
Operations on Geant4 viewers.

Sub-directories :


Set view parameters of current viewer.

Commands :

addCutawayPlane [x] [y] [z] [unit] [nx] [ny] [nz]

Add cutaway plane A*x + B*y + C*z + D = 0 to current viewer.

Available at all Geant4 states.

x type d Omittable : default value = 0
y type d Omittable : default value = 0
z type d Omittable : default value = 0
unit type s Omittable : default value = m
nx type d Omittable : default value = 1
ny type d Omittable : default value = 0
nz type d Omittable : default value = 0

changeCutawayPlane [index] [x] [y] [z] [unit] [nx] [ny] [nz]

Change cutaway plane.

Available at all Geant4 states.

index type i
x type d Omittable : default value = 0
y type d Omittable : default value = 0
z type d Omittable : default value = 0
unit type s Omittable : default value = m
nx type d Omittable : default value = 1
ny type d Omittable : default value = 0
nz type d Omittable : default value = 0

clear [viewer-name]

Clears viewer.
By default, clears current viewer. Specified viewer becomes current. "/vis/viewer/list" to see possible viewer names.

Available at all Geant4 states.

viewer-name type s Omittable : current value is used as the default value.


Clear cutaway planes of current viewer.

Available at all Geant4 states.

clearTransients [viewer-name]

Clears transients from viewer.
By default, operates on current viewer. Specified viewer becomes current. "/vis/viewer/list" to see possible viewer names.

Available at all Geant4 states.

viewer-name type s Omittable : current value is used as the default value.

clone [original-viewer-name] [clone-name]

Clones viewer.
By default, clones current viewer. Clone becomes current. Clone name, if not provided, is derived from the original name. "/vis/viewer/list" to see possible viewer names.

Available at all Geant4 states.

original-viewer-name type s Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
clone-name type s Omittable : default value = none

create [scene-handler] [viewer-name] [window-size-hint]

Creates a viewer for the specified scene handler.
Default scene handler is the current scene handler. Invents a name if not supplied. (Note: the system adds information to the name for identification - only the characters up to the first blank are used for removing, selecting, etc.) This scene handler and viewer become current.

Available at all Geant4 states.

scene-handler type s Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
viewer-name type s Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
window-size-hint type s Omittable : default value = 600

dolly [increment] [Unit]

Incremental dolly.
Moves the camera incrementally towards target point.

Available at all Geant4 states.

increment type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
Unit type s Omittable : default value = m Parameter candidates : pc km m cm mm um nm Ang fm parsec kilometer meter centimeter millimeter micrometer nanometer angstrom fermi

dollyTo [distance] [Unit]

Dolly to specific coordinate.
Places the camera towards target point relative to standard camera point.

Available at all Geant4 states.

distance type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
Unit type s Omittable : default value = m Parameter candidates : pc km m cm mm um nm Ang fm parsec kilometer meter centimeter millimeter micrometer nanometer angstrom fermi

flush [viewer-name]

Compound command: "/vis/viewer/refresh" + "/vis/viewer/update".
Useful for refreshing and initiating post-processing for graphics systems which need post-processing. By default, acts on current viewer. "/vis/viewer/list" to see possible viewers. Viewer becomes current.

Available at all Geant4 states.

viewer-name type s Omittable : current value is used as the default value.

list [viewer-name] [verbosity]

Lists viewers(s).
See "/vis/verbose" for definition of verbosity.

Available at all Geant4 states.

viewer-name type s Omittable : default value = all
verbosity type s Omittable : default value = warnings

pan [right-increment] [up-increment] [unit]

Incremental pan.
Moves the camera incrementally right and up by these amounts (as seen from viewpoint direction).

Available at all Geant4 states.

right-increment type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
up-increment type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
unit type s Omittable : default value = m

panTo [right] [up] [unit]

Pan to specific coordinate.
Places the camera in this position right and up relative to standard target point (as seen from viewpoint direction).

Available at all Geant4 states.

right type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
up type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
unit type s Omittable : default value = m

rebuild [viewer-name]

Forces rebuild of graphical database.
By default, acts on current viewer. "/vis/viewer/list" to see possible viewers. Viewer becomes current.

Available at all Geant4 states.

viewer-name type s Omittable : current value is used as the default value.

refresh [viewer-name]

Refreshes viewer.
By default, acts on current viewer. "/vis/viewer/list" to see possible viewers. Viewer becomes current.

Available at all Geant4 states.

viewer-name type s Omittable : current value is used as the default value.

reset [viewer-name]

Resets viewer.
By default, acts on current viewer. "/vis/viewer/list" to see possible viewers. Viewer becomes current.

Available at all Geant4 states.

viewer-name type s Omittable : current value is used as the default value.

scale [x-scale-multiplier] [y-scale-multiplier] [z-scale-multiplier]

Incremental (non-uniform) scaling.
Multiplies components of current scaling by components of this factor. Scales (x,y,z) by corresponding components of the resulting factor.

Available at all Geant4 states.

x-scale-multiplier type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
y-scale-multiplier type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
z-scale-multiplier type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.

scaleTo [x-scale-factor] [y-scale-factor] [z-scale-factor]

Absolute (non-uniform) scaling.
Scales (x,y,z) by corresponding components of this factor.

Available at all Geant4 states.

x-scale-factor type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
y-scale-factor type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
z-scale-factor type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.

select [viewer-name]

Selects viewer.
Specify viewer by name. "/vis/viewer/list" to see possible viewers.

Available at all Geant4 states.

viewer-name type s

update [viewer-name]

Triggers graphical database post-processing for viewers using that technique.
For such viewers the view only becomes visible with this command. By default, acts on current viewer. "/vis/viewer/list" to see possible viewers. Viewer becomes current.

Available at all Geant4 states.

viewer-name type s Omittable : current value is used as the default value.

zoom [multiplier]

Incremental zoom.
Multiplies current magnification by this factor.

Available at all Geant4 states.

multiplier type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.

zoomTo [factor]

Absolute zoom.
Magnifies standard magnification by this factor.

Available at all Geant4 states.

factor type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.