source: trunk/examples/advanced/Rich/include/RichTbRunConfig.hh @ 1062

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26// Rich advanced example for Geant4
27// RichTbRunConfig.hh for Rich of LHCb
28// History:
29// Created: Sajan Easo (
30// Revision and changes: Patricia Mendez (
32#ifndef RichTbRunConfig_h
33#define RichTbRunConfig_h 1
35#include "globals.hh"
36#include <vector>
37#include "AerogelTypeSpec.hh"
38#include "FilterTypeSpec.hh"
39#include "AerogelRefData.hh"
40#include "FilterTrData.hh"
41#include <cmath>
42#include <fstream>
43class RichTbRunConfig{
44 public:
45  RichTbRunConfig();
46 virtual ~RichTbRunConfig();
47  G4double getPressureN2()
48  {return CurrentPressureN2;}
49  G4double getTemperatureN2()
50   { return CurrentTemperatureN2; }
51  G4double getMirrorAddTiltX()
52  {return MirrorAddTiltX; }
53  G4double getMirrorAddTiltY()
54  {return MirrorAddTiltY; }
55  G4int getRichTbHall_visib()
56  {return  RichTbHall_visib;}
57  G4int getRichTbEnclosure_visib()
58  {return  RichTbEnclosure_visib;}
59  G4int getRichTbRadFrame_visib()
60  {return  RichTbRadFrame_visib;}
61  G4int getRichTbRadUpW_visib()
62  {return  RichTbRadUpW_visib;}
63  G4int getRichTbRadDnW_visib()
64  {return  RichTbRadDnW_visib;}
65  G4int getRichTbAerogel_visib()
66  {return  RichTbAerogel_visib;}
67  G4int getRichTbAerogelWrap_visib()
68  {return  RichTbAerogelWrap_visib;}
69  G4int getRichTbFilter_visib()
70  {return  RichTbFilter_visib;}
71  G4int getRichTbMirror_visib()
72  {return RichTbMirror_visib;}
73  G4int getRichTbHpdMaster_visib()
74  {return  RichTbHpdMaster_visib; }
75  G4int  getRichTbHpdEnvelopeTube_visib()
76  {return  RichTbHpdEnvelopeTube_visib;}
78  G4int getRichTbHpdQuartzW_visib() 
79  {return RichTbHpdQuartzW_visib; }
80  G4int getRichTbHpdPhCathode_visib() 
81  {return RichTbHpdPhCathode_visib; }
82  G4int getRichTbHpdSiDet_visib() 
83  {return RichTbHpdSiDet_visib; }
84  G4int getRichTbHpdSectCoat_visib() 
85  {return RichTbHpdSectCoat_visib; }
86  G4int getRichTbHpdSiPx_visib() 
87  {return RichTbHpdSiPx_visib; }
88  G4int getRefIndexPara() 
89  {return RefIndexPara; }
90  G4int getRichTbDrawTrajectory()  {return RichTbDrawTrajectory_visib; }
91  G4double getHpdPhElectronEnergy() {return HpdPhElectronEnergy; }
92  G4int  DoWriteOutputFile() {return WriteOutputFile; }
93  G4String getOutputFileName() {return OutputFileName; }
94  G4String getOutputHistoDirName() {return OutputHistoDirName; }
95  G4int getWriteMiscOutputFlag() {return  WriteMiscOutputFlag; }
96  G4String getMiscOutFileName() {return MiscOutFileName; }
97  G4int GetFilterTNumber() {return FilterTNumber; }
98  FilterType GetFilterType() {return CurFilterType; }
99  G4int GetNumberOfAerogelTiles() {return NumberOfAerogelTiles ; }
100  G4int GetCurAerogelTNumber(G4int AgelNum ) 
101    {return CurAerogelTNumber[AgelNum];}
102  AerogelType GetCurAerogelType(G4int AgelNumber) 
103         {return CurAerogelType[AgelNumber];}
104  AerogelRefData* GetAerogelRefdata() {return  AerogelRefractiveInd;}
105  FilterTrData* GetFilterTrData() {return FilterTransData; }
106  G4int GetRichTbNumPartEvent() {return  RichTbNumPartEvent; }
107  G4int GetRichTbParticleTypeCode() {return RichTbParticleTypeCode; }
108  G4int GetRichTbParticleStartPosCode() {return RichTbParticleStartPosCode; } 
109  G4int GetRichTbParticleDirectionCode(){return RichTbParticleDirectionCode; } 
110  G4int GetRichTbParticleEnergyCode(){return RichTbParticleEnergyCode; } 
111  G4double GetRichTbParticleEnergy() {return RichTbParticleEnergy; }
112  G4double GetRichTbPhotLowE() {return RichTbPhotLowE; }
113  G4double GetRichTbPhotHighE() {return RichTbPhotHighE; }
114  G4String GetAerogelRefDataFile()  {return AerogelRefDataInputFileName; }
115  G4String GetFilterTransDataFile() { return FilterTransDataInputFileName; }
118  G4double CurrentPressureN2;
119  G4double CurrentTemperatureN2;
120  G4int RefIndexPara;
121  G4double MirrorAddTiltX;
122  G4double MirrorAddTiltY;
123//Graphics setups
124  //For Following variables 0 means make the volume invisible;
125  //                        1 means make it visible as a solid.
126  //                        2 means make it visible as a wireframe.
128  G4int RichTbHall_visib; 
129  G4int RichTbEnclosure_visib;
130  G4int RichTbRadFrame_visib;
131  G4int RichTbRadUpW_visib;
132  G4int RichTbRadDnW_visib;
133  G4int RichTbAerogel_visib;
134  G4int RichTbAerogelWrap_visib;
135  G4int RichTbFilter_visib;
136  G4int RichTbMirror_visib;
137  G4int RichTbHpdMaster_visib;
138  G4int RichTbHpdEnvelopeTube_visib;
139  G4int RichTbHpdQuartzW_visib;
140  G4int RichTbHpdPhCathode_visib;
141  G4int RichTbHpdSiDet_visib;
142  G4int RichTbHpdSectCoat_visib;
143  G4int RichTbHpdSiPx_visib;
144  G4int RichTbDrawTrajectory_visib;
145  G4double HpdPhElectronEnergy;
146  G4int FilterTNumber;
147  FilterType CurFilterType;
148  G4int NumberOfAerogelTiles;
149  std::vector<G4int>CurAerogelTNumber;
150  std::vector<AerogelType>CurAerogelType;
151  G4int WriteOutputFile;
152  G4String OutputFileName;
153  G4String OutputHistoDirName;
154  G4String AerogelRefDataInputFileName;
155  G4String FilterTransDataInputFileName;
156  G4int WriteMiscOutputFlag;
157  G4String MiscOutFileName;
158  AerogelRefData* AerogelRefractiveInd;
159  FilterTrData* FilterTransData;
161  //The following is for particle types.
162  // used as the beam.
163  //First the number of beam particles per event.
164  G4int RichTbNumPartEvent;
165  // 0 means piminus, 1 means optical photon,
166  // 2 means mixture of piminus and proton.
167  G4int RichTbParticleTypeCode;
168  //The following poscode = 0 means standard pos (0, 0, -2000.0 mm);
169  //                      =1 means special pos implemented.
170  G4int  RichTbParticleStartPosCode;
171  // The following dire code =0 means dir is 0,0,1. The other
172  // codes for getting the beam spread is not implemented yet.
173  G4int RichTbParticleDirectionCode;
174  G4int RichTbParticleEnergyCode;
175  // the following is for charged particle energy in GeV.
177  G4double RichTbParticleEnergy;
178  //The following is for photon energy range in eV for testing optical
179  // parameters.
180  G4double RichTbPhotLowE;
181  G4double RichTbPhotHighE;
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