source: trunk/examples/advanced/cosmicray_charging/src/LISASensorHousing.icc @ 1341

Last change on this file since 1341 was 807, checked in by garnier, 16 years ago


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27// *                                                                  *
28// * cosmicray_charging advanced example for Geant4                   *
29// * (adapted simulation of test-mass charging in the LISA mission)   *
30// *                                                                  *
31// * Henrique Araujo ( & Peter Wass           *
32// * Imperial College London                                          *
33// *                                                                  *
34// * LISADetectorConstruction class                                   *
35// *                                                                  *
36// ********************************************************************
39// 22/02/2004: migrated from LISA-V04
40// 08/12/2005: removed compilation warnings
42// ********************************************************************
46// Sensor Vacuum Housing (TiAlloy)
47// Modified to contain LTP Inertial Sensor and Caging Mechanism
51  // Sensor housing
52  G4double SensorHousing_thi  =   5.0*mm;
53  G4double SensorHousing_yoff = +30.0*mm;
54  // original dimentions
55  // G4double SensorHousing_len  = 170.0*mm;
56  // G4double SensorHousing_wid  = 120.0*mm;
57  // G4double SensorHousing_hei  = 120.0*mm;
58  G4double SensorHousing_dia  = 125.0*mm;
59  G4double SensorHousing_hei  = 224.0*mm;
62  // Sensor vacuum housing ****************************************************
64  // // Outer dimensions as shown in Solid Model Document
65  // G4Box* SensorHousing_o_sol = new G4Box("SensorHousing_o_sol",
66  //   0.5*SensorHousing_len, 0.5*SensorHousing_hei, 0.5*SensorHousing_wid);
67  // G4LogicalVolume* SensorHousing_o_log =
68  //   new G4LogicalVolume(SensorHousing_o_sol, TiAlloy,"SensorHousing_o_log");
69  // G4VPhysicalVolume* SensorHousing_o_phys = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D
70  //   (IS_rot, G4ThreeVector(0,SensorHousing_yoff,OpticalBench_off)),
71  //   "SensorHousing_o_phys", SensorHousing_o_log, wld_phys, false, 0);
72  // G4Box* SensorHousing_i_sol = new G4Box("SensorHousing_i_sol",
73  //   0.5*SensorHousing_len-SensorHousing_thi,
74  //   0.5*SensorHousing_hei-SensorHousing_thi,
75  //   0.5*SensorHousing_wid-SensorHousing_thi);
76  // G4LogicalVolume* SensorHousing_i_log =
77  //   new G4LogicalVolume(SensorHousing_i_sol, vacuum, "SensorHousing_i_log");
78  // G4VPhysicalVolume* SensorHousing_i_phys = new G4PVPlacement
79  //   (0, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), "SensorHousing_i_phys",
80  //   SensorHousing_i_log, SensorHousing_o_phys, false, 0);
81  // SensorHousing_o_log->SetVisAttributes(blue_vat);
82  // SensorHousing_i_log->SetVisAttributes(blue_vat);
85  // Modified to contain LTP Inertial Sensor and Caging Mechanism
86  G4Tubs* SensorHousing_o_sol = new G4Tubs("SensorHousing_o_sol",
87    0., 0.5*SensorHousing_dia, 0.5*SensorHousing_hei, 0., 360.*deg);
88  G4LogicalVolume* SensorHousing_o_log =
89    new G4LogicalVolume(SensorHousing_o_sol, TiAlloy, "SensorHousing_o_log");
90  G4VPhysicalVolume* SensorHousing_o_phys;
91  SensorHousing_o_phys = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D
92    (IS_rot, G4ThreeVector(0,SensorHousing_yoff,OpticalBench_off)),
93    "SensorHousing_o_phys", SensorHousing_o_log, TelBox_phys, false, 0);
94  G4Tubs* SensorHousing_i_sol = new G4Tubs("SensorHousing_i_sol",
95    0., 0.5*SensorHousing_dia - SensorHousing_thi, 0.5*SensorHousing_hei
96    - SensorHousing_thi, 0., 360.*deg);
97  G4LogicalVolume* SensorHousing_i_log =
98    new G4LogicalVolume(SensorHousing_i_sol, vacuum, "SensorHousing_i_log");
99  G4VPhysicalVolume* SensorHousing_i_phys;
100  SensorHousing_i_phys = new G4PVPlacement
101    (0, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), "SensorHousing_i_phys",
102     SensorHousing_i_log, SensorHousing_o_phys, false, 0);
103  SensorHousing_o_log->SetVisAttributes(blue_vat);
104  SensorHousing_i_log->SetVisAttributes(blue_vat);
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