/control/manual /control Command directory path : /control/ Guidance : UI control commands. Sub-directories : Commands : execute * Execute a macro file. loop * Execute a macro file more than once. foreach * Execute a macro file more than once. suppressAbortion * Suppress the program abortion caused by G4Exception. verbose * Applied command will also be shown on screen. saveHistory * Store command history to a file. stopSavingHistory * Stop saving history file. alias * Set an alias. unalias * Remove an alias. listAlias * List aliases. shell * Execute a (Unix) SHELL command. manual * Display all of sub-directories and commands. createHTML * Generate HTML files for all of sub-directories and commands. maximumStoredHistory * Set maximum number of stored UI commands. Command /control/execute Guidance : Execute a macro file. Parameter : fileName Parameter type : s Omittable : False Command /control/loop Guidance : Execute a macro file more than once. Loop counter can be used as an aliased variable. Parameter : macroFile Parameter type : s Omittable : False Parameter : counterName Parameter type : s Omittable : False Parameter : initialValue Parameter type : d Omittable : False Parameter : finalValue Parameter type : d Omittable : False Parameter : stepSize Parameter type : d Omittable : True Default value : 1 Command /control/foreach Guidance : Execute a macro file more than once. Loop counter can be used as an aliased variable. Values must be separated by a space. Parameter : macroFile Parameter type : s Omittable : False Parameter : counterName Parameter type : s Omittable : False Parameter : valueList Parameter type : s Omittable : False Command /control/suppressAbortion Guidance : Suppress the program abortion caused by G4Exception. Suppression level = 0 : no suppression = 1 : suppress during EventProc state = 2 : full suppression, i.e. no abortion by G4Exception When abortion is suppressed, you will get error messages issued by G4Exception, and there is NO guarantee for the correct result after the G4Exception error message. Range of parameters : level >= 0 && level <= 2 Parameter : level Parameter type : i Omittable : True Default value : 0 Command /control/verbose Guidance : Applied command will also be shown on screen. This command is useful with MACRO file. 0 : silent 1 : only the valid commands are shown. 2 : comment lines are also shown (default). Range of parameters : switch >= 0 && switch <=2 Parameter : switch Parameter type : i Omittable : True Default value : 2 Command /control/saveHistory Guidance : Store command history to a file. Defaul file name is G4history.macro. Parameter : fileName Parameter type : s Omittable : True Default value : G4History.macro Command /control/stopSavingHistory Guidance : Stop saving history file. Command /control/alias Guidance : Set an alias. String can be aliased by this command. The string may contain one or more spaces, the string must be enclosed by double quotes ("). To use an alias, enclose the alias name with parenthis "{" and "}". Parameter : aliasName Parameter type : s Omittable : False Parameter : aliasValue Parameter type : s Omittable : False Command /control/unalias Guidance : Remove an alias. Parameter : aliasName Parameter type : s Omittable : False Command /control/listAlias Guidance : List aliases. Command /control/shell Guidance : Execute a (Unix) SHELL command. Parameter : Parameter type : s Omittable : False Command /control/manual Guidance : Display all of sub-directories and commands. Directory path should be given by FULL-PATH. Parameter : dirPath Parameter type : s Omittable : True Default value : / Command /control/createHTML Guidance : Generate HTML files for all of sub-directories and commands. Directory path should be given by FULL-PATH. Parameter : dirPath Parameter type : s Omittable : True Default value : / Command /control/maximumStoredHistory Guidance : Set maximum number of stored UI commands. Parameter : max Parameter type : i Omittable : True Default value : 20