\subsection{Quark or diquark annihilation in hadronic processes.} \hspace{1.0em} We consider also hadron-hadron inelastic processes when antiquark or antidiquark from hadron projectile annihilate with corresponding quark or diquark from hadron target. In this case excitation of one baryonic (string with quark and diquark ends) or mesonic (string with quark and antiquark ends) is created, respectively. These processes in the Regge theory correspond to cut reggeon exchange diagrams. Initial energy $\sqrt{s}$ dependences of these processes cross sections are defined by intercepts of reggeon exchange trajectories. For example $\sigma_{\pi^{+}p\rightarrow S(s)} \sim s^{\alpha_{\rho}(0)-1}$, $S$ notes string and $\alpha_{\rho}(0)$ is the intercept of $\rho$ reggeon trajectory. Thus $\sigma_{\pi^{+}p\rightarrow S(s)} $ decreases with energy rise. Cross sections for other quark and diquark proccesses have simiar as $\sigma_{\pi^{+}p\rightarrow S(s)}$ initial energy dependences. Thus quark and diquark annihilation processes are important at relative low initial energies. Another example of these processes is $\bar{p}p \rightarrow S$, which is used in the kinetic model to describe final state of $\bar{p}p$ annihilation. Simulation of such kind process is rather simple. We should randomly (according to weight calculated using hadron wave function) choose quark (antiquark) or diquark (antidiquark) from projectile and find suitable (with the same flavor content) partner for annihilation from target. The created string four-momentum will be equal total reaction four-momentum since annihilated system has small neglected momentum (only low momenta quarks are able to annihilate). To determine statistical weights for quark annihilation processes are leading to a string production and separate them from processes, when two or more strings can be produced we use the Regge motivated total cross section parametrization suggested by Donnachie and Landshoff \cite{DL92}. Using their parametrization the statistical weight for the one string production process is given by \begin{equation} \label{OSE1} W_{1} = \frac{Y_{hN}s^{-\eta}}{\sigma^{tot}_{hN}(s)} \end{equation} and statistical weight to produce two and more strings is given by \begin{equation} \label{OSE2} W_{2} = \frac{X_{hN}s^{\epsilon}}{\sigma^{tot}_{hN}(s)}, \end{equation} where hadron-nucleon total cross sections $\sigma^{tot}_{hN}(s)$ and its fit parameters $Y_{hN}$, $X_{hN}$, which do not depend from the total c.m. energy squared $s$ and depend on type of projectile hadron $h$ and target nucleon $N$ can be found in \cite{PDG96}. The reggeon intercept $\eta \approx 0.45$ and the pomeron intercept $\epsilon \approx 0.08$.