Base solid type Length unit of all dimensions used for this instance of solid Angle unit of angles used in definition of this solid Base type for boolean solids Reflected solid: sx, sy, sz are scale components (containing reflection), rx, ry, rz are rotation angles around given axes and dx, dy, dz is the translation. Base surface type Abstract element for all solids substitution group Abstract element for surfaces substitution Solids definitions block Definitions of constants and expressions to be used for solids' dimensions and transformations In this version these become part of the global scope. Exported boolean union of two solids Exported boolean subtraction of two solids Exported boolean intersectioin of two solids CSG box solid described by 3 dimensions of x, y, and z CSG twisted box solid described by 4 dimensions of x length along x axis y length along y axis z length along z axis PhiTwist twist angle general twisted trapezoid. faces perpendicular to the z planes are trapezia, and their centres are not necessarily on a line paralell to the z axis. PhiTwist Twist Angle z length along the z-axis Theta Polar angle of the line joining the centres of the faces at -/+z Phi Azimuthal angle of the line joing the centre of the face at -z to the centre of the face at +z y1 length along y of the face at -z x1 length along x of the side at y=-y1 of the face at -z x2 length along x of the side at y=+y1 of the face at -z y2 length along y of the face at +z x3 length along x of the side at y=-y2 of the face at +z x4 length along x of the side at y=+y2 of the face at +z Alph Angle with respect to the y axis from the centre of the side different length axis twistable trapezoid. faces perpendicular to the z planes are trapezia, and their centres are not necessarily on a line paralell to the z axis. PhiTwist Twist Angle z length along the z-axis y1 length along y of the face at -z x1 length along x of the side at y=-y1 of the face at -z x2 length along x of the side at y=+y1 of the face at -z y2 length along y of the face at +z CSG paraboloid defined by rlo radius at -dz rhi radius at +dz dz half z length CSG sphere or spherical shell segment solid described by rmin inner radius rmax outer radius startphi starting angle of the segment in radians(0 <= phi <= 2*PI) deltaphi delta angle of the segment in radians starttheta starting angle of the segment in radians(0 <= theta <= PI) deltatheta delta angle of the segment in radians CSG ellispoid or ellipsoidal shell segment solid described by ax x semiaxis by y semiaxis cz z semiaxis zcut1 bottom plane cutting ellipsoid zcut2 top plane cutting ellispoid CSG tube or tube segement solid described by rmin Inner radius rmax Outer radius z length in z startphi The starting phi angle in radians, adjusted such that (startphi+deltaphi <= 2PI, startphi > -2PI) deltaphi Delta angle of the segment in radians CSG twisted tube segement solid described by twistedangle twist angle endinnerrad inside radius at end of segment endouterrad outside radius at end of segment zlen z length of segment phi phi angle of a segment CSG cut tube or cut tube segment solid described by rmin Inner radius rmax Outer radius z length in z startphi The starting phi angle in radians, adjusted such that (startphi+deltaphi <= 2PI, startphi > -2PI) deltaphi Delta angle of the segment in radians lowX, lowY, lowZ Normal at lower Z plane highX, highY, highZ Normal at higher Z plane CSG cone or cone segment described by rmin1 inside radius at z/2 rmin2 inside radius at z/2 rmax1 outside radius at z/2 rmax2 outside radius at z/2 z length in z startphi starting angle of the segment in radians deltaphi delta angle of the segment in radians CSG cone with elliptical cross section dx semiaxis in X dy semiaxis in Y zmax height of elliptical cone zcut upper cut plane level CSG polycone or polycone segment described by startphi starting angle of the segment in radians deltaphi delta angle of the segment in radians and a set of z-planes each described by rmin inside radius at z/2 rmax outside radius at z/2 z length in z CSG parallelepiped solid is described by x, y, z length in x,y,z alpha Angle formed by the y axis and by the plane joining the centre of the faces G4Parallel to the z-x plane at -y and +y theta Polar angle of the line joining the centres of the faces at -z and +z in z phi Azimuthal angle of the line joining the centres of the faces at -z and +z in z CSG trapezoid solid with varying x and y dimensions along z axis x1 Length along x at the surface positioned at -z x2 Length along x at the surface positioned at +z y1 Length along y at the surface positioned at -z y2 Length along y at the surface positioned at +z z Length along z axis CSG general trapezoid solid is described by z Length along the z-axis theta Polar angle of the line joining the centres of the faces at -/+z phi Azimuthal angle of the line joing the centre of the face at -z to the centre of the face at +z y1 Length along y of the face at -z x1 Length along x of the side at y = -y1 of the face at -z x2 Length along x of the side at y = +y1 of the face at -z alp1 Angle with respect to the y axis from the centre of the side at y =- y1 to the centre at y = +y1 of the face at -z y2 Length along y of the face at +z x3 Length along x of the side at y = -y2 of the face at +z x4 Length along x of the side at y = +y2 of the face at +z alp2 Angle with respect to the y axis from the centre of the side at y = -y2 to the centre at y = +y2 of the face at +z CSG torus solid is described by rmin Inside radius rmax Outside radius rtor swept radius of torus startphi The starting phi angle in radians adjusted such that sphi+dphi lt 2PI, sphi gt -2PI deltaphi Delta angle of the segment in radians CSG orb solid (simplified sphere with only rmax) is described by r Outside radius Polyhedra is described by startphi initial phi starting angle totalphi total phi angle numsides number sides and a set of zplanes. Poligonal extrusion is described by an unbounded (min. 3) number of vertices of the blueprint polygon and an unbounded number of Z sections. Tube with hyperbolic profile described by rmin innerRadius rmax outerRadius inst innerStereo outst outerStereo z z length Volume representing a tube with elliptical cross section. Volume representing a tetrahedron. Volume representing an (almost)arbitrary 8 vertices solid. The solid is defined by two quadrilaterals sitting on parallel planes, the distance between these two planes is dz*2. The base quadrilateral contained within the plane located at -dz is defined by the first 4 vertices (v1,v2,v3,v4 each one with the x and y coordinates). The other parallel quadrilateral contained within the plane at +dz is defined by the other 4 vertices (v5,v6,v7,v8 each one with the x and y coordinates). Base facet type Abstract element for all facets substitution group Triangular facet. Quadrangular facet. Tessellated solid Optical surface used by Geant4 optical processes