source: trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/PhysicsReferenceManual/latex/electromagnetic/miscellaneous/setcuts.tex @ 1292

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1\section{Conversion from range cut to kinetic energy cut}
3In Geant4 charged particles are tracked to the end of their range.
4The differential cross section of $\delta$-electron productions
5and bremsstrahlung grow rapidly when secondary energy decrease. If all
6secondary particles will be tracked the CPU performance of any Monte Carlo code
7will be pure. The traditional solution is to use cuts. The specific of
8Geant4 \cite{cuts.G4} is that user provides value of cut in term
9of {\it cut in range}, which is unique for defined {\it G4Region} 
10or for the complete geometry.
12Range is used, rather than energy, as a more natural concept for designing a
13coherent policy for different particles and materials. Definition of
14the certain value of the {\it cut in range} means the requirement for precision
15of spatial radioactive dose deposition. This  conception is more
16strict for a simulation code and provides less handles for user to modify
17final results. At the same time, it ensures that simulation validated in
18one geometry is valid also for the other geometries.
20The value of cut is defined for electrons, positrons, gamma and protons.
21At the beginning of initialization of Geant4 physics the conversion from unique
22{\it cut in range} to cuts in kinetic energy for each {\it G4MaterialCutsCouple}
23\cite{cuts.Region} is performed. At that moment no energy loss or range table
24is created, so computation should be performed using original formulas.
25For electrons and positrons ionization above $10 keV$
26a simplified  Berger-Seltzer energy loss formula
27(\ref{}) is used, in which the density correction term is omitted.
28The contribution of the bremsstrahlung is added using empirical
29parameterized formula.
30For $T < 10 keV$ the linear dependence of ionization losses on
31electron velocity is assumed, bremsstrahlung contribution is neglected.
32Using these simplified formulas that energy loss vector for each {\it G4Element}
33is built. From this vector the range vector for the given material is constructed.
34The stopping range is defined as
36   R(T)= \int_0^T \frac{1}{(dE/dx)} \, dE .
38The integration has been done analytically for the low energy part and
39numerically above an energy limit $1 \; keV$. Using this table for each {\it cut in range}
40the corresponding kinetic energy can be found out. If obtained $cut in energy$ 
41cannot be below
42the parameter $lowlimit$ (default $1 \; keV$) and above $highlimit$ (default $10 \; GeV$).
43If in specific application lower cut is required,
44then the allowed energy cut needs to be extended:\\
46{\it \footnotesize G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable()$\to$SetEnergyRange(lowlimit,highlimit);}
47or via UI commands
48$$/cuts/setMinCutEnergy\;\; 100\;\; eV$$
49$$/cuts/setMaxCutEnergy\;\; 100\;\; TeV$$
50In contrary to electrons, gammas has no range, so some approximation should
51be used for range to energy conversion.
52An approximate empirical formula is used to compute the {\em absorption
53cross section} of a photon in an element  $\sigma_{abs}$.  Here, the {\em absorption cross
54section} means the sum of the cross sections of the gamma conversion, Compton
55scattering and photoelectric effect.  These processes are the ``destructive''
56processes for photons: they destroy the photon or decrease its energy.
57The coherent or Rayleigh scattering changes the direction of the gamma
58only; its cross section is not included in the {\em absorption cross section}.
60The {\tt AbsorptionLength} $L_{abs}$ vector is calculated for every material as :
62   L_{abs} = 5/\sigma_{abs}.
64The factor 5 comes from the requirement that the probability of having
65no 'destructive' interaction should be small, hence
67  \exp(-\mbox{$L_{abs} \sigma_{abs}$}) = \exp(-5) = 6.7 \times 10^{-3}.
69The photon cross section for a material has a minimum at a certain
70energy $E_{min}$. Correspondingly $L_{abs}$ 
71has a maximum at $E = E_{min}$,
72the value of the maximal   $L_{abs}$ is the biggest "meaningful"
73cut in absorption length. If the cut given by the user is bigger than this
74maximum, a warning is printed and the cut in kinetic energy is set to the
75{\it highlimit}.
77The cut for proton is introduced with Geant4 v9.3. The main goal
78of this cut is to limit production of all recoil ions including protons
79 in elastic scattering
80processes. A simple linear conversion formula is used to compute energy threshold from the value
81of cut in range, in particular, the cut in range $1~mm$ corresponds
82to the production threshold $100 keV$.
84The conversion from range to energy can be studied using {\it G4EmCalculator}
85class. This class allows access or recalculation of energy loss, ranges and
86other values. It can be instantiated and at any place of user code
87and can be used after initialisation of Physics Lists:\\
89{\it G4EmCalculator calc;\\
90calc.ComputeEnergyCutFromRangeCut(range, particle, material);}\\
92here particle and material may be string names or corresponding const pointers
93to {\it G4ParticleDefinition} and {\it G4Material}.
95\subsection{Status of this document}
96  \ 9.10.98 created by L. Urb\'an. \\
97   27.07.01 minor revision M.Maire \\
98   17.08.04 moved to common to all charged particles (mma) \\
99   04.12.04 minor re-wording by D.H. Wright \\
100   18.05.07 rewritten by V. Ivanchenko \\
101   11.12.08 minor revision by V. Ivanchenko, Geant4 v9.2 \\
102   11.12.09 minor revision by V. Ivanchenko, Geant4 v9.3 \\
109  Geant4 Collaboration (S.~Agostinelli et al.),
110{\em Nucl. Instr. Meth. A506 (2003) 250.}
112  J.~Allison et al., {\em IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 53 (2006) 270.}
122\item Geant4 Collaboration (S.~Agostinelli et al.),
123{\em Nucl. Instr. Meth. A506 (2003) 250.}
124\item J.~Allison et al., {\em IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 53 (2006) 270.}
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