\subsection{The longitudinal and kinky strings are produced in hadronic collisions.} \subsection{The number of the cut Pomerons.} \hspace{1.0em}In the case of a nondiffractive interaction we can determine $n$ of cut Pomerons or $2n$ produced strings according to probability \cite{AGK74} \begin{equation} \label{SLKS1} p^{(n)}_{ij}(\vec{ b}_i-\vec{ b}_j,s) =c^{-1}\exp{\{-2u(b_{ij}^2,s)\}} \frac{[2u(b_{ij}^2,s)]^{n}}{n!}. \end{equation} \subsubsection{Separation of the longitudinal soft strings from the kinky hard strings.} \hspace{1.0em}We assume \cite{ASGABP95}, \cite{WDFHO97} that each cut Pomeron can be substituted either by the two longitudinal soft strings or by the two kinky hard strings. At the moment it is not completely clear how to choose which cut pomeron should be substituted by longitudinal and which one should be substituted by kinky strings. One recipe is based on the eikonal model \cite{RCT94}, \cite{WDFHO97} \begin{equation} \label{SLKS2}u(b_{ij}^2,s)=u_{soft}(b_{ij}^2,s) + u_{hard}(b_{ij}^2,s). \end{equation} The soft eikonal part is defined as \begin{equation} \label{SLKS3}u_{soft}(b_{ij}^2,s) = \frac{\gamma _{soft}}{\lambda_{soft} (s)}(s/s_0)^{\Delta_{soft}} \exp (-b_{ij}^2/4\lambda_{soft} (s)). \end{equation} The hard part is calculated according to \begin{equation} \label{SLKS4}u_{hard}(b_{ij}^2,s)= \frac{\sigma_{jet}}{8\pi\lambda_{hard}(s)} (s/s_0)^{\Delta_{hard}} \exp (-b_{ij}^2/4\lambda_{hard} (s)). \end{equation} The $\sigma_{jet}=0.027$ mbarn and $\Delta_{hard}=0.47$ were found from the fit of the two--jet experimental cross section \cite{UA1}. Then from the global fit of the total and elastic cross sections for $pp$ collisions the values of $\gamma_{soft} = 35.5$ mbarn, $\Delta_{soft}= 0.07$ and $R^2_{hard} = R^2_{soft} = 3.56$ GeV$^{-2}$ were found. Thus we can examine each cut Pomeron and substitute it by two kinky strings with probability \begin{equation} \label{SLKS5} P_{hard}(b^2_{ij},s) = \frac{u_{hard}(b_{ij}^2,s)}{u_{soft}(b_{ij}^2,s)+ u_{hard}(b_{ij}^2,s)}. \end{equation}