%\subsection{The transport algorithm \editor{Gunter}} %\begin{verbatim} %- choose impact %- find collisions %- loop { propagate to next in time collision %- do collision %- check Pauli %- OK %\end{verbatim} For the primary particle an impact parameter is chosen random in a disk outside the nucleus perpendicular to a vector passing through the center of the nucleus coordinate system an being parallel to the momentum direction. Using a straight line trajectory, the distance of closest approach $d_i^{min}$ to each target nucleon $i$ and the corresponding time-of-flight $t_i^d$ is calculated. In this calculation the momentum of the target nucleons is ignored, i.e. the target nucleons do not move. The interaction cross section ${\sigma}_i$ with target nucleons is calculated using total inclusive cross-sections described below. For calculation of the cross-section the momenta of the nucleons are taken into account. The primary particle may interact with those target nucleons where the distance of closest approach $d_i^{min}$ is smaller than $d_i^{min} < \sqrt{\frac{\sigma_i}{\pi}}$. These candidate interactions are called collisions, and these collisions are stored ordered by time-of-flight $t_i^d$. In the case no collision is found, a new impact parameter is chosen. The primary particle is tracked the time-step given by the time to the first collision. As long a particle is outside the nucleus, that is a radius of the outermost nucleon plus $3fm$, particles travel along straight line trajectories. Particles entering the nucleus have their energy corrected for Coulomb effects. Inside the nucleus particles are propagated in the scalar nuclear field. The equation of motion in the field is solved for a given time-step using a Runge-Kutta integration method. At the end of the step, the primary and the nucleon interact suing the scattering term. The resulting secondaries are checked for the Fermi exclusion principle. If any of the two particles has a momentum below Fermi momentum, the interaction is suppressed, and the original primary is tracked to the next collision. In case interaction is allowed, the secondaries are treated like the primary, that is, all possible collisions are calculated like above, with the addition that these new primary particles may be short-lived and may decay. A decay is treated like others collisions, the collision time being the time until the decay of the particle. All secondaries are tracked until they leave the nucleus, or the until the cascade stops.