\subsection{High energy MC cross section algorithm.} \hspace{1.0em}To obtain total (see Eq. $(\ref{GM7})$) and elastic (see Eq. $(\ref{GM8})$) hadron-nucleus or nucleus-nucleus cross section at given initial energy we have to integrate the nucleon profile function $\Gamma(\vec{B},s)= 1-S(\vec{B},s)$. This is done by the Monte Carlo averaging procedure \cite{Shabelski90}, \cite{ZSU84} to obtain the $S$-matrix values using Eq. $(\ref{GM9})$. These values depend on the squared total c.m. energy of the colliding $(i,j)$ pair $s_{ij}=(p_{i}+p_{j})^2$, where $p_{i}$ and $p_{j}$ are the particle $4$-momenta, respectively. Performing the Monte Carlo averaging one has to pick up projectile and target nucleons randomly according to the weight functions $T([\vec{b}^{A}_{i}])$ and $T([\vec{b}^{B}_{j}])$, respectively. The last functions represent probability densities to find sets of the nucleon impact parameters $[\vec{b}^{A}_{i}]$, where $i=1,2,...,A$ and $[\vec{b}^{B}_{j}]$, where $j=1,2,...,B$. Then by integration over $\vec{B}$ we find the total and elastic cross sections. To obtain the elastic differential cross section from the Eqs. $(\ref{GM2})$ and $(\ref{GM3})$ we have at first to perform the back Fourier transform of the nucleon profile function (see Eq. $(\ref{GM6})$).