
Run control commands.

Sub-directories :


Commands for G4VUserPhysicsList.

Commands :


Initialize G4 kernel.

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

beamOn [numberOfEvent] [macroFile] [nSelect]

Start a Run.
If G4 kernel is not initialized, it will be initialized.
Default number of events to be processed is 1.
The second and third arguments can be used for
executing a macro file at the end of each event.
If the second argument, i.e. name of the macro
file, is given but the third argument is not,
the macro file will be executed for all of the
If the third argument (nSelect) is given, the
macro file will be executed only for the first
nSelect events.

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

numberOfEvent type i Omittable : default value = 1 Parameter range : numberOfEvent >= 0
macroFile type s Omittable : default value = ***NULL***
nSelect type i Omittable : default value = -1 Parameter range : nSelect>=-1

verbose [level]

Set the Verbose level of G4RunManager.
0 : Silent (default)
1 : Display main topics
2 : Display main topics and run summary

Range : level >=0 && level <=2

Available at all Geant4 states.

level type i Omittable : default value = 0

dumpRegion [regionName]

Dump region information.
In case name of a region is not given, all regions will be displayed.

Available Geant4 state(s) : Idle

regionName type s Omittable : default value = **ALL**


Dump material-cuts-couple information.
Note that material-cuts-couple information is updated
after BeamOn has started.

Available Geant4 state(s) : Idle

optimizeGeometry [optimizeFlag]

Set the optimization flag for geometry.
If it is set to TRUE, G4GeometryManager will optimize
the geometry definitions.
GEANT4 is initialized with this flag as TRUE.

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

optimizeFlag type b Omittable : default value = 1

breakAtBeginOfEvent [flag]

Set a break point at the begining of every event.

Available at all Geant4 states.

flag type b Omittable : default value = 1

breakAtEndOfEvent [flag]

Set a break point at the end of every event.

Available at all Geant4 states.

flag type b Omittable : default value = 1

abort [softAbort]

Abort current run processing.
If softAbort is false (default), currently processing event will be immediately aborted,
while softAbort is true, abortion occurs after processing the current event.

Available Geant4 state(s) : GeomClosed EventProc

softAbort type b Omittable : default value = 0


Abort currently processing event.

Available Geant4 state(s) : EventProc


Force geometry to be closed again.
This command must be applied
if geometry has been modified after the
first initialization (or BeamOn).

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle


Force closssection tables to be calculated again.
This command must be applied
if cutoff value(s) have been modified after the
first initialization (or BeamOn).

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

randomNumberStatusDirectory [fileName]

Define the directory name of the rndm status files.
Directory must be creates before storing the files.

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle GeomClosed

fileName type s Omittable : default value = ./

storeRandomNumberStatus [flag]

The randomNumberStatus will be saved at :
begining of run (currentRun.rndm) and begining of event (currentEvent.rndm)

Available at all Geant4 states.

flag type i Omittable : default value = 1

restoreRandomNumberStatus [fileName]

Reset the status of the rndm engine from a file.
See CLHEP manual for detail.
The engine status must be stored beforehand.
Directory of the status file should be set by /random/setDirectoryName.

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle GeomClosed

fileName type s Omittable : default value = currentRun.rndm

setCut [cut] [Unit]

Set default cut value

Range : cut >0.0

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

cut type d
Unit type s Omittable : default value = mm Parameter candidates : pc km m cm mm mum nm Ang fm parsec kilometer meter centimeter millimeter micrometer nanometer angstrom fermi

setCutForRegion [Region] [cut] [Unit]

Set cut value for a region

Available Geant4 state(s) : Idle

Region type s
cut type d Parameter range : cut >0.0
Unit type s Omittable : default value = mm Parameter candidates : pc km m cm mm mum nm Ang fm parsec kilometer meter centimeter millimeter micrometer nanometer angstrom fermi