\chapter{Radioactive Decay} \section{The Radioactive Decay Module} $G4RadioactiveDecay$ and associated classes are used to simulate the decay of radioactive nuclei by $\alpha$, $\beta^{+}$, and $\beta^{-}$ emission and by electron capture (EC). The simulation model is empirical and data-driven, and uses the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF)~\cite{rdk.ENSDF} for information on: {\noindent \rm{}} %\check {\noindent \rm{}\LARGE$\cdot $\normalsize \indent nuclear half-lives,} %\check {\noindent \rm{}\LARGE$\cdot $\normalsize \indent nuclear level structure for the parent or daughter nuclide,} %\check {\noindent \rm{}\LARGE$\cdot $\normalsize \indent decay branching ratios, and} %\check {\noindent \rm{}\LARGE$\cdot $\normalsize \indent the energy of the decay process.} %\check {\noindent \rm{}} If the daughter of a nuclear decay is an excited isomer, its prompt nuclear de-excitation is treated using the $G4PhotoEvaporation$ class~\cite{rdk.photevap}. \section{Sampling} Sampling of the $\beta$-spectrum, which includes the coordinated energies and momenta of the $\beta^{\pm}$, $\nu$, or $\bar{\nu}$ and residual nucleus, is performed either from histogrammed data, or through a three-body decay algorithm. In the latter case, the effect of the Coulomb barrier on the probability of $\beta^{\pm}$-emission can also be taken into account using the Fermi function: \begin{equation} F(E_0)=\frac {\gamma} {1-e^{-\gamma}} \left \lgroup {\frac {Z^2(E_0 + 1)^2} {137^2} + \frac {E_0 ^2+2E_0} {4}} \right \rgroup ^ {\sqrt {1 - \frac {Z^2} {137^2}} - 1} . \end{equation} Here $E_0$ is the energy of the $\beta$-particle given as a fraction of the end-point energy, $Z$ is the atomic number of the nucleus, and $\gamma$ is given by the expression: \par \begin{equation} \gamma = \frac {2\pi Z} {137} \frac {1+E_0} {\sqrt {E_0 ^2 + 2E_0}} . \end{equation} Due to the level of imprecision of the rest-mass energy of the nuclei generated by $G4IonTable::GetNucleusMass$, the mass of the parent nucleus is modified to a minor extent just before performing the two- or three-body decay so that the $Q$ for the transition process equals that identified in the ENSDF data. \subsection{Biasing Methods} By default, sampling of the times of radioactive decay and branching ratios is done according to standard, analogue Monte Carlo modeling. The user may switch on one or more of the following variance reduction schemes, which can provide significant improvement in the modelling efficiency: 1. The decays can be biased to occur more frequently at certain times, for example, corresponding to times when measurements are taken in a real experiment. The statistical weights of the daughter nuclides are reduced according to the probability of survival to the time of the event, $t$, which is determined from the decay rate. The decay rate of the $n^{th}$ nuclide in a decay chain is given by the recursive formulae: \par %\check \begin{equation} R_n (t) = \sum \limits_{i=1} \limits^{n-1} A_{n:i}f(t,\tau_i) + A_{n:n}f(t,\tau_n) \end{equation} %\check {\noindent \rm{}where:} \par %\check \begin{equation} \label{rdk.eq4} A_{n:i} = \frac {\tau_i} {\tau_i-\tau_n} A_{n:i} \quad \forall i