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28      <td align="right"><font color="#238e23"><font size="-1">
29      <b>Geant4 User's Guide</b>&nbsp;</font></font>
30      <br>
31      <font color="#238e23"><font size="-1">
32      <b>For Application Developers</b></font></font>
33      <br>
34      <font color="#238e23"><font size="-1"><b>Tracking and Physics</b>&nbsp;</font></font></td>
35    </tr>
36  </tbody>
40<center><font color="#238e23"><font size="+3"><b>5.2 Physics Processes</b></font></font>
44<hr align="center" size="7">
45<p> Physics processes describe how particles interact with a material.
46Seven major categories of processes are provided by Geant4: </p>
48  <li> <a href="#5.2.1">electromagnetic</a>, </li>
49  <li> <a href="#5.2.2">hadronic</a>, </li>
50  <li> <a href="#5.2.3">decay</a>, </li>
51  <li> <a href="#5.2.4">photolepton-hadron</a>, </li>
52  <li> <a href="#5.2.5">optical</a>, </li>
53  <li> <a href="#5.2.6">parameterization</a> and </li>
54  <li> <a href="#5.2.7">transportation</a>. </li>
57The generalization and abstraction of physics processes is a key issue
58in the
59design of Geant4. All physics processes are treated in the same manner
60from the tracking point of view. The Geant4 approach enables anyone to
61create a process and assign it to a particle type. This openness should
62allow the creation of processes for novel, domain-specific or
63customised purposes by individuals or groups of users.
65<p> Each process has two groups of methods which play an important role
66in tracking, <tt>GetPhysicalInteractionLength</tt> (GPIL) and <tt>DoIt</tt>.
67The GPIL method gives the step length from the current space-time point
68to the next space-time point. It does this by calculating the
69probability of interaction based on the process's cross section
70information. At the end of this step the <tt>DoIt</tt> method should
71be invoked. The <tt>DoIt</tt> method implements the details of the
72interaction, changing the particle's energy, momentum, direction and
73position, and producing secondary tracks if required. These changes are
74recorded as <i>G4VParticleChange</i> objects(see <a
75 href="#particlechange">Particle Change</a>).</p>
77<p><i>G4VProcess</i> is the base class for all physics processes. Each
79process must implement virtual methods of <i>G4VProcess</i> which
80describe the interaction (DoIt) and determine when an interaction
81should occur (GPIL). In order to accommodate various types of
82interactions <i>G4VProcess</i> provides three <tt>DoIt</tt> methods:
85  <li><tt>G4VParticleChange* AlongStepDoIt( const G4Track&amp; track,
86const G4Step&amp; stepData )</tt>
87    <p> This method is invoked while <i>G4SteppingManager</i> is
88transporting a particle through one step. The corresponding <tt>AlongStepDoIt</tt>
89for each defined process is applied for every step regardless of which
90process produces the minimum step length. Each resulting change to the
91track information is recorded and accumulated in <i>G4Step</i>. After
92all processes have been invoked, changes due to <tt>AlongStepDoIt</tt>
93are applied to <i>G4Track</i>, including the particle relocation and
94the safety update. Note that after the invocation of <tt>AlongStepDoIt</tt>,
95the endpoint of the <i>G4Track</i> object is in a new volume if the
96step was limited by a geometric boundary. In order to obtain
97information about the old volume, <i>G4Step</i> must be accessed,
98since it contains information about both endpoints of a step.</p>
99  </li>
100  <li><tt>G4VParticleChange* PostStepDoIt( const G4Track&amp; track,
101const G4Step&amp; stepData )</tt>
102    <p> This method is invoked at the end point of a step, only if its
103process has produced the minimum step length, or if the process is
104forced to occur. <i>G4Track</i> will be updated after each invocation
105of <tt>PostStepDoIt</tt>, in contrast to the <tt>AlongStepDoIt</tt>
106method. </p>
107  </li>
108  <li><tt>G4VParticleChange* AtRestDoIt( const G4Track&amp; track,
109const G4Step&amp; stepData )</tt>
110    <p> This method is invoked only for stopped particles, and only if
111its process produced the minimum step length or the process is forced
112to occur.</p>
113  </li>
116For each of the above <tt>DoIt</tt> methods <i>G4VProcess</i>
117provides a corresponding pure virtual GPIL method: </p>
119  <li><tt>G4double PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength( const
120G4Track&amp; track, G4double previousStepSize, G4ForceCondition*
121condition )</tt>
122    <p> This method generates the step length allowed by its process.
123It also provides a flag to force the interaction to occur regardless of
124its step length.</p>
125  </li>
126  <li><tt> G4double AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength( const
127G4Track&amp; track, G4double previousStepSize, G4double
128currentMinimumStep, G4double&amp; proposedSafety, G4GPILSelection*
129selection )</tt>
130    <p> This method generates the step length allowed by its process.</p>
131  </li>
132  <li><tt>G4double AtRestGetPhysicalInteractionLength( const
133G4Track&amp; track, G4ForceCondition* condition )</tt>
134    <p> This method generates the step length in time allowed by its
135process. It also provides a flag to force the interaction to occur
136regardless of its step length.</p>
137  </li>
141Other pure virtual methods in <i>G4Vprocess</i> follow:
144  <li><tt>virtual G4bool IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition&amp;)</tt>
145    <p> returns true if this process object is applicable to the
146particle type.</p>
147  </li>
148  <li><tt>virtual void PreparePhysicsTable(const
149G4ParticleDefinition&amp;)</tt> and </li>
150  <li><tt>virtual void BuildPhysicsTable(const
152    <p> is messaged by the process manager, whenever cross section
153tables should be prepared and rebuilt due to changing cut-off values.
154It is not mandatory if the process is not affected by cut-off values.</p>
155  </li>
156  <li><tt>virtual void StartTracking()</tt> and </li>
157  <li><tt>virtual void EndTracking()</tt>
158    <p> are messaged by the tracking manager at the beginning and end
159of tracking the current track.</p>
160  </li>
162<b>Other base classes for processes</b>
163<p> Specialized processes may be derived from seven additional virtual
164base classes which are themselves derived from <i>G4VProcess</i>.
165Three of these classes are used for simple processes:
169  <tbody>
170    <tr>
171      <td><i>G4VRestProcess</i> </td>
172      <td>processes using only the <tt>AtRestDoIt</tt> method </td>
173    </tr>
174    <tr>
175      <td> <br>
176      </td>
177      <td>example: neutron capture </td>
178    </tr>
179    <tr>
180      <td><i>G4VContinuousProcess</i> </td>
181      <td>processes using only the <tt>AlongStepDoIt</tt> method </td>
182    </tr>
183    <tr>
184    </tr>
185    <tr>
186      <td> <br>
187      </td>
188      <td>example: cerenkov </td>
189    </tr>
190    <tr>
191      <td><i>G4VDiscreteProcess</i> </td>
192      <td>processes using only the <tt>PostStepDoIt</tt> method </td>
193    </tr>
194    <tr>
195      <td> <br>
196      </td>
197      <td>example: compton scattering, hadron inelastic interaction </td>
198    </tr>
199    <tr>
200    </tr>
201    <tr>
202    </tr>
203  </tbody>
206<p> The other four classes are provided for rather complex processes:
208  <tbody>
209    <tr>
210      <td><i>G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess</i> </td>
211      <td>processes using both <tt>AlongStepDoIt</tt> and <tt>PostStepDoIt</tt>
212methods </td>
213    </tr>
214    <tr>
215    </tr>
216    <tr>
217      <td> <br>
218      </td>
219      <td>example: transportation, ionisation(energy loss and delta
220ray) </td>
221    </tr>
222    <tr>
223      <td><i>G4VRestDiscreteProcess</i> </td>
224      <td>processes using both <tt>AtRestDoIt</tt> and <tt>PostStepDoIt</tt>
225methods </td>
226    </tr>
227    <tr>
228    </tr>
229    <tr>
230      <td> <br>
231      </td>
232      <td>example: positron annihilation, decay (both in flight and at
233rest) </td>
234    </tr>
235    <tr>
236      <td><i>G4VRestContinuousProcess</i> </td>
237      <td>processes using both <tt>AtRestDoIt</tt> and <tt>AlongStepDoIt</tt>
238methods </td>
239    </tr>
240    <tr>
241    </tr>
242    <tr>
243      <td><i>G4VRestContinuousDiscreteProcess</i> </td>
244      <td>processes using <tt>AtRestDoIt</tt>, <tt>AlongStepDoIt and <tt>PostStepDoIt</tt>
245methods </tt></td>
246    </tr>
247    <tr>
248    </tr>
249    <tr>
250    </tr>
251  </tbody>
254<p><a name="particlechange">
255<b>Particle change</b></a>
257<p><i>G4VParticleChange</i> and its descendants are used to store the
258final state information of the track, including secondary tracks, which
259has been generated by the <tt>DoIt</tt> methods. The instance of <i>G4VParticleChange</i>
260is the only object whose information is updated by the physics
261processes, hence it is responsible for updating the step.
262The stepping manager collects secondary tracks and only sends requests
263via particle change to update <i>G4Step</i>.
265<p><i>G4VParticleChange</i> is introduced as an abstract class. It has
266a minimal set of methods for updating <i>G4Step</i> and handling
268A physics process can therefore define its own particle change derived
269from <i>G4VParticleChange</i>. Three pure virtual methods are
270provided, </p>
272  <li><tt>virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForAtRest( G4Step* step )</tt>, </li>
273  <li><tt>virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForAlongStep( G4Step* step )</tt>
274and </li>
275  <li><tt>virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForPostStep( G4Step* step )</tt>, </li>
277which correspond to the three <tt>DoIt</tt> methods of <i>G4VProcess</i>.
278Each derived class should implement these methods.
280<hr><a name="5.2.1"></a>
281<h2>5.2.1 Electromagnetic Interactions</h2>
282This section summarizes the electromagnetic physics processes which are
283installed in Geant4. For details on the implementation of these
284processes please refer to the
285<a href="../../../../UsersGuides/PhysicsReferenceManual/html/PhysicsReferenceManual.html">
286<b>Physics Reference Manual</b></a>.
288<h4> "Standard" Electromagnetic Processes</h4>
289The following is a summary of the standard electromagnetic processes available in Geant4.
291  <li>Photon processes
292    <ul>
293      <li>Compton scattering (class name <i>G4ComptonScattering</i>)</li>
294      <li>Gamma conversion (also called pair production, class name <i>G4GammaConversion</i>)</li>
295      <li>Photo-electric effect (class name <i>G4PhotoElectricEffect</i>)</li>
296      <li>Muon pair production (class name <i>G4GammaConversionToMuons</i>)</li>
297    </ul>
298  </li>
299  <li>Electron/positron processes
300    <ul>
301      <li>Ionisation and delta ray production (class name <i>G4eIonisation</i>)</li>
302      <li>Bremsstrahlung (class name <i>G4eBremsstrahlung</i>)</li>
303      <li>Positron annihilation into two gammas (class name <i>G4eplusAnnihilation</i>)</li>
304      <li>Positron annihilation into two muons (class name <i>G4AnnihiToMuPair</i>)</li>
305      <li>Positron annihilation into hadrons (class name <i>G4eeToHadrons</i>)</li>
306    </ul>
307  </li>
308  <li>Muon processes
309    <ul>
310      <li>Ionisation and delta ray production (class name <i>G4MuIonisation</i>)</li>
311      <li>Bremsstrahlung (class name <i>G4MuBremsstrahlung</i>)</li>
312      <li>e+e- pair production (class name <i>G4MuPairProduction</i>)</li>
313    </ul>
314  </li>
315  <li>Hadron/ion processes
316    <ul>
317      <li>Ionisation (class name <i>G4hIonisation</i>)</li>
318      <li>Ionisation for ions (class name <i>G4ionIonisation</i>)</li>
319      <li>Ionisation for ions in low-density media (class name <i>G4ionGasIonisation</i>)</li>
320      <li>Ionisation for heavy exotic particles (class name <i>G4hhIonisation</i>)</li>
321      <li>Ionisation for classic magnetic monopole (class name <i>G4mplIonisation</i>)</li>
322    </ul>
323  </li>
324  <li>The scattering processes<br>
325The class name <i>G4MultipleScattering</i> is a general process in the
326sense that the same process/class is used to simulate the multiple
327scattering of all the charged particles (i.e. it is used for e+/e-,
328muons/charged hadrons). </li>
329  <li>The processes described above use physics model classes, which
330may be combined according to particle energy. It is possible to change the
331energy range over which different models are valid, and to apply other
332models specific to particle type, energy range, and G4Region. The
333following alternative models are available: <br>
334    <ul>
335      <li>Ionisation in thin absorbers (class name <i>G4PAIModel</i>)</li>
336    </ul>
337  </li>
339An example of the registration of these processes in a physics list is
341in source listing, extracted from examples/novice/N02.
344<table border="2" cellpadding="10">
345  <tbody>
346    <tr>
347      <td>
348      <pre>void PhysicsList::ConstructEM()<br>{<br>  theParticleIterator-&gt;reset();<br><br>  while( (*theParticleIterator)() ){<br><br>    G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator-&gt;value();<br>    G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle-&gt;GetProcessManager();<br>    G4String particleName = particle-&gt;GetParticleName();<br><br>    if (particleName == "gamma") {<br><br>      pmanager-&gt;AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PhotoElectricEffect);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddDiscreteProcess(new G4ComptonScattering);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddDiscreteProcess(new G4GammaConversion);<br><br>    } else if (particleName == "e-") {<br><br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4MultipleScattering, -1, 1, 1);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4eIonisation,        -1, 2, 2);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4eBremsstrahlung,    -1, 3, 3);<br><br>    } else if (particleName == "e+") {<br><br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4MultipleScattering, -1, 1, 1);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4eIonisation,        -1, 2, 2);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4eBremsstrahlung,    -1, 3, 3);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4eplusAnnihilation,   0,-1, 4);<br>      <br>    } else if( particleName == "mu+" || <br>               particleName == "mu-"    ) {<br><br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4MultipleScattering, -1, 1, 1);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4MuIonisation,       -1, 2, 2);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4MuBremsstrahlung,   -1, 3, 3);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4MuPairProduction,   -1, 4, 4);       <br>     <br>    } else if ((!particle-&gt;IsShortLived()) &amp;&amp;<br>              (particle-&gt;GetPDGCharge() != 0.0) &amp;&amp; <br>            (particle-&gt;GetParticleName() != "chargedgeantino")) {<br>      //all others charged particles except geantino<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4MultipleScattering, -1, 1, 1);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(new G4hIonisation,        -1, 2, 2);<br>            <br>    }<br>  }<br>}<br> </pre>
349      </td>
350    </tr>
351    <tr>
352      <td align="center"> Source listing <br>
353      <tt>Registration of standard electromagnetic processes</tt>
354      </td>
355    </tr>
356  </tbody>
361Novice and extended electromagnetic examples illustrating the use of
362electromagnetic processes are available as part of the Geant4 <a
363 href="">release</a>.
367<p><b> Options </b> are available for steering the standard electromagnetic processes.
368These options may be invoked either by UI commands or by the interface class
369G4EmProcessOptions. This class has the following public methods:
371- SetLossFluctuations(G4bool) <br>
372- SetSubCutoff(G4bool, const G4Region* r=0) <br>
373- SetIntegral(G4bool) <br>
374- SetRandomStep(G4bool) <br>
375- SetApplyCuts(G4bool) <br>
376- SetBuildCSDARange(G4bool) <br>
377- SetLPMFlag(G4bool) <br>
378- SetBremsstrahlungTh(G4double) <br>
379- SetMinSubRange(G4double) <br>
380- SetMinEnergy(G4double) <br>
381- SetMaxEnergy(G4double) <br>
382- SetMaxEnergyForCSDARange(G4double) <br>
383- SetMaxEnergyForMuons(G4double) <br>
384- SetDEDXBinning(G4int) <br>
385- SetDEDXBinningForCSDARange(G4int) <br>
386- SetLambdaBinning(G4int) <br>
387- SetVerbose(G4int, const G4String name= "all") <br>
388- SetLambdaFactor(G4double) <br>
389- SetMscStepLimitation(G4bool, G4double factor = -1.)
391The corresponding UI command can be accessed in the UI subdirectory "/process/eLoss".
394<p><b> G4EmCalculator </b> is a class which provides access to cross sections and stopping
395powers.  This class can be used anywhere in the user code provided the physics list has
396already been initialised (G4State_Idle).
397G4EmCalculator has "Get" methods which can be applied to materials for which physics tables
398are already built, and "Compute" methods which can be applied to any material defined in the
399application or existing in the Geant4 internal database.  The public methods of this class
402- GetDEDX(kinEnergy,particle,material,G4Region region=0) <br>
403- GetRangeFromRestrictedDEDX(kinEnergy,particle,material,G4Region* region=0) <br>
404- GetCSDARange(kinEnergy,particle,material,G4Region* region=0) <br>
405- GetRange(kinEnergy,particle,material,G4Region* region=0) <br>
406- GetKinEnergy(range,particle,material,G4Region* region=0) <br>
407- GetCrosSectionPerVolume(kinEnergy,particle,material,G4Region* region=0) <br>
408- GetMeanFreePath(kinEnergy,particle,material,G4Region* region=0) <br>
409- PrintDEDXTable(particle) <br>
410- PrintRangeTable(particle) <br>
411- PrintInverseRangeTable(particle) <br>
412- ComputeDEDX(kinEnergy,particle,process,material,cut=DBL_MAX) <br>
413- ComputeElectronicDEDX(kinEnergy,particle,material,cut=DBL_MAX) <br>
414- ComputeNuclearDEDX(kinEnergy,particle,material,cut=DBL_MAX) <br>
415- ComputeTotalDEDX(kinEnergy,particle,material,cut=DBL_MAX) <br>
416- ComputeCrosSectionPerVolume(kinEnergy,particle,process,material,cut=0) <br>
417- ComputeCrosSectionPerAtom(kinEnergy,particle,process,Z,A,cut=0) <br>
418- ComputeMeanFreePath(kinEnergy,particle,process,material,cut=0) <br>
419- FindParticle(const G4String&) <br>
420- FindMaterial(const G4String&) <br>
421- FindRegion(const G4String&) <br>
422- FindCouple(const G4Material*, const G4Region* region=0) <br>
423- SetVerbose(G4int)
425For these interfaces, particles, materials, or processes may be pointers or strings with names.
429<h4> Low Energy Electromagnetic Processes</h4>
430The following is a summary of the Low Energy Electromagnetic processes
431available in Geant4. Further information is available in the <a
432 href="">homepage</a>
433of the Geant4 Low Energy Electromagnetic Physics Working Group.
434The physics content of these processes is documented in Geant4
436 href="../../../../UsersGuides/PhysicsReferenceManual/html/PhysicsReferenceManual.html">Physics
437Reference Manual</a> and in other <a
438 href="">papers</a>.
440  <li><b> Photon processes </b>
441    <ul>
442      <li> Compton scattering (class <i>G4LowEnergyCompton</i>)</li>
443      <li> Polarized Compton scattering (class <i>G4LowEnergyPolarizedCompton</i>)</li>
444      <li> Rayleigh scattering (class <i>G4LowEnergyRayleigh</i>)</li>
445      <li> Gamma conversion (also called pair production, class <i>G4LowEnergyGammaConversion</i>)</li>
446      <li> Photo-electric effect (class<i>G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric</i>)</li>
447    </ul>
448  </li>
449  <li><b> Electron processes </b>
450    <ul>
451      <li>Bremsstrahlung (class <i>G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung</i>)</li>
452      <li>Ionisation and delta ray production (class <i>G4LowEnergyIonisation</i>)</li>
453    </ul>
454  </li>
455  <li><b> Hadron and ion processes </b>
456    <ul>
457      <li> Ionisation and delta ray production (class <i>G4hLowEnergyIonisation</i>)</li>
458    </ul>
459  </li>
461An example of the registration of these processes in a physics list is
463in souce listing
466<table border="2" cellpadding="10">
467  <tbody>
468    <tr>
469      <td>
470      <pre>void LowEnPhysicsList::ConstructEM()<br>{<br>  theParticleIterator-&gt;reset();<br><br>  while( (*theParticleIterator)() ){<br><br>    G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator-&gt;value();<br>    G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle-&gt;GetProcessManager();<br>    G4String particleName = particle-&gt;GetParticleName();<br><br>    if (particleName == "gamma") {<br><br>      theLEPhotoElectric   = new G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric();<br>      theLECompton         = new G4LowEnergyCompton();<br>      theLEGammaConversion = new G4LowEnergyGammaConversion();<br>      theLERayleigh        = new G4LowEnergyRayleigh();<br><br>      pmanager-&gt;AddDiscreteProcess(theLEPhotoElectric);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddDiscreteProcess(theLECompton);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddDiscreteProcess(theLERayleigh);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddDiscreteProcess(theLEGammaConversion);<br><br>    }<br>    else if (particleName == "e-") {<br><br>      theLEIonisation = new G4LowEnergyIonisation();<br>      theLEBremsstrahlung = new G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung();<br>      theeminusMultipleScattering = new G4MultipleScattering();<br><br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(theeminusMultipleScattering,-1,1,1);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(theLEIonisation,-1,2,2);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(theLEBremsstrahlung,-1,-1,3);<br><br>    }<br>    else if (particleName == "e+") {<br><br>      theeplusMultipleScattering = new G4MultipleScattering();<br>      theeplusIonisation = new G4eIonisation();<br>      theeplusBremsstrahlung = new G4eBremsstrahlung();<br>      theeplusAnnihilation = new G4eplusAnnihilation();<br><br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(theeplusMultipleScattering,-1,1,1);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(theeplusIonisation,-1,2,2);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(theeplusBremsstrahlung,-1,-1,3);<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(theeplusAnnihilation,0,-1,4);<br>    }<br>  }<br>}<br> </pre>
471      </td>
472    </tr>
473    <tr>
474      <td align="center"> Source listing <br>
475      <tt>Registration of electromagnetic low energy electron/photon
477      </td>
478    </tr>
479  </tbody>
484Advanced <b> examples </b> illustrating the use of Low Energy
485Electromagnetic processes are available as part of the Geant4 <a
486 href="">release</a> and are
487further documented <a
488 href="">here</a>.
490<p>To run the Low Energy code for photon and electron electromagnetic
491processes, <b><a
492 href="">
493data files</a></b> need to be copied by the user to
494his/her code repository. These files are distributed together with
495Geant4 <a href="">release</a>.
497The user should set the environment variable <b>G4LEDATA</b>
498to the directory where he/she has copied the files.
500<p><b> Options </b> are available for low energy electromagnetic
501processes for hadrons and ions in terms of public member functions of
502the G4hLowEnergyIonisation class: <br>
503- SetHighEnergyForProtonParametrisation(G4double) <br>
504- SetLowEnergyForProtonParametrisation(G4double) <br>
505- SetHighEnergyForAntiProtonParametrisation(G4double) <br>
506- SetLowEnergyForAntiProtonParametrisation(G4double) <br>
507- SetElectronicStoppingPowerModel(const G4ParticleDefinition*,const
508G4String&amp; ) <br>
509- SetNuclearStoppingPowerModel(const G4String&amp;) <br>
510- SetNuclearStoppingOn() <br>
511- SetNuclearStoppingOff() <br>
512- SetBarkasOn() <br>
513- SetBarkasOff() <br>
514- SetFluorescence(const G4bool) <br>
515- ActivateAugerElectronProduction(G4bool) <br>
516- SetCutForSecondaryPhotons(G4double) <br>
517- SetCutForSecondaryElectrons(G4double) <br>
518The available models for ElectronicStoppingPower and
519NuclearStoppingPower are documented in the <a
520 href="">class
521diagrams</a>. </p>
522<p><b> Options </b> are available for low energy electromagnetic
523processes for electrons in the G4LowEnergyIonisation class: <br>
524- ActivateAuger(G4bool) <br>
525- SetCutForLowEnSecPhotons(G4double) <br>
526- SetCutForLowEnSecElectrons(G4double) <br>
528<p><b> Options </b> are available for low energy electromagnetic
529processes for electrons/positrons in the G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung
530class, that allow the use of alternative bremsstrahlung angular
531generators: <br>
532- SetAngularGenerator(G4VBremAngularDistribution* distribution); <br>
533- SetAngularGenerator(const G4String&amp; name); <br>
534Currently three angular generators are available: G4ModifiedTsai,
5352BNGenerator and 2BSGenerator. G4ModifiedTsai is set by default, but it
536can be forced using the string "tsai". 2BNGenerator and 2BSGenerator
537can be set using the strings "2bs" and "2bn". Information regarding
538conditions of use, performance and energy limits of different models
539are available in the <a
540 href="../../../../UsersGuides/PhysicsReferenceManual/html/PhysicsReferenceManual.html">
541Physics Reference Manual</a> and in the Geant4 Low Energy
542Electromagnetic Physics Working Group <a
543 href="">homepage</a>.
545<p> Other <b> options </b> G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung class are: <br>
546- SetCutForLowEnSecPhotons(G4double) <br>
548<p><b> Options </b> can also be set in the G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric
549class, that allow the use of alternative photoelectron angular
550generators: <br>
551- SetAngularGenerator(G4VPhotoElectricAngularDistribution* distribution); <br>
552- SetAngularGenerator(const G4String&amp; name); <br>
553Currently three angular generators are available: G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSimple,
554G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSauterGavrilla and G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPolarized.
555G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSimple is set by default, but it
556can be forced using the string "default". G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSauterGavrilla and G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPolarized
557can be set using the strings "standard" and "polarized". Information regarding
558conditions of use, performance and energy limits of different models
559are available in the <a
560 href="../../../../UsersGuides/PhysicsReferenceManual/html/PhysicsReferenceManual.html">
561Physics Reference Manual</a> and in the Geant4 Low Energy
562Electromagnetic Physics Working Group <a
563 href="">homepage</a>.
566<h4> Interactions of Muons</h4>
567The following is a summary of the muon interaction processes available
568in Geant4.
569<ul type="circle">
570  <li>Bremsstrahlung (class name <i>G4MuBremsstrahlung</i>) </li>
571  <li>Ionisation and delta ray/knock on electron production ( class
572name <i>G4MuIonisation</i>) </li>
573  <li>Nuclear interaction (class name <i>G4MuNuclearInteraction</i>) </li>
574  <li>Direct pair production (class name <i>G4MuPairProduction</i>) </li>
575In the case of
576muons, the bremsstrahlung, ionisation and pair production processes
577give contributions to the total continuous energy loss. </li>
579<h4> ``X-ray production'' Processes</h4>
580The following is a summary of the X-ray production processes available
581in Geant4.
582<ul type="circle">
583  <li>Cerenkov process (class name <i>G4Cerenkov</i>) </li>
584  <li>Synchrotron radiation (class name <i>G4SynchrotronRadiation</i>)</li>
585  <li>Transition radiation (class names <i>G4TransitionRadiation</i>
586and <i>G4ForwardXrayTR</i>). </li>
588The Low Energy electromagnetic processes listed in section also
589produce X-rays through fluorescence.
591<hr><a name="5.2.2"></a>
592<h2>5.2.2 Hadronic Interactions</h2>
593This section briefly introduces the hadronic physics processes
594installed in Geant4. For details of the implementation of hadronic
595interactions available in Geant4, please refer to the <a
596 href="../../../../UsersGuides/PhysicsReferenceManual/html/PhysicsReferenceManual.html">
597<b>Physics Reference Manual</b></a>.
599<h4> Treatment of Cross Sections</h4>
600<b>Cross section data sets</b>
601<p> Each hadronic process object (derived from <i>G4HadronicProcess</i>)
602may have one or more cross section data sets associated with it. The
603term "data set" is meant, in a broad sense, to be an object that
604encapsulates methods and data for calculating total cross sections for
605a given process. The methods and data may take many forms, from a
606simple equation using a few hard-wired numbers to a sophisticated
607parameterisation using large data tables. Cross section data sets are
608derived from the abstract class <i>G4VCrossSectionDataSet</i>, and are
609required to implement the following methods:
611<p> </p>
612<pre>    G4bool IsApplicable( const G4DynamicParticle*, const G4Element* )<br> </pre>
613This method must return <tt>True</tt> if the data set is able to
614calculate a total cross section for the given particle and material,
615and <tt>False</tt> otherwise.
616<p> </p>
617<pre>    G4double GetCrossSection( const G4DynamicParticle*, const G4Element* )<br> </pre>
618This method, which will be invoked only if <tt>True</tt> was returned
619by <tt>IsApplicable</tt>, must return a cross section, in Geant4
620default units, for the given particle and material.
621<p> </p>
622<pre>    void BuildPhysicsTable( const G4ParticleDefinition&amp; )<br> </pre>
623This method may be invoked to request the data set to recalculate its
624internal database or otherwise reset its state after a change in the
625cuts or other parameters of the given particle type.
626<p> </p>
627<pre>    void DumpPhysicsTable( const G4ParticleDefinition&amp; ) = 0<br> </pre>
628This method may be invoked to request the data set to print its
629internal database and/or other state information, for the given
630particle type, to the standard output stream.
631<p><b>Cross section data store</b>
633<p>Cross section data sets are used by the process for the calculation
634of the physical interaction length. A given cross section data set may
635only apply to a certain energy range, or may only be able to calculate
636cross sections for a particular type of particle. The class <i>G4CrossSectionDataStore</i>
637has been provided to allow the user to specify, if desired, a series of
638data sets for a process, and to arrange the priority of data sets so
639that the appropriate one is used for a given energy range, particle,
640and material. It implements the following public methods:
642<p> </p>
643<pre>    G4CrossSectionDataStore()<br>   ~G4CrossSectionDataStore()<br> </pre>
645<p> </p>
646<pre>    G4double GetCrossSection( const G4DynamicParticle*, const G4Element* )<br> </pre>
647For a given particle and material, this method returns a cross section
648value provided by one of the collection of cross section data sets
649listed in the data store object. If there are no known data sets, a <tt>G4Exception</tt>
650is thrown and <tt>DBL_MIN</tt> is returned. Otherwise, each data set
651in the list is queried, in reverse list order, by invoking its <tt>IsApplicable</tt>
652method for the given particle and material. The first data set object
653that responds positively will then be asked to return a cross section
654value via its <tt>GetCrossSection</tt> method. If no data set responds
655positively, a <tt>G4Exception</tt> is thrown and <tt>DBL_MIN</tt> is
657<p> </p>
658<pre>    void AddDataSet( G4VCrossSectionDataSet* aDataSet )<br> </pre>
659This method adds the given cross section data set to the end of the
660list of data sets in the data store. For the evaluation of cross
661sections, the list has a LIFO (Last In First Out) priority, meaning
662that data sets added later to the list will have priority over those
663added earlier to the list. Another way of saying this, is that the data
664store, when given a <tt>GetCrossSection</tt> request, does the <tt>IsApplicable</tt>
665queries in the reverse list order, starting with the last data set in
666the list and proceeding to the first, and the first data set that
667responds positively is used to calculate the cross section.
668<p> </p>
669<pre>    void BuildPhysicsTable( const G4ParticleDefinition&amp; aParticleType )<br> </pre>
670This method may be invoked to indicate to the data store that there has
671been a change in the cuts or other parameters of the given particle
672type. In response, the data store will invoke the <tt>BuildPhysicsTable</tt>
673of each of its data sets.
674<p> </p>
675<pre>    void DumpPhysicsTable( const G4ParticleDefinition&amp; )<br> </pre>
676This method may be used to request the data store to invoke the <tt>DumpPhysicsTable</tt>
677method of each of its data sets.
678<p><b>Default cross sections</b>
680<p> The defaults for total cross section data and calculations have
681been encapsulated in the singleton class <i>G4HadronCrossSections</i>.
682Each hadronic process: <i>G4HadronInelasticProcess</i>, <i>G4HadronElasticProcess</i>,
683<i>G4HadronFissionProcess</i>, and <i>G4HadronCaptureProcess</i>,
684comes already equipped with a cross section data store and a default
685cross section data set. The data set objects are really just shells
686that invoke the singleton <i>G4HadronCrossSections</i> to do the real
687work of calculating cross sections.
689<p> The default cross sections can be overridden in whole or in part by
690the user. To this end, the base class <i>G4HadronicProcess</i> has a
691``get'' method: </p>
692<pre>    G4CrossSectionDataStore* GetCrossSectionDataStore()<br> </pre>
693which gives public access to the data store for each process. The
694user's cross section data sets can be added to the data store according
695to the following framework:
696<pre>    G4Hadron...Process aProcess(...)<br><br>    MyCrossSectionDataSet myDataSet(...)<br><br>    aProcess.GetCrossSectionDataStore()-&gt;AddDataSet( &amp;MyDataSet )<br> </pre>
697<p> The added data set will override the default cross section data
698whenever so indicated by its <tt>IsApplicable</tt> method.
700<p> In addition to the ``get'' method, <i>G4HadronicProcess</i> also
701has the method </p>
702<pre>    void SetCrossSectionDataStore( G4CrossSectionDataStore* )<br> </pre>
703<p> which allows the user to completely replace the default data store
704with a new data store.
706<p> It should be noted that a process does not send any information
707about itself to its associated data store (and hence data set) objects.
708Thus, each data set is assumed to be formulated to calculate cross
709sections for one and only one type of process. Of course, this does not
710prevent different data sets from sharing common data and/or calculation
711methods, as in the case of the <i>G4HadronCrossSections</i> class
712mentioned above. Indeed, <i>G4VCrossSectionDataSet</i> specifies only
713the abstract interface between physics processes and their data sets,
714and leaves the user free to implement whatever sort of underlying
715structure is appropriate.
717<p> The current implementation of the data set <i>G4HadronCrossSections</i>
718reuses the total cross-sections for inelastic and elastic scattering,
719radiative capture and fission as used with <b>GHEISHA</b> to provide
720cross-sections for calculation of the respective mean free paths of a
721given particle in a given material.
724<h4>Cross-sections for low energy neutron transport</h4>
725<p> The cross section data for low energy neutron transport are
726organized in a set of files that are read in by the corresponding data
727set classes at time zero. Hereby the file system is used, in order to
728allow highly granular access to the data. The ``root'' directory of the
729cross-section directory structure is accessed through an environment
730variable, <tt>NeutronHPCrossSections</tt>, which is to be set by the
731user. The classes accessing the total cross-sections of the individual
732processes, i.e., the cross-section data set classes for low energy
733neutron transport, are <i>G4NeutronHPElasticData</i>, <i>G4NeutronHPCaptureData</i>,
734<i>G4NeutronHPFissionData</i>, and <i>G4NeutronHPInelasticData</i>.
735For detailed descriptions of the low energy neutron total
736cross-sections, they may be registered by the user as described above
737with the data stores of the corresponding processes for neutron
740<p>It should be noted that using these total cross section classes does
741not require that the neutron_hp models also be used. It is up to the
742user to decide whethee this is desirable or not for his particular
746<h4> Hadrons at Rest</h4>
747<b>List of implemented "Hadron at Rest" processes</b>
748<p> The following process classes have been implemented: </p>
749<ul type="circle">
750  <li>pi- absorption (class name <i>G4PionMinusAbsorptionAtRest</i> or
751    <i>G4PiMinusAbsorptionAtRest</i>)</li>
752  <li>kaon- absorption (class name <i>G4KaonMinusAbsorptionAtRest</i>
753or <i>G4KaonMinusAbsorption</i>)</li>
754  <li>neutron capture (class name <i>G4NeutronCaptureAtRest</i>)</li>
755  <li>anti-proton annihilation (class name <i>G4AntiProtonAnnihilationAtRest</i>)</li>
756  <li>anti-neutron annihilation (class name <i>G4AntiNeutronAnnihilationAtRest</i>)</li>
757  <li>mu- capture (class name <i>G4MuonMinusCaptureAtRest</i>)</li>
758  <li>alternative CHIPS model for any negativly charged particle (class name <i>G4QCaptureAtRest</i>)</li>
760Obviously the last process does not, strictly speaking, deal with a
761``hadron at rest''. It does, nonetheless, share common features with
762the others in the above list because of the implementation model
763chosen. The differences betweeen the alternative implementation for
764kaon and pion absorption concern the fast part of the emitted particle
766G4PiMinusAbsorptionAtRest, and G4KaonMinusAbsorptionAtRest focus
767especially on a good description of this part of the spectrum.
768<p><b>Implementation Interface to Geant4</b>
770<p> All of these classes are derived from the abstract class <i>G4VRestProcess</i>.
771In addition to the constructor and destructor methods,
772the following public methods of the abstract class have been
773implemented for each of the above six processes:
775<p> </p>
777  <li><tt>AtRestGetPhysicalInteractionLength( const G4Track&amp;,
778G4ForceCondition* )</tt><br>
779This method returns the time taken before the interaction actually
780occurs. In all processes listed above, except for muon capture, a value
781of zero is returned. For the muon capture process the muon capture
782lifetime is returned.
783    <p> </p>
784  </li>
785  <li><tt>AtRestDoIt( const G4Track&amp;, const G4Step&amp; )</tt><br>
786This method generates the secondary particles produced by the process.
787    <p> </p>
788  </li>
789  <li><tt>IsApplicable( const G4ParticleDefinition&amp; )</tt><br>
790This method returns the result of a check to see if the process is
791possible for a given particle. </li>
794<b>Example of how to use a hadron at rest process</b>
796<p> Including a ``hadron at rest'' process for a particle, a pi- for
797example, into the Geant4 system is straightforward and can be done in
798the following way: </p>
800  <li>create a process:
801    <pre>       theProcess = new G4PionMinusAbsorptionAtRest();<br> </pre>
802  </li>
803  <li>register the process with the particle's process manager:
804    <pre>       theParticleDef = G4PionMinus::PionMinus();<br>       G4ProcessManager* pman = theParticleDef-&gt;GetProcessManager();<br>       pman-&gt;AddRestProcess( theProcess );<br> </pre>
805  </li>
807<h4> Hadrons in Flight</h4>
808<b>What processes do you need?</b>
809<p> For hadrons in motion, there are four physics process classes.
810Table shows each process and the particles for which it is
813<p> </p>
815<table border="2" cellpadding="10">
816  <tbody>
817    <tr>
818      <td valign="top"><i>G4HadronElasticProcess</i> </td>
819      <td>pi+, pi-, K<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>0</sup><sub>S</sub>, K<sup>0</sup><sub>L</sub>,
820K<sup>-</sup>, p, p-bar, n, n-bar, lambda, lambda-bar, Sigma<sup>+</sup>,
821Sigma<sup>-</sup>, Sigma<sup>+</sup>-bar, Sigma<sup>-</sup>-bar, Xi<sup>0</sup>,
822Xi<sup>-</sup>, Xi<sup>0</sup>-bar, Xi<sup>-</sup>-bar </td>
823    </tr>
824    <tr>
825      <td valign="top"><i>G4HadronInelasticProcess</i> </td>
826      <td>pi+, pi-, K<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>0</sup><sub>S</sub>, K<sup>0</sup><sub>L</sub>,
827K<sup>-</sup>, p, p-bar, n, n-bar, lambda, lambda-bar, Sigma<sup>+</sup>,
828Sigma<sup>-</sup>, Sigma<sup>+</sup>-bar, Sigma<sup>-</sup>-bar, Xi<sup>0</sup>,
829Xi<sup>-</sup>, Xi<sup>0</sup>-bar, Xi<sup>-</sup>-bar </td>
830    </tr>
831    <tr>
832      <td valign="top"><i>G4HadronFissionProcess </i></td>
833      <td>all </td>
834    </tr>
835    <tr>
836      <td valign="top"><i>G4CaptureProcess</i> </td>
837      <td>n, n-bar </td>
838    </tr>
839    <tr>
840      <td align="center" colspan="2"> Table<br>
841Hadronic processes and relevant particles. </td>
842    </tr>
843  </tbody>
847<b>How to register Models</b>
849<p> To register an inelastic process model for a particle, a proton for
850example, first get the pointer to the particle's process manager: </p>
851<pre>   G4ParticleDefinition *theProton = G4Proton::ProtonDefinition();<br>   G4ProcessManager *theProtonProcMan = theProton-&gt;GetProcessManager();<br> </pre>
852Create an instance of the particle's inelastic process:
853<pre>   G4ProtonInelasticProcess *theProtonIEProc = new G4ProtonInelasticProcess();<br> </pre>
854Create an instance of the model which determines the secondaries
855produced in the interaction, and calculates the momenta of the
857<pre>   G4LEProtonInelastic *theProtonIE = new G4LEProtonInelastic();<br> </pre>
858Register the model with the particle's inelastic process:
859<pre>   theProtonIEProc-&gt;RegisterMe( theProtonIE );<br> </pre>
860Finally, add the particle's inelastic process to the list of discrete
862<pre> <br>   theProtonProcMan-&gt;AddDiscreteProcess( theProtonIEProc );<br> </pre>
863The particle's inelastic process class, <i>G4ProtonInelasticProcess</i>
864in the example above, derives from the <i>G4HadronicInelasticProcess</i>
865class, and simply defines the process name and calls the <i>G4HadronicInelasticProcess</i>
866constructor. All of the specific particle inelastic processes derive
867from the <i>G4HadronicInelasticProcess</i> class, which calls the <tt>PostStepDoIt</tt>
868function, which returns the particle change object from the <i>G4HadronicProcess</i>
869function <tt>GeneralPostStepDoIt</tt>. This class also gets the mean
870free path, builds the physics table, and gets the microscopic cross
871section. The <i>G4HadronicInelasticProcess</i> class derives from the
872<i>G4HadronicProcess</i> class, which is the top level hadronic process
874The <i>G4HadronicProcess</i> class derives from the <i>G4VDiscreteProcess</i>
875class. The inelastic, elastic, capture, and fission processes derive
876from the <i>G4HadronicProcess</i> class. This pure virtual class also
877provides the energy range manager object and the <tt>RegisterMe</tt>
878access function.
879<p>A sample case for the proton's inelastic interaction model class is
880shown in source listing 5.2.2, where <tt>G4LEProtonInelastic.hh</tt>
881is the name of the include file:
885<table border="2" cellpadding="10">
886  <tbody>
887    <tr>
888      <td>
889      <pre> ----------------------------- include file ------------------------------------------<br><br>#include "G4InelasticInteraction.hh"<br> class G4LEProtonInelastic : public G4InelasticInteraction<br> {<br> public:<br>    G4LEProtonInelastic() : G4InelasticInteraction()<br>    {<br>      SetMinEnergy( 0.0 );<br>      SetMaxEnergy( 25.*GeV );<br>    }<br>    ~G4LEProtonInelastic() { }<br>    G4ParticleChange *ApplyYourself( const G4Track &amp;aTrack,<br>                                     G4Nucleus &amp;targetNucleus );<br> private:<br>    void CascadeAndCalculateMomenta( required arguments );<br> };<br><br> ----------------------------- source file ------------------------------------------<br><br> #include "G4LEProtonInelastic.hh"<br> G4ParticleChange *<br>  G4LEProton Inelastic::ApplyYourself( const G4Track &amp;aTrack,<br>                                       G4Nucleus &amp;targetNucleus )<br>  {<br>    theParticleChange.Initialize( aTrack );<br>    const G4DynamicParticle *incidentParticle = aTrack.GetDynamicParticle();<br>    // create the target particle<br>    G4DynamicParticle *targetParticle = targetNucleus.ReturnTargetParticle();<br>    CascadeAndCalculateMomenta( required arguments )<br>    { ... }<br>    return &amp;theParticleChange;<br>  }<br> </pre>
890      </td>
891    </tr>
892    <tr>
893      <td align="center"> Source listing 5.2.2<br>
894An example of a proton inelastic interaction model class.
895      </td>
896    </tr>
897  </tbody>
901The <tt>CascadeAndCalculateMomenta</tt> function is the bulk of the
902model and is to be provided by the model's creator. It should determine
903what secondary particles are produced in the interaction, calculate the
904momenta for all the particles, and put this information into the <i>ParticleChange</i>
905object which is returned.
907<p>The <i>G4LEProtonInelastic</i> class derives from the <i>G4InelasticInteraction</i>
908class, which is an abstract base class since the pure virtual function <tt>ApplyYourself</tt>
909is not defined there. <i>G4InelasticInteraction</i> itself derives
910from the
911<i>G4HadronicInteraction</i> abstract base class. This class is the
912base class for all the model classes. It sorts out the energy range for
913the models and provides class utilities. The <i>G4HadronicInteraction</i>
914class provides the <tt>Set/GetMinEnergy</tt> and the <tt>Set/GetMaxEnergy</tt>
915functions which determine the minimum and maximum energy range for the
916model. An energy range can be set for a specific element, a specific
917material, or for general applicability:
919<p> </p>
920<pre> void SetMinEnergy( G4double anEnergy, G4Element *anElement )<br> void SetMinEnergy( G4double anEnergy, G4Material *aMaterial )<br> void SetMinEnergy( const G4double anEnergy )<br> void SetMaxEnergy( G4double anEnergy, G4Element *anElement )<br> void SetMaxEnergy( G4double anEnergy, G4Material *aMaterial )<br> void SetMaxEnergy( const G4double anEnergy )<br> </pre>
922<b>Which models are there, and what are the defaults</b>
924<p>In Geant4, any model can be run together with any other model
926the need for the implementation of a special interface, or batch suite,
927and the ranges of applicability for the different models can
928be steered at initialisation time. This way, highly specialised models
930only for one material and particle, and applicable only in a very
931restricted energy range) can be used in the same application, together
932with more general code, in a coherent fashion.
934<p>Each model has an intrinsic range of applicability, and the model
935chosen for
936a simulation depends very much on the use-case. Consequently, there are
937no ``defaults''. However, physics lists are provided which specify sets
938of models for various purposes.
940<p>Three types of hadronic shower models have been implemented:
941parametrisation driven models, data driven models, and theory driven
944<p> </p>
946  <li>Parametrisation driven models are used for all processes
947pertaining to particles coming to rest, and interacting with the
948nucleus. For particles in flight, two sets of models exist for
949inelastic scattering; low energy, and high energy models. Both sets are
950based originally on the <b>GHEISHA</b> package of Geant3.21, and the
951original approaches to primary interaction, nuclear excitation,
952intra-nuclear cascade and evaporation is kept. The models are located
953in the sub-directories <tt>hadronics/models/low_energy</tt> and <tt>hadronics/models/high_energy</tt>.
954The low energy models are targeted towards energies below 20&nbsp;GeV;
955the high energy models cover the energy range from 20&nbsp;GeV to
956O(TeV). Fission, capture and coherent elastic scattering are also
957modeled through parametrised models. </li>
958  <li>Data driven models are available for the transport of low energy
959neutrons in matter in sub-directory <tt>hadronics/models/neutron_hp</tt>.
960The modeling is based on the data formats of <b>ENDF/B-VI</b>, and all
961distributions of this standard data format are implemented. The data
962sets used are selected from data libraries that conform to these
963standard formats. The file system is used in order to allow granular
964access to, and flexibility in, the use of the cross sections for
965different isotopes, and channels. The energy coverage of these models
966is from thermal energies to 20&nbsp;MeV. </li>
967  <li>Theory driven models are available for inelastic scattering in a
968first implementation, covering the full energy range of LHC
969experiments. They are located in sub-directory <tt>hadronics/models/generator</tt>.
970The current philosophy implies the usage of parton string models at
971high energies, of intra-nuclear transport models at intermediate
972energies, and of statistical break-up models for de-excitation. </li>
976<hr><a name="5.2.3"></a>
977<h2>5.2.3 Particle Decay Process</h2>
978This section briefly introduces decay processes installed in Geant4.
979For details of the implementation of particle decays, please refer to
980the <a
981 href="../../../../UsersGuides/PhysicsReferenceManual/html/PhysicsReferenceManual.html">
982<b>Physics Reference Manual</b></a>.
984<h4> Particle Decay Class</h4>
985Geant4 provides a <i>G4Decay</i> class for both ``at rest'' and ``in
986flight'' particle decays. <i>G4Decay</i> can be applied to all
987particles except:
990  <tbody>
991    <tr>
992      <td>massless particles, i.e., </td>
993      <td><tt>G4ParticleDefinition::thePDGMass &lt;= 0</tt> </td>
994    </tr>
995    <tr>
996      <td>particles with ``negative'' life time, i.e., </td>
997      <td><tt>G4ParticleDefinition::thePDGLifeTime &lt; 0</tt> </td>
998    </tr>
999    <tr>
1000      <td>shortlived particles, i.e., </td>
1001      <td><tt>G4ParticleDefinition::fShortLivedFlag = True</tt> </td>
1002    </tr>
1003  </tbody>
1007Decay for some particles may be switched on or off by using <tt>G4ParticleDefinition::SetPDGStable()</tt>
1008as well as <tt>ActivateProcess()</tt> and <tt>InActivateProcess()</tt>
1009methods of <i>G4ProcessManager</i>.
1011<p><i>G4Decay</i> proposes the step length (or step time for <tt>AtRest</tt>)
1012according to the lifetime of the particle unless <tt>PreAssignedDecayProperTime</tt>
1013is defined in <i>G4DynamicParticle</i>.
1015<p>The <i>G4Decay</i> class itself does not define decay modes of the
1016particle. Geant4 provides two ways of doing this: </p>
1018  <li>using <i>G4DecayChannel</i> in <i>G4DecayTable</i>, and </li>
1019  <li>using <tt>thePreAssignedDecayProducts</tt> of <i>G4DynamicParticle</i>
1020  </li>
1022The <i>G4Decay</i> class calculates the <tt>PhysicalInteractionLength</tt>
1023and boosts decay products created by <i>G4VDecayChannel</i> or event
1024generators. See below for information on the determination of the decay
1026<p>An object of <i>G4Decay</i> can be shared by particles.
1027Registration of the decay process to particles in the <tt>ConstructPhysics</tt>
1028method of <i>PhysicsList</i> (see <a
1029 href="../GettingStarted/physicsDef.html#2.5.3">Section 2.5.3</a>)
1030is shown in Source listing 5.2.3.
1034<table border="2" cellpadding="10">
1035  <tbody>
1036    <tr>
1037      <td>
1038      <pre>#include "G4Decay.hh"<br>void ExN02PhysicsList::ConstructGeneral()<br>{<br>  // Add Decay Process<br>  G4Decay* theDecayProcess = new G4Decay();<br>  theParticleIterator-&gt;reset();<br>  while( (*theParticleIterator)() ){<br>    G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator-&gt;value();<br>    G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle-&gt;GetProcessManager();<br>    if (theDecayProcess-&gt;IsApplicable(*particle)) { <br>      pmanager -&gt;AddProcess(theDecayProcess);<br>      // set ordering for PostStepDoIt and AtRestDoIt<br>      pmanager -&gt;SetProcessOrdering(theDecayProcess, idxPostStep);<br>      pmanager -&gt;SetProcessOrdering(theDecayProcess, idxAtRest);<br>    }<br>  }<br>}<br> </pre>
1039      </td>
1040    </tr>
1041    <tr>
1042      <td align="center"> Source listing 5.2.3<br>
1043Registration of the decay process to particles in the <tt>ConstructPhysics</tt>
1044method of <i>PhysicsList</i>.
1045      </td>
1046    </tr>
1047  </tbody>
1052<h4> Decay Table</h4>
1053Each particle has its <i>G4DecayTable</i>, which stores information on
1054the decay modes of the particle. Each decay mode, with its branching
1055ratio, corresponds to an object of various ``decay channel'' classes
1056derived from <i>G4VDecayChannel</i>. Default decay modes are created
1057in the constructors of particle classes. For example, the decay table
1058of the neutral pion has <i>G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel</i> and <i>G4DalitzDecayChannel</i>
1059as follows:
1060<p> </p>
1061<pre>  // create a decay channel<br>  G4VDecayChannel* mode;<br>  // pi0 -&gt; gamma + gamma<br>  mode = new G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel("pi0",0.988,2,"gamma","gamma");<br>  table-&gt;Insert(mode);<br>  // pi0 -&gt; gamma + e+ + e-<br>  mode = new G4DalitzDecayChannel("pi0",0.012,"e-","e+");<br>  table-&gt;Insert(mode);<br> </pre>
1063Decay modes and branching ratios defined in Geant4 are listed in <a
1064 href="particle.html#5.3.2">Section 5.3.2</a>.
1066<h4> Pre-assigned Decay Modes by Event Generators</h4>
1067Decays of heavy flavor particles such as B mesons are very complex,
1068with many varieties of decay modes and decay mechanisms. There are many
1069models for heavy particle decay provided by various event generators
1070and it is impossible to define all the decay modes of heavy particles
1071by using <i>G4VDecayChannel</i>. In other words, decays of heavy
1072particles cannot be defined by the Geant4 decay process, but should be
1073defined by event generators or other external packages. Geant4 provides
1074two ways to do this: <tt>pre-assigned decay mode</tt> and <tt>external
1076<p>In the latter approach, the class <i>G4VExtDecayer</i> is used for
1077the interface to an external package which defines decay modes for a
1078particle. If an instance of <i>G4VExtDecayer</i> is attached to <i>G4Decay</i>,
1079daughter particles will be generated by the external decay handler. </p>
1080<p>In the former case, decays of heavy particles are simulated by an
1081event generator and the primary event contains the decay information.
1082<i>G4VPrimaryGenerator</i> automatically attaches any daughter
1084to the parent particle as the PreAssignedDecayProducts member of <i>G4DynamicParticle</i>.
1085<i>G4Decay</i> adopts these pre-assigned daughter particles instead of
1087<i>G4VDecayChannel</i> to generate decay products.
1089<p>In addition, the user may assign a <tt>pre-assigned</tt> decay time
1090for a specific track in its rest frame (i.e. decay time is defined in
1091the proper time) by using the <i>G4PrimaryParticle::SetProperTime()</i>
1092method. <i>G4VPrimaryGenerator</i> sets the PreAssignedDecayProperTime
1093member of <i>G4DynamicParticle</i>. <i>G4Decay</i> uses this decay
1094time instead of the life time of the particle type.
1096<hr><a name="5.2.4"></a>
1097<h2>5.2.4 Photolepton-hadron Processes</h2>
1098To be delivered.
1102<hr><a name="5.2.5"></a>
1103<h2>5.2.5 Optical Photon Processes</h2>
1105A photon is considered to be <i>optical</i> when its wavelength is
1107greater than the typical atomic spacing. In GEANT4 optical photons are
1108treated as a class of particle distinct from their higher energy <i>gamma</i>
1109cousins. This implementation allows the wave-like properties of
1110electromagnetic radiation to be incorporated into the optical photon
1111process. Because this theoretical description breaks down at higher
1112energies, there is no smooth transition as a function of energy between
1113the optical photon and gamma particle classes. </p>
1115For the simulation of optical photons to work correctly in GEANT4, they
1116must be imputed a linear polarization. This is unlike most other
1117particles in GEANT4 but is automatically and correctly done for optical
1118photons that are generated as secondaries by existing processes in GEANT4.
1119Not so, if the user wishes to start optical photons as primary particles.
1120In this case, the user must set the linear polarization using particle
1121gun methods, the General Particle Source, or his/her PrimaryGeneratorAction.
1122For an unpolarized source, the linear polarization should be sampled
1123randomly for each new primary photon.
1126The GEANT4 catalogue of processes at optical wavelengths includes
1127refraction and reflection at medium boundaries, bulk absorption and
1128Rayleigh scattering. Processes which produce optical photons include
1129the Cerenkov effect, transition radiation and scintillation. Optical
1130photons are generated in GEANT4 without energy conservation and their
1131energy must therefore not be tallied as part of the energy balance of
1132an event. </p>
1134The optical properties of the medium which are key to the
1135implementation of
1136these types of processes are stored as entries in a <tt>G4MaterialPropertiesTable</tt>
1137which is linked to the <tt>G4Material</tt>
1138in question. These properties may be constants or they may be expressed
1139as a function of the photon's wavelength. This table is a private data
1140member of the <tt>G4Material</tt> class. The <tt>G4MaterialPropertiesTable</tt>
1141is implemented as a hash directory, in which each entry consists of a <i>value</i>
1142and a <i>key</i>. The key is used to quickly and efficiently retrieve
1143the corresponding value. All values in the dictionary are either
1144instantiations of <tt>G4double</tt> or the class <tt>G4MaterialPropertyVector</tt>,
1145and all keys are of type <tt>G4String</tt>. </p>
1147A <tt>G4MaterialPropertyVector</tt> is composed of instantiations of
1148the class <tt>G4MPVEntry</tt>. The <tt>G4MPVEntry</tt> is a pair of
1149numbers, which in the case of an optical property, are the photon
1150momentum and
1151corresponding property value. The <tt>G4MaterialPropertyVector</tt> is
1152implemented as a <tt>G4std::vector</tt>, with the sorting operation
1153defined as MPVEntry<sub>1</sub> &lt; MPVEntry<sub>2</sub> ==
1154photon_momentum<sub>1</sub> &lt; photon_momentum<sub>2</sub>. This
1155results in all <tt>G4MaterialPropertyVector</tt>s being sorted in
1156ascending order of photon momenta. It is possible for the user to add
1157as many material
1158(optical) properties to the material as he wishes using the methods
1159supplied by the <tt>G4MaterialPropertiesTable</tt> class. An example
1160of this is shown in source listing 5.2.4. </p>
1162<table border="2" cellpadding="10">
1163  <tbody>
1164    <tr>
1165      <td>
1166      <pre>const G4int NUMENTRIES = 32;<br><br>G4double ppckov[NUMENTRIES] = {2.034*eV, ......, 4.136*eV};<br>G4double rindex[NUMENTRIES] = {1.3435, ......, 1.3608};<br>G4double absorption[NUMENTRIES] = {344.8*cm, ......, 1450.0*cm];<br><br>G4MaterialPropertiesTable *MPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();<br><br>MPT -&gt; AddConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONYIELD",100./MeV);<br><br>MPT -&gt; AddProperty("RINDEX",ppckov,rindex,NUMENTRIES};<br>MPT -&gt; AddProperty("ABSLENGTH",ppckov,absorption,NUMENTRIES};<br><br>scintillator -&gt; SetMaterialPropertiesTable(MPT);<br><br></pre>
1167      </td>
1168    </tr>
1169    <tr>
1170      <td align="center"> Source listing 5.2.4<br>
1171Optical properties added to a <tt>G4MaterialPropertiesTable</tt> and
1172linked to a <tt>G4Material</tt>.
1173      </td>
1174    </tr>
1175  </tbody>
1178<h4> Generation of Photons in <tt>processes/electromagnetic/xrays</tt>
1179- Cerenkov Effect</h4>
1181The radiation of Cerenkov light occurs when a charged particle moves
1182through a dispersive medium faster than the group velocity of light in
1183that medium. Photons are emitted on the surface of a cone, whose
1184opening angle with respect
1185to the particle's instantaneous direction decreases as the particle
1186slows down. At the same time, the frequency of the photons emitted
1187increases, and the number produced decreases. When the particle
1188velocity drops below the local speed of light, the radiation ceases and
1189the emission cone angle collapses to zero. The photons produced by this
1190process have an inherent
1191polarization perpendicular to the cone's surface at production. </p>
1193The flux, spectrum, polarization and emission of Cerenkov radiation in
1194the <tt>AlongStepDoIt</tt> method of the class <tt>G4Cerenkov</tt>
1195follow well-known formulae, with two inherent computational
1196limitations. The first arises from step-wise simulation, and the second
1197comes from the requirement that numerical integration calculate the
1198average number of Cerenkov photons per step. The process makes use of a
1199<tt>G4PhysicsTable</tt> which contains incremental integrals to
1200expedite this calculation. </p>
1201<p> The time and position of Cerenkov photon emission are calculated
1202from quantities known at the beginning of a charged particle's step.
1203The step is assumed to be rectilinear even in the presence of a
1204magnetic field. The user
1205may limit the step size by specifying a maximum (average) number of
1206Cerenkov photons created during the step, using the <tt>SetMaxNumPhotonsPerStep(const
1207G4int NumPhotons)</tt> method. The actual number generated will
1208necessarily be different due to the Poissonian nature
1209of the production. In the present implementation, the production
1210density of photons is distributed evenly along the particle's track
1211segment, even if the particle has slowed significantly during the step.
1214The frequently very large number of secondaries produced in a single
1215step (about 300/cm in water), compelled the idea in GEANT3.21 of
1216suspending the primary particle until all its progeny have been
1217tracked. Despite the fact that GEANT4 employs dynamic memory allocation
1218and thus does not suffer from the limitations of GEANT3.21 with its
1219fixed large initial ZEBRA store, GEANT4 nevertheless provides for an
1220analogous functionality with the public method <tt>SetTrackSecondariesFirst</tt>.
1221An example of the registration of the Cerenkov process is given in
1222source listing 5.2.5. </p>
1224<table border="2" cellpadding="10">
1225  <tbody>
1226    <tr>
1227      <td>
1228      <pre>#include "G4Cerenkov.hh"<br><br>void ExptPhysicsList::ConstructOp(){<br><br>  G4Cerenkov*   theCerenkovProcess = new G4Cerenkov("Cerenkov");<br><br>  G4int MaxNumPhotons = 300;<br><br>  theCerenkovProcess-&gt;SetTrackSecondariesFirst(true);<br>  theCerenkovProcess-&gt;SetMaxNumPhotonsPerStep(MaxNumPhotons);<br><br>  theParticleIterator-&gt;reset();<br>  while( (*theParticleIterator)() ){<br>    G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator-&gt;value();<br>    G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle-&gt;GetProcessManager();<br>    G4String particleName = particle-&gt;GetParticleName();<br>    if (theCerenkovProcess-&gt;IsApplicable(*particle)) {<br>      pmanager-&gt;AddContinuousProcess(theCerenkovProcess);<br>    }<br>  }<br>}<br></pre>
1229      </td>
1230    </tr>
1231    <tr>
1232      <td align="center"> Source listing 5.2.5<br>
1233Registration of the Cerenkov process in <tt>PhysicsList</tt>.
1234      </td>
1235    </tr>
1236  </tbody>
1239<h4> Generation of Photons in <tt>processes/electromagnetic/xrays</tt>
1243Every scintillating material has a characteristic light yield, <tt>SCINTILLATIONYIELD</tt>,
1244and an intrinsic resolution, <tt>RESOLUTIONSCALE</tt>, which generally
1245broadens the statistical distribution of generated photons. A wider
1246intrinsic resolution is due to impurities which are typical for doped
1247crystals like NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl). On the other hand, the intrinsic
1248resolution can also be narrower when the Fano factor plays a role. The
1249actual number of emitted photons during a step fluctuates around the
1250mean number of photons with a width given by <tt>ResolutionScale*sqrt(MeanNumberOfPhotons)</tt>.
1251The average light yield, <tt>MeanNumberOfPhotons</tt>, has a linear
1252dependence on the local energy deposition, but it may be different for
1253minimum ionizing and non-minimum ionizing particles. </p>
1255A scintillator is also characterized by its photon emission spectrum
1256and by the exponential decay of its time spectrum. In GEANT4 the
1257scintillator can have a fast and a slow component. The relative
1258strength of the fast component as a fraction of total scintillation
1259yield is given by the <tt>YIELDRATIO</tt>. Scintillation may be
1260simulated by specifying these empirical parameters for each material.
1261It is sufficient to specify in the user's <tt>DetectorConstruction</tt>
1262class a relative spectral distribution as a function of photon energy
1263for the scintillating material. An example of this is shown in source
1264listing 5.2.6. </p>
1268<table border="2" cellpadding="10">
1269  <tbody>
1270    <tr>
1271      <td>
1272      <pre>  const G4int NUMENTRIES = 9;<br>  G4double Scnt_PP[NUMENTRIES] = { 6.6*eV, 6.7*eV, 6.8*eV, 6.9*eV,<br>                                   7.0*eV, 7.1*eV, 7.2*eV, 7.3*eV, 7.4*eV };<br><br>  G4double Scnt_FAST[NUMENTRIES] = { 0.000134, 0.004432, 0.053991, 0.241971, <br>                                     0.398942, 0.000134, 0.004432, 0.053991,<br>                                     0.241971 };<br>  G4double Scnt_SLOW[NUMENTRIES] = { 0.000010, 0.000020, 0.000030, 0.004000,<br>                                     0.008000, 0.005000, 0.020000, 0.001000,<br>                                     0.000010 };<br><br>  G4Material* Scnt;<br>  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* Scnt_MPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();<br><br>  Scnt_MPT-&gt;AddProperty("FASTCOMPONENT", Scnt_PP, Scnt_FAST, NUMENTRIES);<br>  Scnt_MPT-&gt;AddProperty("SLOWCOMPONENT", Scnt_PP, Scnt_SLOW, NUMENTRIES);<br><br>  Scnt_MPT-&gt;AddConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONYIELD", 5000./MeV);<br>  Scnt_MPT-&gt;AddConstProperty("RESOLUTIONSCALE", 2.0);<br>  Scnt_MPT-&gt;AddConstProperty("FASTTIMECONSTANT",  1.*ns);<br>  Scnt_MPT-&gt;AddConstProperty("SLOWTIMECONSTANT", 10.*ns);<br>  Scnt_MPT-&gt;AddConstProperty("YIELDRATIO", 0.8);<br><br>  Scnt-&gt;SetMaterialPropertiesTable(Scnt_MPT);<br></pre>
1273      </td>
1274    </tr>
1275    <tr>
1276      <td align="center"> Source listing 5.2.6<br>
1277Specification of scintillation properties in <tt>DetectorConstruction</tt>.
1278      </td>
1279    </tr>
1280  </tbody>
1285In cases where the scintillation yield of a scintillator depends on the
1286particle type, different scintillation processes may be defined for
1287them. How this yield scales to the one specified for the material is
1288expressed with the <tt>ScintillationYieldFactor</tt> in the user's <tt>PhysicsList</tt>
1289as shown in source listing 5.2.7. In those cases where the fast to slow
1290excitation ratio changes with particle type, the method <tt>SetScintillationExcitationRatio</tt>
1291can be called for each scintillation process (see the advanced
1292underground_physics example). This overwrites the <tt>YieldRatio</tt>
1293obtained from the <tt>G4MaterialPropertiesTable</tt>. </p>
1297<table border="2" cellpadding="10">
1298  <tbody>
1299    <tr>
1300      <td>
1301      <pre>  G4Scintillation* theMuonScintProcess = new G4Scintillation("Scintillation");<br><br>  theMuonScintProcess-&gt;SetTrackSecondariesFirst(true);<br>  theMuonScintProcess-&gt;SetScintillationYieldFactor(0.8);<br><br>  theParticleIterator-&gt;reset();<br>  while( (*theParticleIterator)() ){<br>    G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator-&gt;value();<br>    G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle-&gt;GetProcessManager();<br>    G4String particleName = particle-&gt;GetParticleName();<br>    if (theMuonScintProcess-&gt;IsApplicable(*particle)) {<br>       if (particleName == "mu+") {<br>          pmanager-&gt;AddProcess(theMuonScintProcess);<br>          pmanager-&gt;SetProcessOrderingToLast(theMuonScintProcess, idxAtRest);<br>          pmanager-&gt;SetProcessOrderingToLast(theMuonScintProcess, idxPostStep);<br>       }<br>    }<br>  }<br></pre>
1302      </td>
1303    </tr>
1304    <tr>
1305      <td align="center"> Source listing 5.2.7<br>
1306Implementation of the scintillation process in <tt>PhysicsList</tt>.
1307      </td>
1308    </tr>
1309  </tbody>
1314A Gaussian-distributed number of photons is generated according to the
1315energy lost during the step. A resolution scale of 1.0 produces a
1316statistical fluctuation around the average yield set with <tt>AddConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONYIELD")</tt>,
1317while values &gt; 1 broaden the fluctuation. A value of zero produces
1318no fluctuation. Each photon's
1319frequency is sampled from the empirical spectrum. The photons originate
1320evenly along the track segment and are emitted uniformly into 4&#960; with a
1321random linear polarization and at times characteristic for the
1322scintillation component. </p>
1323<h4> Generation of Photons in <tt>processes/optical</tt> -
1324Wavelength Shifting</h4>
1326Wavelength Shifting (WLS) fibers are used in many high-energy particle
1328experiments. They absorb light at one wavelength and re-emit light at a
1329different wavelength and are used for several reasons. For one, they
1330tend to
1331decrease the self-absorption of the detector so that as much light
1332reaches the
1333PMTs as possible. WLS fibers are also used to match the emission
1334spectrum of
1335the detector with the input spectrum of the PMT.
1337<p>A WLS material is characterized by its photon absorption and photon
1339spectrum and by a possible time delay between the absorption and
1341of the photon. Wavelength Shifting may be simulated by specifying these
1342empirical parameters for each WLS material in the simulation. It is
1343sufficient to specify in the user's <tt>DetectorConstruction</tt>
1344class a
1345relative spectral distribution as a function of photon energy for the
1347material. WLSABSLENGTH is the absorption length of the material as a
1349of the photon's momentum. WLSCOMPONENT is the relative emission
1350spectrum of
1351the material as a function of the photon's momentum, and
1353accounts for any time delay which may occur between absorption and
1355of the photon. An example is shown in source listing 5.2.8. </p>
1359<table border="2" cellpadding="10">
1360  <tbody>
1361    <tr>
1362      <td>
1363      <pre> const G4int nEntries = 9;<br><br> G4double PhotonEnergy[nEntries] = { 6.6*eV, 6.7*eV, 6.8*eV, 6.9*eV,<br>                                   7.0*eV, 7.1*eV, 7.2*eV, 7.3*eV, 7.4*eV };<br><br> G4double RIndexFiber[nEntries] =<br>           { 1.60, 1.60, 1.60, 1.60, 1.60, 1.60, 1.60, 1.60, 1.60 };<br> G4double AbsFiber[nEntries] =<br>           {0.1*mm,0.2*mm,0.3*mm,0.4*cm,1.0*cm,10*cm,1.0*m,10.0*m,10.0*m};<br> G4double EmissionFiber[nEntries] =<br>           {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0 };<br><br>  G4Material* WLSFiber;<br>  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* MPTFiber = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();<br><br>  MPTFiber-&gt;AddProperty("RINDEX",PhotonEnergy,RIndexFiber,nEntries);<br>  MPTFiber-&gt;AddProperty("WLSABSLENGTH",PhotonEnergy,AbsFiber,nEntries);<br>  MPTFiber-&gt;AddProperty("WLSCOMPONENT",PhotonEnergy,EmissionFiber,nEntries);<br>  MPTFiber-&gt;AddConstProperty("WLSTIMECONSTANT", 0.5*ns);<br><br>  WLSFiber-&gt;SetMaterialPropertiesTable(MPTFiber);<br><br></pre>
1364      </td>
1365    </tr>
1366    <tr>
1367      <td align="center"> Source listing 5.2.8<br>
1368Specification of WLS properties in <tt>DetectorConstruction</tt>.
1369      </td>
1370    </tr>
1371  </tbody>
1376The process is defined in the PhysicsList in the usual way. The process
1378name is G4OpWLS. It should be instantiated with
1379theWLSProcess = new G4OpWLS("OpWLS") and attached to the process
1380manager of
1381the optical photon as a DiscreteProcess.
1382The way the WLSTIMECONSTANT is used depends on the time profile method
1383chosen by the user. If in the PhysicsList
1384theWLSProcess->UseTimeGenerator("exponential") option is set, the time
1385delay between absorption and re-emission of the photon is sampled from
1386an exponential distribution, with the decay term equal to WLSTIMECONSTANT.
1387If, on the other hand, theWLSProcess->UseTimeGenerator("delta") is chosen,
1388the time delay is a delta function and equal to WLSTIMECONSTANT. The
1389default is "delta" in case the
1390G4OpWLS::UseTimeGenerator(const G4String name) method is not used.
1392<h4> Tracking of Photons in <tt>processes/optical</tt></h4>
1394<b>Absorption</b> </p>
1395<p>The implementation of optical photon bulk absorption, <tt>G4OpAbsorption</tt>,
1396is trivial in that the process merely kills the particle. The procedure
1397requires the user to fill the relevant <tt>G4MaterialPropertiesTable</tt>
1399empirical data for the absorption length, using <tt>ABSLENGTH</tt> as
1400the property key in the public method <tt>AddProperty</tt>. The
1401absorption length is the average distance traveled by a photon before
1402being absorpted by
1403the medium; i.e. it is the mean free path returned by the <tt>GetMeanFreePath</tt>
1404method. </p>
1406<b>Rayleigh Scattering</b>
1408<p>The differential cross section in Rayleigh scattering, &#963;/&#969; ,
1409is proportional to cos<sup>2</sup>(&#952;), where &#952; is the polar
1410of the new polarization vector with respect to the old polarization
1411vector. The <tt>G4OpRayleigh</tt> scattering process samples this
1412angle accordingly and then calculates the scattered photon's new
1413direction by requiring that it be perpendicular to the photon's new
1414polarization in such a way that the final direction, initial and final
1415polarizations are all in one plane. This process thus depends on the
1416particle's polarization (spin). The photon's
1417polarization is a data member of the <tt>G4DynamicParticle</tt> class.
1419<p>A photon which is not assigned a polarization at production, either
1420via the <tt>SetPolarization</tt> method of the <tt>G4PrimaryParticle</tt>
1421class, or indirectly with the <tt>SetParticlePolarization</tt> method
1422of the <tt>G4ParticleGun</tt> class, may not be Rayleigh scattered.
1423Optical photons produced by the <tt>G4Cerenkov</tt> process have
1424inherently a polarization perpendicular to the cone's surface at
1425production. Scintillation photons have a random linear polarization
1426perpendicular to their direction. </p>
1428The process requires a <tt>G4MaterialPropertiesTable</tt> to be filled
1429by the user with Rayleigh scattering length data. The Rayleigh
1430scattering attenuation length is the average distance traveled by a
1431photon before it is Rayleigh scattered in the medium and it is the
1432distance returned by the <tt>GetMeanFreePath</tt> method. The <tt>G4OpRayleigh</tt>
1433class provides a <tt>RayleighAttenuationLengthGenerator</tt> method
1434which calculates the attenuation coefficient of a medium following the
1435Einstein-Smoluchowski formula
1436whose derivation requires the use of statistical mechanics, includes
1437temperature, and depends on the isothermal compressibility of the
1438medium. This generator is convenient when the Rayleigh attenuation
1439length is not known from measurement but may be calculated from first
1440principles using the above
1441material constants. For a medium named <i>Water</i> and no Rayleigh
1442scattering attenutation length specified by the user, the program
1443automatically calls the
1445which calculates it for
144610 degrees Celsius liquid water.
1449<b>Boundary Process</b>
1451<p>[E. Hecht and A. Zajac, Optics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., pp.
1453and pp. 244-246, 1974.]</p>
1454<p> For the simple case of a perfectly smooth interface between two
1455dielectric materials, all the user needs to provide are the refractive
1456indices of the two materials stored in their respective <tt>G4MaterialPropertiesTable</tt>.
1457In all other cases, the optical boundary process design relies on the
1458concept of <i>surfaces</i>. The information is split into two classes.
1459One class
1460in the material category keeps information about the physical
1461properties of the surface itself, and a second class in the geometry
1462category holds pointers to the relevant physical and logical volumes
1463involved and has an association
1464to the physical class. Surface objects of the second type are stored in
1465a related table and can be retrieved by either specifying the two
1466ordered pairs of physical volumes touching at the surface, or by the
1467logical volume entirely surrounded by this surface. The former is
1468called a <i>border surface</i> while the latter is referred to as the <i>skin
1469surface</i>. This second type of surface is useful in situations where
1470a volume is coded with a reflector and is placed into many different
1471mother volumes. A limitation is that the skin surface can only have one
1472and the same optical property for all of the
1473enclosed volume's sides. The border surface is an ordered pair of
1474physical volumes, so in principle, the user can choose different
1475optical properties for photons arriving from the reverse side of the
1476same interface. For the optical boundary process to use a border
1477surface, the two volumes must have been positioned with <tt>G4PVPlacement</tt>.
1478The ordered combination can exist at many places in the simulation.
1479When the surface concept is not needed, and a perfectly smooth surface
1480exists beteen two dielectic materials, the only relevant property is
1481the index of refraction, a quantity stored with the material, and no
1482restriction exists on how the volumes were positioned. </p>
1484The physical surface object also specifies which model the boundary
1485process should use to simulate interactions with that surface. In
1486addition, the physical surface can have a material property table all
1487its own. The usage of this table allows all specular constants to be
1488wavelength dependent. In case the surface is painted or wrapped (but
1489not a cladding), the table may include the thin layer's index of
1490refraction. This allows the simulation of boundary effects at the
1491intersection between the medium and the surface layer, as well as the
1492Lambertian reflection at the far side of the thin layer. This occurs
1493within the process itself and does not invoke the <tt>G4Navigator</tt>.
1494Combinations of surface finish properties, such as <i>polished</i> or <i>ground</i>
1495and <i>front painted</i> or <i>back painted</i>, enumerate the
1496different situations which can be simulated. </p>
1498When a photon arrives at a medium boundary its behavior depends on the
1499nature of the two materials that join at that boundary. Medium
1500boundaries may be formed between two dielectric materials or a
1501dielectric and a metal. In the case of two dielectric materials, the
1502photon can undergo total internal reflection, refraction or reflection,
1503depending on the photon's wavelength, angle of incidence, and the
1504refractive indices on both sides of the boundary.
1505Furthermore, reflection and transmission probabilites are sensitive to
1506the state of linear polarization. In the case of an interface between a
1507dielectric and a metal, the photon can be absorbed by the metal or
1509back into the dielectric. If the photon is absorbed it can be detected
1510according to the photoelectron efficiency of the metal. </p>
1512As expressed in Maxwell's equations, Fresnel reflection and refraction
1514intertwined through their relative probabilities of occurrence.
1515Therefore neither of these processes, nor total internal reflection,
1516are viewed as individual processes deserving separate class
1517implementation. Nonetheless, an attempt was made to adhere to the
1518abstraction of having independent processes by splitting the code into
1519different methods where practicable. </p>
1521One implementation of the <tt>G4OpBoundaryProcess</tt> class employs
1522the <a
1523 href="">
1524UNIFIED model</a> [A. Levin and C. Moisan, A More Physical Approach to
1525Model the Surface Treatment of Scintillation Counters and its
1526Implementation into DETECT, TRIUMF Preprint TRI-PP-96-64, Oct. 1996] of
1527the DETECT program [G.F. Knoll, T.F. Knoll and T.M. Henderson, Light
1528Collection Scintillation Detector Composites for Neutron Detection,
1530Trans. Nucl. Sci., 35 (1988) 872.]. It applies to dielectric-dielectric
1531interfaces and tries to provide a realistic simulation, which deals
1532with all aspects of surface finish and reflector coating. The surface
1533may be assumed as smooth and covered with a metallized coating
1534representing a specular reflector with given reflection coefficient, or
1535painted with a diffuse reflecting material where Lambertian reflection
1536occurs. The surfaces may or may not be in optical contact with another
1537component and most importantly, one may consider a surface to be made
1538up of micro-facets with normal vectors that follow given distributions
1539around the nominal normal for the volume at the impact point. For very
1540rough surfaces, it is possible for the photon to inversely aim at the
1541same surface again after reflection of refraction and so multiple
1542interactions with the boundary are possible within the process itself
1543and without the need for relocation by <tt>G4Navigator</tt>. </p>
1545The UNIFIED model provides for a range of different reflection
1546mechanisms. The specular lobe constant represents the reflection
1547probability about the normal of a micro facet. The specular spike
1548constant, in turn, illustrates
1549the probability of reflection about the average surface normal. The
1550diffuse lobe constant is for the probability of internal Lambertian
1551reflection, and finally the back-scatter spike constant is for the case
1552of several reflections within a deep groove with the ultimate result of
1554back-scattering. The four probabilities must add up to one, with the
1555diffuse lobe constant being implicit. The reader may consult the
1556reference for a thorough description of the model. </p>
1560<table border="2" cellpadding="10">
1561  <tbody>
1562    <tr>
1563      <td>
1564      <pre>G4VPhysicalVolume* volume1;<br>G4VPhysicalVolume* volume2;<br><br>G4OpticalSurface* OpSurface = new G4OpticalSurface("name");<br><br>G4LogicalBorderSurface* Surface = new<br>  G4LogicalBorderSurface("name",volume1,volume2,OpSurface);<br><br>G4double sigma_alpha = 0.1;<br><br>OpSurface -&gt; SetType(dielectric_dielectric);<br>OpSurface -&gt; SetModel(unified);<br>OpSurface -&gt; SetFinish(groundbackpainted);<br>OpSurface -&gt; SetSigmaAlpha(sigma_alpha);<br><br>const G4int NUM = 2;<br><br>G4double pp[NUM] = {2.038*eV, 4.144*eV};<br>G4double specularlobe[NUM] = {0.3, 0.3};<br>G4double specularspike[NUM] = {0.2, 0.2};<br>G4double backscatter[NUM] = {0.1, 0.1};<br>G4double rindex[NUM] = {1.35, 1.40};<br>G4double reflectivity[NUM] = {0.3, 0.5};<br>G4double efficiency[NUM] = {0.8, 0.1};<br><br>G4MaterialPropertiesTable* SMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();<br><br>SMPT -&gt; AddProperty("RINDEX",pp,rindex,NUM);<br>SMPT -&gt; AddProperty("SPECULARLOBECONSTANT",pp,specularlobe,NUM);<br>SMPT -&gt; AddProperty("SPECULARSPIKECONSTANT",pp,specularspike,NUM);<br>SMPT -&gt; AddProperty("BACKSCATTERCONSTANT",pp,backscatter,NUM);<br>SMPT -&gt; AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY",pp,reflectivity,NUM);<br>SMPT -&gt; AddProperty("EFFICIENCY",pp,efficiency,NUM);<br><br>OpSurface -&gt; SetMaterialPropertiesTable(SMPT);<br></pre>
1565      </td>
1566    </tr>
1567    <tr>
1568      <td align="center"> Source listing 5.2.9<br>
1569Dielectric-dielectric surface properties defined via the <i>G4OpticalSurface</i>.
1570      </td>
1571    </tr>
1572  </tbody>
1576The original <a
1577 href="">GEANT3.21
1579of this process is also available via the GLISUR methods flag. [GEANT
1580Detector Description and Simulation Tool, Application Software Group,
1581Computing and Networks Division, CERN, PHYS260-6 tp 260-7.].
1585<table border="2" cellpadding="10">
1586  <tbody>
1587    <tr>
1588      <td>
1589      <pre>G4LogicalVolume* volume_log;<br><br>G4OpticalSurface* OpSurface = new G4OpticalSurface("name");<br><br>G4LogicalSkinSurface* Surface = new<br>  G4LogicalSkinSurface("name",volume_log,OpSurface);<br><br>OpSurface -&gt; SetType(dielectric_metal);<br>OpSurface -&gt; SetFinish(ground);<br>OpSurface -&gt; SetModel(glisur);<br><br>G4double polish = 0.8;<br><br>G4MaterialPropertiesTable *OpSurfaceProperty = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();<br><br>OpSurfaceProperty -&gt; AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY",pp,reflectivity,NUM);<br>OpSurfaceProperty -&gt; AddProperty("EFFICIENCY",pp,efficiency,NUM);<br><br>OpSurface -&gt; SetMaterialPropertiesTable(OpSurfaceProperty);<br></pre>
1590      </td>
1591    </tr>
1592    <tr>
1593      <td align="center"> Source listing 5.2.10<br>
1594Dielectric metal surface properties defined via the <i>G4OpticalSurface</i>.
1595      </td>
1596    </tr>
1597  </tbody>
1601<p> The program defaults to the GLISUR model and <i>polished</i>
1602surface finish when no specific model and surface finish is specified
1603by the user. In the case of a dielectric-metal interface, or when the
1604GLISUR model is specified, the only surface finish options available
1605are <i>polished</i> or <i>ground</i>.
1606For dielectric-metal surfaces, the <tt>G4OpBoundaryProcess</tt> also
1607defaults to unit reflectivity and zero detection efficiency. In cases
1608where the user specifies the UNIFIED model, but does not otherwise
1609specify the model reflection probability constants, the default becomes
1610Lambertian reflection.</p>
1615<hr><a name="5.2.6"></a>
1616<h2>5.2.6 Parameterization</h2>
1617In this section we describe how to use the parameterization or
1618"fast simulation" facilities of GEANT4. Examples are provided in the
1619<b>examples/novice/N05 directory</b>.
1620<p><b> Generalities:</b> <br>
1622<p>The Geant4 parameterization facilities allow you to shortcut the detailed
1623tracking in a given volume and for given particle types in order for you
1624to provide your own implementation of the physics and of the detector
1627Parameterisations are bound to a <b><code>G4Region</code></b> object, which,
1628in the case of fast simulation is also called an <b>envelope</b>.
1629Prior to release 8.0, parameterisations were bound to a
1630<code>G4LogicalVolume</code>, the root of a volume hierarchy. These root
1631volumes are now attributes of the <code>G4Region</code>.
1632Envelopes often correspond to the volumes of sub-detectors: electromagnetic
1633calorimeters, tracking chambers, etc. With GEANT4 it is also possible to
1634define envelopes by overlaying a parallel or &quot;ghost&quot geometry as
1635discussed in section
1638In GEANT4, parameterisations have three main features. You must specify:
1640  <ul>
1641    <li>the particle types for which your parameterisation is valid;</li>
1642    <li>the dynamics conditions for which your parameterisation is valid
1643        and must be triggered;</li>
1644    <li>the parameterisation itself: where the primary will be killed or
1645        moved, whether or not to create it or create secondaries, etc., and
1646        where the detector response will be computed.</li>
1647    </ul>
1650GEANT4 will message your parameterisation code for each step starting
1651in any root G4LogicalVolume (including daughters. sub-daughters, etc. of this
1652volume) of the <code>G4Region</code>. It will proceed by first asking the
1653available parameterisations for the current particle type if one of them (and
1654only one) wants to issue a trigger.  If so it will invoke its parameterisation.
1655In this case, the tracking <b><i>will not apply physics</i></b> to the
1656particle in the step.  Instead, the UserSteppingAction will be invoked.
1658Parameterisations look like a &quot;user stepping action&quot; but are
1659more advanced because: </p>
1660 <ul>
1661   <li>parameterisation code is messaged only in the <code>G4Region</code> to
1662       which it is bound;</li>
1663   <li>parameterisation code is messaged anywhere in the <code>G4Region</code>,
1664       that is, any volume in which the track is located;</li>
1665   <li>GEANT4 will provide information to your parameterisation code about the
1666       current root volume of the <code>G4Region</code> in which the track is
1667       travelling.</li>
1668 </ul>
1671<b> Overview of Parameterisation Components</b> <br>
1673<p>The GEANT4 components which allow the implementation and control of
1674parameterisations are:
1677  <li><code><b>G4VFastSimulationModel</b></code> This is the abstract class for
1678     the implementation of parameterisations. You must inherit from it to
1679        implement your concrete parameterisation model.<br><br>
1680      </li>
1681  <li><code><b>G4FastSimulationManager</b></code> The G4VFastSimulationModel
1682     objects are attached to the <tt>G4Region</tt> through a
1683     G4FastSimulationManager.  This object will manage the list of models and
1684     will message them at tracking time.<br><br>
1685     </li>
1687  <li><code><b>G4Region/Envelope</b></code> As mentioned before, an envelope
1688      in GEANT4 is a <code><b>G4Region</b></code>. The parameterisation is
1689      bound to the <code>G4Region</code> by setting a
1690      <code>G4FastSimulationManager</code> pointer to it.<br><br>
1692      The figure below shows how the <code>G4VFastSimulationModel</code> and
1693      <code>G4FastSimulationManager</code> objects are bound to the
1694      <code>G4Region</code>.  Then for all root G4LogicalVolume's held by the
1695      G4Region, the fast simulation code is active.<br><br>
1697      <img src="physicsProcessPARAM.src/ComponentsWithRegion.gif" height="291" width="606"> <br>
1698  </li>
1700  <li><code><b>G4FastSimulationManagerProcess</b></code> This is a
1701      <code>G4VProcess</code>.  It provides the interface between the tracking
1702      and the parameterisation. It must be set in the process list of the
1703      particles you want to parameterise.<br><br></li>
1705  <li><code><b>G4GlobalFastSimulationManager</b></code> This a singleton class
1706      which provides the management of the <code>G4FastSimulationManager</code>
1707      objects and some ghost facilities.</li>
1711<b> The <code>G4VFastSimulationModel</code> Abstract Class</b>
1714  <li><b>Constructors:</b><br><br>
1715     The <code>G4VFastSimulationModel</code> class has two constructors. The
1716     second one allows you to get started quickly:<br><br>
1717     <ul>
1718       <li><b><code>G4VFastSimulationModel<i>(const G4String&amp; aName</i>):</code></b> 
1719        Here <code>aName</code> identifies the parameterisation model.
1720        <br><br></li>
1721       <li><b><code>G4VFastSimulationModel(<i>const G4String&amp; aName, G4Region*, G4bool IsUnique=false</i>):</code></b>
1722        In addition to the model name, this constructor accepts a G4Region
1723        pointer. The needed G4FastSimulationManager object is constructed
1724        if necessary, passing to it the G4Region pointer and the boolean
1725        value.  If it already exists, the model is simply added to this
1726        manager.  Note that the <i>G4VFastSimulationModel object will not keep
1727        track of the G4Region passed in the constructor</i>.<br>
1728        The boolean argument is there for optimization purposes: if you know
1729        that the G4Region has a unique root G4LogicalVolume, uniquely placed,
1730        you can set the boolean value to &quot;true&quot;.<br><br>
1731       </li>
1732     </ul>
1733      </li>
1734      <li><b>Virtual methods:</b><br><br>
1735        The G4VFastSimulationModel has three pure virtual methods which must
1736        be overriden in your concrete class:<br>
1737        <br>
1738      </li>
1739    <ul>
1740      <li><b><code>G4VFastSimulationModel<i>(const G4String&amp; aName</i>):</code></b>
1741          Here aName identifies the parameterisation model.<br>
1742        <br>
1743      </li>
1745      <li><b><code>G4bool ModelTrigger(<i>const G4FastTrack&amp;</i>):</code></b> 
1746        You must return &quot;true&quot; when the dynamic conditions to trigger
1747        your parameterisation are fulfilled. <br>
1748        G4FastTrack provides access to the current G4Track, gives simple
1749        access to the current root G4LogicalVolume related features (its
1750        G4VSolid, and G4AffineTransform references between the global and the
1751        root G4LogicalVolume local coordinates systems) and simple access to
1752        the position and momentum expressed in the root G4LogicalVolume
1753        coordinate system. Using these quantities
1754        and the G4VSolid methods, you can for example easily check how
1755        far you are from the root G4LogicalVolume boundary.
1756        <br>
1757      </li>
1758    </ul>
1759  </li>
1760  <li><b>Virtual methods:</b><br>
1761    <br>
1762The G4VFastSimulationModel has three pure virtual methods which must be
1763overriden in your concrete class:<br>
1764    <br>
1765  </li>
1766  <ul>
1767    <li><b><code>G4bool IsApplicable(<i>const G4ParticleDefinition&amp;</i>):</code></b>
1768In your implementation, you must return "true" when your model is
1769applicable to the G4ParticleDefinition passed to this method. The
1770G4ParticleDefinition provides all intrinsic particle information (mass,
1771charge, spin, name ...).<br>
1772      <br>
1773If you want to implement a model which is valid only for certain
1774particle types, it is recommended for efficiency that you use the
1775static pointer of the corresponding particle classes.<br>
1776As an example, in a model valid for <i>gamma</i>s only, the
1777IsApplicable() method should take the form:
1778      <pre>#include "G4Gamma.hh"<br>G4bool MyGammaModel::IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition&amp; partDef)<br>{<br>  return &amp;partDef == G4Gamma::GammaDefinition();<br>}<br>        </pre>
1779    </li>
1780    <li><b><code>G4bool ModelTrigger(<i>const G4FastTrack&amp;</i>):</code></b>
1781You must return "true" when the dynamic conditions to trigger your
1782parameterisation are fulfilled. <br>
1783The G4FastTrack provides access to the current G4Track, gives simple
1784access to envelope related features (G4LogicalVolume, G4VSolid, and
1785G4AffineTransform references between the global and the envelope local
1786coordinates systems) and simple access to the position and momentum
1787expressed in the envelope coordinate system. Using these quantities and
1788the G4VSolid methods, you can for example easily check how far you are
1789from the envelope boundary. <br>
1790      <br>
1791    </li>
1792    <li><b><code>void DoIt(<i>const G4FastTrack&amp;, G4FastStep&amp;</i>):</code></b>
1793The details of your parameterisation will be implemented in this
1794method. The G4FastTrack reference provides the input information, and
1795the final state of the particles after parameterisation must be
1796returned through the G4FastStep reference. Tracking for the final state
1797particles is requested after your parameterisation has been invoked.<br>
1798      <br>
1799    </li>
1800  </ul>
1803<b> The <code>G4FastSimulationManager</code> Class:</b>
1805G4FastSimulationManager functionnalities regarding the use of ghost volumes
1806are explained in section
1807  <ul>
1808    <li><b>Constructor:</b><br><br>
1809      <ul>
1810         <li><code><b>G4FastSimulationManager(<i>G4Region *anEnvelope, G4bool IsUnique=false</i>):</b></code>
1811            This is the only constructor. You specify the G4Region by
1812            providing its pointer.  The G4FastSimulationManager
1813            object will bind itself to this G4Region.  If you know that this
1814            G4Region has a single root G4LogicalVolume, placed only once, you
1815            can set the IsUnique boolean to
1816            &quot;true&quot; to allow some optimization.<br>
1817            Note that if you choose to use the
1818            G4VFastSimulationModel(const G4String&amp;, G4Region*, G4bool)
1819            constructor for your model, the G4FastSimulationManager will be
1820            constructed using the given G4Region* and G4bool values of
1821            the model constructor.<br><br>
1822         </li>
1823      </ul>
1824    </li>
1825    <li><b>G4VFastSimulationModel object management:</b><br><br>
1826       The following two methods provide the usual management functions.
1827       <br><br>
1828      <ul>
1829        <li><code><b>void AddFastSimulationModel(G4VFastSimulationModel*)</b></code></li>
1830        <li><code><b>RemoveFastSimulationModel(G4VFastSimulationModel*)</b></code><br>
1831        </li>
1832      </ul>
1833    </li>
1834       <br>
1835    <li><b>Interface with the G4FastSimulationManagerProcess:</b><br><br>
1836        This is described in the User's Guide for Toolkit Developers
1837        (section 3.9.6)
1838      </li>
1839    </ul>
1843<b> The <code>G4FastSimulationManagerProcess</code> Class</b>
1845This G4VProcess serves as an interface between the tracking and the
1846parameterisation. At tracking time, it collaborates with the
1847G4FastSimulationManager of the current volume, if any, to allow the
1848models to trigger. If no manager exists or if no model issues a
1849trigger, the tracking goes on normally.
1850<p><em>In the present implementation, you must set this process in the
1851G4ProcessManager of the particles you parameterise to enable your
1856The processes ordering is:
1857<pre>          [n-3] ...
1858          [n-2] Multiple Scattering
1859          [n-1] G4FastSimulationManagerProcess
1860          [ n ] G4Transportation
1862This ordering is important if you use ghost geometries, since the
1863G4FastSimulationManagerProcess will provide navigation in the ghost world to
1864limit the step on ghost boundaries.<br><br>
1865The G4FastSimulationManager must be added to the process list of a particle
1866as a continuous and discrete process if you use ghost geometries for this
1867particle. You can add it as a discrete process if you don't use ghosts.<br>
1868The following code registers the G4FastSimulationManagerProcess with all the
1869particles as a discrete and continuous process:
1870    <pre>void MyPhysicsList::addParameterisation()
1872  G4FastSimulationManagerProcess*
1873    theFastSimulationManagerProcess = new G4FastSimulationManagerProcess();
1874  theParticleIterator->reset();
1875  while( (*theParticleIterator)() )
1876    {
1877      G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator->value();
1878      G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle->GetProcessManager();
1879      pmanager->AddProcess(theFastSimulationManagerProcess, -1, 0, 0);
1880    }
1882    </pre>
1886<b> The <code>G4GlobalFastSimulationManager</code> Singleton Class</b>
1888This class is a singleton which can be accessed as follows:<br><br>
1890<pre>#include "G4GlobalFastSimulationManager.hh"
1893G4GlobalFastSimulationManager* globalFSM;
1894globalFSM = G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::getGlobalFastSimulationManager();
1899Presently, you will mainly need to use the GlobalFastSimulationManager if you
1900use ghost geometries.<br><br><br>
1904<b> Parameterisation Using Ghost Geometries</b>
1906In some cases, volumes of the tracking geometry do not allow envelopes to be
1907defined.  This may be the case with a geometry coming from a CAD system. Since
1908such a geometry is flat, a parallel geometry must be used to define the
1910Another interesting case involves defining an envelope which groups the
1911electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters of a detector into one volume.
1912This may be useful when parameterizing the interaction of charged pions.
1913You will very likely not want electrons to see this envelope, which means
1914that ghost geometries have to be organized by particle flavours.<br><br>
1916Using ghost geometries implies some more overhead in the parameterisation
1917mechanism for the particles sensitive to ghosts, since navigation is provided
1918in the ghost geometry by the G4FastSimulationManagerProcess. Usually, however,
1919only a few volumes will be placed in this ghost world, so that the geometry
1920computations will remain rather cheap.<br><br>
1921In the existing implementation (temporary implementation with G4Region but
1922before parallel geometry implementation),
1923you may only consider ghost G4Regions with just one root G4LogicalVolume. The
1924G4GlobalFastSimulationManager provides the construction of the ghost geometry
1925by making first an empty &quot;clone&quot; of the world for tracking
1926provided by the construct() method of your G4VUserDetectorConstruction
1927concrete class. You provide the placement of the G4Region root G4LogicalVolume
1928relative to the ghost world coordinates in the G4FastSimulationManager objects.
1929A ghost G4Region is recognized by the fact that its associated
1930G4FastSimulationManager retains a non-empty list of placements.<br>
1931The G4GlobalFastSimulationManager will then use both those placements and the
1932IsApplicable() methods of the models attached to the G4FastSimulationManager
1933objects to build the flavour-dependant ghost geometries.<br>
1934Then at the beginning of the tracking of a particle, the appropriate ghost
1935world, if any, will be selected.
1937The steps required to build one ghost G4Region are:
1940  <li>built the ghost G4Region : myGhostRegion;</li>
1941  <li>build the root G4LogicalVolume: myGhostLogical, set it to myGhostRegion;</li>
1942  <li>build a G4FastSimulationManager object, myGhostFSManager, giving
1943      myGhostRegion as argument of the constructor;</li>
1944  <li>give to the G4FastSimulationManager the placement of the
1945      myGhostLogical, by invoking for the G4FastSimulationManager
1946      method:
1947        <pre>     AddGhostPlacement(G4RotationMatrix*, const G4ThreeVector&);</pre>
1948        or:
1949        <pre>     AddGhostPlacement(G4Transform3D*);</pre>
1950      where the rotation matrix and translation vector of the 3-D
1951      transformation describe the placement relative to the ghost
1952      world coordinates.
1953      </li>
1954  <li>build your G4VFastSimulationModel objects and add them to the
1955      myGhostFSManager.<br>
1956        <em>The IsApplicable() methods of your models will be used by the
1957            G4GlobalFastSimulationManager to build the ghost
1958            geometries corresponding to a given particle type.</em>
1959      </li>
1960  <li>Invoke the G4GlobalFastSimulationManager method:
1961    <pre>     G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::getGlobalFastSimulationManager()-&gt;<br>          CloseFastSimulation();<br>        </pre>
1962  </li>
1964This last call will cause the G4GlobalFastSimulationManager to build
1965the flavour-dependent ghost geometries. This call must be done before
1966the RunManager closes the geometry. (It is foreseen that the run
1967manager in the future will invoke the CloseFastSimulation() to
1968synchronize properly with the closing of the geometry).<br>
1971Visualization facilities are provided for ghosts geometries. After the
1972CloseFastSimulation() invocation, it is possible to ask for the drawing
1973of ghosts in an interactive session. The basic commands are:
1975  <li>/vis/draw/Ghosts particle_name<br>
1976which makes the drawing of the ghost geometry associated with the
1977particle specified by name in the command line.</li>
1978  <li>/vis/draw/Ghosts<br>
1979which draws all the ghost geometries. </li>
1984<b> Gflash Parameterization </b>
1986This section describes how to use the Gflash library.
1987Gflash is a concrete parameterization which is based on the equations
1988and parameters of the original Gflash package from H1(hep-ex/0001020,
1989Grindhammer &amp; Peters, see physics manual) and uses the "fast
1990simulation" facilities of GEANT4 described above. Briefly, whenever a
1991e-/e+ particle enters the calorimeter, it is parameterized if it has a
1992minimum energy and the shower is expected to be contained in the
1993calorimeter (or " parameterization envelope").
1994If this is fulfilled the particle is killed, as well as all
1995secondaries, and the energy is deposited according to the Gflash equations.
1996An example, provided in <b>examples/extended/parametrisation/gflash/ </b>,
1997shows how to interface Gflash to your application. The simulation time
1998is measured, so the user can immediately see the speed increase
1999resulting from the use of Gflash.
2003<b> Using the Gflash Parameterisation  </b>
2005To use Gflash "out of the box" the following steps are necessary:
2007<li> The user must add the fast simulation process to his process manager:
2009<pre>void MyPhysicsList::addParameterisation()
2011  G4FastSimulationManagerProcess*
2012    theFastSimulationManagerProcess = new G4FastSimulationManagerProcess();
2013  theParticleIterator->reset();
2014  while( (*theParticleIterator)() )
2015    {
2016      G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator->value();
2017      G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle->GetProcessManager();
2018      pmanager->AddProcess(theFastSimulationManagerProcess, -1, 0, 0);
2019    }
2021 </li>
2024<li> The envelope in which the parameterization should be performed must be
2025specified (below: G4Region m_calo_region) and the GFlashShowerModel must
2026be assigned to this region.  Furthermore, the classes GFlashParticleBounds
2027(which provides thresholds for the parameterization like minimal energy etc.),
2028GflashHitMaker(a helper class to generate hits in the sensitive detector) and
2029GFlashHomoShowerParamterisation (which does the computations)
2030must be constructed (by the user at the moment)
2031and assigned to the GFlashShowerModel. Please note that at the moment only
2032homogeneous calorimeters are supported.
2034m_theFastShowerModel = new GFlashShowerModel("fastShowerModel",m_calo_region);
2035m_theParametrisation = new GFlashHomoShowerParamterisation(matManager->getMaterial(mat));
2036m_theParticleBounds  = new GFlashParticleBounds();
2037m_theHMaker          = new GFlashHitMaker();
2039m_theFastShowerModel->SetParticleBounds(*m_theParticleBounds) ;
2042The user must also set the material of the calorimeter, since the computation
2043depends on the material.
2047It is mandatory to use G4VGFlashSensitiveDetector as (additional)
2048base class for the sensitive detector.
2049    <pre>class ExGflashSensitiveDetector: public G4VSensitiveDetector ,public G4VGFlashSensitiveDetector <br></pre>
2050Here it is necessary to implement a separate interface, where the
2051GFlash spots are processed.
2052    <pre> (ProcessHits(G4GFlashSpot*aSpot ,G4TouchableHistory* ROhist))</pre>
2053A separate interface is used, because the Gflash spots naturally contain
2054less information than the full simulation.
2055  </li>
2057Since the parameters in the Gflash package are taken from fits to full
2058simulations with Geant3, some retuning might be necessary for good
2059agreement with Geant4 showers. For experiment-specific geometries some
2060retuning might be necessary anyway.
2061The tuning is quite complicated since there are many parameters (some
2062correlated) and cannot be described here (see again hep-ex/0001020).
2063For brave users the Gflash framework already forsees the possibility of
2064passing a class with the (users) parameters,<b>GVFlashHomoShowerTuning </b>,
2065to the GFlashHomoShowerParamterisation constructor. The default parameters are
2066the original Gflash parameters:
2067<pre>GFlashHomoShowerParameterisation(G4Material * aMat, GVFlashHomoShowerTuning * aPar = 0);<br><br></pre>
2068Now there is also a preliminary implemenation of a parameterization for
2069sampling calorimeters.<br>
2070The user must specify the active and passive material, as well as the
2071thickness of the active and passive layer. <br>
2072The sampling structure of the calorimeter is taken into account by
2073using an "effective medium" to compute the shower shape.<br>
2074All material properties needed are calculated automatically. If tuning
2075is required,&nbsp; the user can pass his own parameter set in the <br>
2076class <b>GFlashSamplingShowerTuning. </b>Here the user can also set
2077his calorimeter resolution. <br>
2078All in all the constructor looks the following:<br>
2080<pre>GFlashSamplingShowerParamterisation(G4Material * Mat1, G4Material * Mat2,G4double d1,G4double d2,<br>GVFlashSamplingShowerTuning * aPar = 0);</pre>
2081An implementation of some tools that should help the user to tune the
2082parameterization is forseen.
2086<hr><a name="5.2.7"></a>
2087<h2>5.2.7 Transportation Process</h2>
2088To be delivered by J. Apostolakis (<a
2089 href=""></a>)
2093<hr><a href="../../../../Authors/html/subjectsToAuthors.html"><i>About
2094the authors</i></a>
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