\section{MC procedure.} \hspace{1.0em}The Monte Carlo procedure of calculation of characteristics of fission fragments can be outlined as follows: \begin{itemize} \item Select fission mode (symmetric or asymmetric). Sample atomic number $A_f$ of a fission fragment according to experimentaly defined distribution, which consists from the "symmetrical" and "asymmetrical" parts; \item For choosen $A_f$ randomly in accordance with Gaussian distribution and the experimentaly defined dispersion and average select the fragment charge $Z_f$; \item For choosen $A_f, Z_f$ sample the kinetic energy of fragments according to the Gaussian distribution with experimentaly defined average values and dispersions; \item Applying energy conservation and using fragment ground state masses calculate excitation energy of fragments and share it between fragments assuming that fragments have equal temperatures; \item Calculate absolute value of the c.m. fragment momentum (non-relativistic kinematics is used) and sample fragment flay off angles assuming isotropical angular distribution of fragments; \item Perform evaporation for the excited fragments. \end{itemize}