source: trunk/examples/advanced/human_phantom/src/ @ 1112

Last change on this file since 1112 was 807, checked in by garnier, 16 years ago


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26// Authors: S. Guatelli and M. G. Pia, INFN Genova, Italy
28// Based on code developed by the undergraduate student G. Guerrieri
29// Note: this is a preliminary beta-version of the code; an improved
30// version will be distributed in the next Geant4 public release, compliant
31// with the design in a forthcoming publication, and subject to a
32// design and code review.
34#include "G4MIRDBodyFactory.hh"
35#include "G4MIRDStomach.hh"
36#include "G4MIRDUpperLargeIntestine.hh"
37#include "G4MIRDLowerLargeIntestine.hh"
38#include "G4MIRDLeftKidney.hh"
39#include "G4MIRDRightKidney.hh"
40#include "G4MIRDLiver.hh"
41#include "G4MIRDPancreas.hh"
42#include "G4MIRDSpleen.hh"
43#include "G4MIRDUrinaryBladder.hh"
44#include "G4MIRDLeftLung.hh"
45#include "G4MIRDRightLung.hh"
46#include "G4MIRDHeart.hh"
47#include "G4MIRDBrain.hh"
48#include "G4MIRDHead.hh"
49#include "G4MIRDTrunk.hh"
50#include "G4MIRDLeftLeg.hh"
51#include "G4MIRDRightLeg.hh"
52#include "G4MIRDThyroid.hh"
53#include "G4MIRDUterus.hh"
54#include "G4MIRDLeftBreast.hh"
55#include "G4MIRDRightBreast.hh"
56#include "G4MIRDRightOvary.hh"
57#include "G4MIRDLeftOvary.hh"
58#include "G4MIRDUpperSpine.hh"
59#include "G4MIRDMiddleLowerSpine.hh"
60#include "G4MIRDLeftLegBone.hh"
61#include "G4MIRDRightLegBone.hh"
62#include "G4MIRDLeftArmBone.hh"
63#include "G4MIRDRightArmBone.hh"
64#include "G4MIRDSkull.hh"
65#include "G4MIRDRibCage.hh"
66#include "G4MIRDPelvis.hh"
67#include "G4MIRDTestes.hh"
68#include "G4MIRDLeftScapula.hh"
69#include "G4MIRDRightScapula.hh"
70#include "G4MIRDLeftAdrenal.hh"
71#include "G4MIRDRightAdrenal.hh"
75  // Map with name of the organ and pointer to the MIRDOrgan class
76  //  organ["ParameterisedRightBreast"] = new G4ParameterisedRightBreast();
77  //organ["ParameterisedLeftBreast"] = new G4ParameterisedLeftBreast();
78  organ["Head"] = new G4MIRDHead();
79  organ["Trunk"] = new G4MIRDTrunk(); 
80  organ["LeftLeg"] = new G4MIRDLeftLeg();
81  organ["RightLeg"] = new G4MIRDRightLeg();
82  organ["Brain"] = new G4MIRDBrain(); 
83  organ["LeftArmBone"] = new G4MIRDLeftArmBone();
84  organ["RightArmBone"] = new G4MIRDRightArmBone();
85  organ["Skull"] = new G4MIRDSkull();
86  organ["UpperSpine"] = new G4MIRDUpperSpine();
87  organ["MiddleLowerSpine"] = new G4MIRDMiddleLowerSpine();
88  organ["Pelvis"]= new G4MIRDPelvis();
89  organ["Stomach"] = new G4MIRDStomach();
90  organ["UpperLargeIntestine"] = new G4MIRDUpperLargeIntestine();
91  organ["LowerLargeIntestine"] = new G4MIRDLowerLargeIntestine();
92  organ["RibCage"] = new G4MIRDRibCage(); 
93  organ["Spleen"] = new G4MIRDSpleen(); 
94  organ["Pancreas"] = new G4MIRDPancreas();
95  organ["LeftKidney"] = new G4MIRDLeftKidney();
96  organ["RightKidney"] = new G4MIRDRightKidney();
97  organ["UrinaryBladder"] = new G4MIRDUrinaryBladder();
98  organ["Uterus"] = new G4MIRDUterus(); 
99  organ["LeftLung"]= new G4MIRDLeftLung();
100  organ["RightLung"] = new G4MIRDRightLung();
101  organ["LeftOvary"] = new G4MIRDLeftOvary();
102  organ["RightOvary"] = new G4MIRDRightOvary();
103  organ["LeftLegBone"] = new G4MIRDLeftLegBone();
104  organ["RightLegBone"] = new G4MIRDRightLegBone();
105  organ["RightBreast"] = new G4MIRDRightBreast();
106  organ["LeftBreast"] = new G4MIRDLeftBreast();
107  organ["LeftScapula"]= new G4MIRDLeftScapula(); 
108  organ["RightScapula"]= new G4MIRDRightScapula(); 
109  organ["LeftAdrenal"]= new G4MIRDLeftAdrenal(); 
110  organ["RightAdrenal"]= new G4MIRDRightAdrenal(); 
115  delete organ["RightAdrenal"]; organ["RightAdrenal"]=0;
116  delete organ["LeftAdrenal"]; organ["LeftAdrenal"]=0;
117  delete organ["RightScapula"];organ["RightScapula"] =0;
118  delete organ["LeftScapula"];organ["LeftScapula"] =0;
119  delete organ["LeftBreast"]; organ["LeftBreast"]=0;
120  delete organ["RightBreast"]; organ["RightBreast"]=0;
121  delete organ["RightLegBone"]; organ["RightLegBone"]=0;
122  delete organ["LeftLegBone"]; organ["LeftLegBone"]=0;
123  delete organ["RightOvary"]; organ["RightOvary"]=0;
124  delete organ["LeftOvary"]; organ["LeftOvary"]=0;
125  delete organ["RightLung"]; organ["RightLung"] =0;
126  delete organ["LeftLung"]; organ["LeftLung"]=0;
127  delete organ["Uterus"]; organ["Uterus"]=0;
128  delete organ["UrinaryBladder"]; organ["UrinaryBladder"]=0;
129  delete organ["RightKidney"]; organ["RightKidney"] =0; 
130  delete organ["LeftKidney"]; organ["LeftKidney"] =0; 
131  delete organ["Pancreas"]; organ["Pancreas"] =0; 
132  delete organ["Spleen"]; organ["Spleen"] =0; 
133  delete organ["RibCage"]; organ["RibCage"] =0; 
134  delete organ["LowerLargeIntestine"]; organ["LowerLargeIntestine"] =0; 
135  delete organ["UpperLargeIntestine"]; organ["UpperLargeIntestine"] =0; 
136  delete organ["Stomach"]; organ["Stomach"] =0; 
137  delete organ["Pelvis"]; organ["Pelvis"] =0; 
138  delete organ["MiddleLowerSpine"]; organ["MidlleLowerSpine"]=0;
139  delete organ["UpperSpine"]; organ["UpperSpine"]=0;
140  delete organ["Skull"]; organ["Skull"] =0;
141  delete organ["RightArmBone"]; organ["RightArmBone"] =0;
142  delete organ["LeftArmBone"]; organ["LeftArmBone"] =0;
143  delete organ["Brain"]; organ["Brain"]=0;
144  delete organ["Head"]; organ["Head"]=0;
145  delete organ["Trunk"]; organ["Trunk"]=0;
146  delete organ["RightLeg"]; organ["RightLeg"]=0;
147  delete organ["LeftLeg"]; organ["LeftLeg"]=0;
152G4VPhysicalVolume* G4MIRDBodyFactory::CreateOrgan(const G4String& organ_name,G4VPhysicalVolume* motherVolume,
153                                                  const G4String& colourName, G4bool visAttribute,
154                                                  G4bool sensitivity)
156 return organ[organ_name] -> Construct(organ_name,motherVolume,colourName, visAttribute, sensitivity);
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