Installation When I download the source from the web, and unpack the tar file, some files unpack into the top level directory. The problem you describe usually is the result of using "UNIX" tar to unpack the gtar ("GNU-tar") file, or vice versa, or using zip on either the gtar or tar file. Please make certain that you download the correct file for your system, and that you use the correct unpacking tool. Note that for Linux you must download the gtar.gz file. I cannot find CLHEP files or library and I have it installed in my system. If the standard CLHEP installation procedure has been adopted, the variable CLHEP_BASE_DIR should point to the area where include/ and lib/ directories for CLHEP headers & library are installed in your system. In case the library file name is different than the one expected (libCLHEP.a), you should either create a symbolic link with the expected name, or define the variable CLHEP_LIB in your environment which explicitly sets the name of the CLHEP library. If a non-standard CLHEP installation has been adopted, define variables CLHEP_INCLUDE_DIR, CLHEP_LIB_DIR (and CLHEP_LIB) to refer explicitly to the place where headers, library (and library-name) respectively are placed in your system. On Windows systems, the full library file name (with extension) should be specified as CLHEP_LIB, while for UNIX-like systems, just the name is required (i.e. CLHEP for libCLHEP.a). While installing the Geant4 libraries I get the following message printed: gmake[1]: cernlib: Command not found Has Geant4 been installed properly ? What to do to solve this error ? The message: gmake[1]: cernlib: Command not found shows that you don't have the 'cernlib' command installed in your system; 'cernlib' is a command from the CERN program library (cernlib) returning a list of libraries needed to link a cernlib application. This command is only used in the 'g3tog4' module, however, if you do not make use of the 'g3tog4' tool, it's harmless. The cernlib script (and the needed cernlib libraries) are available from: Trying building the Geant4 libraries I see several of these errors appearing and my installation fails: .....G4Exception.d:1: *** missing separator. Stop. ...../G4DalitzDecayChannel.d:1: *** missing separator. Stop. : : Has Geant4 been installed properly ? What to do to solve this error ? It looks like some file dependencies (.d) are corrupted, possibly due to previous build attempts which failed for some reason. You need to remove each of them. A quick recipe for doing this is to: Configure the environment with the installation to be repaired Unset the G4WORKDIR environment variable (in case it is eventually set) Type: gmake clean dependencies='' from the affected module (i.e. for this case, from $G4INSTALL/source/global/management and $G4INSTALL/source/particles/management) and rebuild. Alternatively, you may use: gmake clean dependencies='' from $G4INSTALL/source and rebuild.