\section{Parameterized Fission Model} \subsection{Fission Process Simulation} \subsubsection{Atomic number distribution of fission products} \hspace{1.0em}As seen in experimental data \cite{VH73} the mass distribution of fission products consists of symmetric and asymmetric components: \begin{equation} \label{FPS1} F(A_f) = F_{sym}(A_f) + \omega F_{asym}(A_f), \end{equation} where $\omega(U,A,Z)$ defines the relative contribution of each component and depends on the excitation energy $U$ and $A,Z$ of the fissioning nucleus. It was found \cite{ABIM93} that experimental data can be approximated with good accuracy, if one takes \begin{equation} \label{FPS2} F_{sym}(A_f) = \exp{[-\frac{(A_f - A_{sym})^2}{2\sigma_{sym}^2}]} \end{equation} and \begin{equation} \begin{array}{c} \label{FPS3} F_{asym}(A_f) = \exp{[-\frac{(A_f - A_{2})^2}{2\sigma_{2}^2}]} + \exp{[-\frac{{A_f - (A - A_{2})}^2}{2\sigma_{2}^2}]} + \\ + C_{asym}\{\exp{[-\frac{(A_f - A_{1})^2}{2\sigma_{1}^2}]} + \exp{[-\frac{{A_f - (A - A_{1})}^2}{2\sigma_{2}^2}]}\}, \end{array} \end{equation} where $A_{sym} = A/2$, $A_1$ and $A_2$ are the mean values and $\sigma^2_{sym}$, $\sigma^2_1$ and $\sigma^2_2$ are the dispersions of the Gaussians, respectively. From an analysis of experimental data \cite{ABIM93} the parameter $C_{asym} \approx 0.5$ was defined, followed by the dispersion values: \begin{equation} \label{FPS4} \sigma^2_{sym} = \exp{(0.00553U + 2.1386)}, \end{equation} where $U$ is in MeV, \begin{equation} \label{FPS5} 2\sigma_1 = \sigma_2 = 5.6 \ MeV \end{equation} for $A \leq 235$ and \begin{equation} \label{FPS6} 2\sigma_1 = \sigma_2 = 5.6 + 0.096 (A - 235) \ MeV \end{equation} for $A > 235$ were found. The weight $\omega(U,A,Z)$ was approximated as follows \begin{equation} \label{FPS7} \omega = \frac{\omega_{a} - F_{asym}(A_{sym})} {1 - \omega_a F_{sym}((A_1 + A_2)/2)}. \end{equation} The values of $\omega_a$ for nuclei with $96 \geq Z \geq 90$ were approximated by \begin{equation} \label{FPS8} \omega_a(U) = \exp{(0.538U - 9.9564)} \end{equation} for $U \leq 16.25$ MeV, \begin{equation} \label{FPS9} \omega_a(U) = \exp{(0.09197U - 2.7003)} \end{equation} for $U > 16.25$ MeV and \begin{equation} \label{FPS10} \omega_a(U) = \exp{(0.09197U - 1.08808)} \end{equation} for $z = 89$. An approximation for nuclei with $Z \leq 88$ \cite{ABIM93} is given by: \begin{equation} \label{FPS11}\omega_a(U) = \exp{[0.3(227 - a)]} \exp{ \{0.09197[U - (B_{fis} - 7.5)] - 1.08808 \}}, \end{equation} where for $A > 227$ and $U < B_{fis} - 7.5$ the corresponding factors occurring in the exponential functions vanish. \subsubsection{Charge distribution of fission products} \hspace{1.0em} For a given mass of the fragment $A_f$ the experimental data \cite{VH73} on the charge $Z_f$ distribution of fragments are well approximated by a Gaussian with dispersion $\sigma^2_{z} = 0.36$ and the average $$ is described by the expression: \begin{equation} \label{FPS12} = \frac{A_f}{A}Z + \Delta Z, \end{equation} when parameter $\Delta Z = -0.45$ for $A_f \geq 134$, $\Delta Z = - 0.45(A_f -A/2)/(134 - A/2)$ for $ A - 134 < A_f < 134$ and $\Delta Z = 0.45$ for $A \leq A - 134$. After the sampling of fragment atomic mass numbers and fragment charges, we must check that the fragment ground state masses do not exceed the initial energy. The maximal fragment kinetic energy is calculated as \begin{equation} \label{FPS13a}T^{max} < U + M(A,Z) - M_1(A_{f1}, Z_{f1}) - M_2(A_{f2}, Z_{f2}), \end{equation} where $U$ and $M(A,Z)$ are the excitation energy and mass of the initial nucleus. $M_1(A_{f1}, Z_{f1})$ and $M_2(A_{f2}, Z_{f2})$ are the masses of the first and second fragment, respectively. \subsubsection{Kinetic energy distribution of fission products} \hspace{1.0em} The average kinetic energy $$ (in MeV) of fission fragments has an empiricaly defined \cite{VKW85} dependence on the mass and charge of a fissioning nucleus: \begin{equation} \label{FPS13} = 0.1178 Z^2/A^{1/3} + 5.8. \end{equation} This energy is distributed differently in cases of symmetric and asymmetric modes of fission. It follows from the analysis of data \cite{ABIM93} that in the asymmetric mode, the average kinetic energy of fragments is higher than that in the symmetric one by approximately $12.5$ MeV. Empirical expressions have been suggested \cite{ABIM93} to approximate the average values of the kinetic energies $$ for the symmetric and asymmetric modes of fission, \begin{equation} \label{FPS14} = - 12.5 W_{asim}, \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{FPS15} = + 12.5 W_{sim}, \end{equation} where \begin{equation} \label{FPS16} W_{sim} = \omega \int F_{sim}(A)dA/\int F(A)dA \end{equation} and \begin{equation} \label{FPS17} W_{asim} = \int F_{asim}(A)dA/\int F(A)dA, \end{equation} respectively. For symmetric fission the experimental data for the ratio of the average kinetic energy of fission fragments $$ to this maximum energy $$ as a function of the mass of a larger fragment $A_{max}$, can be approximated by the expressions \begin{equation} \label{FPS18} / = 1 - k [(A_f - A_{max})/A]^2 \end{equation} for $A_{sim} \leq A_f \leq A_{max} + 10$ and \begin{equation} \label{FPS19} / = 1 - k(10/A)^2 - 2 (10/A)k(A_f - A_{max} - 10)/A . \end{equation} These are valid for $A_f > A_{max} + 10$, where $A_{max} = A_{sim}$ and $k = 5.32$ for symmetric fission, and $A_{max} = 134$ and $k = 23.5$ for asymmetric fission. For both modes of fission the distribution over the kinetic energy of fragments $T_{kin}$ is chosen to be Gaussian with their own average values $= $ or $=$, and dispersions $\sigma^2_{kin}$ equal $8^2$ MeV and $10^2$ MeV$^2$ for symmetrical and asymmetrical modes, respectively. \subsubsection{Calculation of the excitation energy of fission products} \hspace{1.0em} The total excitation energy of fragments $U_{frag}$ can be defined according to the equation \begin{equation} \label{FPS21} U_{frag} = U + M(A,Z) - M_1(A_{f1}, Z_{f1}) - M_2(A_{f2}, Z_{f2}) - T_{kin}, \end{equation} where $U$ and $M(A,Z)$ are the excitation energy and mass of the initial nucleus, $T_{kin}$ is the fragment kinetic energy, $M_1(A_{f1}, Z_{f1})$, and $M_2(A_{f2}, Z_{f2})$ are the masses of the first and second fragments, respectively. The value of the excitation energy of fragment $U_f$ determines the fragment temperature ($T = \sqrt{U_f/a_f}$, where $a_f \sim A_f$ is the parameter of fragment level density). Assuming that after disintegration fragments have the same temperature as the initial nucleus, then the total excitation energy will be distributed between fragments in proportion to their mass numbers. One then obtains \begin{equation} \label{FPS22} U_f = U_{frag} \frac{A_f}{A}. \end{equation} \subsubsection{Excited fragment momenta} \hspace{1.0em} Assuming that the fragment kinetic energy $T_f = P^2_f/(2(M(A_{f},Z_{f}+U_f)$, we are able to calculate the absolute value of fragment c.m. momentum \begin{equation} \label{FPS23} P_f=\frac{(M_1(A_{f1},Z_{f1}+U_{f1})(M_2(A_{f2},Z_{f2}+U_{f2})}{ M_1(A_{f1},Z_{f1})+U_{f1} + M_2(A_{f2},Z_{f2})+U_{f2}}T_{kin}, \end{equation} and its components, assuming the isotropic distribution of fragments.