\section{The intermediate energy $\gamma$-nucleon and $\gamma$-nucleus interactions.} \hspace{1.0em} We use the hadron kinetic model to perform simulation of $\gamma$-nucleus inelastic collisions at intermediate energies. In this particular model interaction of a particle with target nucleus is reduced to the interaction of a particle with intranuclear nucleons. In the hadron kinetic model we realized several different mechanisms of the $\gamma$-nucleon interaction. The first one is the absorption of $\gamma$-quantum by a quasideutron pair \begin{equation} \label{IEGI1} \gamma + (np)\rightarrow np. \end{equation} The photoabsorption cross section calculated according to quasi-deutron model \cite{CS66}, \cite{BGIJT74} \begin{equation} \label{IEGI2}\sigma_{A}=kZ(1-Z/A)\sigma_{D}, \end{equation} where $\sigma_{D}$ is the cross section for deutron photodisintegration and $A$, $Z$ are the mass and charge numbers of the nucleus in question, respectively. The model parameter $k=10$ was taken. The second one is the excitation of resonance and production of mesons: \begin{equation} \label{IEGI3} \gamma N\rightarrow \Delta(1232), \gamma N \rightarrow N^{*}(1535) \end{equation} At high energy the Regge approach is used to calculate $\gamma$-nucleon cross sections. The inelastic $\gamma$-nucleon is simulated using the parton string model.