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2\chapter{Hadronic Physics}
4% This is a verbatim of a paper published in a refereed journal.
5% A suggestion by one of the documentation referees to re-write completely
6% seems quite inappropriate.
9Optimal exploitation of hadronic final
10states played a key role in successes of all recent collider experiment in HEP,
11and the ability to use hadronic final states will continue to be one of the
12decisive issues during the analysis phase of the LHC experiments.
13Monte Carlo programs like {\sc Geant4\cite{Geant4}} facilitate the use of
14hadronic final states, and have been developed for many years.
16We give an overview of the Object Oriented frameworks for hadronic generators
17in {\sc Geant4}, and illustrate the physics models underlying hadronic shower
18simulation on examples, including the three basic types of modeling;
19data-driven, parametrisation-driven, and theory-driven modeling, and their
20possible realisations in the Object Oriented component system of {\sc Geant4}.
21We put particular focus on the level of extendibility that can and has been
22achieved by our Russian dolls approach to Object Oriented design, and the
23role and importance of the frameworks in a component system.
25\section{Principal Considerations}
26The purpose of this section is to explain the implementation frameworks used
27in and provided by {\sc Geant4} for hadronic shower simulation as in the 1.1
28release of the program. The implementation frameworks follow the Russian dolls
29approach to implementation framework design.
30A top-level, very abstracting implementation framework provides the basic
31interface to the other {\sc Geant4} categories, and fulfils the most general
32use-case for hadronic shower simulation. It is refined for more specific
33use-cases by implementing a hierarchy of implementation frameworks, each level
34implementing the common logic of a particular use-case package in a concrete
35implementation of the interface specification of one framework level above,
36this way refining the granularity of abstraction and delegation.  This defines
37the Russian dolls architectural pattern.
38Abstract classes are used as the delegation
39mechanism\footnote{The same can be achieved with template specialisations
40with slightly improved CPU performance but at the cost of significantly more
41complex designs and, with present compilers, significantly reduced
43All framework functional requirements were obtained through use-case analysis.
44In the following we present for each framework level the compressed use-cases,
45requirements, designs including the flexibility provided, and illustrate the
46framework functionality with examples. All design patterns cited are to
47be read as defined in \cite{Patterns}.
49\section{Level 1 Framework - processes}
50  There are two principal use-cases of the level 1 framework. A user will
51want to choose the processes used for his particular simulation run, and a
52physicist will want to write code for processes of his own and use these
53together with the rest of the system in a seamless manner.
57\item \label{L1R1} Provide a standard interface to be used by process implementations.
58\item \label{L1R2} Provide registration mechanisms for processes.
60\paragraph{Design and interfaces}
61Both requirements are implemented in a sub-set of the tracking-physics
62interface in {\sc Geant4}. The class diagram is shown in figure \ref{Level1}.
64\begin{figure}[htbp] % fig 1
67%% \centerline{\epsfig{file=GuideToExtendFunctionality/HadronicPhysics/Level1.eps,scale=0.8,angle=0}}
68\caption{Level 1 implementation framework of the hadronic category
69of {\sc Geant4}.}
73All processes have a common base-class {\tt G4VProcess}, from which a set of
74specialised classes are derived. Three of them are used as base classes for
75hadronic processes for particles at rest ({\tt G4VRestProcess}), for
76interactions in flight ({\tt G4VDiscreteProcess}), and for processes like
77radioactive decay where the same implementation can represent both these
78extreme cases ({\tt G4VRestDiscrete\-Process}).
80Each of these classes declares two types of methods; one for calculating the
81time to interaction or the physical interaction length, allowing tracking to
82request the information necessary to decide on the process responsible for
83final state production, and one to compute the final state.  These are pure
84virtual methods, and have to be implemented in each individual derived class,
85as enforced by the compiler.
87\paragraph{Framework functionality}
88The functionality provided is through the use of process base-class pointers
89in the tracking-physics interface, and the {\tt G4Process\-Manager}. All
90functionality is implemented in abstract, and registration of derived process
91classes with the {\tt G4Process\-Manager} of an individual particle allows for
92arbitrary combination of both {\sc Geant4} provided processes, and
93user-implemented processes. This registration mechanism is a modification on a
94Chain of Responsibility.  It is outside the scope of the current paper, and its
95description is available from \cite{G4Manual}.
97\section{Level 2 Framework - Cross Sections and Models}
99At the next level of abstraction, only processes that occur for particles
100in flight are considered. For these, it is easily observed that the sources
101of cross sections and final state production are rarely the same.  Also,
102different sources will come with different restrictions.  The principal
103use-cases of the framework are addressing these commonalities.  A user might
104want to combine different cross sections and final state or isotope production
105models as provided by {\sc Geant4}, and a physicist might
106want to implement his own model for particular situation, and add cross-section
107data sets that are relevant for his particular analysis to the system in a
108seamless manner.
111\item  Flexible choice of inclusive scattering cross-sections.
112\item  Ability to use different data-sets for different parts of
113the simulation, depending on the conditions at the point of interaction.
114\item  Ability to add user-defined data-sets in a seamless manner.
115\item  Flexible, unconstrained choice of final state production models.
116\item  Ability to use different final state production codes
117for different parts of the simulation, depending on the conditions at the
118point of interaction.
119\item  Ability to add user-defined final state production models in
120a seamless manner.
121\item Flexible choice of isotope production models, to run in
122parasitic mode to any kind of transport models.
123\item  Ability to use different isotope production codes
124for different parts of the simulation, depending on the conditions at the
125point of interaction.
126\item  Ability to add user-defined isotope production models in a
127seamless manner.
130\paragraph{Design and interfaces}
131  The above requirements are implemented in three framework components, one
132for cross-sections, final state production, and isotope production each.
133The class diagrams are shown in figure \ref{Level2_1} for the cross-section
134aspects, figure \ref{Level2_2} for the final state production aspects,
135and figure \ref{Level2_3} for the isotope production aspects.
137\begin{figure}[htbp] % fig 2
140%% \centerline{\epsfig{file=GuideToExtendFunctionality/HadronicPhysics/,scale=0.8,angle=0}}
141\caption{Level 2 implementation framework of the hadronic category
142of {\sc Geant4}; cross-section aspect.}
146\begin{figure}[htbp] % fig 3
149%% \centerline{\epsfig{file=GuideToExtendFunctionality/HadronicPhysics/,scale=0.8,angle=0}}
150\caption{Level 2 implementation framework of the hadronic category
151of {\sc Geant4}; final state production aspect.}
155\begin{figure}[htbp] % fig 4
158%% \centerline{\epsfig{file=GuideToExtendFunctionality/HadronicPhysics/,scale=0.8,angle=0}}
159\caption{Level 2 implementation framework of the hadronic category
160of {\sc Geant4}; isotope production aspect}
164The three parts are integrated in the {\tt G4Hadronic\-Process} class, that
165serves as base-class for all hadronic processes of particles in flight.
167Each hadronic process is derived from {\tt G4Hadronic\-Process}, which
168holds a list of ``cross section data sets''.
169The term ``data set'' is
170representing an object that encapsulates methods and data for calculating
171total cross sections for a given process in a certain range of validity.
172The implementations may take any form.  It can be a simple equation as well as
173sophisticated parameterisations, or evaluated data.
174All cross section data set classes are derived from the abstract class
175{\tt G4VCrossSection\-DataSet}, which declares methods that allow
176the process inquire, about the applicability of an individual data-set through
178{\tt IsApplicable(const G4DynamicParticle*, const G4Element*)},
180and to de\-le\-gate the calculation of the actual cross-section value through
182{\tt GetCrossSection(const G4DynamicParticle*, const G4Element*)}.
183\paragraph{Final state production}
184The {\tt G4HadronicInteraction} base class is provided for final state
185generation.  It declares a minimal interface of only one pure virtual method:
187{\tt G4VParticleChange* ApplyYourself(const G4Track \&, G4Nucleus \&)}.
189{\tt G4HadronicProcess} provides a registry for final state
190production models inheriting from {\tt G4Hadronic\-Interaction}.  Again, final
191state production model is meant in very general terms.  This can be an
192implementation of a quark gluon string model\cite{QGSM}, a sampling code for
193ENDF/B data formats \cite{ENDFForm}, or a parametrisation describing only
194neutron elastic scattering off Silicon up to 300~MeV.
195\paragraph{Isotope production}
196For isotope production, a base class ({\tt G4VIsotope\-Production}) is
197provided.  It declares a method \\
198{\tt G4IsoResult * GetIsotope(const G4Track \&, const G4Nucleus \&)} \\
199that calculates and returns the isotope production information.  Any concrete
200isotope production model will inherit from this class, and implement the
201method.  Again, the modeling possibilities are not limited, and the
202implementation of concrete production models is not restricted in any way.
203By convention, the {\tt GetIsotope} method returns NULL, if the model
204is not applicable for the current projectile target combination.
205\paragraph{Framework functionality:}
206\paragraph{Cross Sections}
207{\tt G4HadronicProcess} provides registering possibilities for data sets.
208A default is provided covering all possible conditions to some approximation.
209The process stores and retrieves the data sets through a data store that acts
210like a FILO stack (a Chain of Responsibility with a
211First In Last Out decision strategy). This allows the user to map out
212the entire parameter space by overlaying cross section data sets to optimise
213the overall result.  Examples are the cross sections for low energy neutron
214transport. If these are registered last by the user, they will be used
215whenever low energy neutrons are encountered. In all other conditions the
216system falls back on the default, or data sets with earlier registration dates.
217 The fact that the registration is done through abstract base classes with no
218side-effects allows the user to implement and use his own cross sections.
219Examples are special reaction cross sections of $K^0$-nuclear interactions
220that might be used for $\epsilon/\epsilon '$ analysis at LHC to control the
221systematic error.
222\paragraph{Final state production}
223The {\tt G4HadronicProcess} class provides a registration service for classes
224deriving from {\tt G4Hadronic\-Interaction}, and delegates final state
225production to the applicable model.
226{\tt G4Hadronic\-Interaction} provides the functionality needed to define and
227enforce the applicability of a particular model.  Models inheriting from
228{\tt G4Hadronic\-Interaction} can be restricted in applicability in projectile
229type and energy, and can be activated/deactivated for individual materials and
230elements.  This allows a user to use final state production models in
231arbitrary combinations, and to write his own models for
232final state production. The design is a variant of a Chain of Responsibility.
233An example would be the likely CMS scenario - the combination of low energy
234neutron transport with a quantum molecular dynamics\cite{QMD} or chiral
235invariant phase space decay\cite{CHIPS} model in the case of tracker materials
236and fast parametrised models for calorimeter materials, with user defined
237modeling of interactions of spallation nucleons with the most abundant
238tracker and calorimeter materials.
239\paragraph{Isotope production}
240The {\tt G4HadronicProcess} by default calculates the isotope production
241information from the final state given by the transport model. In addition, it
242provides a registering mechanism for isotope production models that run in
243parasitic mode to the transport models and inherit from
244{\tt G4VIsotope\-Production}.  The registering mechanism behaves like a FILO
245stack, again based on Chain of Responsibility.  The models will be asked for
246isotope production information in inverse order of registration. The first
247model that returns a non-NULL value will be applied.  In addition, the
248{\tt G4Hadronic\-Process} provides the basic infrastructure for accessing and
249steering of isotope-production information. It allows to enable and disable
250the calculation of isotope production information globally, or for individual
251processes, and to retrieve the isotope production information through the
253{\tt G4IsoParticleChange * GetIsotopeProductionInfo()} 
255method at the end of each step.  The {\tt G4HadronicProcess} is a finite state
256machine that will ensure the {\tt GetIsotope\-ProductionInfo} returns a
257non-zero value only at the first call after isotope production occurred.  An
258example of the use of this functionality is the study of activation of a
259Germanium detector in a high precision, low background experiment.
260\section{Level 3 Framework - Theoretical Models}
261\begin{figure}[htbp] % fig 5
264%% \centerline{\epsfig{file=GuideToExtendFunctionality/HadronicPhysics/,scale=1.0,angle=-90}}
265\caption{Level 3 implementation framework of the hadronic category
266of {\sc Geant4}; theoretical model aspect.}
269{\sc Geant4} provides at present one implementation framework for theory
270driven models.  The main use-case is that of a user wishing to use theoretical
271models in general, and to use various intra-nuclear transport or pre-compound
272models together with models simulating the initial interactions at very high
276\item Allow to use or adapt any string-parton or parton transport\cite{VNI} 
277      model.
278\item Allow to adapt event generators, ex. PYTHIA\cite{PYTHIA7} for final
279      state production in shower simulation.
280\item Allow for combination of the above with any intra-nuclear transport
281      (INT).
282\item Allow stand-alone use of intra-nuclear transport.
283\item Allow for combination of the above with any pre-compound model.
284\item Allow stand-alone use of any pre-compound model.
285\item Allow for use of any evaporation code.
286\item Allow for seamless integration of user defined components for any of the above.
288\paragraph{Design and interfaces}
289To provide the above flexibility, the following abstract base classes have been
292\item {\tt G4VHighEnergyGenerator}
293\item {\tt G4VIntranuclearTransportModel}
294\item {\tt G4VPreCompoundModel}
295\item {\tt G4VExcitationHandler}
297In addition, the class {\tt G4TheoFS\-Generator} is provided to orchestrate
298interactions between these classes.  The class diagram is shown in
299Fig. \ref{Level3_1}.
301{\tt G4VHighEnergy\-Generator} serves as base class for parton transport or
302parton string models, and for Adapters to event generators.  This class
303declares two methods, {\tt Scatter}, and {\tt GetWoundedNucleus}.
305The base class for INT inherits from {\tt G4Hadronic\-Interaction}, making any
306concrete implementation usable as a stand-alone model.  In doing so, it
307re-declares the {\tt ApplyYourself} interface of {\tt G4Hadronic\-Interaction},
308and adds a second interface, {\tt Propagate}, for further propagation
309after high energy interactions. {\tt Propagate}  takes as arguments a
310three-dimensional model of a wounded nucleus, and a set of secondaries with
311energies and positions.
313The base class for pre-equilibrium decay models, {\tt G4VPre\-CompoundModel},
314inherits from {\tt G4Hadronic\-Interaction}, again making any concrete
315implementation usable as stand-alone model. It adds a pure virtual 
316{\tt DeExcite} method for further evolution of the system when intra-nuclear
317transport assumptions break down. {\tt DeExcite} takes a {\tt G4Fragment},
318the {\sc Geant4} representation of an excited nucleus, as argument.
320The base class for evaporation phases, {\tt G4VExcitation\-Handler}, declares
321an abstract method, {\tt BreakItUP()}, for compound decay.
323\paragraph{Framework functionality}
324The {\tt G4TheoFSGenerator} class inherits from {\tt G4Hadronic\-Interaction},
325and hence can be registered as a model for final state production with a
326hadronic process.  It allows a concrete implementation of
327{\tt G4VIntranuclear\-TransportModel} and {\tt G4VHighEnergy\-Generator} to be
328registered, and delegates initial interactions, and intra-nuclear transport
329of the corresponding secondaries to the respective classes. The design is a
330complex variant of a Strategy.  The most spectacular application of this
331pattern is the use of parton-string models for string excitation, quark
332molecular dynamics for correlated string decay, and quantum molecular dynamics
333for transport, a combination which promises to result in a coherent
334description of quark gluon plasma in high energy nucleus-nucleus interactions.
336The class {\tt G4VIntranuclearTransportModel} provides registering mechanisms
337for concrete implementations of {\tt G4VPreCompound\-Model}, and provides
338concrete intra-nuclear transports with the possibility of delegating
339pre-compound decay to these models.
341{\tt G4VPreCompoundModel} provides a registering mechanism for compound decay
342through the {\tt G4VExcitation\-Handler} interface, and provides concrete
343implementations with the possibility of delegating the decay of a compound
346The concrete scenario of {\tt G4TheoFS\-Generator} using a dual parton model
347and a classical cascade, which in turn uses an exciton pre-compound model that
348delegates to an evaporation phase, would be the following:
349{\tt G4TheoFS\-Generator} receives the conditions of the interaction; a 
350primary particle and a nucleus. It asks the dual parton model to perform the
351initial scatterings, and return the final state, along with the by then
352damaged nucleus.  The nucleus records all information on the damage sustained.
353{\tt G4TheoFS\-Generator} forwards all information to the classical cascade,
354that propagates the particles in the already damaged nucleus, keeping track of
355interactions, further damage to the nucleus, etc.. Once the cascade assumptions
356break down, the cascade will collect the information of the current state of
357the hadronic system, like excitation energy and number of excited particles,
358and interpret it as a pre-compound system.  It delegates the decay of this to
359the exciton model.  The exciton model will take the information provided, and
361transitions and emissions, until the number of excitons in the system equals the mean number of
362excitons expected in equilibrium for the current excitation energy. Then it hands over to the
363evaporation phase. The evaporation phase decays the residual nucleus, and the Chain of
364Command rolls back to {\tt G4TheoFS\-Generator}, accumulating the information produced in
365the various levels of delegation.
366\section{Level 4 Frameworks - String Parton Models and Intra-Nuclear Cascade}
368\begin{figure}[htbp] % fig 1
371%% \centerline{\epsfig{file=GuideToExtendFunctionality/HadronicPhysics/,scale=0.8,angle=0}}
372\caption{Level 4 implementation framework of the hadronic category
373of {\sc Geant4}; parton string aspect.}
377\begin{figure}[htbp] % fig 1
380%% \centerline{\epsfig{file=GuideToExtendFunctionality/HadronicPhysics/,scale=0.8,angle=0}}
381\caption{Level 4 implementation framework of the hadronic category
382of {\sc Geant4}; intra-nuclear transport aspect.}
385The use-cases of this level are related to commonalities and detailed choices
386in string-parton models and cascade models. They are use-cases of an expert
387user wishing to alter details of a model, or a theoretical physicist, wishing
388to study details of a particular model.
391\item Allow to select string decay algorithm
392\item Allow to select string excitation.
393\item Allow the selection of concrete implementations of three-dimensional
394      models of the nucleus
395\item Allow the selection of concrete implementations of final state and
396      cross sections in intra-nuclear scattering.
398\paragraph{Design and interfaces}
399To fulfil the requirements on string models, two abstract classes are provided,
400the {\tt G4VParton\-StringModel} and the {\tt G4VString\-Fragmentation}.
401The base class for parton string models, {\tt G4VParton\-StringModel},
402declares the {\tt GetStrings()} pure virtual method.
403{\tt G4VString\-Fragmentation}, the pure abstract base class for string
404fragmentation, declares the interface for string fragmentation.
406To fulfill the requirements on intra-nuclear transport, two abstract classes
407are provided, {\tt G4V3DNucleus}, and {\tt G4VScatterer}.
408At this point in time, the usage of these intra-nuclear transport related classes
409by concrete codes is not enforced by designs, as the details of the
410cascade loop are still model dependent, and more experience has to be gathered to achieve
411standardisation. It is within the responsibility of the implementers of concrete
412intra-nuclear transport
413codes to use the abstract interfaces as defined in these classes.
415The class diagram is shown in figure \ref{Level4_1} for the string parton model aspects, and
416in figure \ref{Level4_2} for the intra-nuclear transport.
418\paragraph{Framework functionality}
419Again variants of Strategy, Bridge and Chain of Responsibility are used.
420{\tt G4VParton\-StringModel} implements the initialisation of a
421three-dimensional model of a nucleus, and the logic of scattering.  It
422delegates secondary production to string fragmentation through a
423{\tt G4VString\-Fragmentation} pointer. It provides a registering service for
424the concrete string fragmentation, and delegates the string excitation to
425derived classes. Selection of string excitation is through selection of
426derived class. Selection of string fragmentation is through registration.
428\section{Level 5 Framework - String De-excitation}
430\begin{figure}[htbp] % fig 1
433%% \centerline{\epsfig{file=GuideToExtendFunctionality/HadronicPhysics/,scale=0.8,angle=0}}
434\caption{Level 5 implementation framework of the hadronic category
435of {\sc Geant4}; string fragmentation aspect.}
438The use-case of this level is that of a user or theoretical physicist wishing
439to understand the systematic effects involved in combining various
440fragmentation functions with individual types of string fragmentation.  Note
441that this framework level is meeting the current state of the art, making
442extensions and changes of interfaces in subsequent releases likely.
445\item Allow the selection of fragmentation function.
447\paragraph{Design and interfaces}
448A base class for fragmentation functions, {\tt G4VFragmentation\-Function}, is
449provided.  It declares the {\tt GetLightConeZ()} interface.
450\paragraph{Framework functionality}
451The design is a basic Strategy. The class diagram is shown in
452Fig. \ref{Level5_1}.  At this point in time, the usage of the
453{\tt G4VFragmentation\-Function} is not enforced by design, but made available
454from the {\tt G4VString\-Fragmentation} to an implementer of a concrete string
455decay. {\tt G4VString\-Fragmentation} provides a registering mechanism for the
456concrete fragmentation function. It delegates the calculation of $z_f$ of the
457hadron to split of the string to the concrete implementation. Standardisation
458in this area is expected.
462\bibitem{Geant4} The GEANT~4 Collaboration, \\
463CERN/DRDC/94--29, DRDC/P58 1994.
464\bibitem{Patterns} E. Gamm et al., Design Patterns, Addison-Wesley Professional
465Computing Series, 1995.
468\bibitem{QGSM} Kaidalov A. B., Ter-Martirosyan K. A., Phys. Lett. {\bf B117}
469247 (1982);
471Data Formats and Procedures for the Evaluated Nuclear Data File, National
472Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA.
473\bibitem{QMD} For example: VUU and (R)QMD model of high-energy heavy ion
474collisions.  H. Stocker et al., Nucl. Phys. A538, 53c-64c (1992)
475\bibitem{CHIPS} P.V. Degtyarenko, M.V. Kossov, H.P. Wellisch,
476Eur. Phys J. A 8, 217-222 (2000)
477\bibitem{VNI} VNI 3.1, Klaus Geiger (Brookhaven), BNL-63762,
478Comput. Phys. Commun. 104, 70-160 (1997)
479\bibitem{PYTHIA7} M. Bertini, L. L\"onnblad, T. Sj\"orstrand, Pythia version
4807-0.0 -- a proof-of-concept version, LU-TP 00-23, hep-ph/0006152, May 2000
489\item The GEANT~4 Collaboration, \\
490CERN/DRDC/94--29, DRDC/P58 1994.
491\item E. Gamm et al., Design Patterns, Addison-Wesley Professional
492Computing Series, 1995.
495\item Kaidalov A. B., Ter-Martirosyan K. A., Phys. Lett. <b>B117</b> 247
498Data Formats and Procedures for the Evaluated Nuclear Data File, National
499Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA.
500\item For example: VUU and (R)QMD model of high-energy heavy ion
501collisions.  H. Stocker et al., Nucl. Phys. A538, 53c-64c (1992)
502\item P.V. Degtyarenko, M.V. Kossov, H.P. Wellisch,
503Eur. Phys J. A 8, 217-222 (2000)
504\item VNI 3.1, Klaus Geiger (Brookhaven), BNL-63762,
505Comput. Phys. Commun. 104, 70-160 (1997)
506\item M. Bertini, L. L\"onnblad, T. Sj\"orstrand, Pythia version
5077-0.0 -- a proof-of-concept version, LU-TP 00-23, hep-ph/0006152, May 2000
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