\section{MC procedure.} \hspace{1.0em} At intermediate energies $\gamma$-nucleon and $\gamma$-nucleus interactions are performed within the hadron kinetic model similarly as the hadron-nucleon and hadron-nucleus interactions. At high energies the Monte Carlo procedure in the case of $\gamma$--nucleon collision can be outlined as follows: \begin{itemize} \item At given c.m. energy squared and at given virtuality $Q^2$ sample mass $M^2$ of hadronic $q\bar{q}$ fluctuation according to ($\ref{HEGI2}$) and sample its flavor according to statistical weights: $\omega_{u\bar{u}}= 1/2$, $\omega_{d\bar{d}}= 1/4$ and $\omega_{s\bar{s}}= 1/4$ are derived from ($\ref{HEGI3}$); \item Sample the momentum fraction $x$ of a valence quark inside a hadronic fluctuation according to \begin{equation} \label{GIMA1} \rho(x) \sim \frac{1}{\sqrt{x(1-x)}} \end{equation} and transverse momentum of a quark according to the Gaussian distribution as for hadrons; \item Split nucleon into quark and diquark as it was described for hadron-nucleon interaction; \item Create two strings spanned between quark from a hadronic fluctuation and diquark from nucleon and between antiquark from a hadronic fluctuation and quark from nucleon; \item Decay string into hadrons as it was described for hadron-nucleon interactions. \end{itemize} In the case of $\gamma$--nucleus collision the MC procedure is follows: \begin{itemize} \item At given c.m. energy squared and at given virtuality $Q^2$ sample mass $M^2$ of hadronic $q\bar{q}$ fluctuation and sample its flavor as it is done for $\gamma$--nucleon collision; \item Calculate coherence length $d$; \item If coherence length less than internucleon distance then simulate inelastic hadron fluctuation-nucleon collision at choosen impact parameter $B$ as was described above; \item If coherence length more than internucleon distance then perform simulation of hadron fluctuation-nucleus collision at choosen impact parameter $B$ using parton string model similarly as for meson-nucleus interactions. For this case the probability of inelastic collision of a hadron fluctuation with nucleon $i$ at given impact parameter ${\bf b}_i$ is calculated according to \begin{equation} \label{GIMA3} p_{VN}(s,b^2) = 1 - exp{[-2u(s, b^2)]}; \end{equation} with the eikonal $u(s,b^2)$ defined by Eq. ($\ref{HEGI7}$) at $Q^2 = 0$ and $M^2=M_{\rho}$. \end{itemize}