\section{The high energy $\gamma$-nucleon and $\gamma$-nucleus interactions.} \hspace{1.0em}To simulate high energy photon interactions with nucleon and nucleus we use the approach\cite{PRW95}. We consider the following kinematic variables for $\gamma$-nucleon scattering: the Bjorken-$x$ variable defined as $x=Q^2/2m\nu$ with $Q^2$, $\nu$ and $m$ the photon virtuality, the photon energy and nucleon mass, respectively. The the squared total energy of the $\gamma$-nucleon system is given by $s=Q^2(1-x)/x + m^2$. We restrict consideration to the range of small $x$-values and $Q^2$ is much less than $s$. The Generalized Vector Dominance Model (GVDM) \cite{BSY78} assumes that the virtual photon fluctuates into intermediate $q\bar{q}$-states $V$ of mass $M$ which subsequently may interact with a nucleon $N$. Thus the total photon-nucleon cross section can be expressed by a relation \cite{PRW95}: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{c} \label{HEGI1}\sigma_{\gamma N}(s,Q^2)=4\pi\alpha_{em}\int_{M^2_0}^{M^2_{1}} dM^2D(M^2)\times \\ \times (\frac{M^2}{M^2+Q^2})^2(1+\epsilon\frac{Q^2}{M^2})\sigma_{VN}(s,Q^2), \end{array} \end{equation} where integration over $M^2$ should be performed between $M^2_0=4m^2_{\pi}$ and $M^2=s$. Here $\alpha_{em} = e^2/4\pi = 1/137$ and the density of $q\bar{q}$-system per unit mass-squared is given by \begin{equation} \label{HEGI2}D(M^2)= \frac{R_{e^{+}e^{-}}(M^2)}{12\pi^2M^2}, \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{HEGI3} R_{e^{+}e^{-}}(M^2)=\frac{\sigma_{e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow hadrons}(M^2)}{\sigma_{e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}}(M^2)}\approx 3\Sigma_{f}e^2_{f}, \end{equation} where $e^2_{f}$ the squared charge of quark with flavor $f$. $\epsilon$ is the ratio between the fluxes of longitudinally and transversally polarized photons. Similarly the inelastic cross section for the scattering of a $\gamma$ with virtuality $Q^2$ and with a nucleus $A$ at impact parameter $B$ and the $\gamma$-nucleon c.m. energy squared $s$ is given by \cite{ERR97}: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{c} \label{HEGI4}\sigma_{\gamma A}(s,Q^2,B)=4\pi\alpha_{em}\int_{M^2_0}^{M^2_{1}} dM^2D(M^2)\times \\ \times (\frac{M^2}{M^2+Q^2})^2(1+\epsilon\frac{Q^2}{M^2})\sigma_{VA}(s,Q^2,B), \end{array} \end{equation} To calculate $\gamma$-nucleon or $\gamma$-nucleus inelastic cross sections we need model for the $M^2$-, $Q^2$- and $s$-dependence of the $\sigma_{VN}$ or $\sigma_{VA}$. For these we apply the Gribov-Regge approach, similarly as it was done for $h$-nucleon or $h$-nucleus inelastic cross sections. The effective cross section for the interaction of a $q\bar{q}$-system with squared mass $M^2$ with nucleus for the coherence length \begin{equation} \label{HEGI5} d=\frac{2\nu}{M^2+Q^2} \end{equation} exceeding the average distance between two nucleons can be written as follows \begin{equation} \begin{array}{c} \label{HEGI6}\sigma_{V A}(s,Q^2,B)=\int \prod_{i=1}^{A} d^3 r_i\rho_A({\bf r}_i) \times \\ \times (1 - |\prod_{i=1}^{A}[1-u(s,Q^2,M^2, b^2_i)]|^2). \end{array} \end{equation} Here the amplitude (eikonal) $u(s,Q^2,M^2, b^2_i)$ for the interaction of the hadronic fluctuation with $i$-th nucleon is given by \cite{ERR97} \begin{equation} \begin{array}{c} \label{HEGI7}u(s,Q^2,M^2,{\bf b}_i)= \frac{\sigma_{VN}(s,Q^2,M^2)} {8 \pi \lambda(s,Q^2,M^2)} \times \\ \times (1-i \rho \exp{[-\frac{b^2}{4\lambda(s,Q^2,M^2)}]}, \end{array} \end{equation} where $\rho\approx 0$ is the ratio of real and imaginary parts of scattering amplitude at $0$ angle. The amplitude parameters: the effective $q\bar{q}$-nucleon cross section \begin{equation} \label{HEGI8} \sigma_{VN}(s,Q^2,M^2)=\frac{\tilde{\sigma}_{VN}(s,Q^2)}{M^2+Q^2+C^2}, \end{equation} where $C^2=2$ \ GeV$^2$, and \begin{equation} \label{HEGI9}\lambda(s,Q^2,M^2)=2+\frac{m^2_{\rho}}{M^2+Q^2} + \alpha_{P}^{\prime} \ln{(\frac{s}{M^2+Q^2})}. \end{equation} The values of $\tilde{\sigma}_{VN}(s,Q^2)$ are calculated in paper \cite{ERR97}. It was shown \cite{ERR97} that $Q^2$ dependence of $\sigma_{VN}(s,Q^2)$ is very week at $Q^2 < m^2_{rho} + C^2$, where $m_{\rho}$ is $\rho$-meson mass, and we omitted this dependence. We also use $\sigma_{VN}(s,Q^2)$ calculated in \cite{ERR97} at $M^2=m^2_{rho}$. If coherence length is smaller that an internuclear distance integrated over $B$ then cross section $\sigma_{VA}=A\sigma_{VN}$.