
Commands for default configuration

Sub-directories :

Commands :

setDrawLine [Bool]

Set draw line command

Available at all Geant4 states.

Bool type b

setLineVisible [Bool]

Set line visibility command

Available at all Geant4 states.

Bool type b

setLineColour [Variable]

Set colour through a string

Available at all Geant4 states.

Variable type s

setLineColourRGBA [Red component] [Green component] [Blue component] [Alpha component]

Set colour through red, green, blue and alpha components
Four inputs are expected.

Available at all Geant4 states.

Red component type d
Green component type d
Blue component type d
Alpha component type d

setDrawStepPts [Bool]

Set draw step points command

Available at all Geant4 states.

Bool type b

setStepPtsVisible [Bool]

Set step points visible command

Available at all Geant4 states.

Bool type b

setStepPtsColour [Variable]

Set colour through a string

Available at all Geant4 states.

Variable type s

setStepPtsColourRGBA [Red component] [Green component] [Blue component] [Alpha component]

Set colour through red, green, blue and alpha components
Four inputs are expected.

Available at all Geant4 states.

Red component type d
Green component type d
Blue component type d
Alpha component type d

setStepPtsSize [Double]

Set step points size command

Available at all Geant4 states.

Double type d

setStepPtsType []

Set step points type.

Available at all Geant4 states.

type s Parameter candidates : dots circles squares

setStepPtsFillStyle []

Set step fill style type.

Available at all Geant4 states.

type s Parameter candidates : noFill hashed filled

setDrawAuxPts [Bool]

Set draw auxiliary points command

Available at all Geant4 states.

Bool type b

setAuxPtsVisible [Bool]

Set auxiliary points visibility command

Available at all Geant4 states.

Bool type b

setAuxPtsColour [Variable]

Set colour through a string

Available at all Geant4 states.

Variable type s

setAuxPtsColourRGBA [Red component] [Green component] [Blue component] [Alpha component]

Set colour through red, green, blue and alpha components
Four inputs are expected.

Available at all Geant4 states.

Red component type d
Green component type d
Blue component type d
Alpha component type d

setAuxPtsSize [Double]

Set auxiliary points size command

Available at all Geant4 states.

Double type d

setAuxPtsType []

Set auxiliary points type.

Available at all Geant4 states.

type s Parameter candidates : dots circles squares

setAuxPtsFillStyle []

Set auxiliary fill style.

Available at all Geant4 states.

type s Parameter candidates : noFill hashed filled

setTimeSliceInterval [DoubleAndUnit] [Unit]

Set time slice interval. Give unit, e.g., "0.1 ns"

Available at all Geant4 states.

DoubleAndUnit type d
Unit type s Parameter candidates : s ms mus ns ps second millisecond microsecond nanosecond picosecond