source: trunk/documents/UserDoc/UsersGuides/ForToolkitDeveloper/latex/OOAnalysisDesign/Tracking/tracking.tex @ 1208

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1% $Id: tracking.tex,v 1.10 2005/12/11 02:16:01 dennis Exp $
4The tracking category manages the contribution of the processes to the
5evolution of a track's state and provides information in sensitive volumes
6for hits and digitization.
8\section{Design Philosophy}
10It is well known that the overall performance of a detector
11simulation depends critically on the CPU time spent
12propagating the particle through one step.  The most
13important consideration in the object design of the tracking
14category is maintaining high execution speed in the {\sc Geant4}
15simulation while utilizing the power of the object-oriented
18An extreme approach to the particle tracking design would be
19to integrate all functionalities required for the propagation
20of a particle into a single class.  This design approach looks
21object-oriented because a particle in the real world
22propagates by itself while interacting with the material
23surrounding it.  However, in terms of data hiding, which is
24one of the most important ingredients in the object-oriented
25approach, the design can be improved.
27Combining all the necessary functionalities into a single
28class exposes all the data attributes to a large number of
29methods in the class.  This is basically equivalent to using
30a common block in Fortran.
32Instead of the 'big-class' approach, a hierarchical design
33was employed by {\sc Geant4}.  The hierarchical approach, which
34includes inheritance and aggregation, enables large, complex
35software systems to be designed in a structured way.  The
36simulation of a particle passing through matter is
37a complex task involving particles, detector geometry, physics
38interactions and hits in the detector.  It is well-suited to
39the hierarchical approach.  The hierarchical design manages the
40complexity of the tracking category by separating the system
41into layers.  Each layer may then be designed independently of
42the others.
44In order to maintain high-performance tracking, use of the
45inheritance ('is-a' relation) hierarchy in the tracking category
46was avoided as much as possible.  For example, {\it track} and
47{\it particle} classes might have been designed so that a
48{\it track} 'is a' {\it particle}.  In this scheme, however,
49whenever a {\it track} object is used, time is spent copying
50the data from the {\it particle} object into the {\it track} 
51object.  Adopting the aggregation ('has-a' relation) hierarchy
52requires only pointers to be copied, thus providing a
53performance advantage.
55\section{Class Design}
57Fig. (not yet available)
58% \ref{figure:tracking-1}
59shows a general overview of the tracking
60design in Unified Modelling Language Notation.
62% \begin{figure}
63% \begin{center}
64% \includegraphics[angle=0,scale=0.4]{OOAnalysisDesign/Tracking/}
65% \vspace{10pt}
66% \caption{Tracking}
67% \label{figure:tracking-1}
68% \end{center}
69% \end{figure}
72\item {\em G4TrackingManager} is an interface between the event
73and track categories and the tracking category.  It handles the
74message passing between the upper hierarchical object, which is
75the event manager ({\tt G4EventManager}), and lower hierarchical
76objects in the tracking category.  {\tt G4TrackingManager} is
77responsible for processing one track which it receives from the
78event manager.
80{\tt G4TrackingManager} aggregates the pointers to
81{\tt G4SteppingManager}, {\tt G4Trajectory} and
82{\tt G4UserTrackingAction}.  It also has a 'use'
83relation to {\tt G4Track}.
85\item {\em G4SteppingManager} plays an essential role in
86particle tracking.  It performs message passing to objects
87in all categories related to particle transport, such as
88geometry and physics processes.  Its public method {\tt Stepping()} 
89steers the stepping of the particle.  The algorithm employed in
90this method is basically the same as that in Geant3.  The
91{\sc Geant4} implementation, however, relies on the inheritance
92hierarchy of the physics interactions.  The hierarchical
93design of the physics interactions enables the stepping
94manager to handle them as abstract objects.  Hence, the manager
95is not concerned with concrete interaction objects such as
96bremsstrahlung or pair creation.  The actual invocations of
97various interactions during the stepping are done through a
98dynamic binding mechanism.  This mechanism shields the
99tracking category from any change in the design of the physics
100process classes, including the addition or subtraction of new
103{\tt G4SteppingManager} also aggregates
105\item{the pointers to {\tt G4Navigator} from the geometry category,
106      to the current {\tt G4Track}, and} 
108\item{the list of secondaries from the current track
109(through a {\tt G4TrackVector}) to {\tt G4UserSteppingAction} 
110and to {\tt G4VSteppingVerbose}.}
113It also has a 'use' relation to {\tt G4ProcessManager} and
114{\tt G4ParticleChange} in the physics processes class category.
117{\em G4Track} - the class {\tt G4Track} represents a particle
118which is pushed by {\tt G4SteppingManager}.  It holds information
119required for stepping a particle, for example, the current position,
120the time since the start of stepping, the identification of the
121geometrical volume which contains the particle, etc.  Dynamic
122information, such as particle momentum and energy, is held in the
123class through a pointer to the {\tt G4DynamicParticle} class.  Static
124information, such as the particle mass and charge is stored in the
125{\tt G4DynamicParticle} class through the pointer to the
126{\tt G4ParticleDefinition} class.  Here the aggregation hierarchical
127design is extensively employed to maintain high tracking performance.
130{\em G4TrajectoryPoint} and {\em G4Trajectory} - the class 
131{\tt G4TrajectoryPoint} holds the state of the particle after
132propagating one step.  Among other things, it includes information
133on space-time, energy-momentum and geometrical volumes.
135{\tt G4Trajectory} aggregates all {\tt G4TrajectoryPoint} objects
136which belong to the particle being propagated.
137{\tt G4TrackingManager} takes care of adding the
138{\tt G4TrajectoryPoint} to a {\tt G4Trajectory} object if the user
139requested it (see \cite{applGuide}).
140The life of a {\tt G4Trajectory} object spans an event, contrary to
141{\tt G4Track} objects, which are deleted from memory after being
145{\b G4UserTrackingAction and G4UserSteppingAction} -
146{\tt G4UserTrackingAction} is a base class from which user actions
147at the beginning or end of tracking may be derived.  Similarly,
148{\tt G4UserSteppingAction} is a base class from which user actions
149at the beginning or end of each step may be derived.
153\section{Tracking Algorithm}
154The key classes for tracking in {\sc Geant4} are
155{\tt G4TrackingManager} and {\tt G4SteppingManager}.  The
156singleton object "TrackingManager" from {\tt G4TrackingManager} 
157keeps all information related to a particular track, and it
158also manages all actions necessary to complete the tracking.  The
159tracking proceeds by pushing a particle by a step, the length
160of which is defined by one of the active processes.
161The "TrackingManager" object delegates management of each of the
162steps to the "SteppingManager" object.  This object keeps all
163information related to a particular step.
165The public method {\tt ProcessOneTrack()} in {\tt G4TrackingManager} 
166is the key to managing the tracking, while the public method
167{\tt Stepping()} is the key to managing one step.  The algorithms
168used in these methods are explained below.\newline
171{\bf ProcessOneTrack() in G4TrackingManager}
173\item Actions before tracking the particle:\newline 
174         Clear secondary particle vector
175\item Pre tracking user intervention process.
176\item Construct a trajectory if it is requested
177\item Give SteppingManager the pointer to the track which will
178      be tracked
179\item Inform beginning of tracking to physics processes
180\item Track the particle Step-by-Step while it is alive
182  \item Call Stepping method of G4SteppingManager
183  \item Append a trajectory point to the trajectory object if it
184        is requested   
186\item Post tracking user intervention process.
187\item Destroy the trajectory if it was created
191{\bf Stepping() in G4SteppingManager }
193\item Initialize current step
194\item If particle is stopped, get the minimum life time from all
195      the at rest processes and invoke InvokeAtRestDoItProcs for
196      the selected AtRest processes
197\item If particle is not stopped:
199  \item Invoke DefinePhysicalStepLength, that finds the minimum
200        step length demanded by the active processes
201  \item Invoke InvokeAlongStepDoItProcs
202  \item Update current track properties by taking into account all
203        changes by AlongStepDoIt
204  \item Update the {\em safety}
205  \item Invoke PostStepDoIt of the active discrete process.
206  \item Update the track length
207  \item Send G4Step information to Hit/Dig if the volume is sensitive
208  \item Invoke the user intervention process.
209  \item Return the value of the StepStatus.
213\section{Interaction with Physics Processes}
215The interaction of the tracking category with the physics processes
216is done in two ways.  First each process can limit the step length
217through one of its three {\tt GetPhysicalInteractionLength()} methods,
218AtRest, AlongStep, or PostStep.  Second, for the selected processes
219the DoIt (AtRest, AlongStep or PostStep) methods are invoked.
220All this interaction is managed by the Stepping method of
221{\tt G4SteppingManager}.  To calculate the step length, the
222{\tt DefinePhysicalStepLength()} method is called.  The flow of this
223method is the following:
226\item Obtain maximum allowed Step in the volume define by the user
227      through G4UserLimits.
228\item The PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength of all active processes
229      is called.  Each process returns a step length and the minimum
230      one is chosen.  This method also returns a G4ForceCondition flag,
231      to indicate if the process is forced or not:
232        = Forced    : Corresponding PostStepDoIt is forced.
233        = NotForced : Corresponding PostStepDoIt is not forced
234                      unless this process limits the step.
235        = Conditionally : Only when AlongStepDoIt limits the
236                          step, corresponding PoststepDoIt is invoked.
237        = ExclusivelyForced : Corresponding PostStepDoIt is exclusively
238                              forced.
239        All other DoIt including AlongStepDoIts are ignored.
240\item The AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength method of all active
241      processes is called.  Each process returns a step length and the
242      minimum of these and the
243      This method also returns a fGPILSelection flag, to indicate if
244      the process is the selected one can be is forced or not:
245        = CandidateForSelection: this process can be the winner.  If
246          its step length is the smallest, it will be the process
247          defining the step (the process
248        = NotCandidateForSelection: this process cannot be the winner.
249          Even if its step length is taken as the smallest, it will not
250          be the process defining the step
253The method {\tt G4SteppingManager::InvokeAlongStepDoIts()} is in charge
254of calling the AlongStepDoIt methods of the different processes:
256\item If the current step is defined by a 'ExclusivelyForced'
257PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength, no AlongStepDoIt method will be invoked
258\item Else, all the active continuous processes will be invoked, and they return the ParticleChange.
259After it for each process the following is executed:
260  \begin{itemize}
261  \item Update the G4Step information by using final state information of the track given by a physics process. This is done through the UpdateStepForAlongStep method of the ParticleChange
262  \item Then for each secondary:
263    \begin{itemize}
264    \item It is checked if its kinetic energy is smaller than the energy threshold for the material. In this case the particle is assigned a 0. kinetic energy and its energy is added as deposited energy of the parent track.
265This check is only done if the flag ApplyCutFlag is set for the particle (by default it is set to 'false' for all particles, user may change it in its G4VUserPhysicsList).
266If the track has the flag IsGoodForTracking 'true' this check will have no effect (used mainly to track particles below threshold)
267    \item The parentID and the process pointer which created this track are set    \item The secondary track is added to the list of secondaries. If it has 0. kinetic energy, it is only added if it it invokes a rest process at the beginning of the tracking
268    \end{itemize}
269   \item The track status is set according to what the process defined
270  \end{itemize}
273The method G4SteppingManager::InvokePostStepDoIts is on charge of calling the PostStepDoIt methods of the different processes.
275\item Invoke the PostStepDoIt methods of the specified discrete process (the one selected by the PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength, and they return the ParticleChange. The order of invocation of processes is inverse to the order used for the GPIL methods.
276After it for each process the following is executed:
277  \begin{itemize}
278  \item Update PostStepPoint of Step according to ParticleChange
279  \item Update G4Track according to ParticleChange after each PostStepDoIt
280  \item Update safety\footnote{} after each invocation of PostStepDoIts
281  \item The secondaries from ParticleChange are stored to SecondaryList
282  \item Then for each secondary:
283    \begin{itemize}
284    \item It is checked if its kinetic energy is smaller than the energy threshold for the material. In this case the particle is assigned a 0. kinetic energy and its energy is added as deposited energy of the parent track.
285This check is only done if the flag ApplyCutFlag is set for the particle (by default it is set to 'false' for all particles, user may change it in its G4VUserPhysicsList).
286If the track has the flag IsGoodForTracking 'true' this check will have no effect (used mainly to track particles below threshold)
287    \item The parentID and the process pointer which created this track are set    \item The secondary track is added to the list of secondaries. If it has 0. kinetic energy, it is only added if it it invokes a rest process at the beginning of the tracking
288    \end{itemize}
289   \item The track status is set according to what the process defined
290  \end{itemize}
293The method G4SteppingManager::InvokeAtRestDoIts is called instead of the three above methods in case the track status is {\em fStopAndALive}. It is on charge of selecting the rest process which has the shortest time before and then invoke it:
295\item To select the process with shortest tiem, the AtRestGPIL method of all active processes is called.
296      Each process returns an lifetime and the minimum one is chosen.
297      This method returm also a G4ForceCondition flag, to indicate if the process is forced or not:
298        = Forced    : Corresponding AtRestDoIt is forced.
299        = NotForced : Corresponding AtRestDoIt is not forced
300                      unless this process limits the step.
301\item Set the step length of current track and step to 0.
302\item Invoke the AtRestDoIt methods of the specified at rest process, and they return the ParticleChange. The order of invocation of processes is inverse to the order used for the GPIL methods.
304After it for each process the following is executed:
305  \begin{itemize}
306  \item Set the current process as a process which defined this Step length.
307   \item Update the G4Step information by using final state information of the track given by a physics process. This is done through the UpdateStepForAtRest method of the ParticleChange.
308  \item The secondaries from ParticleChange are stored to SecondaryList
309  \item Then for each secondary:
310    \begin{itemize}
311    \item It is checked if its kinetic energy is smaller than the energy threshold for the material. In this case the particle is assigned a 0. kinetic energy and its energy is added as deposited energy of the parent track.
312This check is only done if the flag ApplyCutFlag is set for the particle (by default it is set to 'false' for all particles, user may change it in its G4VUserPhysicsList).
313If the track has the flag IsGoodForTracking 'true' this check will have no effect (used mainly to track particles below threshold)
314    \item The parentID and the process pointer which created this track are set    \item The secondary track is added to the list of secondaries. If it has 0. kinetic energy, it is only added if it it invokes a rest process at the beginning of the tracking
315    \end{itemize}
316   \item The track is updated and its status is set according to what the process defined
317  \end{itemize}
321\section{Ordering of Methods of Physics Processes}
322The ProcessManager of a particle is responsible for providing the
323correct ordering of process invocations.  {\tt G4SteppingManager} 
324invokes the processes at each phase just following the order given
325by the ProcessManager of the corresponding particle.
327For some processes the order is important.
328{\sc Geant4} provides by default the right ordering.
329It is always possible for the user to choose the order of process
330invocations at the initial set up phase of {\sc Geant4}.
331This default ordering is the following:
334\item Ordering of GetPhysicalInteractionLength
335   \begin{itemize}
336   \item In the loop of GetPhysicalInteractionLength of
337         AlongStepDoIt, the Transportation process has to be invoked
338         at the end.
339   \item In the loop of GetPhysicalInteractionLength of
340         AlongStepDoIt, the Multiple Scattering process
341         has to be invoked just before the Transportation process.
342   \end{itemize}
343\item Ordering of DoIts
344   \begin{itemize}
345   \item There is only some special cases.
346         For example, the Cherenkov process needs the energy
347         loss information of the current step for its DoIt
348         invocation. Therefore, the EnergyLoss process has to
349         be invoked before the Cherenkov process. This
350         ordering is provided by the process manager. Energy
351         loss information necessary for the Cherenkov process
352         is passed using G4Step (or the static dE/dX table is
353         used together with the step length information in
354         G4Step to obtain the energy loss information).
355Any other?
356   \end{itemize}
359\section{Status of this chapter}
361       created by ? \\
36210.06.02 partially re-written by D.H. Wright \\
36314.11.02 updated and partially re-written by P. Arce \\ 
368\bibitem{applGuide} Geant4 Users' Guide for Application Developers.
378\item Geant4 Users' Guide for Application Developers.
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