\begin{latexonly} \begin{thebibliography}{9} % introduction \bibitem{1} J. Cugnon, C. Volant, S. Vuillier DAPNIA-SPHN-97-01, Dec 1996. 62pp. Submitted to Nucl.Phys.A, \\ G. Peter, D. Behrens, C.C. Noack Phys.Rev. C49, 3253, (1994),\\ Hai-Qiao Wang, Xu Cai, Yong Liu High Energy Phys.Nucl.Phys. 16, 101, (1992),\\ A.S. Ilinov, A.B. Botvina, E.S. Golubeva, I.A. Pshenichnov, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 55, 734, (1992),\\ and citations therein. % references from modeling % description of nucleus \bibitem{GLMP91.BC} Grypeos M. E., Lalazissis G. A., Massen S. E., Panos C. P., J. Phys. {\bf G17} 1093 (1991). \bibitem{Elton61.BC} Elton L. R. B., Nuclear Sizes, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1961. \bibitem{DF74.BC} DeShalit A., Feshbach H., Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Vol. 1: Nuclear Structure, Wyley, 1974. \bibitem{nucleus_binding} reference to be completed %potentials \bibitem{stricker79} K. Stricker, H. McManus, J. A. Carr Nuclear scattering of low energy pions, Phys. Rev. C \underline{\bf 19}, 929, (1979) %neutron data \bibitem{Meier89} M. M. Meier et al., Differential neutron production cross sections and neutron yields from stopping-length targets for 113-MeV protons, Nucl. Scien. Engin. \underline{\bf 102}, 310, (1989) \bibitem{Meier92} M. M. Meier et al., Differential neutron production cross sections for 256-MeV protons, Nucl. Scien. Engin. \underline{\bf 110}, 289, (1992) \bibitem{Amian93} W. B. Amian et al., Differential neutron production cross sections for 597-MeV protons, Nucl. Scien. Engin. \underline{\bf 115}, 1, (1993) \bibitem{Amian92} W. B. Amian et al., Differential neutron production cross sections for 800-MeV protons, Nucl. Scien. Engin. \underline{\bf 112}, 78, (1992) %pion data \bibitem{Crawford80} J. F. Crawford et al., Measurement of cross sections and asymmetry parameters for the production of charged pions from various nuclei by 585-MeV protons, Phys. Rev. \underline{\bf C 22}, 1184, (1980) \bibitem{GSI1} J.~J.~Gaimard and K.~H.~Schmidt, ``A Reexamination of the abrasion - ablation model for the description of the nuclear fragmentation reaction,'' Nucl.\ Phys.\ A {\bf 531} (1991) 709. \bibitem{UrQMD1.BC} reference to be completed. \bibitem{SoH92} reference to be completed \bibitem{res.BC} reference to be completed \bibitem{deexcitation} reference to be completed \end{thebibliography} \end{latexonly} \begin{htmlonly} \section{Bibliography} \begin{enumerate} % introduction \item J. Cugnon, C. Volant, S. Vuillier DAPNIA-SPHN-97-01, Dec 1996. 62pp. Submitted to Nucl.Phys.A, \\ G. Peter, D. Behrens, C.C. Noack Phys.Rev. C49, 3253, (1994),\\ Hai-Qiao Wang, Xu Cai, Yong Liu High Energy Phys.Nucl.Phys. 16, 101, (1992),\\ A.S. Ilinov, A.B. Botvina, E.S. Golubeva, I.A. Pshenichnov, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 55, 734, (1992),\\ and citations therein. % references from modeling % description of nucleus \item Grypeos M. E., Lalazissis G. A., Massen S. E., Panos C. P., J. Phys. {\bf G17} 1093 (1991). \item Elton L. R. B., Nuclear Sizes, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1961. \item DeShalit A., Feshbach H., Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Vol. 1: Nuclear Structure, Wyley, 1974. \item reference to be completed %potentials \item K. Stricker, H. McManus, J. A. Carr Nuclear scattering of low energy pions, Phys. Rev. C \underline{\bf 19}, 929, (1979) %neutron data \item M. M. Meier et al., Differential neutron production cross sections and neutron yields from stopping-length targets for 113-MeV protons, Nucl. Scien. Engin. \underline{\bf 102}, 310, (1989) \item M. M. Meier et al., Differential neutron production cross sections for 256-MeV protons, Nucl. Scien. Engin. \underline{\bf 110}, 289, (1992) \item W. B. Amian et al., Differential neutron production cross sections for 597-MeV protons, Nucl. Scien. Engin. \underline{\bf 115}, 1, (1993) \item W. B. Amian et al., Differential neutron production cross sections for 800-MeV protons, Nucl. Scien. Engin. \underline{\bf 112}, 78, (1992) %pion data \item J. F. Crawford et al., Measurement of cross sections and asymmetry parameters for the production of charged pions from various nuclei by 585-MeV protons, Phys. Rev. \underline{\bf C 22}, 1184, (1980) \item J.~J.~Gaimard and K.~H.~Schmidt, ``A Reexamination of the abrasion - ablation model for the description of the nuclear fragmentation reaction,'' Nucl.\ Phys.\ A {\bf 531} (1991) 709. \item reference to be completed. \item reference to be completed \item reference to be completed \item reference to be completed \end{enumerate} \end{htmlonly}