcc-4.2.2</LI>
75<LI>Linux, Intel-icc 9.1</LI>
76<LI>SUN Solaris 5.8, C++ CC-5.4 Patch 111715-02</LI>
77<LI>Windows/XP and CygWin Tools with: Visual C++ 7.1 .NET</LI>
80Platforms configured but not tested and not supported:
82<LI>AIX 4.3.2, xlC 6.0</LI>
83<LI>DEC V4.0, cxx C++ V6.1-027</LI>
84<LI>HP 10.20, aCC C++ B3910B A.01.23</LI>
85<LI>SGI V6.5.5, CC 7.2.1</LI>
88<P> </P>
89<A NAME="2."></A>
92<!-- ============================================== -->
94<H2>2. CLHEP and AIDA</H2>
96Geant4 9.1 requires the installation of
97<A TARGET="ext" HREF="">CLHEP</A>.<BR>
98Tests have been performed with <B>CLHEP-</B><BR>
99<P> </P>
100Geant4 9.1 examples with histogramming cowork with analysis tools compliant
101to AIDA 3.2.1 interfaces (for details, see
102<A TARGET="ext" HREF="">Appendix 2</A>
103of the
104<A TARGET="ext" HREF="">Users Guide for Application Developers</A>).<BR>
105AIDA headers can be downloaded from:
106<A TARGET="ext" HREF=""></A>
109<P> </P>
110<A NAME="3."></A>
113<!-- ============================================== -->
115<H2>3. Items for migration of the user code</H2>
117Listed here is some relevant information on developments included in this
118release, some of which may require migrations (mainly for advanced uses of
119features in Geant4) in order to upgrade from release 9.0 to release 9.1.
120Note that a full re-installation of libraries (or a full recompilation) and
121a recompilation of user applications is required.
123<P> </P>
125<P> </P>
126The revision of <TT>G4TessellatedSolid</TT> required a name change for some
127public methods. User code making explicit use of these methods should migrate
130<P> </P>
131<B>Low Energy Electromagnetic physics</B>
132<P> </P>
133The prototype interfaces of beta-version <TT>G4DNA*</TT> processes have been
134replaced by a unique process. Prototype user code is required to migrate; in
135principle the migration is limited to replacing <TT>typedef</TT> statements.
137<P> </P>
138<B>Standard Electromagnetic physics</B>
139<P> </P>
140The <TT>G4Cerenkov</TT> process was changed from being an <TT>AlongStep</TT>
141process to a <TT>PostStep</TT> process. Custom user physics-lists that
142include <TT>G4Cerenkov</TT> must be changed accordingly:
144   pmanager->AddContinuousProcess(theCerenkovProcess);
148   pmanager->AddProcess(theCerenkovProcess);
149   pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theCerenkovProcess,idxPostStep);
152<P> </P>
153<B>Hadronic physics</B>
154<P> </P>
155Gamma level file warnings in <TT>G4NuclearLevelManager</TT> have been
156suppressed, so if an isotope has no data, no warning will be issued.
157To turn them on again, set the pre-compiler flag <TT>GAMMAFILEWARNING</TT>
158as follows:
162and re-build the library in
163<TT>processes/hadronic/models/de_excitation/photon_evaporation</TT> of Geant4.
165<P> </P>
166<B>Fast Parameterised Simulation</B>
167<P> </P>
168The process <TT>G4FastSimulationManagerProcess</TT> (<TT>G4FSMP</TT>) can be
169used for trigger fast simulation models. These can be attached either to a region of the primary 'mass'
170geometry or to a region of a parallel (ghost) geometry.<BR>
171In the first case, the user has to attach an instance of the <TT>G4FSMP</TT>
172process as a <TT>PostStep</TT> process to particles having a fast simulation
173model in the mass geometry; this remains unchanged.<BR>
174A change is required in the second case, of a ghost geometry: the <TT>G4FSMP</TT> process now must be attached as an <TT>AlongStep+PostStep</TT>
175process to particles having fast simulation models bound to regions of the
176ghost geometry.<BR>
177The <TT>AlongGetPhysicalInteractionLength()</TT> method of the <TT>G4FSMP</TT>
178process must be placed second-to-last in this case (i.e. after the Multiple
179Scattering, but before the Transportation processes). An example is given in
180the physics-list defined in <TT>examples/novice/N05</TT>.
182<P> </P>
183<B>Data Sets</B>
184<P> </P>
185This release introduces a new data set and two new versions.
186Please see the last section for the corresponding details.
188<LI>New data for neutron cross-sections, G4NDL.3.12.</LI>
189<LI>New low-energy data set, G4EMLOW.5.1.</LI>
190<LI>New data set for nuclear shell effects, G4ABLA3.0 used by the new ABLA .</LI>
193<P> </P>
194<A NAME="4."></A>
197<!-- ============================================== -->
199<H2>4. New Developments and Capabilities </H2>
203<LI>Introduced new  navigation for phantoms and similar regular
204    structures. The new algorithm provides  fast navigation
205    and no memory overhead for  voxels phantoms and similar geometries.
206    An option is available to skip volume boundaries, when the volumes on either side hold the same material. The example  in <TT>extended/medical/DICOM</TT> has been
207    revised to demonstrate the usage of the new parameterisation required and the corresponding navigation. In addition it
208    enables  comparison against existing algorithms, including the nested parameterisation (which had reduced memory overhead) and the older  3D optimisation.</LI>
211<B>GDML detector description persistency</B>
213<LI>A plugin-module for GDML can be installed optionally  in Geant4.  This replaces the dependency on the external GDML (GDML-2.X series) library. The new
214    module includes all the features supported in the old GDML library for
215    importing GDML descriptions, except for handling of parameterised volumes
216    and material optical properties. (These will be added in a future version
217    of the new plugin.) It remains possible to use the old external
218    GDML library, if needed.</LI>
221<B>Low Energy Electromagnetic physics</B>
223<LI>Fully functional capabilities of physics processes in liquid water for
224    microdosimetry simulation are provided in this release; details can be
225    found in <I>S. Chauvie et al., "Geant4 physics processes for
226    microdosimetry simulation: design foundation and implementation
227    of the first set of models", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 54,
228    no. 6, Dec. 2007</I>.</LI>
231<B>Standard Electromagnetic physics</B>
233<LI>Non-ionizing energy loss is filled by ion ionisation processes and is
234    available to user actions.</LI>
235<LI>The new process <TT>G4ionGasIonisation</TT> is available. It is recommended
236    to be used for simulation of ion transport in low-density media.</LI>
237<LI>The process <TT>G4CoulombScattering</TT> was verified and is proposed to
238    be used instead of the multiple scattering process for simulation of
239    scattering in low-density media.</LI>
240<LI>The <TT>G4ScreenNuclearRecoil</TT> process developed by the Vanderbilt
241    University group is available with the extended example <TT>TestEm7</TT>.
242    This process is an alternative to the multiple scattering process for
243    ions.</LI>
244<LI>The simulation of energy loss of the classical magnetic monopole is
245    provided. The example of Physics List with the monopole is available with
246    the new extended example <TT>exotic_physics/monopole</TT>.</LI>
249<B>Hadronic physics</B>
251<LI>Extended applicability of the Binary cascade. <TT>G4BinaryCascade::Propagate()</TT> method is first released.  This allows
252    the use of the Binary cascade to transport the remnants of a high energy collision, as it has become model in the high energy
253    framework (<TT>G4TheoFSGenerator::SetTransport()</TT>). This feature is
254    aimed for expert use currently, as validation is starting.<br>
255    The binary cascade can now be used for pions, benefiting from a bug fix for
256    incident pions; validation is in progress.</LI>
257<LI>The first,  alpha release of  the new   INCL (Liege) cascade module is included. This will be an alternative to the
258    Binary and Bertini cascades,  are already offered in Geant4, and valid up
259    to <TT>3 GeV</TT>. It has been converted from the Fortran implementation and its  validation is ongoing.</LI>
260<LI>First, alpha release of new QMD (quantum molecular dynamics) nucleus-nucleus
261    interaction code. Its validation is ongoing.</LI>
262<LI>High precision neutrons: G4NDL 3.12 data set is now released. This uses
263    JENDL entries for Cd isotopes, and adds four new elements with their
264    corresponding isotopes: <TT>Hg</TT>, <TT>Ra</TT>, <TT>Br</TT>, and
265    <TT>La</TT>.</LI>
268<P> </P>
269<B>Physics Lists</B>
270<P> </P>
272Several new physics lists are offered, providing new configurations or new
273modeling options. Feedback via the Hypernews Forum on physics lists is welcome.
274The new physics lists are:
276<LI><B>FTFP_BERT</B> and <B>QGSC_BERT</B>: both of these reduce the use of
277    parameterized modeling. For proton, neutron, pion and kaon induced
278    inelastic hadronic interactions the parameterized model is not used.</LI>
279<LI><B>QGSP_DIF</B> and <B>QGSP_BERT_DIF</B>: for diffractive scattering of
280    proton and neutron at high energies a diffractive scattering model
281    provided by CHIPS is used.</LI>
282<LI><B>QGS_BIC</B> and <B>FTF_BIC</B>: offering new developments of
283    Binary cascade. For more details, see the detailed notes.</LI>
286<B>Command-based scoring</B>
288<LI>The user can
289    use this new ability to score on an arbitrary three-dimensional scoring mesh, using only new user commands. No user code needs be
290    written to apply the scoring. It utilises a parallel world making the mesh geometry
291    can be independent of the mass geometry. An arbitrary number of physics
292    quantities to be scored and filters affecting these scorers can be assigned
293    to the mesh. After scoring has been applied (i.e. after the run), the user
294    can visualize the score map and also dump scores into a file. Relevant
295    UI commands are listed in the Application Developers Guide, and the new
296    <TT>extended/runAndEvent/RE03</TT> example demonstrates their usage.</LI> 
297<LI>Command-based scoring is in Beta release; commands and methods are subject
298    to modification in future releases. Feedback will be greatly appreciated.</LI>
301<P> </P>
302<A NAME="5."></A>
304<!-- ============================================== -->
306<H2>5. Expected effects on physics and performance</H2>
308<B>Standard Electromagnetic physics</B>
310<LI>Improved simulation of the high-energy gamma tail for muon Bremsstrahlung
311    (rare process, important for background simulation - NA49).</LI>
312<LI>Improved simulation of straggling for ions; the width of the Bragg peak
313    becomes stable versus modification of the cut in range.</LI>
316<B>Hadronic physics</B>
318<LI>Fixed problem reported by ATLAS of high energy collision of <TT>sigma+</TT>
319    and a nucleon producing a high energy backward proton. This problem has
320    been in the hadronic code since the beginning and was due to incorrectly
321    selecting evaporated nucleons as leading particles. At <TT>1 TeV</TT>
322    incident energy, this type of event occurred 0.5% to 1% of the time when
323    the HEP models are used. After the fix, no high energy backward nucleons
324    are observed, with the effect that such events will not exist to mimic
325    exotic reactions.</LI>
326<LI>Bug fixes and completed implementation of theory in <TT>G4PreCompoundModel</TT>
327    and <TT>G4Evaporation</TT> have produced a 10-15% increase in neutron flux
328    for <TT>2.5 GeV/c</TT> protons incident on <TT>Pb</TT>.</LI>
329<LI>Correct time is now set for secondaries, instead of global time. This will
330    primarily affect neutron times for users of the HP neutron package.</LI>
331<LI>An angular distribution bug in Bertini cascade has been fixed. Previously,
332    double differential cross sections showed an excess of events at high
333    energy and small to medium scattering angles. The fix removes this by
334    using an <TT>exp(t)</TT> distribution for nucleon-nucleon scattering above
335    <TT>2.8 GeV</TT>. This will result in only a small reduction of average
336    particle energy in the secondaries.</LI>
337<LI>Bug fix in quasi-elastic scattering may cause shower shapes to be a bit
338    shorter and wider when using QGSC/QGSP physics lists.</LI>
341<P> </P>
342<A NAME="6."></A>
345<!-- ============================================== -->
347<H2>6. Known Run-Time Problems and Limitations</H2>
349For a complete list of outstanding run-time problems and to submit any
350problem you may find running this version of Geant4, please refer to the
351<A TARGET="ext" HREF="">Geant4 Problem
352Reporting System</A>.
354<P> </P>
355<A NAME="7."></A>
358<!-- ============================================== -->
360<H2>7. Compilation Warnings</H2>
362There are compilation warnings on some tested platforms. We do not believe
363that any of these lead to incorrect run-time behaviour.
365<P> </P>
366<A NAME="8."></A>
369<!-- ============================================== -->
371<H2>8. Known Run-Time Warnings</H2>
373The following message can be written to standard output at the end of a program:
375    G4Transportation: Statistics for looping particles
376       Sum of energy of loopers killed:
377       Max energy of loopers killed:
379It provides the total energy (in <TT>MeV</TT>) of tracks  killed due to
380excessive number of steps ('looping') during the simulation, and the maximum
381energy of such a track. Such behaviour can be due to looping in magnetic fields
382or encountering problems at geometrical boundaries.
384In case either of these reported energy is significant, we recommend to
385increase the verbosity of <TT>G4Transportation</TT> to obtain information for
386each track killed. A user can change the threshold energy above which particles
387are not killed using the method <TT>SetThresholdImportantEnergy</TT> of
388<TT>G4Transportation</TT>. The default value is <TT>250 MeV</TT>.
390<P> </P>
391<A NAME="9."></A>
394<!-- ============================================== -->
396<H2>9. Geant4 Software License</H2>
398A Software License applies to the Geant4 code.
399Users must accept this license in order to use it. The details and the list of
400copyright holders is available at
401<A href=""></A>
402and also in the text file <TT>LICENSE</TT> distributed with the source code.
404<P> </P>
405<A NAME="10."></A>
408<!-- ============================================== -->
410<H2>10. Detailed list of changes and fixes</H2>
412These are the main new features/fixes included in this release since the
413last patched public release (for more detailed lists of fixes/additions,
414please refer to the corresponding History files provided in most packages):
416<P> </P>
418<A NAME="conf-notes">
421<LI>New modules added to <TT>binmake.gmk</TT>:
422    <TT>digits_hits/scorer</TT>, <TT>processes/hadronic/models/rpg</TT>,
423    <TT>processes/hadronic/models/incl</TT> (Liege cascade),
424    <TT>processes/hadronic/models/qmd</TT> and <TT>persistency/gdml</TT>.</LI>
425<LI>Introduced <TT>G4LIB_BUILD_GDML/G4LIB_USE_GDML</TT> flags to trigger
426    compilation of <TT>gdml</TT> plug-in. Added setup for XercesC. Required
427    path <TT>XERCESCROOT</TT> to XercesC installation if
428    <TT>G4LIB_BUILD_GDML</TT> is set.</LI>
429<LI>Added setup for QT in UI scripts (variables <TT>QTHOME,
432<LI>Use <TT>gfortran</TT> instead of <TT>g77</TT> on MacOSX.</LI>
433<LI>Updated Configure script to handle new modules and data libraries.</LI>
436<A NAME="digits-notes">
437<H3><I>Digitization & Hits</I></H3></A>
439<LI>Created new module <TT>scorer</TT> now including all scorer and filter
440    classes. The module <TT>utils</TT> is now used for interactive scoring
441    utilities.</LI>
442<LI>First implementation of interactive parallel world scoring.</LI>
443<LI>Introducing command-based scoring mechanism: Beta release.
444    Currently shape of scoring cell is limited to boxes.</LI>
447<A NAME="emstd-notes">
448<H3><I>Electromagnetic Processes</I></H3></A>
450<LI><B>High Energy</B>
451    <UL>
452    <LI><TT>G4mplIonisation</TT>: introduced theoretical asymtotic low-energy
453        parameterization of <TT>dEdx</TT> and fixed intermediate
454        parameterization between low-energy and high-energy models
455        for classical magnetic monopole..</LI>
456    </UL></LI>
457<LI><B>Low Energy</B>
458    <UL>
459    <LI>Refactoring of Geant4-DNA domain. Added <TT>G4DNAProcess</TT> and
460        <TT>G4DNAFinalStateProduct</TT> classes.</LI>
461    <LI>New Geant4-DNA models for electrons: Elastic Scattering (screened
462        Rutherford, Brenner-Zaider), Ionisation (Emfietzoglou), Excitation
463        (Emfietzoglou).</LI>
464    <LI>New Geant4-DNA models for protons: Excitation (Dingfelder,
465        Emfietzoglou), Ionisation (Rudd, Dingfelder 1st Born approximation),
466        Charge Change (Dingfelder).</LI>
467    <LI>New Geant4-DNA models for hydrogen: Excitation (Dingfelder),
468        Ionisation (Dingfelder), Charge Change (Dingfelder).</LI>
469    <LI>New Geant4-DNA models for helium and its charge states: effective
470        charge scaling from proton models.</LI>
471    <LI>Fixes to handle <TT>Z=100</TT> in the Livermore library and to correct
472        problem report
473        <a href="">#933</a>.</LI>
474    <LI>Fix in <TT>G4PenelopeRayleigh</TT> to address problem report
475        <a href="">#965</a>.</LI>
476    <LI>Correction in <TT>G4AtomicDeexcitation</TT>, addressing problem Report
477        <a href="">#986</a>.</LI>
478    <LI>Requires new data set G4EMLOW5.1, where a new dna/directory has been
479        added containing Geant4-DNA data tables for interpolation.</LI>
480    </UL></LI>
482    <UL>
483    <LI><TT>G4EnergyLossForExtrapolator</TT>: added <TT>maxEnergyTransfer</TT>
484        parameter for the computation of energy loss.</LI>
485    <LI><TT>G4MuBremsstrahlungModel</TT>: updated sampling algorithm to provide
486        more precise predictions for the tail of the gamma energy spectra
487        (NA49 problem).</LI>
488    <LI><TT>G4MuBremsstrahlungModel</TT> and <TT>G4MuPairProductionModel</TT>:
489        added <TT>ignoreCut</TT> flag, if <TT>true</TT> both models provide
490        zero <TT>dEdx</TT> and full cross sections.</LI>
491    <LI><TT>G4MuMultipleScattering</TT>, <TT>G4MuMscModel</TT>: new classes
492        for simulation of multiple scattering for muons (beta-version).</LI>
493    </UL></LI>
495    <UL>
496    <LI><TT>G4eplusPolarizedAnnihilation</TT>: added <TT>enabledAtRest</TT>
497        flag.</LI>
498    <LI>Implemented more general cross section framework; removed dependencies
499        to models. Now cross sections can be used independent of any model,
500        e.g. in a cross section calculator class.</LI>
501    <LI>Added polarized photo-electric effect.</LI>
502    <LI>Bug fix in <TT>G4PolarizedAnnihilationCrossSection</TT> correcting
503        error in calculation of polarisation dependent total cross section
504        (wrong interaction-length for positrons in applications where particle
505        and media are polarised).</LI>
506    </UL></LI>
508    <UL>
509    <LI><TT>G4UrbanMscModel</TT>:
510        <UL>
511        <LI>Use <TT>SampleScattering()</TT> method instead of
512            <TT>SampleSecondaries()</TT>.</LI>
513        <LI>For <TT>skin > 0</TT> (computed distance to the geometry boundary):
514            <UL>
515            <LI>use range instead of <TT>TrueStepLimit</TT> for the computation
516                of the distance to a boundary to provide more stable step
517                limitation by <TT>GeomFactor</TT>;</LI>
518            <LI>default values <TT>stepmin = 1 nm</TT>,
519                <TT>tlimitmin = 10*stepmin</TT>;</LI>
520            <LI>default value <TT>10^-16</TT> is used to avoid lost of
521                precision and occasional <TT>NaN</TT> values.</LI>
522            </UL></LI>
523        <LI>New, simpler model functions for mean scattering angle
524            <TT>theta0</TT>. Now the form of <TT>theta0</TT> is the same as
525            in the Highland formula, but the parameter values are different
526            for <TT>e+/e-</TT> and the other (heavy) particles.</LI>
527        <LI>Fixed old bug in sign of <TT>theta0</TT> for negatively charged
528            particles.</LI>
529        <LI>Fixed old bug in <TT>SampleCosineTheta()</TT>: now the value of
530            <TT>prob</TT> is always between <TT>[0,1]</TT>.</LI>
531        <LI>Compare new value of safety with zero after sampling of
532            lateral displacement to identify if track is on boundary.</LI>
533        <LI>Changed initialisation for ions: protecting parameters from
534            modification.</LI>
535        <LI>Tuned <TT>ComputeGeomPathLength()</TT> in order to get better low
536            energy behaviour for heavy particles (<TT>mu</TT>, hadrons).</LI>
537        </UL></LI>
538    <LI><TT>G4UrbanMscModel90</TT>: new class which keeps the version of
539        sampling of scattering angle as the one of version 9.0 but includes
540        also protections and fixes of <TT>G4UrbanMscModel</TT>.
541        Used by <TT>G4hMultipleScattering</TT>.</LI>
542    <LI><TT>G4CoulombScattering</TT>, <TT>G4CoulombScatteringModel</TT>,
543        <TT>G4eCoulombScatteringModel</TT>:
544        <UL>
545        <LI>Updated <TT>InitialiseProcess()</TT> and <TT>PrintInfo()</TT>
546            methods to ensure that the parameters of models change between
547            runs.</LI>
548        <LI>Added nuclear size effect; added separate simulation of scattering
549            on atomic electrons taking into account cuts; fixed cross section
550            for compounds.</LI>
551        <LI>Reorganised initialisation of kinematics and screening
552            parameters.</LI>
553        <LI>Using precomputed <TT>Z^1/3</TT> and <TT>log(A)</TT> values to
554            speed up code.</LI>
555        <LI>Fixed crash happening at initialisation when several elements
556            with the same <TT>Z</TT> are defined.</LI>
557        </UL></LI>
558    <LI><TT>G4BraggModel</TT>, <TT>G4BraggIonModel</TT>:
559        <UL>
560        <LI>More safe computation of scattering angle.</LI>
561        </UL></LI>
562    <LI><TT>G4ionIonisation</TT>:
563        <UL>
564        <LI>Removed obsolete method <TT>DefineMassCharge()</TT></LI>
565        <LI>Added protected methods <TT>BetheBlochEnergyThreshold()</TT> and
566            <TT>NuclearStoppingFlag()</TT>.</LI>
567        </UL></LI>
568    <LI><TT>G4ionGasIonisation</TT>:
569        <UL>
570        <LI>New ion ionisation process with discrete ion charge and no
571            equilibrium between ion and media.</LI>
572        </UL></LI>
573    <LI><TT>G4IonFluctuations</TT>:
574        <UL>
575        <LI>Added dependence on cut in the formula of width to
576            reduce cut dependence of the Bragg peak width for ions;
577            use Fermi energy from <TT>G4Material</TT>.</LI>
578        </UL></LI>
579    <LI><TT>G4PAIphotonModel</TT>, G4PAIModel</TT>:
580        <UL>
581        <LI>Fixed <TT>MaxSecondaryEnergy()</TT> method for <TT>e-</TT> and
582            <TT>e+</TT> and use it for definition of max energy transfer;
583            protected printouts by verbosity flag.</LI>
584        <LI>General cleanup and fixed memory leak in <TT>G4PAIModel</TT>.</LI>
585        </UL></LI>
586    <LI><TT>G4eplusAnnihilation</TT>: added flag <TT>enabledAtRest</TT>.</LI>
587    <LI><TT>G4PAIySection</TT>: new class which substitutes
588        <TT>G4PAIxSection</TT>, fixing memory leak problems.</LI>
589    <LI><TT>G4ionIonisation</TT>, <TT>G4ionGasIonisation</TT>,
590        <TT>G4CoulombScatteringModel</TT>: fill NIEL energy deposit.</LI>
591    </UL></LI>
593    <UL>
594    <LI><TT>G4VEnergyLossProcess</TT>:
595        <UL>
596        <LI>Use prestep time for subcutoff secondaries and avoid precise
597            computation ot the time using <TT>GetVelocity()</TT> method.</LI>
598        <LI>Improved energy loss computation for the case of big step,
599            allowing for slight improvement in CPU performance.</LI>
600        <LI>Use STL vector of <TT>G4VEmModel*</TT> instead of C-array.</LI>
601        </UL></LI>
602    <LI><TT>G4VEmProcess</TT>:
603        <UL>
604        <LI>Added cut as a parameter of <TT>ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom()</TT>
605            method allowing models to use the cut (used by single scattering
606            model and potentially by others); added vector of cuts to the list
607            of members of the class.</LI>
608        <LI>Integral option now coupled with <TT>buildLambdaTable</TT> option:
609            integral cannot be activated if <TT>buildLambdaTable</TT> is not
610            activated.</LI>
611        </UL></LI>
612    <LI><TT>G4VEmModel</TT>:
613        <UL>
614        <LI>Compare cross section with DBL_MIN instead of zero.</LI>
615        <LI>Added <TT>SampleScattering()</TT> method for multiple-scattering
616            models.</LI>
617        </UL></LI>
618    <LI><TT>G4VEnergyLossProcess</TT>, <TT>G4VEmProcess</TT>,
619        <TT>G4VMultipleScattering</TT>:
620        <UL>
621        <LI>Fixed memory leak at destruction; proper deletion of
622            <TT>G4PhysicsTables</TT>.</LI>
623        <LI>Moved virtual functions, like
624            <TT>PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength()</TT>
625            from inline to body of classes; moved simple methods from body
626            to inline.</LI>
627        <LI>Fixed handling zero cross section in
628            <TT>PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength()</TT> method to avoid
629            problem happening in FanoCavity example when cross section
630            inside cavity is zero.</LI>
631        </UL></LI>
632    <LI><TT>G4VEnergyLossProcess</TT>:
633        <UL>
634        <LI>Simplified logic to switch on/off fluctuations.</LI>
635        </UL></LI>
636    <LI><TT>G4VMultipleScattering</TT>:
637        <UL>
638        <LI>Use <TT>SampleScattering()</TT> method in <TT>PostStep</TT>.</LI>
639        <LI>Added vector of cuts for electrons (needed for combined multiple
640            scattering processes).</LI>
641        </UL></LI>
642    <LI><TT>G4EmCalculator</TT>: fixed default region name.</LI>
643    <LI><TT>G4ionEffectiveCharge</TT>: use Fermi energy from <TT>G4Material</TT>
644        and not recalculate it at each step; reorganized formulas: less calls
645        to mathematical functions.</LI>
646    <LI><TT>G4EmModelmanager</TT>: added pointers to <TT>G4Gamma</TT> and
647        <TT>G4Positron</TT> at initialisation.</LI>
648    <LI><TT>G4EmProcessOptions</TT>: added missing initialisation of
649        <TT>G4LossTableManager</TT> parameters together with parameters of
650        concrete processes (fixed initialisation when an option is defined
651        before phyics list construct processes).</LI>
652    </UL></LI>
654    <UL>
655    <LI><TT>G4Cerenkov</TT>: changed inheritance to <TT>G4VDiscreteProcess</TT>,
656        and changed the arguments of
657        <TT>G4Cerenkov::GetAverageNumberOfPhotons()</TT>.
658        Added warning in <TT>G4Cerenkov</TT> constructor.</LI>
659    <LI><TT>G4VXTRenergyLoss</TT>: general cleanup of old comments;
660        removed all static members; protect verbosity within flag.</LI>
661    <LI><TT>G4XTRTransparentRegRadModel</TT>, <TT>G4XTRRegularRadModel</TT>,
662        <TT>G4StrawTubeXTRadiator</TT>: cleanup; protect verbosity within flag.</LI>
663    </UL></LI>
666<A NAME="err-notes">
667<H3><I>Error Propagation</I></H3></A>
669<LI><TT>G4ErrorFreeTrajState</TT>: corrected bug in one of the transformation
670    matrix terms. Addresses problem report
671    <a href="">#971</a>.</LI>
672<LI><TT>G4ErrorFreeTrajParam</TT>: corrected normalization of Y and Z
673    coordinates.</LI>
674<LI><TT>G4ErrorPropagator</TT>: removed call to <TT>exit()</TT> and some cleanup.</LI>
677<A NAME="evt-notes">
680<LI>Added class member <TT>particle_momentum</TT> and method
681    <TT>SetParticleMomentum()</TT>.</LI>
682<LI>Added UI commands <TT>/gun/momentum</TT> and <TT>/gun/momentumAmp</TT>.</LI>
683<LI>Added private copy constructor and <TT>=, ==, +=</TT> operators to
684    <TT>G4ParticleGun</TT>. Addressing problem report
685    <a href="">#984</a>.</LI>
686<LI>Modified <TT>G4SPSEneDistribution</TT> to adress problem report
687    <a href="">#988</a>.</LI>
690<A NAME="gen-notes">
691<H3><I>General Processes</I></H3></A>
694    <UL>
695    <LI>Fix in <TT>G4ProcessPlacer</TT> to put biasing process at the second
696        place for <TT>AlongStep</TT> as well as for <TT>PostStep</TT>.
697        A bug fix which would feature for charged particles.</LI>
698    <LI>Added printout for <TT>AlongStep</TT> process vector.</LI>
699    </UL></LI>
701    <UL>
702    <LI>Added <TT>G4PionDecayMakeSpin</TT> class: set the daughter muon spin
703        for 2-body decays of pi, K and K0_long.</LI>
704    <LI>Added method <TT>DaughterPolarization()</TT> in <TT>G4Decay</TT>
705        to set polarization vector for daughters.</LI>
706    </UL></LI>
708    <UL>
709    <LI>Added method <TT>SetProcessOrderingToSecond()</TT> to
710        <TT>G4ProcessManager</TT>, which puts the process at the second
711        position in the <TT>DoIt</TT> list.</LI>
712    <LI>Added method <TT>CheckOrderingParameters()</TT> to
713        <TT>G4ProcessManager</TT>, in order to check whether given ordering
714        parameters are set for valid <TT>DoIt</TT>s.</LI>
715    <LI>Added methods to <TT>G4VProcess</TT> to indicate that the specified
716        <TT>DoIt</TT> is valid for the process.</LI>
717    <LI><TT>G4WrapperProcess</TT>: fixed double definition of method
718        <TT>PreparePhysicsTable()</TT> in the header and moved inline
719        implementations of virtual methods to source file.</LI>
720    </UL></LI>
722    <UL>
723    <LI>Added capability of calculating the reflectivity off a metal surface
724        by way of a complex index of refraction.</LI>
725    <LI>In <TT>G4OpWLS</TT>, allow for the <TT>MeanNumberOfPhotons</TT> to be
726        different from 1, in case the constant property
727        <TT>WLSMEANNUMBERPHOTONS</TT> is provided and, if so,
728        <TT>NumPhotons</TT> is sampled with Poisson.</LI>
729    </UL></LI>
731    <UL>
732    <LI>Added <TT>Along</TT> methods to <TT>G4FastSimulationManagerProcess</TT>.</LI>
733    <LI>Minor corrections to <TT>G4FastSimulationManagerProcess</TT>: added
734        call to <TT>G4PathFinder::PrepareNewTrack()</TT>; deactivated ghost
735        navigator in <TT>EndOfTracking()</TT> method.</LI>
736    </UL></LI>
738    <UL>
740    <LI><TT>G4Transportation</TT>:
741        <UL>
742        <LI>Modified behaviour of  <TT>G4Navigator</TT>
743            for small straight steps - when a track does less than the safety.
744                        Before only a simple, quick estimation of the starting point's safety was done, using the
745                        last available value of the isotropic safety (from the Navigator).
746                        Now the navigator is called to compute this safety. This  improves the value
747                        and avoids roundoff issues. It gives better stability in comparisons with
748                        CoupledTransportation. The costs are additional calls to the Navigator.
749                        A new  method  <TT>EnableShortStepOptimisation</TT> controls this.
750                        Note:  this only affects  neutral particles and charged particles when no field is present.  </LI>
751        <LI>Fixed <TT>StartTracking()</TT> to reset number of looping steps
752            and to clear propagator state ( issue with caching of safety, which is multi-valued in case of
753            overlaps, is now addressed.)</LI>
754        <LI> Change to enable a user to switch on a global field (off was already
755            possible), when a track goes between volume (or regions) of a setup. Was response
756                        to requirement of ATLAS. Done by moving the call to <tt>ConfigureForTrack()</tt> 
757                    before the check for zero field, in <tt>AlongStepGPIL()</tt>.</LI>
758        </UL></LI>
759        <LI><TT>G4CoupledTransportation</TT>:
760        <UL>
761        <LI>Fix for problem in condition for relocation. It was incorrect when only a
762            parallel geometry limited the step.</LI>
763        <LI>Changed condition for recalculation of the safety used, to improve  stability to roundoff.</LI>
764        <LI>Corrected treatment of time integration.</LI>
765        <LI>Fix to reset looping counter also when no field or charge is present.</LI>
766        <LI>Fix for case of zero proposed step: missed to set end position.</LI>
767        </UL></LI>
768    </UL></LI>
771<A NAME="geo-notes">
775    <UL>
776    <LI>Modified Weight-Window algorithm: do not introduce extra variance in
777        the case of splitting to the survival weight when the weight is above
778        the upper weight window.</LI>
779    </UL></LI>
780<LI><B>Magnetic field</B>
781    <UL>
782    <LI>New class <TT>G4EqEMFieldWithSpin</TT> to allow tracking of spin also
783        in case of electromagnetic fields.</LI>
784    </UL></LI>
786    <UL>
787    <LI>Fixed typo in forcing minimum number of points in method
788        <TT>G4VSolid::EstimateSurfaceArea()</TT>. Addresses problem report
789        <a href="">#981</a>.</LI>
790    </UL></LI>
792    <UL>
793    <LI>Introduced new specific navigation for regular structures and
794        phantoms. New classes: <TT>G4RegularNavigation</TT>,
795        <TT>G4PhantomParameterisation</TT>.</LI>
796    <LI><TT>G4PathFinder</TT>:
797        <UL>
798        <LI>Make singleton definition canonical.
799        <LI>New method to return the safety sphere last calculated for a
800            <TT>PreStep</TT> point. If last step(s) were smaller than safety,
801            then for a linear track (no field or no charge) navigator's
802            <TT>ComputeSafety()</TT> is not called. Older <TT>PreStep</TT>
803            point is stored for this and provided.</LI>
804        <LI>Fixed return value for <TT>ComputeStep()</TT> in case of step
805            smaller than tolerance (now <TT>kInfinity</TT>).</LI>
806        <LI>Added calculation of start-point safety in
807            <TT>DoNextCurvedStep()</TT> and corrected <TT>GetCurrentSafety()</TT>
808            accordingly.</LI>
809        <LI>Added method to obtain safety of one navigator (after call to all).</LI>
810        <LI>Deleted obsolete data member <TT>fMinSafety</TT>.
811        <LI>Optimisation: if only one geometry, do not call <TT>WhichLimited()</TT>
812            in <TT>DoNextLinearStep()</TT>. <TT>DoNextLinearStep()</TT> also
813            only calls <TT>ComputeStep()</TT> for a navigator whose safety
814            greater than the step; if there's one geometry, no longer calls
815            <TT>ComputeSafety()</TT> at start.</LI>
816        <LI><TT>ComputeSafety()</TT>: save the values of isotropic safety for
817            each navigator.</LI>
818        <LI>Fix for result of <TT>ObtainSafety()</TT>, used in
819            <TT>G4CoupledTransportation</TT>.</LI>
820        <LI>Some code cleanup. Switched off additional optimisation for safety
821            in method <TT>DoNextLinearStep()</TT>.
822        <LI><TT>PrepareNewTrack()</TT> clears safety to avoid potential
823            problems in overlaps. Added calls to re-initialise
824            <TT>SafetyHelper</TT> (reset safety).</LI>
825        <LI>Fix to now set <TT>fNoGeometriesLimiting</TT> in
826            <TT>DoNextLinearStep()</TT> in the case of one navigator
827            optimisation.</LI>
828        <LI>Added new methods <TT>GetNumberGeometriesLimitingStep()</TT>
829            and <TT>GetMinimumStep()</TT> needed by
830            <TT>G4CoupledTransportation</TT> to see whether to relocate.</LI>
831        <LI>Fix for problem of another process shortening steps (between calls
832            to <TT>ComputeStep()</TT> by different processes in same step).</LI>
833        <LI>Check to verify that <TT>fNoGeometriesLimiting</TT> is set by
834            <TT>DoNext*Step</TT> methods. Revised data type of
835            <TT>fNoGeometriesLimiting</TT> to be a <TT>int</TT>, so that less
836            than 0 means <TT>unset</TT>.</LI>
837        </UL></LI>
838    <LI><TT>G4Navigator</TT>:
839        <UL>
840        <LI>Corrected calculation of <TT>fStepEndPoint</TT> in
841            <TT>ComputeStep()</TT> for case of step not limited by geometry.</LI>
842        <LI>Replaced call to <TT>LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume()</TT> with
843            calls to sub-navigators.</LI>
844        <LI>Made <TT>fVerbose</TT> protected.</LI>
845        </UL></LI>
846    <LI><TT>G4PropagatorInField</TT>:
847        <UL>
848        <LI>Fixes for compilation of code under <TT>G4DEBUG_FIELD</TT> (problem report
849            <a href="">#982</a>).</LI>
850        <LI>Added extra check of method <TT>LocateIntersectionPoint()</TT>
851            arguments.</LI>
852        </UL></LI>
853    <LI>Protected verbosity with compiler flags in <TT>G4PathFinder</TT>
854        and <TT>G4MultiNavigator</TT>.</LI>
855    <LI>Set <TT>fRecomputeFactor</TT> in <TT>G4SafetyHelper</TT> to zero, to
856        switch off internal optimisation and allow for reproducibility of
857        steps when using different transportation classes.</LI>
858    <LI>Added method <TT>CheckPointExiting()</TT> in
859        <TT>G4AuxiliaryNavServices</TT> utility class.</LI>
860    <LI>Reuse <TT>fVerbose</TT> from <TT>G4Navigator</TT> in
861        <TT>G4MultipleNavigator</TT> and some cleanup.</LI>
862    <LI><TT>G4SafetyHelper</TT>: Improved <TT>ComputeSafety()</TT> not to
863        call <TT>G4Navigator</TT> if exactly on safety 'center'.</LI> 
864    <LI>Fix in <TT>G4ReplicaNavigation::DistanceToOut()</TT> for exact
865        classification of the linear step for Cartesian case.</LI>
866    <LI>Made <TT>IdentifyAndPlaceSolid()</TT> method inlined in
867        <TT>G4ParameterisedNavigation</TT>.</LI>
868    <LI>Cleared compilation warnings for shadowing of variables in classes
869        within the module. Minor cosmetics and cleanup.</LI>
870    </UL></LI>
871<LI><B>Solids (Boolean)</B>
872    <UL>
873    <LI>Boosted performance for response of <TT>Inside()</TT> for
874        <TT>G4SubtractionSolid</TT> and <TT>G4UnionSolid</TT> according to
875        suggestion in problem report
876        <a href="">#979</a>.</LI>
877    </UL></LI>
878<LI><B>Solids (CSG)</B>
879    <UL>
880    <LI><TT>G4Torus</TT>:
881        <UL>
882        <LI>Fixed bug in <TT>CalculateExtent()</TT> for case of non-rotated
883            full-<TT>Phi</TT> torus definition: added protection against
884            negative value for <TT>sqrt()</TT> and corrected formula for
885            <TT>delta</TT>. Fixes problem of NaN detected in initialisation
886            by CMS.</LI>
887        <LI>Fixed bug in <TT>SolveNumericJT()</TT>: corrected handling of
888            complex roots, <TT>rootsrefined</TT> is used only if the number
889            of refined roots is the same as for primary roots. Addresses
890            problem report
891            <a href="">#969</a>.</LI>
892        </UL></LI>
893    <LI>Fixed problem of undefined side for valid surface normal in case of
894        <TT>Phi</TT> section and direction through the center of either a
895        <TT>G4Tubs</TT> or <TT>G4Cons</TT> shape.</LI>
896    </UL></LI>
897<LI><B>Solids (Specific)</B>
898    <UL>
899    <LI>New specific shape <TT>G4Paraboloid</TT> with cuts along the
900        <TT>Z</TT> axis.</LI>
901    <LI>Revision of <TT>G4TessellatedSolid</TT> classes:
902        <UL>
903        <LI>Fixed problem report
904            <a href="">#931</a>
905            for proper handling of concave surfaces.
906            Modified classes <TT>G4TessellatedSolid</TT> and
907            <TT>G4TriangularFacet</TT>.</LI>
908        <LI>Modified data and accessor <TT>centroid</TT> and
909            <TT>GetCentroid()</TT> for <TT>G4VFacet</TT>;
910            replaced by <TT>circumcentre</TT> and <TT>GetCircumcentre()</TT>
911            respectively.</LI>
912        <LI>Reviewed implementation of <TT>CalculateExtent()</TT> to
913            make it more robust and precise. Addresses problem report
914            <a href="">#983</a>.</LI>
915        <LI>Added utility class <TT>G4TessellatedGeometryAlgorithms</TT>.</LI>
916        </UL></LI>
917    <LI>Removed debug printout in <TT>G4Polycone::GetPointOnCone()</TT>.</LI>
918    <LI>Added formulas for calculating <TT>SemiAxis</TT> and <TT>Zheight</TT>
919        in <TT>G4EllipticalCone</TT>.</LI>
920    </UL></LI>
922    <UL>
923    <LI>Added explicit initialisation of first volume entry to zero, to ensure
924        correct behavior for <TT>out-of-world</TT> touchable handle.</LI>
925    <LI>Minor cleanup in <TT>G4LogicalBorderSurface</TT> and
926        <TT>G4LogicalSkinSurface</TT> classes.</LI>
927    <LI>Added inline specification to methods in <TT>G4AssemblyTriplet</TT>
928        class.</LI>
929    </UL></LI>
932<A NAME="glob-notes">
935<LI>Cleared compilation warnings for non-inlining and shadowing of variables.
936    Removed unnecessary <TT>virtual</TT> specifier to <TT>G4String</TT>
937    destructor.</LI>
938<LI>Changed date for release 9.1.</LI>
941<A NAME="greps-notes">
942<H3><I>Graphical Representations</I></H3></A>
944<LI>Added <TT>G4Paraboloid</TT> to <TT>HepPolyhedron</TT> and
945    <TT>G4Polyhedron</TT>.</LI>
948<A NAME="had-notes">
949<H3><I>Hadronic Processes</I></H3></A>
951<LI><B>Cross sections</B>
952    <UL>
953    <LI>Added <TT>log(0)</TT> protection in
954        <TT>G4NeutronInelasticCrossSection</TT> and
955        <TT>G4ProtonInelasticCrossSection</TT>.</LI>
956    </UL></LI>
958    <UL>
959    <LI><TT>G4HadronicProcess::FillTotalResult()</TT>: fix addressing problem report
960        <a href="">#967</a>, replaced call to <TT>aT.GetGlobalTime()</TT> with the
961        internal variable <TT>time</TT>.</LI>
962    </UL></LI>
963<LI><B>Binary Cascade</B>
964    <UL>
965    <LI>Developments for propagate interface.</LI>
966    <LI>Correcting bug for pion incident at low energy causing crash in Precompound</LI>
967    <LI><TT>G4BinaryLightIon</TT>: adapted to changes in Binary Cascade.</LI>
968    </UL></LI>
970    <UL>
971    <LI>Fixed angular distribution for nucleon-nucleon elastic scattering
972        above <TT>2.8 GeV</TT>.</LI>
973    </UL></LI>
974<LI><B>Chiral Invariant Phase Space (CHIPS)</B>
975    <UL>
976    <LI>Bug fix in quasi-elastic, which may influence the shower shape, it
977        should be now a bit shorter and wider when using QGSC/QGSP physics
978        lists.</LI>
979    <LI>Introducing Single Target Diffraction.</LI>
980    <LI>R&D level implementation of ion-ion elastic and low-energy inelastic.</LI>
981    <LI>Added <TT>(e,nu)</TT> reaction to <TT>G4QCollision</TT> and weight
982        support in all CHIPS processes.</LI>
983    <LI>Corrected neutral currents normalization for neutrino-nuclear
984        interactions.</LI>
985    <LI>Chain of bug-fixes in <TT>G4Quasmon, G4QEnvironment, G4QNucl*</TT>
986        classes.</LI>
987    <LI>More accurate decay transition from <TT>G4QEnvironment</TT> to
988        <TT>G4QNucleus</TT>.</LI>
989    <LI>Improvement in <TT>G4QNucleus</TT> class to boost CPU speed.</LI>
990    </UL></LI>
992    <UL>
993    <LI>Removed atomic mass number from "gamma factor" for
994        <TT>G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability</TT>,
995        <TT>G4TritonEvaporationProbability</TT>,
996        <TT>G4He3EvaporationProbability</TT> and
997        <TT>G4AlphaEvaporationProbability</TT>.</LI>
998    <LI>Introduced missing <TT>Rj (Q_beta)</TT> factor in the evaporation
999        module. Protected against occasionally divide by zero.</LI>
1000    <LI>Corrected the Coulomb-barrier to the formalism of Dostrovski as
1001        described in the Physics Reference manual.</LI>
1002    <LI>Fix in photon evaporation to address problem report
1003        <a href="">#952</a>.</LI>
1004    <LI>Suppressed gamma-level file warnings in <TT>G4NuclearLevelManager</TT>.</LI>
1005    </UL></LI>
1006<LI><B>Elastic scattering</B>
1007    <UL>
1008    <LI><TT>G4DiffuseElastic</TT>: added Coulomb elastic scattering amplitude
1009        using Wentzel model. Do initialisation of the model for each new
1010        target nucleus on-fly; the model is initialised in constructor with
1011        particle definition for the vector of available elements. Tuning at
1012        high energies. Added control on verbosity at initialisation.</LI>
1013    <LI>Updated <TT>G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE</TT>: included difference in
1014        scattering off protons and neutrons; optimised computation of the
1015        distribution function (important for heavy targets); fixed model for
1016        scattering off hydrogen; tuned model parameters for better description
1017        of total and elastic cross sections.</LI>
1018    <LI><TT>G4LEnp</TT>: removed erroneous code for identity exchange of
1019        particles.</LI>
1020    <LI><TT>G4UHadronElasticProcess</TT>: introduced verbosity checks within
1021        <TT>VERBOSE</TT> flag inside methods called at each step.</LI>
1022    </UL></LI>
1023<LI><B>High Energy</B>
1024    <UL>
1025    <LI><TT>G4HEInelastic::TuningOfHighEnergyCascading()</TT>: fixed incorrect
1026        assignment of leading particle to low energy backward nucleons and
1027        fragments. This bug caused high energy backward particles to be
1028        emitted from high energy collisions.</LI>
1029    <LI><TT>G4HEPionMinusInelastic</TT>: fixed incorrect <TT>Imax</TT> in
1030        sampling of charge exchange.</LI>
1031    </UL></LI>
1032<LI><B>High precision Neutron</B>
1033    <UL>
1034    <LI>Allow for _nat_ final state even for isotoped cross sections.</LI>
1035    <LI>Enabled element based cross-section dump.</LI>
1036    <LI>Fixed bug in <TT>G4NeutronHPChannel</TT> for treatment of <TT>Z</TT>
1037        in elements.</LI>
1038    </UL></LI>
1040    <UL>
1041    <LI>Incorporated changes for <TT>G4CollisionComposite</TT>.</LI>
1042    <LI>In <TT>G4ParticleTypeConverter</TT>, removed warning on unknown
1043        particle; occurs for <TT>eta_prime, k_star+, anti_...</TT> etc. in
1044        BIC propagate interface.</LI>
1045    </UL></LI>
1047    <UL>
1048    <LI>First version of the Liege cascade INCL Model, including ABLA
1049        evaporation and fission.
1050        Requires new external data set (G4ABLA3.0) including files for
1051        nuclear shell effects, with new environment variable G4ABLADATA
1052        to be set to point to the directory where the data are stored.</LI>
1053    </UL></LI>
1055    <UL>
1056    <LI>New developments to reflect the literature and units expected for the
1057        exciton model: introducing an <TT>Rj</TT> factor into the probability
1058        calculation; correcting the units for the Pauli Blocking Factor
1059        (missing a g factor); decreasing the number of charged particles if
1060        the number excitons is decreased (previously this number was only
1061        increased with increasing excitons).</LI>
1062    <LI>New development with respect to light ion production.</LI>
1063    <LI>Correction for integer arithmetic bug in <TT>G4PreCompoundModel</TT>
1064        and concerning the ratio of charged to neutral excitons.</LI>
1065    </UL></LI>
1066<LI><B>QMD Reaction</B>
1067    <UL>
1068    <LI>First implementation of QMD reaction model based on JQMD
1069        (Niita et al., JAERI-Data/Code 99-042).</LI>
1070    </UL></LI>
1071<LI><B>Re-Parameterized Gheisha</B>
1072    <UL>
1073    <LI>First version of a 'Re-Parameterized Gheisha-style' model. This
1074        version is essentially a re-factored copy of the low energy
1075        parameterized model which also contains several bug fixes and
1076        physics improvements.</LI>
1077    </UL></LI>
1078<LI><B>Theoretical High Energy</B>
1079    <UL>
1080    <li>Added channel for projectile diffractive scattering.</LI>
1081    </UL></LI>
1083    <UL>
1084    <LI><TT>G4StopElementSelector</TT>: fixed typo in Primakoff formula for
1085        capture velocity.</LI>
1086    <LI><TT>G4MuonMinusCaptureAtRest</TT>: fixed old memory leak.</LI>
1087    <LI>Removed old-style copyright from all headers and fixed Software
1088        Reference Manual tags.</LI>
1089    </UL></LI>
1091    <UL>
1092    <LI>Removed initialization by random number of angular momentum vector
1093        from <TT>G4Fragment</TT> constructors which could cause change of
1094        random sequence after physics initialisation.</LI>
1095    <LI>Use production version of G4Fancy3DNucleus.</LI>
1096    <LI><TT>G4LightMedia</TT>: fixed coding errors in inequalities for
1097        charge exchange occurrence in <TT>PionPlusExchange</TT>,
1098        <TT>KaonZeroShortExchange</TT>, and <TT>NeutronExchange</TT>.</LI>
1099    </UL></LI>
1102<A NAME="interf-notes">
1105<LI><TT>G4UItcsh</TT>: added ability to store shell history across sessions.</LI>
1106<LI>Updated the implementation of the signal handler for <TT>Ctrl-C</TT>.</LI>
1107<LI>New classes <TT>G4UIQt</TT> and <TT>G4Qt</TT> for handling of Qt interface
1108    (Beta version with support restricted to Qt-4).</LI>
1109<LI>Removed improper dependency from <TT>basic</TT> sub-module to <TT>run</TT>.</LI>
1112<A NAME="materials-notes">
1115<LI><TT>G4NistManager</TT>: extended interfaces to build new materials; added
1116    <TT>G4State</TT>, temperature, pressure (gases are allowed) with default
1117    values. Simplified logic of Print() methods. Providing destruction of all
1118    materials and elements.</LI>
1119<LI><TT>G4NistElementBuilder</TT>: for given Z, build only one Nist element
1120    and allow user to create other elements with given Z (HP physics
1121    requirement).</LI>
1122<LI><TT>G4NistMaterialBuilder</TT>: modified <TT>FindOrBuildMaterial()</TT>
1123    method: NIST materials are now built even if user creates a material with
1124    the same name, therefore NIST materials parameters -cannot- be
1125    substituted.</LI>
1126<LI><TT>G4Material, G4Element</TT>: extended destructors, now all materials
1127    and elements are deleted at the end of a run.</LI>
1128<LI><TT>G4SandiaTable</TT>: separated computations of tables photo-absobtion
1129    coefficients for photo-electric effect and PAI model;
1130    general cleanup and reduced number of static variables.
1131    Fixed memory leak at destruction.</LI>
1132<LI><TT>G4IonisParamMat</TT>: added commutation and accessor methods for
1133    parameters of ion ionisation: Fermi energy, effective Z, effective
1134    L-factor; values will not be recomputed at each step.</LI>
1137<A NAME="part-notes">
1140<LI>Added <TT>G4HyperNucleiProperties</TT> class so that hyper-nuclei can be
1141    created for <TT>G4Ions</TT>. <TT>G4ParticleTable</TT> can return a pointer
1142    to hyper-nucleus by using <TT>GetIon()</TT> and <TT>FindIon()</TT> methods.</LI>
1143<LI>Modified <TT>G4PDGCodeChecker</TT> to support PDG code for hyper-nuclei.</LI>
1144<LI>Changed <TT>G4ParticleTable::GetIonTable()</TT> to give 'non-const' pointer
1145    in order to allow users to use <TT>G4IonTable::GetIon()</TT> methods
1146    directly.</LI>
1147<LI>Added check for atomic number (less than 1000) in <TT>G4IonTable</TT>.</LI>
1148<LI>Added new classes <TT>G4PionRadiativeDecayChannel</TT> and
1149    <TT>G4MuonRadiativeDecayChannelWithSpin</TT>.</LI>
1152<A NAME="pers-notes">
1155<LI>Introduced new <TT>gdml</TT> plugin sub-module, based on new GDML
1156    release 3.
1157    Added <TT>G4LIB_BUILD_GDML/G4LIB_USE_GDML</TT> flags and
1158    <TT>XERCESCROOT</TT> path. The new GDML plugin does not yet support
1159    parameterised volumes and material optical properties.</LI>
1160<LI>Moved existing classes to <TT>mctruth</TT> sub-module;
1161    renamed libraries.</LI>
1164<A NAME="lst-notes">
1165<H3><I>Physics lists</I></H3></A>
1167<LI>New physics lists QGSP_DIF and QGSP_BERT_DIF; as QGSP or QGSP_BERT with projectile diffraction
1168    for proton and neutron enabled.</LI>
1169<LI>New physics list QGSC_BERT; use QGSC down in energy to overlap with BERT. LEP is not
1170    used for proton, neutron, pions, kaons, except for neutron capture and
1171    neutron induced fission.</LI>
1172<LI>New physics list FTFP_BERT: FTFP with Bertini cascade.The energy ranges of FTFP and BERT
1173    overlap, so LEP is not used for proton, neutron, pions, kaons, except for neutron capture and
1174    neutron induced fission.</LI>
1175<LI>New physics list QGS_BIC, equivalent to QGSP_BIC, but using binary also for
1176    pion and for rescattering via the propagate interface; the deexcitation
1177    implicitely uses precompound.</LI>
1178<LI>Several fixes in QBBC: fixed bug in adding of cross section for pions
1179    and mesons; tuned energy thresholds between string and cascade models;
1180    corrected interface to CHIPS model; reviewed options: QBBC, QBBC_DEL,
1181    QBBC_HEL, QBBC_HP.</LI>
1182<LI>New physics list FTF_BIC, equivalent to QGS_BIC but using FTF model for high
1183    energy interactions.  For protons, neutrons and pions LEP is not used,
1184    as BIC is used up to 5 GeV, thus overlapping with FTF starting at 4 GeV.</LI>
1185<LI>Added possibility to activate <TT>G4SynchrotronRadiation</TT> and mu-nuclear
1186    betwen runs.</LI>
1187<LI>Change QGSP builders to enable use of projectile diffraction in QGSP-like lists.</LI>
1188<LI>Added optional builder <TT>G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics</TT>.</LI>
1189<LI>Added <TT>G4HadronDElasticPhysics</TT> builder and fixed name to
1190    <TT>G4HadronHElasticPhysics</TT>.</LI>
1191<LI><TT>G4EmStandardPhysics_option2</TT>: increased number of bins in tables.</LI>
1192<LI><TT>G4LEPNeutronBuilder</TT>: when the limit for <TT>MaxInelastic</TT>
1193    is zero, do NOT add LEP for inelastic. Change needed for FTFP_BERT list.</LI>
1196<A NAME="run-notes">
1199<LI>Added ability to handle <TT>G4ScoringManager</TT> in <TT>G4RunManager</TT>.</LI>
1200<LI>First implementation of interactive parallel world scoring.</LI>
1201<LI>Introducing new <TT>/random/setSeeds</TT> command allowing to set initial
1202    seeds.</LI>
1203<LI>Now <TT>/random/setDirectoryName</TT> command creates directories if needed.</LI>
1204<LI>Reordered commands in <TT>G4RunMessenger</TT> so that obsolete commands
1205    appear last. Obsolete UI commands now do nothing except warning messages.</LI>
1208<A NAME="track-notes">
1209<H3><I>Track & Tracking</I></H3></A>
1211<LI>Added accessors for non-ionizing energy deposit in <TT>G4Step</TT>.</LI>
1212<LI>Added protection in <TT>G4Track::GetVolume()</TT> to avoid cases of
1213    dereferencing of null pointer.</LI>
1214<LI><TT>G4SteppingManager</TT>: fix to use Cartesian tolerance in
1215    <TT>Stepping()</TT> and <TT>CalculateSafety()</TT> for the computation
1216    of <TT>endPointSafety</TT>.</LI>
1219<A NAME="vis-notes">
1223    <UL>
1224    <LI>Replaced references to Wired3 in command guidance.</LI>
1225    <LI>Minor improvements in messaging.</LI>
1226    </UL></LI>
1228    <UL>
1229    <LI>Minor improvements in messaging.</LI>
1230    </UL></LI>
1232    <UL>
1233    <LI>Adjusted geometry hierarchy for parallel worlds.</LI>
1234    </UL></LI>
1236    <UL>
1237    <LI>Removed redundant <TT>G4OpenGLXViewerMessenger</TT> class.</LI>
1238    <LI>Minor improvements in design and messaging.</LI>
1239    <LI>Added <TT>GEANT4_QT_DEBUG</TT> flag to test Qt interfaces.</LI>
1240    </UL></LI>
1242    <UL>
1243    <LI>Initialise local vectors in <TT>SoPolyhedron</TT> implementation; fixing
1244        compilation warnings on gcc-4.2.2.</LI>
1245    </UL></LI>
1248<A NAME="env-notes">
1251<LI>Python interface (G4Py): added support for embedded GDML plugin.
1252    Updated physics-lists bindings.</LI>
1255<A NAME="data-notes">
1256<H3><I>Data sets</I></H3></A>
1258<LI>New data for neutron cross-sections, G4NDL.3.12:
1259    <UL>
1260    <LI>Changed Cadium data. Added Hg, Radium, Br and La data.</LI>
1261    </UL></LI>
1262<LI>New low-energy data set, G4EMLOW.5.1:
1263    <UL>
1264    <LI>Added dna/directory including Geant4-DNA data tables for interpolation.</LI>
1265    </UL></LI>
1266<LI>New data set for nuclear shell effects, G4ABLA3.0.</LI>
1269<A NAME="ex-notes">
1272<LI>Updated reference outputs.</LI>
1274    <UL>
1275    <LI>air_shower
1276        <UL>
1277        <LI>Adjust to the <TT>G4Cerenkov</TT> process now become a
1278            <TT>G4VDiscreteProcess</TT>.</LI>
1279        </UL></LI>
1280    <LI>hadrontherapy
1281        <UL>
1282        <LI>Updated physics commands in macro files. Updated README.</LI>
1283        </UL></LI>
1284    <LI>underground_physics
1285        <UL>
1286        <LI>Corrected micrometer unit in macros from mum to um (old bug
1287            since 8.2).</LI>
1288        </UL></LI>
1289    <LI>Rich
1290        <UL>
1291        <LI>Adjust to the <TT>G4Cerenkov</TT> process now become a
1292            <TT>G4VDiscreteProcess</TT>.</LI>
1293        </UL></LI>
1294    </UL></LI>
1296    <UL>
1297    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm1
1298        <UL>
1299        <LI>Added material <TT>CO2</TT> at <TT>10^-6 atm</TT>.</LI>
1300        <LI><TT>HistoManager/HistoMessenger</TT>: printing selected histos
1301            on ascii file.</LI>
1302        </UL></LI>
1303    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm2
1304        <UL>
1305        <LI>PhysicsLists: added options from <TT>physics_lists</TT> library.</LI>
1306        <LI><TT></TT> update to provide the same reference output
1307            as before.</LI>
1308        </UL></LI>
1309    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm3
1310        <UL>
1311        <LI>Updated <TT></TT> macro.</LI>
1312        <LI>Added <TT>PhysListEmStandardIG</TT> experimental PhysList.</LI>
1313        <LI><TT>HistoManager/HistoMessenger</TT>: printing selected histos
1314            on ascii file.</LI>
1315        </UL></LI>
1316    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm5</LI>
1317        <UL>
1318        <LI>New histogram numbering (see README). Changed all macros
1319            accordingly, also in Geant3 version.</LI>
1320        <LI>Reordered processes in <TT>PhysListEmStandardSS</TT>.
1321        <LI>Added histos 17->20: energy fluence.</LI>
1322        <LI>Fixed usage of elastic builders.</LI>
1323        <LI><TT>RunAction</TT>: compute and print energy leakage and energy balance.
1324        <LI><TT>PhysListEmStandard</TT>: PhysicsTables set with 100 bins per decade (EmOptions).
1325        <LI>Added <TT>PhysListEmStandardIG</TT> experimental PhysList.</LI>
1326        <LI><TT>TrackingAction</TT>: new histos (4,5) to plot vertex position
1327            of secondaries.</LI>
1328        <LI><TT>HistoManager/HistoMessenger</TT>: printing selected histos
1329            on ascii file.</LI>
1330        </UL></LI>
1331    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm7
1332        <UL>
1333        <LI><TT>PhysListStandardSS</TT>: reviewed process ordering.</LI>
1334        <LI>Added <TT>PhysListStandardIG</TT>, ion <TT>G4ionIonisation</TT>
1335            process is substituted by <TT>G4ionGasIonisation</TT> and for
1336            Coulomb scattering the model taking into account the recoil is
1337            used.</LI>
1338        <LI>Added class <TT>G4ScreenNuclearRecoil</TT> and ancillary utilities
1339            for ion-ion scattering provided by Vanderbuilt University.</LI>
1340        <LI><TT>PhysListStandardSS</TT>: use <TT>G4ionGasIonisation</TT>.</LI>
1341        <LI><TT>PhysListStandardIG</TT>: use <TT>G4ScreenNuclearRecoil</TT>.</LI>
1342        <LI>Fixed usage of elastic builders.</LI>
1343        </UL></LI>
1344    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm8
1345        <UL>
1346        <LI>Use components of physics lists from <TT>physics_list</TT> module.</LI>
1347        <LI>Fixed memory leak in the UI interface.</LI>
1348        <LI>Removed used lines from PAI physics constructors, added <TT>pai_brem</TT>
1349            constructor <TT>PhysListEmPAI</TT> in which <TT>AlongStep</TT> from
1350            Bremsstrahlung is allowed.</LI>
1351        <LI>Fixed logic in <TT>SteppingAction</TT>.
1352        </UL></LI>
1353    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm9
1354        <UL>
1355        <LI>Added <TT>PhysListEmStandardIG</TT> experimental physics list.</LI>
1356        </UL></LI>
1357    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm11
1358        <UL>
1359        <LI>Added histo 8: energy profile as function of x/range.</LI>
1360        <LI>Added input macro <TT>sandia.mac</TT>.</LI>
1361        <LI><TT>HistoManager/HistoMessenger</TT>: printing selected histos
1362            on ascii file.</LI>
1363        </UL></LI>
1364    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm12
1365        <UL>
1366        <LI><TT>HistoManager</TT>: modified way to get <TT>csdaRange</TT> from
1367            <TT>G4EmCalculator</TT> and compute <TT>stepMax</TT> for histo 8.</LI>
1368        <LI><TT>HistoManager/HistoMessenger</TT>: printing selected histos
1369            on ascii file.</LI>
1370        </UL></LI>
1371    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm14</LI>
1372    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm15
1373        <UL>
1374        <LI><TT>HistoManager/HistoMessenger</TT>: printing selected histos
1375            on ascii file.</LI>
1376        </UL></LI>
1377    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm18
1378        <UL>
1379        <LI><TT>PhysicsList</TT>: added more <TT>EmOptions</TT>.</LI>
1380        <LI><TT>HistoManager/HistoMessenger</TT>: printing selected histos
1381            on ascii file.</LI>
1382        </UL></LI>
1383    <LI>exoticphysics/monopole
1384        <UL>
1385        <LI>New example demostrating simulation of a classical magnetic
1386            monopole and computation of the energy deposited.</LI>
1387        </UL></LI>
1388    <LI>field/field04
1389        <UL>
1390        <LI>New example showing how to define/use overlapping field elements.
1391            Fields might be either magnetic, electric or both
1392            (contributed by T.Roberts and Muons Inc., G4BEAMLINE).</LI>
1393        </UL></LI>
1394    <LI>gdml
1395        <UL>
1396        <LI>Updated to co-work with built-in GDML plugin module GDML-3.</LI>
1397        <LI>Showing loading of modular GDML files.</LI>
1398        </UL></LI>
1399    <LI>hadronic/Hadr01
1400        <UL>
1401        <LI>Physics list updated according to recent changes in hadronics and
1402            <TT>physics_lists</TT> package. Added QGSC_BERT physics list.</LI>
1403        </UL></LI>
1404    <LI>medical/DICOM
1405        <UL>
1406        <LI>Deep review: on the input files and the way how the geometry is
1407            built. Now using new specialised fast navigation and parameterisation
1408            according to <TT>G4PhantomParameterisation</TT>.</LI>
1409        <LI>Added color by voxel and possibility to also use
1410            nested-parameterisations.</LI>
1411        </UL></LI>
1412    <LI>medical/fanoCavity
1413        <UL>
1414        <LI><TT>DetectorConstruction</TT>: <TT>wallRadius</TT> automatically
1415            recomputed; added materials graphite and aluminium.</LI>
1416        <LI><TT>PhysicsList</TT>: implemented <TT>G4CoulombScattering</TT>
1417            process as option; use 100 bins per decade (<TT>emOptions</TT>)
1418            in physics tables.</LI>
1419        <LI><TT>MyKleinNishina</TT>: do not cancel Compton cross-section in
1420            cavity.</LI>
1421        <LI><TT>EventAction</TT>: added histogram of energy deposit in cavity
1422            per incident gamma.</LI>
1423        <LI><TT>RunAction</TT>: compute error on energy deposit and mean
1424            kinetic energy.</LI>
1425        <LI><TT>HistoManager/HistoMessenger</TT>: printing selected histos
1426            on ascii file.</LI>
1427        <LI>Syntax correction in <TT>DetectorMessenger</TT>.</LI>
1428        </UL></LI>
1429    <LI>medical/fanoCavity2
1430        <UL>
1431        <LI>New example demonstrating computation of the dose deposited in an
1432            ionization chamber by an extended (one dimensional) monoenergetic
1433            electron source, making use of a reciprocity theorem.</LI>
1434        </UL></LI>
1435    <LI>parallel/MPI
1436        <UL>
1437        <LI>New module including a Geant4 MPI UI library and a couple of
1438            examples showing how applications can be parallelized with
1439            different MPI compliant libraries, such as LAM/MPI, MPICH2,
1440            OpenMPI, etc.</LI>
1441        </UL></LI>
1442    <LI>persistency/P02
1443        <UL>
1444        <LI>New example showing how to store in a binary file and read back
1445            the geometry tree using the 'reflection' technique for
1446            persistency.</LI>
1447        </UL></LI>
1448    <LI>polarisation/Pol01
1449        <UL>
1450        <LI>Use new polarized photo electric effect, important for polarisation
1451            transfer from photon to electron in certain regions of the
1452            phasespace (see also E166 experiment).</LI>
1453        </UL></LI>
1454    <LI>optical/LXe
1455        <UL>
1456        <LI>Adjust to the <TT>G4Cerenkov</TT> process now become a
1457            <TT>G4VDiscreteProcess</TT>.</LI>
1458        </UL></LI>
1459    <LI>radioactivedecay/exrdm
1460        <UL>
1461        <LI>Use decay and radiactive decay builders from <TT>physics_lists</TT>
1462            module.</LI>
1463        <LI>Added elastic, stopping, ion and <TT>extraEm</TT> physics.</LI>
1464        <LI>Minor fix to low-energy EM physics builder.</LI>
1465        </UL></LI>
1466    <LI>runAndEvent/RE03
1467        <UL>
1468        <LI>New example demonstrating how to use UI-command based scoring.
1469            It creates a parallel world for defining scoring mesh(es).</LI>
1470        </UL></LI>
1471    </UL></LI>
1473    <UL>
1474    <LI>N02
1475        <UL>
1476        <LI>Explicitely delete allocated parameterisation and step-limit
1477            objects in <TT>ExN02DetectorConstruction</TT> class.</LI>
1478        </UL></LI>
1479    <LI>N03
1480        <UL>
1481        <LI>Added option to activate Qt rendering.</LI>
1482        </UL></LI>
1483    <LI>N05
1484        <UL>
1485        <LI>Modified physics list to take into account usage of <TT>Along</TT>
1486            method in <TT>G4FastSimulationManagerProcess</TT>.</LI>
1487        </UL></LI>
1488    <LI>N06
1489        <UL>
1490        <LI>Adjust to the <TT>G4Cerenkov</TT> process now become a
1491            <TT>G4VDiscreteProcess</TT>.</LI>
1492        </UL></LI>
1493    </UL></LI>
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