\section{Compton Scattering} \subsection{Total Cross Section} The total cross section for the Compton scattering process %(also called incoherent %scattering~\footnote{Incoherent scattering is usually described as an interaction %between a photon and the outer most, most loosely bound electrons.}) is determined from the data as described in section \ref{subsubsigmatot}. \subsection{Sampling of the Final State} For low energy incident photons, the simulation of the Compton scattering process is performed according to the same procedure used for the ``standard" Compton scattering simulation, with the addition that Hubbel's atomic form factor~\cite{ce-hubbel} or scattering function, $SF$, is taken into account. The angular and energy distribution of the incoherently scattered photon is then given by the product of the Klein-Nishina formula $\Phi(\epsilon)$ and the scattering function, $SF(q)$~\cite{ce-reda} \begin{equation} P(\epsilon, q ) = \Phi( \epsilon ) \times SF(q) . \end{equation} $\epsilon$ is the ratio of the scattered photon energy $E'$, and the incident photon energy $E$. The momentum transfer is given by $q = E \times \sin^2(\theta/2)$, where $\theta$ is the polar angle of the scattered photon with respect to the direction of the parent photon. $\Phi(\epsilon)$ is given by \begin{equation} \Phi(\epsilon) \cong {[{1\over\epsilon} + \epsilon] [1-{\epsilon \over{1+\epsilon^2}} sin^2\theta]} . \end{equation} The effect of the scattering function becomes significant at low energies, especially in suppressing forward scattering~\cite{ce-reda}. The sampling method of the final state is based on composition and rejection Monte Carlo methods \cite{ce-butch,ce-messel,ce-egs4}, with the $SF$ function included in the rejection function \begin{equation}\label{en-samp-comp} g(\epsilon) = \left[1-\frac{\epsilon}{1+\epsilon^2} \sin^2\theta \right] \times SF(q) , \end{equation} with $0