\section{MC procedure.} The evaporation model algorithm consists from repeating steps of binary break-ups of the excited nuclear fragments: \begin{enumerate} \item Create a nuclear fragment: assign atomic mass number $A$, electrical charge $Z$, fragment four vector $P_0$, fragment excitation energy $E^{*}$ and fragment angular momentum $\vec{L}_0$; \item Calculate the probabilities of break-up channels and sample a channel; \item Sample evaporated fragment $b$ kinetic energy at rest of decaying fragment; \item Assuming isotropical evaporated fragments distribution, sample its flay off angles at rest of decaying fragment $b$; \item boost the evaporated and residual fragment momenta into observer frame. \item Calculate residual fragment atomic mass number $A_f$, electrical charge $Z_f$, fragment four vector $P_f$, fragment excitation energy $E_f^{*}$ and fragment angular momentum $\vec{L}_f$; \item Repeat this procedure starting from step (2) until no more fragment (the probabilities of break-up channels equal zero) can be evaporated. \end{enumerate}