\section{Stopped particle absorption simulation.} \subsection{Mechanism of the stopped particle absorption by a nucleus.} \hspace{1.0em} An absorption of a stopped $\pi^{-}$-meson, $K^{-}$-meson and $\bar{p}$ by a nucleus procceeds in several steps \cite{IKP94}: \begin{enumerate} \item A particle is captured by the Coulomb fiels of a nucleus forming a pionic or a kaonic or $\bar{p}$-atom; \item Such atom de-excites through the emission of Auger-electrons and $X$-rays; \item A stopped particle from the atomic orbit is captured by nucleus ( by a pair or more of intranuclear nucleons in the case of a stopped pion or by reaction on a quasifree nucleon producing a pion and $\Lambda$ or $\Sigma$ hyperon in the case of a stopped kaon or by annihilation on a quasifree nucleon in the case of $\bar{p}$-capture); \item Rescatterings of fast nucleons and pions produced in a stopped particle absorption (hadron kinetics); \item Decay of excited residual nucleus (nucleus deexcitation). \end{enumerate} Thus the absorption processes for the stopped pion, kaon and antiproton are similar. However, there are some absorption peculiarities for each type of particles. \subsection{Absorption of stopped $\pi^{-}$ by nucleus.} \hspace{1.0em} It is simulated by the kinetic model. As follows from calculations within the framework of the optical model \cite{INC76} with the Kisslinger potential \cite{Kiss55} the capture a pion from an orbit of atom takes place at radius $r$ in the nuclear surface and absorption probability $P_{abs}(r)$ can be approximated by \begin{equation} \label{SAS1} P_{abs}(r) = P_0 \exp{[-0.5(\frac{r-R_{\pi}}{D_{\pi}})^2]}, \end{equation} where parameters of the Gaussian distribution $R_{\pi} \approx R_{1/2}$, where $R_{1/2}$ is the half-density radius, and $D_{\pi}$ for different nuclei can be found in \cite{IKP94}. The absorption of the pion is considered as the $s$-wave (non-resonant) absorption mainly by the the simplest cluster consisting of two nucleon $(np)$ or $(pp)$. Once a pion has been absorbed by a nucleon pair, the pion mass is converted into kinetic energy of nucleon. Each nucleon has the energy $E_N = m_{\pi}/2$ in the center of mass pair. In the center of mass nucleons flay away in opposite direction isotropically. The inital momentum of pair is taken as a sum of nucleon Fermi momenta. \subsection{Absorption of stopped $K^{-}$ by nucleus.} \hspace{1.0em} It is simulated in the kinetic model framework. In this case the absorption probability was choosen the same as in annhihilation of the stopped antiprotons. \subsection{Annihilation of stopped $\bar{p}$ by nucleus.} In this case the absorption probability was also given by equation of (\ref{SAS1}) with the values of $R_{\bar{p}} = R_{\pi}$ and dispertion $D^2 = 1$\ fm$^2$ \cite{INC82}. The annhihilation of antiproton on a quasifree nucleon is modelled via the annihilation of a diquark-antidiquark with subsequent fragmentation of the meson string as it was done in the parton string model.