source: trunk/ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotes4.9.2.html @ 1353

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3<TITLE>Geant4 9.2 Release Notes</TITLE>
7<P> </P>
9<P> </P>
11<P ALIGN="Center">
12<FONT SIZE="+4" COLOR="#238E23">
13<B>Geant4 9.2 Release Notes</B>
16<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
17<TR><TD ALIGN="Right">
18<FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="#5C3317">
19<B><I>December 19<SUP>th</SUP>, 2008</I></B>
25<HR ALIGN="Center" SIZE="7%">
27The code and binary libraries for the supported systems are available
28through our <A TARGET="ext" HREF="">Source
29Code Web page</A>.
32<I>We are grateful for the efforts of Geant4 users who have provided
33   detailed feedback, comprehensive reports of issues.
34   We thank in particular those who have contributed corrections,
35   improvements or developments included in this release. </I>
38Please refer to the
39<A TARGET="ext" HREF="">Geant4
40User Documentation</A> for further information about using Geant4.
45<LI><A HREF="#1.">Supported and Tested Platforms</A></LI>
46<LI><A HREF="#2.">CLHEP and AIDA</A></LI>
47<LI><A HREF="#3.">Items for migration of the user code</A></LI>
48<LI><A HREF="#4.">New Developments and Capabilities</A></LI>
49<LI><A HREF="#5.">Expected effects on physics and performance</A></LI>
50<LI><A HREF="#6.">Known Run-Time Problems and Limitations</A></LI>
51<LI><A HREF="#7.">Compilation Warnings</A></LI>
52<LI><A HREF="#8.">Known Run-Time Warnings</A></LI>
53<LI><A HREF="#9.">Geant4 Software License</A></LI>
54<LI><A HREF="#10.">Detailed list of changes and fixes</A></LI>
57<P> </P>
58<A NAME="1."></a>
61<!-- ============================================== -->
63<H2>1. Supported and Tested Platforms</H2>
65Official platforms:
67<LI>Linux, gcc-3.4.6 (SLC4), gcc-4.2.1 (SLC5).<BR>
68    Tested on <I>32 and 64 bit architectures</I> (Intel or AMD) with
69    Scientific Linux CERN 4 (SLC4) (based on RedHat Linux Enterprise 4) and
70    Scientific Linux CERN 5 (SLC5) (based on RedHat Linux Enterprise 5).
71    Geant4 has also been successfully compiled on other RedHat versions as
72    well as Debian and Suse.</LI>
73<LI>MacOSX 10.5, gcc-4.0.1</LI>
74<LI>Windows/XP and CygWin Tools with: Visual C++ 9.0 (Visual Studio 2008)</LI>
77More verified configurations:
79<LI>Linux, gcc-4.3.2</LI>
80<LI>Linux, Intel-icc 11.0</LI>
83Platforms configured but neither tested nor supported:
85<LI>AIX 4.3.2, xlC 6.0</LI>
86<LI>DEC V4.0, cxx C++ V6.1-027</LI>
87<LI>HP 10.20, aCC C++ B3910B A.01.23</LI>
88<LI>SGI V6.5.5, CC 7.2.1</LI>
89<LI>SUN Solaris 5.8, C++ CC-5.5.</LI>
92<P> </P>
93<A NAME="2."></A>
96<!-- ============================================== -->
98<H2>2. CLHEP and AIDA</H2>
100Geant4 <U>requires</U> the installation of
101<A TARGET="ext" HREF="">CLHEP</A>, release <B></B>.<BR>
102The installation of <B>CLHEP-</B> is mandatory for consistency in the
103definition of masses and widths of particles. Earlier versions of CLHEP may
104link, but they will not give correct results.
105<P> </P>
106Geant4 9.2 examples with histogramming cowork with analysis tools compliant
107to AIDA 3.2.1 interfaces (for details, see
108<A TARGET="ext" HREF="">Appendix 2</A>
109of the
110<A TARGET="ext" HREF="">Users Guide for Application Developers</A>).<BR>
111AIDA headers can be downloaded from:
112<A TARGET="ext" HREF=""></A>
115<P> </P>
116<A NAME="3."></A>
119<!-- ============================================== -->
121<H2>3. Items for migration of the user code</H2>
123Listed here is some relevant information on developments included in this
124release, some of which may require migrations (mainly for users of advanced
125Geant4 features) in order to upgrade from release 9.1 to release 9.2.
126Note that for all users a full re-installation of libraries (or a full
127recompilation) and a recompilation of user applications is required.
129<P> </P>
131<P> </P>
132An additional optional Boolean argument has been added to the signature
133of <TT>ComputeSafety()</TT> in <TT>G4Navigator</TT>. Any class inheriting
134from <TT>G4Navigator</TT> has to adapt to the new signature.
136<P> </P>
138<P> </P>
139Masses and widths of particles have been updated to be compliant with
140PDG-2008. To maintain consistency this requires the upgrade to a new
141version of the underlying CLHEP library (CLHEP-, which includes
142up-to-date constants as used by Geant4.
144<P> </P>
145<B>Low Energy Electromagnetic physics</B>
146<P> </P>
148<LI>Geant4-DNA processes:<BR>
149    new elastic scattering models are available for electrons, replacing the
150    old ones. The user may use in his/her physics list either the Screened
151    Rutherford model or the Champion model; the models are alternatives and
152    must not be used together.<BR>
153    To use the Screened Rutherford model in the physics list, one should
154    define the elastic process as follows:
155    <PRE>
156    typedef G4DNAProcess<G4CrossSectionElasticScreenedRutherfordHE,
157                         G4FinalStateElasticScreenedRutherford> 
158            ElasticScreenedRutherfordHE;
159    typedef G4DNAProcess<G4CrossSectionElasticScreenedRutherfordLE,
160            G4FinalStateElasticBrennerZaider> 
161            ElasticScreenedRutherfordLE;
162    </PRE>
163    and register it as follows:
164    <PRE>
165    processManager->AddDiscreteProcess(new ElasticScreenedRutherfordLE("ElasticScreenedRutherfordLE"));
166    processManager->AddDiscreteProcess(new ElasticScreenedRutherfordHE("ElasticScreenedRutherfordHE"));
167    </PRE>
168    More details can be found in the advanced example <TT>microdosimetry</TT>.<BR>
169    To use the Champion model in the physics list, define the process as follows:
170    <PRE>
171    typedef G4DNAProcess<G4CrossSectionElasticChampion,
172                         G4FinalStateElasticChampion> ElasticChampion;
173    </PRE>
174    and register it as follows:
175    <PRE>
176    processManager->AddDiscreteProcess(new ElasticChampion("ElasticChampion"));
177    </PRE>
178    Documentation is also available from the
179    <A HREF="">Low
180    Energy EM working group page</A>.</LI>
181<LI>New alternative implementation of Penelope processes compatible with the
182    standard EM design are included as <I>Beta</I> release. Information on how
183    to use these processes (Compton, Rayleigh, Gamma conversion, photo-electric,
184    annihilation and ionisation) is available through these
185    <A href="">migration
186    notes</A>.</LI>
189<P> </P>
190<B>Hadronic physics</B>
191<P> </P>
193  <LI>The method <TT>MeanFreePath()</TT> in <TT>G4HadronicProcess</TT> will
194      become protected in the next release.
195      A new public method will be provided.<BR>
196      The obsolete method <TT>SetDispatch()</TT>, which is no longer used,
197      has been removed.</LI>
200<P> </P>
201<B>Data Sets</B>
202<P> </P>
203This release introduces new versions of two data sets.
204Please see the corresponding details in
205<A href="#data-notes">Section 10</A> of this document.
207<LI>New data for neutron cross-sections, G4NDL.3.13.</LI>
208<LI>New low-energy data set, G4EMLOW.6.2.</LI>
211<P> </P>
212<A NAME="4."></A>
215<!-- ============================================== -->
217<H2>4. New Developments and Capabilities </H2>
219<B>Geometry & Field</B>
221<LI>New <I>locator</I> classes and options are available for identifying the
222    intersection point of a charged particle in a field. These are Simple, Brent,
223    and Multi-level and allow the user to investigate tradeoffs between increased
224    accuracy and CPU speed according to the use case.
225    Multi-level is used by default to provide for robustness; the Brent method
226    is introduced as an alternative.</LI>
229<B>Detector description persistency</B>
231<LI>A new module for importing detector descriptions in ASCII text format
232    is now part of Geant4. Such a description can be used as an alternative
233    to GDML or other persistency techniques, and is provided with a corresponding set
234    of UI commands.</LI>
235<LI>GDML: the GDML plugin module adds export capabilities,
236    and thus replaces completely the external GDML module required in older versions
237    of Geant4. The GDML schema has been upgraded to support missing
238    solids and parameterisations.
239    The new GDML-3_0_0 schema is now recommended.</LI>
242<B>Interfaces & Visualization</B>
244<LI>The layout of the Qt interface, <TT>G4UIQt</TT>, which was introduced in
245    release 9.1 as a <I>Beta</I> release, has been improved. It now supports both common
246    versions of Qt: Qt3 and Qt4, and provides all the functionality of previous
247    graphical user interfaces (such as Xm, Win32...). Also implemented a help
248    widget to easily browse the entire Geant4 command system.</LI>
249<LI>Major Improvements have been made to the Qt visualization driver. This
250    driver now includes all of the capabilties of the other OpenGL drivers,
251    but adds additional controls to rotate, translate, zoom, to export to many
252    graphics formats (jpeg, eps, ps, pdf) and to easily create visualization
253    movies.</LI>
254<LI>The 2D drawing capability has been extended; added in previous release just
255    for <TT>G4Text</TT>, it now also include <TT>G4Circle,
256    G4Polyhedron, G4Polyline, G4Polymarker</TT> and <TT>G4Square</TT>.
257    It allows placement in the 2D "screen window". Useful for tasks such as
258    creating legends or logos that stay put on the screen while you otherwise
259    rotate, translate or zoom the visualization.</LI>
262<B>Low Energy Electromagnetic physics</B>
264<LI>The Doppler broadening effect is added in <TT>G4LowEnergyCompton</TT> and
265    <TT>G4LowEnergyComptonPolarized</TT> (using identical model in both
266    cases).</LI>
267<LI>Ionisation cross sections for particle-induced X-ray Emission (PIXE)
268    <UL>
269    <LI>New Orlic semi-empirical model for L-Shells with protons projectiles
270        (<TT>G4OrlicLCrossSection</TT>);</LI>
271    <LI>New ECPSSR model for K-Shells with protons and alpha projectiles
272        (<TT>G4ecpssrCrossSection</TT>);</LI>
273    <LI>New Paul model for K-Shells (<TT>G4PaulKCrossSection</TT>).</LI>
274    </UL></LI>
275<LI>Added new stopping power model for ions, using by default ICRU 73 data
276    tables. New templated classes are <TT>G4IonParametrisedLossModel</TT>
277    and <TT>G4IonParametrisedLossTable</TT>.</LI>
278<LI>Geant4-DNA processes:
279    <UL>
280    <LI>New charge transfer process by incident protons: two cross-section and
281        one final state policy classes: <TT>G4CrossSectionChargeTransferCH</TT>,
282        <TT>G4CrossSectionChargeTransferExp</TT>,
283        <TT>G4FinalStateChargeTransferProton</TT>;</LI>
284    <LI>Two new total cross section classes for electron elastic scattering in
285        liquid water below and above <TT>200 eV</TT>:
286        <TT>G4CrossSectionElasticScreenedRutherfordLE</TT> and
287        <TT>G4CrossSectionElasticScreenedRutherfordHE</TT>;</LI>
288    <LI>New alternative elastic scattering model for electrons in liquid water
289        from C.Champion's model: <TT>G4CrossSectionElasticChampion</TT> and
290        <TT>G4FinalStateElasticChampion</TT>.</LI> 
291    </UL></LI>
294<B>Standard Electromagnetic physics</B>
296<LI>Cubic Spline interpolation of <tt>dedx</tt> and cross section tables is
297  enabled by default. Better interpolation was found to increase stability
298  when varying transport parameters, such as cuts, of energy deposition of
299  hadrons. The old variant of linear interpolation is available as an option.</LI>
300<LI>A new process, <TT>G4eMultipleScattering</TT>, specialized for simulation
301    of <TT>e+ and e-</TT> multiple scattering has been added.
302    This process in turn uses a new model, <TT>G4UrbanMscModel2</TT>, which is
303    based on the <TT>G4UrbanMscModel</TT> of previous releases but has an
304    improved sampling algorithm and has been retuned to experimental data.
305    Several reference physics lists such as <TT>G4EmStandardPhysics</TT> now
306    use this new <TT>G4eMultipleScattering</TT> process.</LI>
307<LI>A new class <TT>G4WentzelVIModel</TT> for multiple scattering of muons and
308    hadrons is available as a prototype for validation.</LI>
309<LI>New bremsstrahlung model class, <TT>G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel</TT>, includes
310    advanced description of LPM effect; it can be applied for electrons and
311    positrons with <TT>E > 1 GeV</TT> and provides gamma spectra which agree
312    well with thin-target experimental data.<BR>
313    The density suppression effect in the old <TT>G4eBremsstrahlungModel</TT> 
314    has been reviewed and improved.</LI>
315<LI>The <TT>G4IonFluctuations</TT> model has been updated: at high energy
316    it uses <TT>G4UniversalFluctuation</TT>, which provides Landau tail of
317    fluctuations.
318    At low energies it uses Gaussian distribution based on experimental data.</LI>
319<LI>The <TT>G4Cerenkov</TT> process now enforces a step limitation at the
320    Cerenkov threshold and a new user defined step limitation provides for
321    smoother X-ray emission.</LI>
322<LI>A new <TT>G4EmSaturation</TT> class is introduced for sampling of Birks
323    saturation.</LI>
324<LI>A new <TT>G4ElectronIonPair</TT> helper class based on the ICRU'31 report has
325    been added; it can be used for sampling electron/ion pairs in sensitive
326    detectors.</LI>
327<LI>A new <TT>G4EmConfigurator</TT> class can be used for configuration of
328    models in physics lists.</LI>
329<LI>Initialization of <TT>SubType</TT> has been added for all processes.</LI>
330<LI>The printout describing processes, models and their parameters
331    initialised for a run have been upgraded.</LI>
334<B>Hadronic physics</B>
336<LI>A new hadronic process subtype enumeration <TT>G4HadronicProcessType</TT>
337    has been created in order to identify active hadronic processes:
338    <PRE> 
339    enum G4HadronicProcessType
340    {
341      fHadronElastic =   111,
342      fHadronInelastic = 121,
343      fCapture =         131,
344      fFission =         141,
345      fHadronAtRest =    151,
346      fChargeExchange =  161
347    };
348    </PRE></LI>
349<LI>Bertini cascade:
350    <UL>
351    <LI>Barrier penetration has been added to the Coulomb barrier.</LI>
352    <LI>A bug in the final state multiplicity sampling has been fixed, thereby
353        correcting the quasi-elastic peak which was too large.</LI>
354    <LI>Very low values of two-body internal pion cross sections above
355        <TT>7 GeV</TT> have been brought up to PDG values.</LI> 
356    </UL></LI>
357<LI>Binary cascade: the cascade part remains unchanged, however, changes in
358    the pre-compound and de-excitation code will affect results for low-energy
359    secondaries.</LI>
360<LI>The INCL/ABLA cascade/evaporation model is now officially released.
361    It can be used for incident <TT>p, n, d, t, 3He, alpha</TT> and
362    <TT>pions</TT> from <TT>200 MeV</TT> up to <TT>3 GeV</TT>, on nuclei
363    ranging from carbon to uranium.</LI>
364<LI>The quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) model for nucleus-nucleus collisions
365    is now in <I>Beta</I> release. It is valid from <TT>50 MeV</TT> to
366    <TT>5 GeV</TT>.</LI>
367<LI>The class <TT>G4GlauberGribovCrossSection</TT> now provides a smooth
368    transition with the Barashenkov cross sections at <TT>90 GeV</TT>.</LI>
369<LI><TT>G4ChargeExchangeProcess</TT> and <TT>G4ChargeExchange</TT> model are
370    now ready to be used in physics lists; the low energy threshold is set to
371    <TT>1.0 MeV</TT>. </LI>
372<LI>Several improvements have been made to the pre-compound model.
373    Missing pieces of theory were added and several code fixes
374    were made to <TT>G4PreCompoundModel</TT> and related classes.</LI>
375<LI>De-excitation and evaporation:
376    <UL>
377    <LI>Several corrections to the multi-fragmentation model to ensure it
378        conforms with the original SMM model. These were donated by authors
379        of the SMM model and collaborators.</LI>
380    <LI>New inverse cross sections and fixes of evaporation probabilities</LI>
381    <LI>FermiBreakUp is now switched off by default.</LI>
382    <LI>The pairing correction in excitation energy have been fixed in
383        <TT>G4GEMChannel</TT>.</LI>
384    </UL></LI>
385<LI>Nuclear mass tables: in order to use nuclear masses consistently throughout the
386    the hadronic code, changes have been made for the usage of
387    <TT>G4NucleiProperties</TT> methods to also conform to changes made in the
388    particles module.</LI>
391<P> </P>
392<B>Physics Lists</B>
393<P> </P>
395<LI>A new <TT>G4EmStandardPhysics_option3</TT> physics constructor has been
396    added; it can be used for simulation, where required spatial precision is
397    much less than <TT>1 mm</TT>.</LI>
398<LI>A new utility, <TT>G4PhysicsListFactory</TT>, is introduced; it allows
399    any reference physics list to be built.</LI>
402<B>Command-based scoring</B>
404<LI><I>Beta</I> release of cylindrical scoring mesh is included in this release.
405    Any feedback on issues and functionality is welcome.<BR>
406    Please, also see known issues affecting this new development in
407    <A href="#6.">Section 6</A> of this document.</LI>
410<P> </P>
411<A NAME="5."></A>
413<!-- ============================================== -->
415<H2>5. Expected effects on physics and performance</H2>
419<LI>Implementation improvements in <TT>G4Cons</TT> and <TT>G4Tubs</TT>
420    bring speed improvements on the order of 20% for those shapes
421    with pure-tracking (i.e. without field propagation or physics).</LI>
424<B>Low-energy Electromagnetic physics</B>
426<LI>An updated version of the <TT>G4LogLogInterpolation</TT> class is included
427    in this release. This update improves the speed of low
428    energy EM Physics processes that use this class. Only insignificant
429    changes result in the interpolated values obtained and in physics
430    observables.</LI>
433<B>Standard Electromagnetic physics</B>
435<LI>More precise multiple scattering model for electrons and positrons
436    provides wider shower (about 0.5% measured for the CMS calorimeter).</LI>
437<LI>New relativistic Bremsstrahlung model is applied for electrons and
438    positrons; it provides gamma spectra which agree with thin-target CERN and
439    SLAC data.</LI>
440<LI>The usage of the Spline approximation of <TT>dedx</TT> and cross section
441    tables provides a Bragg peak position which is stable within <TT>0.1 mm</TT> 
442    versus variation of production cut or step limit.</LI>
443<LI>Visible energy in sampling calorimeters may increase on the order of 1%
444    due to upgraded model of multiple-scattering and usage of Spline
445    approximation.</LI>
448<B>Hadronic physics</B>
450<LI>Changes to the Bertini cascade code have resulted in several changes to
451    energy spectra and shower shapes:
452    <UL>
453    <LI>the bug fix to multiplicity sampling resulted in cutting the
454        quasi-elastic peak height in half, more in line with the binary
455        cascade;</LI>
456    <LI>the same fix increased the multiplicity and decreased the mean energy
457        of pion secondaries, thus shortening the length of showers in
458        calorimeter tests by roughly 2% (depending on the physics list);</LI>
459    <LI>CMS test beam studies show a significant reduction in non-linearities
460        in energy response to MIP like particles between <TT>5</TT> and
461        <TT>10 GeV</TT>;</LI>
462    <LI>improvements to the Coulomb barrier have significantly reduced the
463        number of protons below <TT>20 MeV</TT>.</LI>
464  </UL></LI>
465<LI>Improvements in the precompound model have resulted in more realistic
466    neutron spectra at low energies. For <TT>22 MeV</TT> protons on aluminum,
467    for example, the neutron spectrum now falls exponentially, as expected from
468    data. Before the changes, this spectrum was more or less flat.
469    This results in proportionally more neutrons at lower energies.</LI>
471<LI>Performance measurements carried out on realistic setups when using
472    <TT>QGSP_BERT</TT> for <TT>50 GeV pi-</TT>, show an improvement of about
473    25% in CPU time. A slight degradation in performance of 1 to 3% is instead
474    measured for <TT>QGSP_EMV</TT>.</LI>
477<P> </P>
478<A NAME="6."></A>
481<!-- ============================================== -->
483<H2>6. Known Run-Time Problems and Limitations</H2>
484<B>Command-based Scoring</B>
486The following known issues affect the cylindrical scoring mesh feature and
487are expected to be fixed in the next release.
489<LI>Rather frequent warning messages may be issued during tracking by the
490    <TT>G4Navigator</TT>, concerning zero-length steps. This does not affect
491    the correctness of the results and has been identified in the cases
492    where a track enters at exactly the center of the top/bottom circular
493    face along the local z-axis of the scoring cylinder.</LI>
494<LI>Speed of transportation in cylindrical mesh is known to be non-optimal
495    and will be improved in the next release.</LI>
496<LI>A problem for some scorers which use the volume size for cylindrical
497    mesh is identified due to faulty calculation of the geometrical volume
498    in such configurations. The following scorers currently should not be
499    used for cylindrical meshes (unless you hand-correct for the volume
500    after results are obtained): <TT>G4PSCellFlux, G4PSDoseDeposit,
501    G4PSPassageCellFlux, G4PSCylinderSurfaceCurrent,
502    G4PSCylinderSurfaceFlux</TT>.</LI>
504For a complete list of outstanding run-time problems and to submit any
505problem you may find while running this version of Geant4, please refer
506to the
507<A TARGET="ext" HREF="">Geant4 Problem
508Reporting System</A>.
510<P> </P>
511<A NAME="7."></A>
514<!-- ============================================== -->
516<H2>7. Compilation Warnings</H2>
518There may be few compilation warnings on some platforms.
519We do not believe that any of these lead to incorrect run-time behaviour.
521<P> </P>
522<A NAME="8."></A>
525<!-- ============================================== -->
527<H2>8. Known Run-Time Warnings</H2>
529The following message can be written to standard output at the end of a program:
531    G4Transportation: Statistics for looping particles
532       Sum of energy of loopers killed:
533       Max energy of loopers killed:
535It provides the total energy (in <TT>MeV</TT>) of tracks  killed due to
536excessive number of steps ('looping') during the simulation, and the maximum
537energy of such a track. Such behaviour can be due to looping in magnetic fields
538or encountering problems at geometrical boundaries.
540In case either of these reported energies is significant, we recommend
541increasing the verbosity of <TT>G4Transportation</TT> to obtain information for
542each track killed. A user can change the threshold energy above which particles
543are not killed using the method <TT>SetThresholdImportantEnergy</TT> of
544<TT>G4Transportation</TT>. The default value is <TT>250 MeV</TT>.
546<P> </P>
547<A NAME="9."></A>
550<!-- ============================================== -->
552<H2>9. Geant4 Software License</H2>
554A Software License applies to the Geant4 code.
555Users must accept this license in order to use it. The details and the list of
556copyright holders is available at
557<A href=""></A>
558and also in the text file <TT>LICENSE</TT> distributed with the source code.
560<P> </P>
561<A NAME="10."></A>
564<!-- ============================================== -->
566<H2>10. Detailed list of changes and fixes</H2>
568These are the main new features/fixes included in this release since the
569last patched public release (for more detailed lists of fixes/additions,
570please refer to the corresponding History files provided in most packages):
572<P> </P>
574<A NAME="conf-notes">
577<LI>Integrated improvements to <TT>Qt</TT> setup. Automatically
578    detecting Qt3 or Qt4 installations.</LI>
579<LI>Embedded <TT>AIDA</TT> setup in central configuration scripts,
580    simplified <TT>GNUmakefile</TT>s in examples.</LI>
581<LI><TT>binmake.gmk</TT>: added sub-modules <TT>persistency/ascii</TT>,
582    <TT>particles/adjoint</TT> and <TT>electromagnetic/adjoint</TT>.</LI>
583<LI>Implemented temporary workaround in <TT>Darwin-g++</TT> for automatically
584    set <TT>GLLIBS</TT> for Leopard. Implemented temporary workaround in
585    <TT>Linux-g++</TT> for automatically detect and correctly set <TT>X11LIBS</TT>
586    and <TT>GLLIBS</TT> for 32/64-bits dual systems on Linux.</LI>
587<LI>Defined <TT>$FIND, $SORT, $TOUCH</TT> variables overridden in Windows
588    setup for defining proper absolute path to CygWin tools, to avoid clashes
589    with Windows native tools.</LI>
590<LI><TT>G4UI_USE.gmk</TT>: added <TT>-DG4UI_USE</TT> to <TT>CPPFLAGS</TT>.
591<LI><TT>Configure</TT> script: brought up-to-date with new data
592    sets and configuration options for Qt.</LI>
595<A NAME="digits-notes">
596<H3><I>Digitization & Hits</I></H3></A>
598<LI>Introducing cylindrical scoring mesh (<TT>G4ScoringCylinder</TT> and
599    related classes); Beta release.</LI>
600<LI>Introducing log-scale color map (<TT>G4ScoreLogColorMap</TT>).</LI>
601<LI>Fixed incorrect index number in <TT>G4ScoringMessenger</TT>.</LI>
604<A NAME="emstd-notes">
605<H3><I>Electromagnetic Processes</I></H3></A>
608    <UL>
609    <LI>First release of adjoint (reverse Monte Carlo) processes for Compton,
610        photo-electric, ionisation and Bremsstrahlung.</LI>
611    </UL></LI>
612<LI><B>High Energy</B>
613    <UL>
614    <LI>Added new Bremsstrahlung and pair-production models for hadrons.</LI>
615    <LI>Added initialization of <TT>SubType</TT> for all processes.</LI>
616    <LI><TT>G4eeCrossSections</TT>: migrated to PDG 2006 data.</LI>
617    <LI>New models: <TT>G4eeTo3PiModel</TT>, <TT>G4eeToPGammaModel</TT>,
618        <TT>G4ee2KChargedModel</TT>, <TT>G4ee2KNeutralModel</TT>.</LI>
619    <LI><TT>G4eeToHadronsMultiModel</TT>: added main reaction channels for
620        <TT>omega</TT> and <TT>phi</TT> resonances.</LI>
621    <LI><TT>G4GammaConversionToMuons</TT>: replaced legacy exit() statements
622        by warnings.</LI>
623    <LI>Updated processes enumeration and printouts.</LI>
624    </UL></LI>
625<LI><B>Low Energy</B>
626    <UL>
627    <LI>Added PIXE cross section, L-shells, for protons in
628        <TT>G4OrlicLCrossSection</TT>. Added semi-Empirical model implementation
629        for L-SubShells-Cross-Section with protons projectiles.</LI>
630    <LI>New charge transfer process by incident protons (two cross-section and
631        one final state policy classes).</LI>
632    <LI>Added Doppler broadening to <TT>G4LowEnergyCompton</TT>, based on
633        <I>Y.Namito, S.Ban and H.Hirayama, NIM A 349, pp. 489-494, 1994</I>.
634        Added Doppler broadening in <TT>G4LowEnergyComptonPolarized</TT>, same
635        model as in <TT>G4LowEnergyCompton</TT>.</LI>
636    <LI>Added new stopping power model for ions, using by default ICRU 73
637        data tables. New templated classes: <TT>G4IonParametrisedLossModel</TT>
638        and <TT>G4IonParametrisedLossTable</TT>.</LI>
639    <LI>Added new photon models (Penelope and Livermore) compatible with
640        standard EM design (<I>Beta</I> release).</LI>
641    <LI>First inclusion of <TT>G4PenelopeIonisationModel</TT>.
642        Correction for <TT>G4PenelopeComptonModel</TT>: now the cross section
643        table calculated by the model corresponds to the original Penelope;
644        the difference was only for compounds materials and below 1 keV.
645        Fixes to <TT>G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungContinuous</TT>.<BR>
646    <LI>Allow for loading the complete Auger dataset on initialization.</LI>
647    <LI>Cleaned and updated energy limits for DNA processes.</LI>
648    <LI>Added new elastic scattering process for electrons (Geant4 DNA) from
649        C.Champion's model (<TT>G4CrossSectionElasticChampion</TT> and
650        <TT>G4FinalStateElasticChampion</TT>). First implementation
651        of process for positronium production from C.Champion's model.
652        Updated <TT>G4DNAGenericIonsManager</TT>.
653        NOTE: new processes work only with version 6.2 of <TT>G4EMLOW</TT>
654        data.</LI>
655    <LI>Removed printout in <TT>G4LowEnergyCompton</TT>. Addressing problem
656        report <A href="">#1026</A>.
657    <LI>Removed <TT>AddEnergyDeposit</TT> below low energy limit in final
658        state classes.</LI>
659    <LI>Decreased low energy limit for e- to <TT>12.61 eV</TT> in
660        <TT>G4CrossSectionIonisationBorn</TT> and
661        <TT>G4FinalStateIonisationBorn</TT> instead of <TT>25 eV</TT>.</LI>
662    <LI>Corrected wrong upper energy limit for hydrogen in class
663        <TT>G4CrossSectionIonisationRudd</TT>, and proton in
664        <TT>G4ChargeDecrease</TT>. Raised lower energy limit of
665        <TT>G4CrossSectionExcitationEmfietzoglou</TT> up to <TT>10 eV</TT>.
666        Updated low energy limits of Geant4-DNA e- models (Brenner-Zaider and
667        Champion's elastic scattering and Emfietzoglou's excitation).</LI>
668    <LI>Added two new classes for electron elastic scattering below and above
669        <TT>200 eV</TT>.</LI>
670    <LI>Added protection against negative log() argument in
671        <TT>G4LogLogInterpolation</TT>.</LI>
672    <LI>Added protection against energies above <TT>200 eV</TT> and corrected
673        bug in computation of differential cross-section maximum in
674        <TT>G4FinalStateElasticBrennerZaider</TT>.</LI>
675    <LI>Added protection in <TT>G4FinalStateIonisationBorn</TT> causing
676        run-time error detected by Valgrind.</LI>
677    <LI>Requires new data set <TT>G4EMLOW.6.2</TT>.</LI>
678    </UL></LI>
680    <UL>
681    <LI>Added initialization of <TT>SubType</TT> for all processes.</LI>
682    <LI>Added Spline option and promoted to public method
683        <TT>ComputeTrueStep()</TT> in <TT>G4EnergyLossForExtrapolator</TT>.
684        Added method <TT>TrueStepLength()</TT>; fixed initialization before
685        a step.</LI>
686    <LI>Several fixes and further developments in <TT>G4Mu*</TT> models and
687        associated processes in order to be used as base classes for hadron
688        induced bremsstrahlung and <TT>e+e-</TT> pair production.</LI>
689    </UL></LI>
691    <UL>
692    <LI>Added initialization of <TT>SubType</TT> for all processes.</LI>
693    </UL></LI>
695    <UL>
696    <LI>Added initialization of <TT>SubType</TT> for all processes.</LI>
697    <LI>Multiple Scattering:
698        <UL>
699        <LI>New multiple-scattering model <TT>G4WentzelVIModel</TT> used in
700            new muon physics processes.</LI>
701        <LI>Cloned <TT>G4UrbanMscModel</TT> class into <TT>G4UrbanMscModel2</TT>:
702            <UL>
703            <LI>Introduced several fixes and tunings. Tuned central part of
704                scattering angle (<TT>theta0</TT>) and tail of the scattering
705                angle distribution, using some <TT>e-</TT> scattering data.</LI>
706            <LI>Use screening function from <TT>G4eCoulombScatteringModel</TT>
707                and fixed screening parameter of the single scattering part.</LI>
708            <LI>Added extra protection for <TT>UseDistanceToBoundary</TT> option.</LI>
709            <LI>Fixed bug in <TT>ComputeTruePathLengthLimit()</TT>.</LI>
710            <LI>Fixed NaN in sampling of cosine theta for <TT>50 GeV e-</TT>.</LI>
711            </UL></LI>
712        <LI><TT>G4UrbanMscModel</TT>, <TT>G4UrbanMscModel2</TT>,
713            <TT>G4UrbanMscModel90</TT>:
714            <UL>
715            <LI>Fixed cases of string comparison when compute transport
716                cross-sections, compare masses instead.</LI>
717            <LI>Using <TT>StepStatus</TT> from </TT>preStepPoint</TT> to
718                identify first step for a given track instead of the step
719                number. Fixing a problem observed in ATLAS of small step
720                limits with suspended tracks when using Cerenkov process.</LI>
721            <LI>Added protection against sampling scattering angle with zero
722                transport cross section.
723            </UL></LI>
724        <LI>New process <TT>G4eMultipleScattering</TT> specialized for
725            <TT>e+,e-</TT>, which uses <TT>G4UrbanMscModel2</TT> as a default model.</LI>
726        </UL></LI>
727    <LI>Bremsstrahlung:
728        <UL>
729        <LI><TT>G4eBremsstrahlungModel</TT>: corrected Migdal constant to be
730            set to the value as in <TT>G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel</TT>.</LI>
731        <LI><TT>G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel</TT>: revised LPM and density effect suppressions;
732            results fit CERN thin target experimental data at 150-300 GeV;
733            defined threshold energy for LPM effect depending on atomic number;
734            defined Thomas-Fermi screening function (a'la Tsai).</LI>
735        <LI><TT>G4eBremsstrahlung</TT>: uses <TT>G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel</TT> above
736            <TT>1 GeV</TT> by default.</LI>
737        </UL></LI>
738    <LI>Ionisation:
739        <UL>
740        <LI><TT>G4ionIonisation</TT>, <TT>G4hIonisation</TT>: removed
741            <TT>InitialiseMassCharge()</TT> and <TT>CorrectionsAlongStep()</TT>
742            methods; limits of kinetic energy for models now taken from the base
743            class and from models; separated treatment of <TT>He</TT> ions.</LI>
744        <LI><TT>G4ionGasIonisation</TT>: is exact clone of <TT>G4ionIonisation</TT>.</LI>
745        <LI><TT>G4hIonisation</TT>: switched off nuclear stopping for
746            <TT>pi</TT> and <TT>K</TT> mesons.</LI>
747        <LI><TT>G4IonFluctuations</TT>: added protection to the computation of
748            the correction factor to dispersion which provide smooth transition
749            to small velocities of an ion; added protection in computation of
750            dispersion on allowing have a corrected dispersion below Bohr value.
751            Avoid Poisson sampling. Avoid loop over elements of material;
752            use effective <TT>Z</TT>. Added <TT>G4UniversalFluctuation</TT>
753            model to provide a smooth transition from high to low energies.</LI>
754        </UL></LI>
755    <LI><TT>G4eCoulombScatteringModel</TT>:
756        <UL>
757        <LI>Speedup run-time computations using precomputed nuclear
758            form-factors per element.</LI>
759        <LI>Added extra protection for precision lost in computation of
760            recoil energy and for ions. Added protection against precision
761            loss in computation of cross section at high energy.</LI>
762        <LI>Added usage of <TT>G4ElementSelector</TT> vector.</LI>
763        </UL></LI>
764    <LI><TT>G4PAIxSection</TT>: new functions for resonance and Rutherford
765        collisions.</LI>
766    <LI><TT>G4PAIPhotonModel</TT>: changed model name.</LI>
767    <LI>Fixed nuclear size correction for the <TT>G4BetheBlochModel</TT>.
768        Added methods <TT>GetParticleCharge()</TT>,
769        <TT>GetChargeSquareRatio()</TT>, <TT>CorrectionsAlongStep()</TT>
770        needed for ions in <TT>G4BetheBlochModel</TT>, <TT>G4BraggModel</TT>
771        and <TT>G4BraggIonModel</TT>; defining low and high energy limits
772        inside the model. Take into account effective charge change over
773        the step.</LI>
774    <LI><TT>G4WaterStopping</TT>: using Spline interpolation and mass number
775        instead of atomic mass.</LI>
776    <LI><TT>G4WaterStopping</TT>: added extra data.</LI>
777    <LI><TT>G4PSTARStopping, G4ASTARStopping</TT>: fixed <TT>SiO2</TT>,
778        TEFLON, and GRAFITE data. </LI>
779    </UL></LI>
781    <UL>
782    <LI>New class <TT>G4VMscModel</TT> to keep general multiple-scattering
783        parameters and Get/Set methods.</LI>
784    <LI>New class <TT>G4EmElementSelector</TT>, a helper class to sample random
785        <TT>G4Element</TT> in a compound material.</LI>
786    <LI>New helper classes: <TT>G4EmConfigurator</TT>, class to add model per
787        particle type, process, energy range and geometrical region.</LI>
788    <LI><TT>G4ElectronIonPair</TT>: class to sample number of primary
789        ionisations in detectors.</LI>
790    <LI>Added <TT>G4EmProcessSubType</TT> enumerator, defining sub-types for all
791        EM processes and changed enumeration names in <TT>G4EmTableType</TT>
792        to avoid clashes.</LI>
793    <LI>Added new <TT>G4EmSaturation</TT> helper class.</LI>
794    <LI><TT>G4VEnergyLossProcess</TT>: fixed computation of NIEL at the last
795        step of a particle.</LI>
796    <LI><TT>G4LossTableManager</TT>: fixed logic in compute <TT>dEdx</TT> table
797        for an inactive process. Added register/deregister mechanism and
798        deletion at the end of job for <TT>G4VEmModel</TT>.
799        Propagated Spline flag to <TT>G4LossTableBuilder</TT>.
800        Set spline option to <TT>true</TT>, <TT>LPM</TT> effect to <TT>true</TT>
801        by default. Removed legacy calls to <TT>exit()</TT>.</LI>
802    <LI><TT>G4LossTableBuilder</TT>: removed dependency on
803        <TT>G4LossTableManager</TT>. Removed legacy calls to <TT>exit()</TT>.</LI>
804    <LI><TT>G4EmModelManager</TT>: fixed crash in destructor when verbosity is
805        greater than 1; fixed selection of models per energy; updated printout
806        with <TT>DumpModelList()</TT> method.</LI>
807    <LI><TT>G4VEmModel</TT>, <TT>G4VEmProcess</TT>,
808        <TT>G4VMultipleScattering</TT>, <TT>G4VEnergyLossProcess</TT>:
809        <UL>
810        <LI>Reordering of members and methods of classes and improved comments.</LI> 
811        <LI>Setting default table size <TT>0.1 keV - 100 TeV</TT> in 84 bins.</LI>
812        <LI>Renamed and improved method <TT>MicroscopicCrossSection()</TT> by
813            <TT>CrossSectionPerVolume()</TT>.</LI>
814        <LI>Using new <TT>DumpModelList()</TT> method from <TT>G4EmModelManager</TT>
815            in the verbosity output.</LI>
816        </UL></LI>
817    <LI><TT>G4VEmModel</TT>:
818        <UL>
819        <LI>Provided optimizations of <TT>SelectRandomAtom()</TT> and
820            <TT>SelectIsotope()</TT>.</LI> 
821        <LI>Added methods <TT>GetParticleCharge()</TT>, <TT>GetChargeSquareRatio()</TT>,
822            <TT>CorrectionsAlongStep()</TT> and <TT>ActivateNuclearStopping()</TT>
823            needed for simulation of ion transport.</LI>
824        <LI>Added LPM flag and access methods.</LI>
825        <LI>Added threshold on secondary energy used in Bremsstrahlung model and
826            access methods.</LI>
827        <LI>Use STL vector for cross sections per atom instead of C array to
828            avoid limits of compound materials.</LI>
829        </UL></LI>
830    <LI><TT>G4VEnergyLossProcess</TT>: added pointer to current <TT>G4VEmModel</TT>;
831         removed method <TT>CorrectionsAlongStep()</TT>, using instead corresponding
832         method of a model.</LI> 
833    <LI><TT>G4EmCorrections</TT>:
834        <UL>
835        <LI>Added interfaces to ion effective charge.</LI>
836        <LI>Disabled computation of ion corrections if <TT>G4hIonisation</TT>
837            process is used for ions.</LI>
838        <LI>Added new correction methods in order to provide a smooth transition
839            between low-energy parameterization and Bethe-Bloch model.</LI> 
840        <LI><TT>dEdx</TT> data for ions are initialized at the start
841            of a run for materials used in geometry.</LI> 
842        <LI>Updated search for ion/material pairs.</LI> 
843        <LI>Defined the correction vector <TT>25 keV - 2.5 MeV</TT> in 20 bins
844            as it is in ICRU'73 table.</LI>
845        </UL></LI>
846    <LI><TT>G4VEmFluctuationModel</TT>: added method
847        <TT>SetParticleAndCharge()</TT>.</LI>
848    <LI><TT>G4EnergyLossMessenger</TT>: added UI command
849        <TT>/process/em/applyCuts</TT>.</LI>
850    </UL></LI>
852    <UL>
853    <LI>Added scintillation with Birk's law and make now use of
854        <TT>G4EmSaturation</TT> to implement Birks correction.</LI>
855    <LI>Added <TT>SetProcessSubType()</TT> method to <TT>G4Cerenkov</TT>
856        and <TT>G4Scintillation</TT>.</LI>
857    <LI><TT>G4Cerenkov</TT>:
858        <UL>
859        <LI>Added extra step limit <TT>MaxBetaChangePerStep</TT> and enforced
860            a step limit at the Cerenkov threshold.</LI>
861        <LI>Modified sampling of the Cerenkov photon origins assuming linear
862            decrease in the <TT>MeanNumberOfPhotons</TT> over the step.</LI>
863        <LI>Use direct inheritance from <TT>G4VProcess</TT>.</LI>
864        </UL></LI>
865    </UL></LI>
868<A NAME="g3tog4-notes">
871<LI>Fixed compilation warning for gcc-4.3.X in <TT>clparse</TT>.</LI>
874<A NAME="gen-notes">
875<H3><I>General Processes</I></H3></A>
878    <UL>
879    <LI>Fixed use of <TT>WeightCutOff</TT> now correctly working in a mass
880        geometry.</LI>
881    <LI>Archived obsolete class <TT>G4CellFinder</TT>.</LI>
882    </UL></LI>
884    <UL>
885    <LI>Added <TT>G4ProductionCutsTableMessenger</TT> class.</LI>
886    </UL></LI>
888    <UL>
889    <LI><TT>G4DecayWithSpin</TT>: modified <TT>DecayIt()</TT> to allow spin
890        precession also for EM fields.</LI>
891    <LI>Fixed process sub-type enumeration.</LI>
892    </UL></LI>
894    <UL>
895    <LI></LI>
896    </UL></LI>
898    <UL>
899    <LI>In <TT>G4OpWLS</TT> now use <TT>SetTouchableHandle()</TT> for the
900        secondaries in the <TT>DoIt()</TT>.</LI>
901    <LI><TT>G4OpBoundaryProcess</TT>: correctly initialise pointer
902        <TT>Surface</TT>; corrected use of signatures for <TT>G4SwapPtr()</TT>
903        and <TT>G4SwapObj()</TT>, also addressing problem report
904        <A href="">#1020</A>;
905        changed unsafe cast to surface to <TT>dynamic_cast</TT>, according
906        to suggestion in problem report
907        <A href="">#1014</A>.
908        Use <TT>G4RandomTool</TT> utilities.</LI>
909    <LI>Replaced process sub-type IDs with corresponding enum IDs.
910        Added local <TT>G4OpProcessSubType</TT> enum.</LI>
911    </UL></LI>
913    <UL>
914    <LI>Added copying of non-ionizing energy deposit in <TT>G4Step</TT>.</LI>
915    </UL></LI>
917    <UL>
918    <LI><TT>G4Transportation, G4CoupledTransportation</TT>:
919        Performance improvement: avoid to compute safety at end of step for
920        neutral particles. Push value & origin of safety to <TT>G4SafetyHelper</TT>
921        only when its value comes from <TT>ComputeSafety()</TT>.</LI>
922    </UL></LI>
925<A NAME="geo-notes">
929    <UL>
930    <LI>Added division along <TT>X</TT> for G4Trd (that results in G4Trap's).</LI>
931    <LI>Enhanced <TT>G4PVDivision</TT> internal utility methods to allow
932        divisions solids to have type different than mother.</LI>
933    </UL></LI>
934<LI><B>Magnetic field</B>
935    <UL>
936    <LI>Revised signature of <TT>G4ChordFinder::FinderNextChord()</TT>,
937        making <TT>FieldTrack</TT> argument passed as reference.</LI>
938    <LI>Added <TT>ApproxCurveV</TT> to method
939        <TT>G4ChordFinder::ApproxCurvePointS()</TT> in order to better
940        calculate the curve length.</LI>
941    <LI>Added new stepper class <TT>G4ConstRK4</TT>, performing integration
942        of one step with error calculation in constant magnetic field;
943        implementation derived from <TT>G4ClassicalRK4</TT>.</LI>
944    <LI>Added <TT>SetAnomaly()</TT> and <TT>GetAnomaly()</TT> accessors to
945        <TT>G4EqEMFieldWithSpin</TT>. Renormalised spin to 1.</LI>
946    <LI>Some code cleanup.</LI>
947    </UL></LI>
949    <UL>
950    <LI><TT>G4VSolid</TT>: explicitely reserve memory for polygon vectors
951        in clipping algorithm to help reducing memory footprint.</LI>
952    </UL></LI>
954    <UL>
955    <LI><TT>G4Navigator</TT>: introduced optional <TT>Boolean</TT> argument to
956        <TT>ComputeSafety()</TT> to allow for computation of safety without
957        modifying the state of the navigator. Modified accordingly involved
958        classes, for calls to <TT>ComputeSafety()</TT>.</LI>
959    <LI><TT>G4VoxelNavigation</TT>: implemented additional check when running
960        in <TT>check</TT> mode; if it is on the surface, ensure that it can
961        move on next step; either <TT>DistanceToIn(p,v)</TT> or
962        <TT>DistanceToOut(p,v)</TT> should return a finite value greater
963        than the tolerance.</LI>
964    <LI><TT>G4PathFinder</TT>: cleared unecessary calls to <TT>ComputeSafety()</TT>
965        in <TT>ReLocate()</TT>.</LI>
966    <LI>Moved method <TT>LocateIntersectionPoint()</TT> in
967        <TT>G4PropagatorInField</TT> to a separate class
968        <TT>G4VIntersectionLocator</TT>, now allowing to use different
969        location algorithms: Brent, MultiLevel, Simple.
970        New classes: <TT>G4VIntersectionLocator</TT>, <TT>G4SimpleLocator</TT>,
971        <TT>G4BrentLocator</TT> and <TT>G4MultiLevelLocator</TT>.</LI>
972    <LI>Introduced first implementation of new optional method in locator
973        classes <TT>AdjustementOfFoundIntersection()</TT> using surface-normal
974        of the intersecting solid to boost accuracy. Added the optional call
975        to the new method in each concrete locator.</LI>
976    </UL></LI>
977<LI><B>Solids (CSG)</B>
978    <UL>
979    <LI><TT>G4Tubs</TT>, <TT>G4Cons</TT>: implemented speed improvements and
980        corrections from joint code review of <TT>G4Tubs</TT> and <TT>G4Cons</TT>
981        classes. Cached computation for half-tolerance and use of Boolean flag
982        for identifying if full-cone/tubs or section. Implemented caching of
983        trigonometric values, now directly computed inside modifiers for
984        <TT>Phi</TT> angles and required for parametrised cases (improvement
985        bringing up to 20% speedup in normal tracking for tube/cone-sections
986        placements).</LI>
987    <LI><TT>G4Sphere</TT>: defined <TT>Get/SetInnerRadius()</TT> accessors to
988        be compliant with other CSG solids.</LI>
989    </UL></LI>
990<LI><B>Solids (Specific)</B>
991    <UL>
992    <LI>Corrected algorithm in <TT>G4TriangularFacet::GetPointOnFace()</TT>
993        according to suggestion advanced in problem report
994        <A href="">#1025</A>.
995        Fixes a problem of false overlaps detection related to
996        <TT>G4ExtrudedSolid</TT> and <TT>G4TessellatedSolid</TT>.
997        Corrected initialisation of algorithm in <TT>G4TriangularFacet</TT>
998        constructor.</LI>
999    <LI><TT>G4ExtrudedSolid</TT>: fixed bug in the decomposition of polygonal
1000        sides for quadrangular facets in <TT>MakeFacets()</TT>. Addresses
1001        problem report
1002        <A href="">#1029</A>.</LI>
1003    <LI>Enhanced <TT>GetPointOnSurface()</TT> for generic <TT>G4Polycone</TT>
1004        and <TT>G4Polyhedra</TT> constructs.</LI>
1005    <LI>Added missing accessors to <TT>G4EllipticalCone</TT>.</LI>
1006    </UL></LI>
1008    <UL>
1009    <LI><TT>G4ReflectionFactory</TT>: corrected singleton definition;
1010        return <TT>const G4String&</TT> instead of copy in
1011        <TT>GetVolumesNameExtension()</TT>.</LI>
1012    </UL></LI>
1015<A NAME="glob-notes">
1018<LI><TT>G4UnitsTable</TT>: added units for electric-field, <TT>V/m</TT>.</LI>
1019<LI><TT>G4PhysicsVector</TT>: introduced cubic spline interpolation, optionally
1020    selectable. Optimised implementation of <TT>GetValue()</TT> method.</LI>
1021<LI><TT>G4LPhysicsFreeVector</TT>: corrected use of <TT>GetValue()</TT> to
1022    adopt implementation available from the base class.</LI>
1023<LI>Corrected initialisation of vectors to conform to definition in
1024    <TT>G4PhysicsVector</TT>, and added protections against empty vectors.</LI>
1025<LI>Corrected definition of copy-constructor and <TT>operator=()</TT> in
1026    <TT>G4PhysicsVector</TT> and added corresponding definitions in derived
1027    classes, where needed.</LI>
1028<LI>Added missing constructor <TT>G4String(const char*, str_size)</TT>.</LI>
1029<LI>Modified <TT>G4RandomDirection</TT> global function to use unit radius
1030    sphere surface algorithm instead of 8-quadrants technique, giving ~30%
1031    performance boost in dedicated stress tests.</LI>
1032<LI>Added header <TT>G4RandomTools.hh</TT>, implementing global utility methods for
1033    random Lambertian vector and random plane vector. Implementation derived
1034    from <TT>G4OpBoundaryProcess</TT>.</LI>
1035<LI>Changed date for release 9.2.</LI>
1038<A NAME="greps-notes">
1039<H3><I>Graphical Representations</I></H3></A>
1041<LI><TT>HepPolyhedronHype</TT>: fixed arrays upper-bound in constructor,
1042    responsible for memory corruption in visualization of <TT>G4Hype</TT>
1043    shape.</LI>
1046<A NAME="had-notes">
1047<H3><I>Hadronic Processes</I></H3></A>
1049<LI>Replaced usage of <TT>G4NucleiPropertiesTable::GetBindingEnergy(Z,A)</TT>
1050    with <TT>G4NucleiProperties::GetBindingEnergy(A,Z)</TT> in all affected
1051    classes.</LI>
1052<LI>Replaced usage of <TT>G4NucleiPropertiesTable::IsInTable()</TT> with
1053    <TT>G4NucleiProperties::IsInStableTable()</TT> where necessary.</LI>
1054<LI><B>Cross sections</B>
1055    <UL>
1056    <LI><TT>G4CrossSectionDataStore</TT>: added method <TT>SampleZandA()</TT>,
1057        returning a <TT>G4Element</TT> and filling <TT>G4Nucleus</TT>.</LI>
1058    <LI><TT>G4GlauberGribovCrossSection</TT> provides a smooth transition from
1059        Barashenkov cross-sections at <TT>90 GeV</TT>; set threshold to
1060        <TT>90 GeV</TT> where this cross-section is used.</LI>
1061    <LI><TT>G4PiNuclearCrossSection</TT>: commented out debug calls to
1062        <TT>G4ping</TT>.</LI>
1063    <LI><TT>G4BGGPionElasticXS, G4BGGPionInelasticXS, G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS,
1064        G4BGGNucleonElasticXS, G4UPiNuclearCrossSection</TT>: added proper
1065        Coulomb barrier and cleanup implementations.</LI>
1066    </UL></LI>
1068    <UL>
1069    <LI>Added class <TT>G4HadronicProcessStore</TT>, singleton class to keep
1070        pointers to all registered hadronic processes and to provide dump of
1071        process and models used in Physics List.</LI>
1072    <LI>Introduced new hadronic process subtype enum
1073        <TT>G4HadronicProcessType</TT>; added to <TT>G4HadronicProcess</TT>
1074        to identify process sub-types.</LI>
1075    <LI>Set process sub-type to <TT>fHadronInelastic</TT> for all process</LI>
1076    <LI><TT>G4HadronicProcess</TT>:
1077        <UL>
1078        <LI>Some cleanup; use method <TT>SampleZandA()</TT> to select an
1079            isotope and avoid use of debug local <TT>NanCheck()</TT>;
1080            avoid checking environment variables at run-time; directly fill
1081           <TT>G4HadronicWhiteBoard</TT>.</LI>
1082        <LI>Implemented <TT>PostStepDoIt()</TT> and <TT>DumpPhysicsTable()</TT>
1083            methods.</LI>
1084        <LI>Removed obsolete method <TT>SetDispatch()</TT>.</LI>
1085        <LI>Make <TT>MeanFreePath()</TT> public to avoid interface change
1086            (addressing problem report
1087            <A href="">#1035</A>).
1088            In future this method will become protected; a specific public
1089             method will be provided for it.</LI>
1090    <LI>Cleanup derived processes (<TT>G4HadronInelasticProcess</TT>,
1091        <TT>G4HadronElasticProcess</TT>....) moving destructors to source of a class
1092        and use methods from the base class.</LI>
1093        </UL></LI>
1094    </UL></LI>
1095<LI><B>Binary Cascade</B>
1096    <UL>
1097    <LI><TT>G4BinaryCascade, G4BinaryLightIonReaction</TT>: added name of the
1098        model; commented out welcome message.</LI>
1099    <LI>Made static instance of <TT>G4Scatterer</TT> in <TT>G4BinaryCascade</TT>
1100        class a data member instead, to avoid issues of static destruction at
1101        job closure; resolves issue detected by Valgrind.</LI>
1102    </UL></LI>
1104    <UL>
1105    <LI>Implemented code review for optimization and speed up.</LI>
1106    <LI><TT>G4ElementaryParticleCollider</TT>: in method
1107        <TT>GenerateMultiplicity()</TT>, removed large_cut which increases
1108        multiplicity from 3 to 4 abruptly at <TT>4 GeV</TT> and above. This
1109        caused a sharp drop-off in the single pion spectra from <TT>pH</TT>
1110        reactions. The effect in heavier nuclei is small.</LI>
1111    <LI>Introduced simple wrapper class <TT>G4CascadeMomentum</TT> meant to
1112        replace usage of <TT>std::vector</TT> in the cascade code, to reduce
1113        memory allocations. Modified cascade code accordingly.</LI>
1114    <LI>Added Coulomb barrier plus barrier penetration in
1115        <TT>G4IntraNucleiCascader</TT>.</LI>
1116    <LI>Fixed multiplicity sampling in <TT>G4ElementaryParticleCollider</TT>
1117        method <TT>generateMultiplicity()</TT>. Now partial cross-sections are
1118        normalized to the total cross section instead of just the sum of 2-body
1119        to 6-body final state cross sections.
1120        Also fixed 2-body cross-sections above 7 GeV where they were too small.
1121        Fixed the same cross-sections which appear in
1122        <TT>G4CascadSpecialFunctions</TT>.</LI>
1123    <LI>Added comments to cross section tables in <TT>G4CascadSpecialFunctions</TT>
1124        and <TT>G4ElementaryParticleCollider</TT>.</LI>
1125    <LI>Replaced <TT>GetAtomicMass()</TT> with <TT>GetNuclearMass()</TT> in
1126        <TT>G4InuclEvaporation</TT> and <TT>G4BertiniEvaporation</TT>.</LI>
1127    <LI>Added name <TT>Bertini Cascade</TT> to <TT>G4CascadeInterface</TT>.</LI>
1128    </UL></LI>
1129<LI><B>Chiral Invariant Phase Space (CHIPS)</B>
1130    <UL>
1131    <LI>Added <TT>G4QIonIonElastic</TT> process</LI>
1132    <LI>Added general process type to several processes.
1133        Set process sub-type to 11 (elastic) for <TT>G4QElastic</TT>,
1134        <TT>G4QIonIonElastic</TT>; sub-type 12 (inelastic) for
1135        <TT>G4QCollision</TT>, <TT>G4QDiffraction</TT>, <TT>G4QGluonString</TT>,
1136        <TT>G4QLowEnergy</TT>; sub-type 13 (capture) for <TT>G4QCaptureAtRest</TT>;
1137        sub-type 15 (stopping) for <TT>G4PionMinusNuclearAtRestChips</TT>,
1138        <TT>G4ProtonAntiProtonAtRestChips</TT>; sub-type 16 (quasi-elastic) for
1139        <TT>G4QCoherentChargeExchange</TT>; sub-type 10 (unknown) for
1140        <TT>G4QAtomicElectronScattering</TT>, <TT>G4QDiscProcessMixer</TT>.
1141        Set process type ID to <TT>fHadronAtRest</TT> for <TT>G4QCaptureAtRest</TT>,
1142        <TT>G4PionMinusNuclearAtRestChips</TT> and
1143        <TT>G4ProtonAntiProtonAtRestChips</TT>.</LI>
1144    <LI><TT>G4QCaptureAtRest</TT>: added registration in
1145        <TT>G4HadronicProcessStore</TT> and <TT>PrintInfo()</TT> by adding
1146        <TT>PreparePhysicsTable()</TT> and <TT>BuildPhysicsTable()</TT>.</LI>
1147    <LI><TT>G4GammaNuclearReaction</TT>: moved implementations from header to
1148        source and added ID name "CHIPS".</LI>
1149    <LI><TT>G4ElectroNuclearReaction</TT>: moved instantiation of HE model to
1150        constructor from run time and added ID name "CHIPS".</LI>
1151    </UL></LI>
1153    <UL>
1154    <LI><TT>G4PhotonEvaporation</TT>: atomic relaxation model is no longer
1155        applied following internal electron conversion. Instead the vacant
1156        shell index is passed to radioactive decay model, where the ARM is
1157        applied.</LI>
1158    <LI>New inverse cross sections:
1159        <UL>
1160        <LI>OPT=1 Chetterjee's parameterization to reaction cross sections
1161            from optical potential global fittings;</LI>
1162        <LI>OPT=2 as OPT=1 but for protons the Wellisch's parameterization
1163            for protons is used (DEFAULT);</LI>
1164        <LI>OPT=3 Kalbach's modifications of Chatterjee's parameterization
1165            of cross sections;</LI>
1166        <LI>OPT=4 as OPT=3 but for protons the Wellisch's parameterization
1167            for protons is used.</LI>
1168        </UL></LI>
1169    <LI>Integraded fixes in <TT>G4EvaporationProbabilities</TT>;
1170        OPT=2 is set.</LI>
1171    <LI>Switched off FermiBreakUp by default.</LI>
1172    <LI>Upgrades to evaporation and handler.</LI>
1173    <LI>Fixed problem report
1174        <A href="">#1028</A>
1175        in <TT>G4CompetitiveFission::FissionCharge()</TT>; trivial change of
1176        <TT>A</TT> to <TT>Af</TT>.</LI>
1177    <LI>Fix in <TT>G4GEMChannel</TT> according to
1178        <TT>(anA,aZ) -> (AResidual,ZResidual)</TT> for pairing correction
1179        in <TT>ExEnergy</TT>.</LI>
1180    <LI>Fix from JMQ for Zirconium</LI>
1181    <LI>Fixed minor memory leak in <TT>G4ExcitationHandler</TT> and
1182        <TT>G4EvaporationChannel</TT>.</LI>
1183    <LI>Increased verbosity in <TT>G4Evaporation</TT> to try to understand
1184        channel probability failure in very rare case.</LI>
1185    <LI>Trivial fix to prevent negative cross-sections for incident protons on
1186        targets with <TT>A < Carbon</TT>.</LI>
1187    </UL></LI>
1188<LI><B>Elastic scattering</B>
1189    <UL>
1190    <LI><TT>G4ChargeExchangeProcess</TT>: added high and low energy protections
1191        to cross-section. Process and model prepared to be used in physics
1192        lists; energy threshold is set to <TT>1.0 MeV</TT>.</LI>
1193    <LI><TT>G4HadronElastic</TT>: added counts of abnornal sampling results
1194        and printing out values in the destructor; fixed sampling of scattering
1195        angle outside kinematically allowed interval.</LI>
1196    <LI>Set process sub-type according to enumerator for
1197        <TT>G4UHadronElasticProcess</TT> and
1198        <TT>G4ChargeExchangeProcess</TT>.</LI>
1199    </UL></LI>
1200<LI><B>High precision Neutron</B>
1201    <UL>
1202    <LI>Improved energy and angular distributions for both scattered neutron
1203        and recoil targets. Fixed missing inelastic gamma-ray lines.
1204        Addresses problem report
1205        <A href="">#1008</A>.</LI>
1206    <LI>Fixed bug for missed pouch-out particles.</LI>
1207    <LI>Introduced A and Z values of used NDL data for residual reconstruction.</LI>
1208    <LI>Adjusting final states based on the energy and momentum conservation.</LI>
1209    <LI>Limiting the sum of secondary energies.</LI>
1210    <LI>Fixed minor bug in <TT>G4NeutronHPLabAngularEnergy</TT>.</LI>
1211    <LI>Changed interpolation scheme for histogram in
1212        <TT>G4NeutronHPInterpolator</TT>.</LI>
1213    <LI>Fixed bug in <TT>Sample()</TT> and <TT>GetXsec()</TT>
1214        in <TT>G4NeutronHpVector</TT>.</LI>
1215    <LI>Prohibit level transition to oneself in <TT>G4NeutronHPDeExGammas</TT>.</LI>
1216    <LI>Fixed memory leak in <TT>G4NeutronHPPhotonDist</TT> and correcting data
1217        disorder which could happen when both <TT>InitPartial()</TT> and
1218        <TT>InitAngular()</TT> methods were called in same instance.</LI>
1219    <LI>Fixed calculation of residual momentum in
1220        <TT>G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS</TT> and
1221        <TT>G4NeutronHPDiscreteTwoBody</TT>. Added protection for negative
1222        energy results in very low energy (<TT>1E-6 eV</TT>) scattering in
1223        <TT>G4NeutronHPElasticFS</TT>.</LI>
1224    <LI>Fixed minor memory leak in <TT>G4NeutronHPPhotonDist</TT>.</LI>
1225    <LI>Fixed problem in G4NeutronHPProduct resulting in too many secondaries
1226        production in nd rections.</LI>
1227    <LI>Added protection in <TT>G4NeutronHPName</TT> for selecting data in
1228        hydrogen and alpha.</LI>
1229    <LI>Fixed case of definition of <TT>G4PhysicsVector</TT> of length zero in
1230        <TT>G4NeutronHPIsoData</TT>.</LI>
1231    <LI>Fixed memory leak in <TT>G4NeutronHPThermalScattering</TT>.</LI>
1232    <LI>Added protection for invalid read in <TT>G4NeutronHPFissionData</TT>
1233        which caused run time errors.</LI>
1234    <LI>Fixed bug in <TT>G4NeutronHPChannel::Register()</TT>; added limitation
1235        of trial for creating final states and added protection for pure 1H
1236        case in <TT>G4NeutronHPInelastic</TT>.</LI>
1237    <LI>Updated data set to G4NDL3.13.</LI>
1238    </UL></LI>
1240    <UL>
1241    <LI><TT>G4XNNElasticLowE, G4XNNTotalLowE</TT>: avoid use of static call
1242        to <TT>G4ParticleDefinition</TT> in destructor; resolves issue
1243         detected by Valgrind.</LI>
1244    </UL></LI>
1246    <UL>
1247    <LI>Provided two fission models: by default GSI SimFis3 fission is used.
1248        Optional: SimFis18.</LI>
1249    <LI>Fixed serious data reading bug affecting the reading of some data
1250        files.</LI>
1251    <LI>Fixed initialisation of several variables to zero and target nucleus
1252        quantities. Improved coding style.</LI>
1253    <LI>Several array index handling (off-by-one) bugs fixed.</LI>
1254    <LI>Partial fix to the Alpha evaporation energies and fix to neutron
1255        energies.</LI>
1256    <LI>Switched the transformation matrix indices in ABLA.</LI>
1257    <LI>Use <TT>GetNuclearMass()</TT> instead of <TT>GetAtomicMass()</TT> in
1258        <TT>G4AblaEvaporation</TT>.</LI>
1259    </UL></LI>
1261    <UL>
1262    <LI>Revised string fragmentation and tuned parameters in FTF model for
1263        <TT>Pi+P</TT> and pion-nucleon interactions. Implemented quasi-elastic
1264        hadron-nucleus scattering in FTF and formation time; tuned string
1265        tension.</LI>
1266    <LI>Fixed logic in <TT>G4QGSParticipants</TT> algorithm: avoid usage of
1267        iterator decrementing in loops. Addresses problem report
1268        <A href="">#1018</A>.
1269    <LI>Fixed memory leak in <TT>G4FTFModel</TT> destructor.</LI>
1270    </UL></LI>
1272    <UL>
1273    <LI><TT>G4MuNuclearInteraction</TT>: added <TT>SubType</TT> to
1274        <TT>fHadronInelastic</TT> and registration in the
1275        <TT>G4HadronicProcessStore</TT>; added <TT>PreparePhysicsTable()</TT>
1276        method and some code cleanup.</LI>
1277    </UL></LI>
1279    <UL>
1280    <LI>Fixed <TT>G4PreCompoundNeutron</TT> using data for 22 MeV protons off Zirconium.</LI>
1281    <LI>Added data member initialisation to <TT>G4VPreCompoundTransitions</TT>,
1282        responsible for run-time errors detected by Valgrind.</LI>
1283    <LI>Added protection for close to zero excitation energy in
1284        <TT>G4PreCompoundModel</TT> to not try to
1285        de-excite.</LI>
1286    </UL></LI>
1287<LI><B>QMD Reaction</B>
1288    <UL>
1289    <LI>Fixed and changed sampling method of impact parameter in
1290        <TT>G4QMDReaction</TT>. Added <TT>deltaT</TT> in signature of
1291        <TT>CalKinematicsOfBinaryCollisions()</TT>. Fixed bug in
1292        nucleon projectile.</LI>
1293    <LI>Added <TT>Update()</TT> method to <TT>G4QMDMeanField</TT>. Added
1294        <TT>hit</TT> flag and related methods to <TT>G4QMDParticipant</TT>.
1295        Added <TT>Erase/InsertParticipant()</TT> methods to <TT>G4QMDSystem</TT>.</LI>
1296    <LI>Added several required updates of Mean Field; modified handling of
1297        absorption case in <TT>G4QMDCollision</TT>.</LI>
1298    <LI>Fixed minor memory leaks.</LI>
1299    </UL></LI>
1300<LI><B>Radioactive Decay</B>
1301    <UL>
1302    <LI><TT>G4NuclearDecayChannel</TT>: ARM is no longer applied in
1303        photon-evaporation for IT mode and is now applied at the end of
1304        <TT>DecayIt()</TT>; now using the correct shell index in appling ARM
1305        and switching on Auger electron production. Checking the residual
1306        kinetic energy after ARM and adding it to the atom.</LI>
1307    <LI>Replaced legacy calls to <TT>exit()</TT> with <TT>G4Exception</TT>
1308        in <TT>G4RadioactiveDecay</TT> and <TT>G4NuclearDecayChannel</TT>.</LI>
1309    </UL></LI>
1310<LI><B>Re-Parameterized Gheisha</B>
1311    <UL>
1312    <LI>Fixed energy non-conservation problem in <TT>G4RPGFragmentation</TT>
1313        and in <TT>G4RPGReaction</TT>. Fixed <TT>K0</TT> ID problem in
1314        <TT>G4RPGInelastic</TT>.</LI>
1315    </UL></LI>
1317    <UL>
1318    <LI>Set sub-types for <TT>G4HadronCaptureProcess</TT> (to
1319        <TT>fCapture</TT>), <TT>G4HadronFissionProcess</TT> (to
1320        <TT>fFission</TT>) and to <TT>G4HadronElasticProcess</TT>
1321        (to <TT>fHadronElastic</TT>).</LI>
1322    <LI>Use <TT>PostStepDoIt()</TT> and <TT>DumpPhysicsTable()</TT> from
1323        the base class <TT>G4HadronicProcess</TT>.</LI>
1324    </UL></LI>
1326    <UL>
1327    <LI>Set process sub-type to corresponding IDs in enumerator for
1328        <TT>AtRest</TT> processes.</LI>
1329    <LI><TT>G4MuonMinusCaptureAtRest</TT>: added registration in
1330        <TT>G4HadronicprocessStore</TT> and <TT>PrintInfo()</TT> by adding
1331        <TT>PreparePhysicsTable()</TT> and <TT>BuildPhysicsTable()</TT>
1332        methods.</LI>
1333    </UL></LI>
1336<A NAME="interc-notes">
1339<LI>Added a new function in <TT>G4UIcommandTree</TT> to find a subtree.</LI>
1340<LI>Fixed improper comment treatment for line continue characters "_" in class
1341    <TT>G4UIbatch</TT>. Addresses problem report
1342    <A href="">#1034</A>.</LI>
1345<A NAME="interf-notes">
1348<LI>Improved layout of the <TT>Qt</TT> interface for <TT>Qt3</TT>.</LI>
1349<LI>Added ability to launch <TT>G4Qt</TT> visualization without a
1350    <TT>G4UIQt</TT> interface.</LI>
1351<LI>Added ability to have an external Qapp.</LI>
1352<LI>Extended Qt driver help widget to include a search area.</LI>
1353<LI>Removed Moc files, now autogenerated through central scripts.</LI>
1356<A NAME="materials-notes">
1359<LI><TT>G4NistElementBuilder</TT>: provide unique name for each isotope of an
1360    element. Use best known parameterisation for total binding energy of atoms,
1361    use standard masses for lightest stable isotopes.</LI>
1362<LI><TT>G4IonisParamElm</TT>: added Fermi velocity and L-factor (both used for
1363    parameterizations of the effective charge and straggling of ions).
1364    <TT>G4IonisParamMat</TT>: use Fermi velocity and L-factor from
1365    <TT>G4IonisParamElm</TT>.</LI>
1366<LI>Added new classes <TT>G4IronStoppingICRU73</TT>,
1367    <TT>G4MaterialStoppingICRU73</TT> and <TT>G4SimpleMaterialStoppingICRU73</TT>
1368    for ICRU'73 data on stopping powers in the range <TT>25 keV/n - 10 MeV/n</TT>.</LI>
1369<LI>Added virtual destructor to <TT>G4SurfaceProperty</TT> and derivated.
1370    Addresses problem report
1371    <A href="">#1014</A>.
1372    Changed method name from <TT>DumpInfo()</TT> to <TT>DumpTableInfo()</TT>.</LI>
1373<LI><TT>G4Material</TT>: use array size defined in material constructor,
1374    extend it if a component is a compound material.</LI>
1375<LI><TT>G4Element</TT>: use G4int(fZeff) coherently in the implementation.</LI>
1376<LI><TT>G4Isotope</TT>: use <TT>AtomicMass</TT> instead of <TT>NuclearMass</TT>.</LI>
1377<LI>Added <TT>SetName()</TT> method to <TT>G4Element, G4Isotope, G4Material</TT>
1378    for use in detector persistency. Use <TT>const G4String&</TT> for accessors,
1379    instead of implicit copy.</LI>
1380<LI><TT>G4NistManager</TT> and <TT>G4NistElementBuilder</TT>: added method
1381    <TT>GetTotalElectronBindingEnergy()</TT>.</LI>
1382<LI><TT>G4NistManager</TT>: added inline methods to speed up EM computations.</LI>
1383<LI><TT>G4IonisParamMat</TT>: added <TT>fMeanEnergyPerIon</TT> and Set/Get
1384     methods.</LI>
1385<LI>Added dummy default constructor in <TT>G4OpticalSurface</TT> and
1386    <TT>G4SurfaceProperty</TT>.</LI>
1389<A NAME="part-notes">
1392<LI>Added UI command for setting the verbosity level on the particle-table.</LI>
1393<LI>Modified proton mass to be equal to <TT>proton_mass_c2</TT> from updated
1394    PDG-2008 values in CLHEP. Updated masses and widths according to PDG-2008.</LI>
1395<LI>Avoid direct comparison of strings in method <TT>G4IonTable::IsIon()</TT>.</LI>
1396<LI>Hidden all methods of getting mass of nucleus except for
1397    <TT>G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass()</TT>, which should be now used.
1398    Cashed pointers/masses of light nuclei in <TT>G4NucleiProperties</TT>.</LI>
1399<LI>Added a table of sum of masses of orbital electrons and their binding
1400    energy in <TT>G4NucleiProperties</TT>. Added methods of taking <TT>A</TT>
1401    and <TT>Z</TT> arguments as double. Added <TT>IsInStableTable()</TT> as
1402    replace of <TT>G4NucleiPropertiesTable::IsInTable()</TT>. Promoted to
1403    public methods <TT>GetBindingEnergy()</TT> and <TT>GetMassExcess()</TT>.</LI>
1404<LI>Fix for using raw number of electron mass in calculation of magnetic
1405    moment for <TT>e+/-</TT>.</LI>
1406<LI>Fixed magnetic momentum for leptons.</LI>
1407<LI>New sub-module <TT>adjoint</TT> for adjoint-particles to be used in
1408    reverse MC simulations.</LI>
1409<LI>Added more printout in <TT>G4HtmlPPReporter</TT> class.</LI>
1412<A NAME="pers-notes">
1416    <UL>
1417    <LI>First implementation of a new reader module for detector persistency
1418        in ASCII text format, derived from GAMOS application.</LI>
1419    </UL></LI>
1421    <UL>
1422    <LI>Introducing GDML writer: material properties; support for parameterised
1423        volumes; division volumes; replica volumes; matrices; naming of physical
1424        volumes; Twistedtrap, Twistedtubs, Tet, Twistedbox, Twistedtrd, Hype,
1425        Orb, Para, Ellipsoid, Ellipticaltube, Polyhedra, Torus, Cone, Tube,
1426        Extruded, Boolean (intersection, subtraction, union), Reflections
1427        (using scaled transformation) solids; elements and composite materials.</LI>
1428    <LI>Updated schema to include new features introduced in reader/writer plugins.
1429        Now requiring GDML_3_0_0 version of the schema.</LI>
1430    <LI>Added support for new serializer API as introduced in Xerces-3.0.0.</LI>
1431    <LI>Added support for modular files in GDML writer and reader.
1432        Added handling of precision and optional rounding of errors for
1433        imported/exported values. Added schema validation mechanism and schema
1434        files.</LI>
1435    <LI>Implemented mechanism for importing GDML descriptions with extensions
1436        to the GDML schema, identified by a new tag <TT>extension</TT>.</LI>
1437    <LI>Added features to reader: physical-volumes name; temperature, pressure
1438        and state of materials; NIST support. Added support for border surface
1439        and skin surface properties.</LI>
1440    <LI>Added optional handling if precision on values loaded.</LI>
1441    <LI>Implemented filtering of names in reader to remove from entity names
1442        appended reference pointer which may have been generated. Simplified
1443        name generated for physical-volumes. Added argument to Write() in
1444        G4GDMLParser for specify if appending or not reference pointer to
1445        generated names; default is TRUE.</LI>
1446    <LI>Enhanced name stripping in <TT>G4GDMLRead</TT>, to remove also
1447        additional IDs prepended to the original name of entities in the case
1448        of modular GDML files. Added <TT>StripNamePointers()</TT> method to
1449        <TT>G4GDMLParser</TT>, utility to be invoked in the user-code to strip
1450        off pointers from entity names in a GDML modular setup after loading
1451        all modules. Get rid of module-name pre-pended to entity names.</LI>
1452    <LI>Fixes in naming convention for solids; added specification of units
1453        where missing. Introduced parsing of vertices for tessellated solids
1454        to avoid duplication in writing.</LI>
1455    <LI>Added possibility to read/write replication for Rho and Phi axes.</LI>
1456    <LI>Added <TT>G4Paraboloid</TT> and <TT>G4EllipticalCone</TT> to list of
1457        supported solids for reader and writer.</LI>
1458    <LI>Added class <TT>G4STRead</TT>, for importing of STEP-Tools generated
1459        geometry setups.</LI>
1460    <LI>Cleared compilation warnings on Intel-icc compiler; general code
1461        review.</LI>
1462    </UL></LI>
1465<A NAME="lst-notes">
1466<H3><I>Physics lists</I></H3></A>
1468<LI>Updated <TT>FTF*</TT> lists and physics NOT to use quasi-elastic from CHIPS.
1469    FTF now has quasi-elastic included in the FTF model itself.</LI>
1470<LI>Updated <TT>option2</TT> EM physics (EMX) and added <TT>option3</TT>.</LI>
1471<LI>Added hadron induced bremsstrahlung and pair production for proton and pions.</LI>
1472<LI>Set <TT>inactive</TT> for <TT>AlongStep</TT> for Bremsstrahlung and pair
1473    production processes in all EM builders, bringing a minor CPU improvement.</LI>
1474<LI>Added specialized <TT>G4eMultipleScattering</TT> for electrons and positrons
1475    in all EM builders.</LI>
1476<LI>Added <TT>sigma_c+, sigma_c++</TT> in the list of stable hadrons.</LI>
1477<LI>New helper class <TT>G4PhysListFactory</TT> for building Physics Lists.</LI>
1478<LI><TT>G4NeutronTrackingCut</TT>: added methods for directly defining time
1479    and energy limits.</LI>
1480<LI><TT>G4HadronElasticPhysics</TT>: added optional Barashenkov
1481    cross-section.</LI>
1482<LI><TT>G4ChargeExchangePhysics</TT>: new builder for hadronic charge exchange process for
1483     proton, neutron and pions.</LI>
1484<LI>QBBC: use FTF as a default, removed obsolete methods.
1485    Added temporary variant to QBBC, equivalent to QGSP_BERT without LHEP
1486    for protons, neutrons and pions. Added charge exchange process.
1487    Added QBBCG option and <TT>G4PhysListFactory</TT>.</LI>
1488<LI>Added names to string models builders.</LI>
1489<LI>Removed obsolete class G4HadronProcessStore.</LI>
1492<A NAME="track-notes">
1493<H3><I>Track & Tracking</I></H3></A>
1495<LI><TT>G4SteppingManager</TT>: corrected conditions for default
1496    (<TT>InActivated</TT>) and <TT>NotForced</TT> processes.
1497    Fixed missing update of secondaries utility counter.</LI>
1498<LI>Reset non-ionizing energy loss in <TT>G4Step::ResetTotalEnergyDeposit()</TT>
1499    in order to initialize NIEL in each step.</LI>
1500<LI><TT>G4Track</TT>: changed to <TT>const</TT> pointers <TT>fpCreatorProcess</TT>
1501    and <TT>fpLCAtVertex</TT>.</LI>
1502<LI><TT>G4StepPoint</TT>: changed to <TT>const</TT> pointer
1503    <TT>fpProcessDefinedStep</TT> data member.</LI>
1506<A NAME="vis-notes">
1510    <UL>
1511    <LI>Extended 2D drawing capability, covering now also <TT>G4Circle,
1512        G4Polyhedron, G4Polyline, G4Polymarker</TT> and <TT>G4Square</TT>.</LI>
1513    <LI>Fixed gcc-4.3.0 compiler warnings.</LI>
1514    </UL></LI>
1516    <UL>
1517    <LI>Trapped recursive use of <TT>/vis/reviewKeptEvents</TT>.</LI>
1518    <LI>Added function for IncrementPan with X,Y,Z values.</LI>
1519    </UL></LI>
1521    <UL>
1522    <LI>Improved messages.</LI>
1523    </UL></LI>
1525    <UL>
1526    <LI>Fixed <TT>DBL_MAX</TT> problem in 2D drawing.</LI>
1527    <LI>Qt driver
1528        <UL>
1529        <LI>Added many improvements for Qt3.</LI>
1530        <LI>Changed last letter of driver names to lower case, from
1531            <TT>OGLSQT/OGLIQT</TT> to <TT>OGLSQt/OGLIQt</TT>.</LI>
1532        <LI>Fixed crash that occurred when had no scene.</LI>
1533        <LI>Added commands for mouse wheel zoom.</LI>
1534        <LI>Fixed problem when launching QT VIS without QT UI (N02 for example).</LI>
1535        <LI>Added movie making dialog panel
1536            (Right button->Actions->Movie parameters).</LI>
1537        <LI>Added ability to "auto rotate" volume via quick mouse move.</LI>
1538        <LI>Added moving camera on left/right/up/down arrow, going
1539            forward/backward with SHIFT+up/down, zoom in with +/- keys.</LI>
1540        <LI>Fixed bug in help command whereby click callback on a item was not
1541            working on Windows.</LI>
1542        <LI>Fixed crash at exit on Mac.</LI>
1543        <LI>Added many graphic export options (vector and pixel) including EPS.</LI>
1544        <LI>Fixed aspect ratio deformation on widget resize.</LI>
1545        <LI>Removed Moc files, now autogenerated through config/common.gmk.</LI>
1546        </UL></LI>
1547    </UL></LI>
1550<A NAME="env-notes">
1553<LI>Introduced <TT>g4py</TT> module name.</LI>
1554<LI>Removed legacy interface to GDML external module.</LI>
1555<LI>Updated G4Py configure scripts, fixed some minor bugs and
1556    general code cleanup.</LI>
1559<A NAME="data-notes">
1560<H3><I>Data sets</I></H3></A>
1562<LI>New data for neutron cross-sections, G4NDL.3.13:
1563    <UL>
1564    <LI>Added rest of isotope in JENDL_HE neutron files:
1565        <TT>N(7), Ti(46, 47, 48, 49 50), V(51), Cr(50, 52, 53, 54), Mn(55),
1566        Co(59), Ni(58, 60, 61, 62, 62), Zr(90, 91, 92, 94, 96), Nb(94),   
1567        W(180, 182, 183, 184, 186), Hg(196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204)</TT></LI>
1568    <LI>New Elastic and Inelastic cross section from "JENDL High Energy File
1569        2007"  All 107 isotopes are converted (except for <TT>Am242m</TT>).</LI>
1570    <LI>Added data file: <TT>Inelastic/Gammas/z63.a149</TT>.</LI>
1571    <LI>Replaced <TT>Nitrogen15</TT> data (source: ENDF6).</LI>
1572    <LI>Corrected wrong entries in some Inelastic and Capture data.
1573        Previous files are still available in each directory with suffix
1574        of .org.</LI>
1575    </UL></LI>
1576<LI>New low-energy data set, G4EMLOW.6.2:
1577    <UL>
1578    <LI>Added in DNA tables for: Champion elastic scattering model and
1579        Champion Positronium creation model.</LI>
1580    </UL></LI>
1583<A NAME="ex-notes">
1586<LI>Various fixes, improvements, adoption of new features.</LI>
1587<LI>Updated reference outputs.</LI>
1589    <UL>
1590    <LI>brachytherapy
1591        <UL>
1592        <LI>Corrected and updated input macros.</LI>
1593        </UL></LI>
1594    <LI>gammaray_telescope
1595        <UL>
1596        <LI>Fixed compilation problems in <TT>MuonPhysicsList</TT> class.</LI>
1597        </UL></LI>
1598    <LI>hadrontherapy
1599        <UL>
1600        <LI>Reviewed example to update to the new beam line setup.</LI>
1601        <LI>Corrections in the Low Energy Electromagnetic physic lists.
1602            Improved the electromagnetic models for the generic ions.
1603            Corrected cross sections definitions for ions. Revised the
1604            definition and use of the electromagnetic options for the use
1605            with the Standard models.</LI>
1606        <LI>Added new approach for the choice of the physic models. Now
1607            packaged physic lists can be used as alternative to the physic
1608            models implemented in the class files EM, HE and HI.</LI>
1609        <LI>Fixed path of macro files.</LI>
1610        </UL></LI>
1611    <LI>microbeam
1612        <UL>
1613        <LI>Corrected typos in zero field region in <TT>MicrobeamEMField</TT>.</LI>
1614        </UL></LI>
1615    <LI>microdosimetry
1616        <UL>
1617        <LI>New application simulating 10 keV tracks Helium+ (positive
1618            charge is +e) particle in liquid water using only <TT>G4DNA</TT>
1619            processes.</LI>
1620        </UL></LI>
1621    <LI>Rich
1622        <UL>
1623        <LI>Fixed compilation problems in <TT>EventAction</TT> class.</LI>
1624        </UL></LI>
1625    </UL></LI>
1627    <UL>
1628    <LI>Updated EM standard physics-lists and EM options and changed
1629        default histograms format in EM examples.</LI>
1630    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm7
1631        <UL>
1632        <LI>Added process type to <TT>G4SceenNuclearRecoil</TT>.</LI>
1633        <LI>Added <LI>standardICRU73</LI> physics list in which ion ionisation
1634            is simulated using new model G4IonLossParametrisedModel, configured
1635            via <TT>G4EmConfigurator</TT>.</LI>
1636        </UL></LI>
1637    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm8
1638        <UL>
1639        <LI>Removed local components of <TT>PhysicsList</TT> and use
1640            <TT>G4EmConfigurator</TT> to configure PAI model.</LI>
1641        </UL></LI>
1642    <LI>electromagnetic/TestEm9
1643        <UL>
1644        <LI>Added computation of ratios E1/E9 and E1/E25.</LI>
1645        <LI>Added PhysLists with relativistic LPM model and updated macros.</LI>
1646        <LI>Added control on number of events with Edep < 80%.</LI>
1647        </UL></LI>
1648    <LI>eventgenerator/exgps
1649        <UL>
1650        <LI>Updated analysis code and macros with AIDA.</LI>
1651        </UL></LI>
1652    <LI>eventgenerator/pythia
1653        <UL>
1654        <LI>New example <TT>decayer6</TT> of external decayer implementation
1655            based on Pythia6.</LI>
1656        </UL></LI>
1657    <LI>field/field04
1658        <UL>
1659        <LI>Fixed setup of random engine in <TT>main()</TT>.</LI>
1660        <LI>Changed physics list to <TT>emstandard</TT>. Added charge
1661            exchange.</LI>
1662        </UL></LI>
1663    <LI>hadronic/Hadr00
1664        <UL>
1665        <LI>New example demonstrating how to use <TT>G4PhysListFactory</TT>
1666            to build physics lists and <TT>G4HadronicProcessStore</TT> to
1667            access cross sections.</LI>
1668        </UL></LI>
1669    <LI>hadronic/Hadr01
1670        <UL>
1671        <LI>Improved physics-lists output. Added charge exchange.</LI>
1672        </UL></LI>
1673    <LI>medical/DICOM
1674        <UL>
1675        <LI>Included <TT>G4PSDoseDeposit_RegNav</TT> to distribute dose along
1676            voxels, including msc and energy loss corrections, for the case
1677            of skipping voxel with equal materials when using regular
1678            navigation.</LI>
1679        </UL></LI>
1680    <LI>medical/fanoCavity[2]
1681        <UL>
1682        <LI>Updated EM standard physics-lists and EM options and changed
1683            default histograms format.</LI>
1684        </UL></LI>
1685    <LI>optical/LXe
1686        <UL>
1687        <LI>Added Birks constant for the LXe scintillator and Polystyrene
1688            scintillator.</LI>
1689        <LI>Added call to <TT>SetMaxBetaChangePerStep()</TT> of Cherenkov
1690            in <TT>LXeOpticalPhysics</TT>.</LI>
1691        </UL></LI>
1692    <LI>persistency/gdml
1693        <UL>
1694        <LI>Added examples set for GDML plugin module: new example <TT>G02</TT>
1695            showing how to use GDML module for reading and writing; also showing
1696            how to import STEP Tools CAD files.
1697            Imported old GDML example originally placed inside
1698            <TT>extended/gdml</TT> and renamed <TT>G01</TT>.</LI>
1699        <LI><TT>G01</TT>: updated <TT>loop.gdml</TT> and <TT>solids.gdml</TT>
1700            descriptions to fix schema validation warnings; added new GDML
1701            samples compliant with GDML_3_0_0 and removed obsolete ones.
1702            Added example in <TT>main()</TT> how to retrieve auxiliary
1703            information.</LI>
1704        <LI><TT>G03</TT>: new example showing how to extend the GDML schema
1705            in input.</LI>
1706        </UL></LI>
1707    <LI>persistency/P03
1708        <UL>
1709        <LI>New example showing usage of ASCII text persistency for detector
1710            description.</LI>
1711        </UL></LI>
1712    <LI>radioactivedecay/exrdm
1713        <UL>
1714        <LI><TT>exdrmMaterialMessenger</TT>: fixed units for density.</LI>
1715        <LI><TT>exdrmPhysicsList</TT>: fixed definition of cuts; simplified
1716            logic for setting of hadronic physics; corrected problem of double
1717            instantiation of radioactive decay.</LI>
1718        <LI>Use AIDA setup from central scripts. Updated analysis code and
1719            macros with AIDA.</LI>
1720        <LI>Fixed compilation warnings.</LI>
1721        </UL></LI>
1722    <LI>runAndEvent/RE03
1723        <UL>
1724        <LI>Add new input macro <TT>run4.mac</TT> with cylindrical scoring
1725            mesh.</LI>
1726        </UL></LI>
1727    </UL></LI>
1729    <UL>
1730    <LI>N02
1731        <UL>
1732        <LI><TT>PhysicsList</TT>: added method <TT>AddStepMax()</TT> for
1733            <TT>G4StepLimiter</TT>. Updated EM standard physics-list.</LI>
1734        <LI><TT>DetectorConstruction</TT>: added method
1735            <TT>SetMaxStep()</TT>.</LI>
1736        <LI><TT>DetectorMessenger</TT>: added command
1737            <TT>/N02/det/stepMax</TT>.</LI>
1738        </UL></LI>
1739    <LI>N03
1740        <UL>
1741        <LI>Updated EM standard physics-list.</LI>
1742        <LI>Use <TT>G4hMultipleScattering</TT> for muons and protons.</LI>
1743        <LI>Added Qt setup to vis macros.</LI>
1744        </UL></LI>
1745    <LI>N06
1746        <UL>
1747        <LI>Use <TT>dynamic_cast</TT> for surface in
1748            <TT>ExN06DetectorConstruction</TT>.</LI>
1749        <LI>Added call to <TT>SetMaxBetaChangePerStep()</TT> of Cherenkov in
1750            <TT>ExN06PhysicsList</TT>.</LI>
1751        </UL></LI>
1752    </UL></LI>
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.