/control/manual /process Command directory path : /process/ Guidance : Process Table control commands. Sub-directories : /process/eLoss/ Commands for G4VEnergyLoss. Commands : list * List up process names verbose * Set Verbose Level for Process Table setVerbose * Set verbose level for processes dump * Dump process information activate * Activate processes inactivate * Inactivate process Command /process/list Guidance : List up process names list [type] type: process type [all:for all proceeses] Parameter : type Parameter type : s Omittable : True Default value : all Candidates : all NotDefined Transportation Electromagnetic Optical Hadronic Photolepton_hadron Decay General Parameterisation UserDefined Command /process/verbose Guidance : Set Verbose Level for Process Table verbose [level] level: verbose level Range of parameters : verbose >=0 Parameter : verbose Parameter type : i Omittable : True Default value : 1 Command /process/setVerbose Guidance : Set verbose level for processes setVerbose level [type or name] level: verbose level name : process name type : process type [all] for all proceeses Parameter : verbose Parameter type : i Omittable : False Parameter : type Parameter type : s Omittable : True Default value : all Command /process/dump Guidance : Dump process information dump name [particle] name: process name or type name particle: particle name [all: for all particles] Parameter : procName Parameter type : s Omittable : False Parameter : particle Parameter type : s Omittable : True Default value : all Command /process/activate Guidance : Activate processes Activate name [particle] name: process name or type name particle: particle name [all: for all particles] Parameter : procName Parameter type : s Omittable : False Parameter : particle Parameter type : s Omittable : True Default value : all Command /process/inactivate Guidance : Inactivate process Inactivate processes Inactivate name [particle] name: process name or type name particle: particle name [all: for all particles] Parameter : procName Parameter type : s Omittable : False Parameter : particle Parameter type : s Omittable : True Default value : all Command directory path : /process/eLoss/ Guidance : Commands for G4VEnergyLoss. Sub-directories : Commands : rndmStep * Randomize the proposed step by eLoss. fluct * Switch true/false the energy loss fluctuations. subsec * Switch true/false the subcutoff generation. minsubsec * Set the min. cut for subcutoff delta in range. StepFunction * Set the energy loss step limitation parameters. minKinEnergy * Set the min kinetic energy maxKinEnergy * Set the max kinetic energy integral * Switch true/false the integration of cross section over step. Command /process/eLoss/rndmStep Guidance : Randomize the proposed step by eLoss. Parameter : choice Parameter type : b Omittable : True Default value : 0 Command /process/eLoss/fluct Guidance : Switch true/false the energy loss fluctuations. Parameter : choice Parameter type : b Omittable : True Default value : 1 Command /process/eLoss/subsec Guidance : Switch true/false the subcutoff generation. Parameter : choice Parameter type : b Omittable : True Default value : 1 Command /process/eLoss/minsubsec Guidance : Set the min. cut for subcutoff delta in range. Parameter : rcmin Parameter type : d Omittable : True Parameter : Unit Parameter type : s Omittable : False Command /process/eLoss/StepFunction Guidance : Set the energy loss step limitation parameters. dRoverR : max Range variation per step finalRange: range for final step Parameter : dRoverR max Range variation per step (fractional number) Parameter type : d Omittable : False Parameter range : dRoverR>0. && dRoverR<=1. Parameter : finalRange range for final step Parameter type : d Omittable : False Parameter range : finalRange>0. Parameter : unit unit of finalRange Parameter type : s Omittable : True Default value : mm Candidates : pc km m cm mm mum nm Ang fm parsec kilometer meter centimeter millimeter micrometer nanometer angstrom fermi Command /process/eLoss/minKinEnergy Guidance : Set the min kinetic energy Parameter : emin Parameter type : d Omittable : True Parameter : Unit Parameter type : s Omittable : False Candidates : eV keV MeV GeV TeV PeV J electronvolt kiloelectronvolt megaelectronvolt gigaelectronvolt teraelectronvolt petaelectronvolt joule Command /process/eLoss/maxKinEnergy Guidance : Set the max kinetic energy Parameter : emax Parameter type : d Omittable : True Parameter : Unit Parameter type : s Omittable : False Candidates : eV keV MeV GeV TeV PeV J electronvolt kiloelectronvolt megaelectronvolt gigaelectronvolt teraelectronvolt petaelectronvolt joule Command /process/eLoss/integral Guidance : Switch true/false the integration of cross section over step. Parameter : integ Parameter type : b Omittable : True Default value : 1